
The Knowledge Transfer Ireland website has a ‘Research Map of Ireland’ with details of state funded research organisations such as universities, institutes of technology and research centres of scale. Each of these organisations or hubs has its own unique page on the Knowledge Transfer Ireland website. The organisations can also be accessed via a list which has links to those individual pages. Each of the individual pages has a Google Maps widget from which the longitude-latitude coordinates can be gleaned. The individual pages also mention the ‘type’ of each organisation; e.g. University, SFI Research Centre, etc. The aim here is to scrape the list of organisations, and then visit each of the individual pages to find the type and coordinates for each organisation.

In terms of plotting, I would like to represent each organisation as a non-overlapping hexagon on the map, so that a large number of organisations in a single area is well-represented. I also want an inset for the Dublin area, since otherwise the hexagons will be pushed far from the locations of the organisations that they represent.

Here is an image of the end-goal.

Webscraping Data


Use tidyverse for general data manipulation and plotting, sf for geospatial data, and rvest for web-scraping. RColorBrewer is used on one occasion only later on.


Scraping objective

The Knowledge Transfer Ireland website has a list of 73 organisations. The list can be viewed 5 organisations at a time, so is split over 15 separate URLs. We will go through each of these 15 pages and extract the names and descriptions of the organistions, as well as the link to the webpage for each individual organisation.

Screenshot of Knowledge Transfer Ireland webpage with list of organisations

Scraping list of pages of organisations

Here we create a vector page_urls which contains the URLs for each of the 15 pages listing organistions on the Knowledge Transfer Ireland website.

base_url <- 'https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/'
page_urls <- paste0(base_url , '?pageNumber=' , 1:15) 

Create an empty list which will contain data on each of these 15 pages. It will be populated using a for loop over the 15 URLs in page_urls. We use the function html_elements from the rvest package to extract specific html elements. The h2 objects contain the names of the organisations, the paragraph (p) objects contain descriptions of the organisations, and the ‘a href’ objects contain links to the individual pages for each of the organisations.

page_data_list <- list()

# loop over the number of pages (15)
for(i in 1:length(page_urls)){
  # read in the html
  page <- read_html(page_urls[i])
  # get name which is are the h2 objects
  name <- page %>% 
    html_elements('h2') %>% 
    html_text() %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
  # get description, which are paragraphs followed by another paragraph that starts with 'Read More >>'
  desc <- page %>% 
    html_elements('p') %>% 
    html_text() %>% 
    str_squish() %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    rename(desc=1) %>% 
    filter(lead(desc) == 'Read More >>')
  # get link, which is an 'a href' object with a specific starting pattern
  link <- page %>% 
    html_elements('a') %>% 
    html_attr('href') %>% 
    str_squish() %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    rename(link=1) %>% 
    filter(str_detect(link, '/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/\\w')) %>% 
  page_data_list[[i]] <- bind_cols(name, desc, link)
  rm(name, desc, link)

You will see in the code above that the descriptions are captured by taking all of the paragraphs, but filtering where the subsequent paragraph was equal to 'Read More >>'. You are probably wondering how this approach came about. It was observed at some point while looking at the data that the text that I wanted was always followed by a row with “Read More >>”, and that pattern can be seen in hte html code for the page as well, see the image below. You could probably also capture only the paragraphs with class equal to “summary”.

Descriptions of organisations are always followed by a paragraph equal to 'Read More >>'

Now we can bind the list page_data_list into a dataframe. I also make some changes to the URLs, replacing long dashes with '%E2%80%93' and spaces with '%20'. Otherwise R can’t find them. Then we attach the URL prefix (https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com).

page_data <- bind_rows(page_data_list) %>% 
  mutate(link = link %>% 
           str_replace_all('–', '%E2%80%93') %>% 
           str_replace_all(' ', '%20') %>% 
           str_c('https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com', . ))
name desc link
Athlone Institute of Technology TUS Athlone’s strategy is to be a partner of choice for enterprise - focusing our research, innovation and enterprise support activities on addressing the needs of regional and national industry. We do this by proactive… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Athlone-Institute-of-Technology.html
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Tallaght TTO The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at the Institute of Technology, Tallaght engages with industry to maximise the economic potential of ITT research and innovation. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Technological-University-Dublin-Tallaght-TTO.html
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Blanchardstown TTO ITB prides itself on being a practice-led higher education institute building on its emerging strengths in applied research, development and innovation by working closely with local industry to develop capability for eco… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Technological-University-Dublin-TU-Dublin-Blanchardstown-TTO.html
Institute of Technology Carlow (IT Carlow) TTO The Institute of Technology Carlow is committed to delivering research outputs with clear societal and economic impact. We have a proven track record of excellence in delivering international and industrial impact in a n… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Institute_of_Technology_Carlow_IT_Carlow_TTO.html
Munster Technological University Kerry (MTU Kerry) TTO The majority of the research conducted at the university is collaborative and focused on delivering innovative solutions to our industrial partners to promote competitiveness and new job creation. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Munster-Technological-University-Kerry-MTU-Kerry-TTO.html
Limerick Institute of Technology Collaboration also lies at the heart of LIT’s enterprise development activity and its unique Enterprise Ladder, through which our Enterprise Development and Business Liaison Manager Gillian Barry works closely with Enter… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Limerick-Institute-of-Technology.html
Maynooth University TTO We do things differently at Maynooth – and our approach has had a major impact on the local economy. We have one of Ireland’s strongest spin-out performances and play a key role in anchoring and retaining foreign direct … https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Maynooth-University-TTO.html
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) TTO Trinity is recognised as one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities and its research continues to address issues of global, societal and economic importance. The university’s research strategy is based on… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Trinity_College_Dublin_TCD_TTO.html
University College Cork (UCC) TTO UCC plays a key role in the development of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy and provides strong support for entrepreneurship and new business creation, with entrepreneurship education modules available to all students. … https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/University_College_Cork_UCC_TTO.html
University College Dublin (UCD) TTO University College Dublin is an environment of excellence. This is visible across its education programmes, in its research teams and in the facilities and systems that support them. UCD also recognises the critical impo… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/University_College_Dublin_UCD_TTO.html
University of Limerick (UL) TTO The University of Limerick has an established reputation for being Ireland’s leading university in industry-led research. This has resulted in significant research commercialisation activities and collaboration between o… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/University_of_Limerick.html
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) TTO Waterford Institute of Technology’s research vision is to drive regional economic development through our global reputation for research and innovation excellence. The Technology Transfer Office is driving the realisatio… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Waterford_Institute_of_Technology_WIT_TTO.html
Munster Technological University Cork (MTU Cork) TTO The Industry Liaison Office in MTU Cork is responsible for all technology transfer activities between the institute and industry. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Munster-Technological-University-Cork-MTU-Cork-TTO.html
Dublin City University (DCU) TTO As the gateway for doing business with DCU, Invent works with researchers to collaborate with industry through licensing of our intellectual property or the creation of new IP through research partnerships. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Dublin_City_University_DCU_TTO.html
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) TTO LYIT is acutely aware of its responsibility to contribute to regional and national economic prosperity and employment creation. We continue to deliver on this important strategic priority by leveraging Higher Education i… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Letterkenny_Institute_of_Technology_LYIT_TTO.html
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) TTO We believe in an integrated approach to research, development and innovation (RDI) and have streamlined operations into a number of research centres and an Innovation Hub. Our research centres, focussing on marine and fr… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Galway-Mayo_Institute_of_Technology_GMIT_TTO.html
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) TTO The Regional Development Centre, through its technology transfer and applied research services provides: Industry collaboration through knowledge transfer services aimed at established enterprises and external organisa… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Dundalk_Institute_of_Technology_DkIT_TTO.html
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) TTO With deep expertise and experience in areas such as design, visual communication, multimedia and psychology. Our staff regularly help companies re-think how their technology, products and services can be designed to maxi… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Dun_Laoghaire_Institute_of_Art_Design_Technology_IADT_TTO1.html
National University of Ireland Galway TTO (NUIG) NUI Galway is a research-led University which emphasises inter-disciplinary research programmes and collaborations with industry and social and cultural partners in areas of strategic importance, both regionally and nati… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/National-University-of-Ireland-Galway-TTO-NUIG-.html
Institute of Technology Sligo TTO IT Sligo has been involved in research for over 30 years. One of the strategic objectives of research at the Institute is to directly support business to provide new knowledge and increased capacity to operate in a devel… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Institute-of-Technology-Sligo-TTO.html
Lero - Irish Software Engineering Research Centre - Limerick Lero is the Irish Software Engineering Research CSET in University of Limerick. It brings together leading software engineering (SE) teams from Universities and Institutes of Technology in a coordinated centre of researc… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Lero-Irish-Software-Engineering-Research-Centre-Limerick.html
AMBER - Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research - Dublin AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) is a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded centre that provides a partnership between leading researchers in material science and industry. It is jointly hosted i… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/AMBER_-_Advanced_Materials_and_BioEngineering_Research.html
APC - Microbiome Institute - Cork APC is a gastrointestinal health research centre exploring the role that gastrointestinal bacteria (microbiota) play in health and disease. The microbiota is a target for treatment and prevention of disease, and a source… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/APC-Microbiome-Institute-Cork.html
INFANT - Irish Centre for Foetal and Neonatal Translational Research - Cork INFANT: INNOVATION FOR THE NEXT GENERATION Founded upon over a decade of worldclass collaborative research and a diverse array of national and international academic and industry partnerships, INFANT is now an internatio… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/INFANT-Irish-Centre-for-Foetal-and-Neonatal-Translational-Research-Cork.html
Insight – Centre for Data Analytics We live in a data rich world, where almost everything we do results in a data record being created and stored somewhere. Our vision is to create a healthier, safer, more productive world by empowering a data-driven socie… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Insight-%E2%80%93-Centre-for-Data-Analytics.html
IPIC - Irish Photonic Integration Centre - Cork IPIC in University College Cork, will address the grand challenge of Photonic Integration, which the team equates to the grand challenge of electronic integration in the 1960s. They will develop novel integrated photonic… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/IPIC-%E2%80%93-Irish-Photonic-Integration-Centre-Cork.html
MaREI - Marine Renewable Energy Ireland - Cork The MaREI programme is founded on well-established Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) research capability distributed throughout Ireland. The centre brings together expert groups who have established themselves as internation… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/MaREI-%E2%80%93-Marine-Renewable-Energy-Ireland-Cork.html
SSPC, the SFI Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC), the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals, is a hub of Irish pharmaceutically relevant research expertise developing innovative techn… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/SSPC-the-SFI-Research-Centre-for-Pharmaceuticals-.html
CeADAR – Data Analytics & Machine Intelligence - Dublin CeADAR (the Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research) is an industry-led technology centre initiative for innovation and applied research that accelerates the development, deployment and adoption of Data Analytics tech… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CeADAR-%E2%80%93-Data-Analytics-Machine-Intelligence-Dublin.html
FHI - Food for Health Ireland - Dublin Food for Health Ireland (FHI) in University College Dublin is a leading global innovation centre for the development of nutritional functional ingredients to improve health, wellness and quality of life. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/FHI-Food-for-Health-Ireland-Dublin.html
IMR - Irish Manufacturing Research - Mullingar IMR is a ‘not-for-profit’ research company, limited by guarantee (membership not shareholding) that is carrying out research in areas of manufacturing productivity. It includes areas of research in training and developme… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/IMR-Irish-Manufacturing-Research-Mullingar.html
Learnovate Centre - Dublin The Learnovate Centre is an industry-led centre of excellence for research and innovation in learning technologies, hosted by Trinity College, Dublin. Our mission is to enhance the competitive advantage of Ireland’s lear… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Learnovate-Centre-Dublin.html
MCCI - Microelectronics - Cork MCCI – the Microelectronics Technology Centre in the Tyndall National Institute. MCCI is an EI/IDA funded technology centre focused on carrying out microelectronic circuit research for the benefit of industry. The MCCI v… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/MCCI-Microelectronics-Cork.html
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (PMTC) - Limerick The vision of the PMTC is to support and develop the Irish pharmaceutical industry (small and large molecule) by improving manufacturing competitiveness and enhancing the research and development mandate and activity of … https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/PMTC-Pharmaceutical-Manufacturing-Limerick.html
APT - Applied Polymer Technologies - Athlone The Applied Polymer Technology (APT) Gateway is an interdisciplinary technology gateway focused on all aspects of polymer research. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/APT-Applied-Polymer-Technologies-Athlone.html
CAPPA - Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis - Cork CAPPA’s researchers have a strong track record of engagement with industry. Early collaborations centred on activities in our Photonic Material & Devices Strand and as a consequence was primarily with the photonics secto… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CAPPA-Centre-for-Advanced-Photonics-and-Process-Analysis-Cork.html
COMAND - Interactive Media Technologies - Athlone COMAND concentrates on the research and development of prospective interactive media technologies, based at the SRI Athlone Institute of Technology focuses on Cross Platform Applications, Mobile Media Cloud and 3D Sensi… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/COMAND-Interactive-Media-Technologies-Athlone.html
CREST - Centre for Research in Engineering Surface Technology - Dublin The CREST Centre in Dublin Institute of Technology, is the only dedicated surface coatings laboratory on the Island of Ireland. It exists to serve the SMART economy by means of translating in-house fundamental knowledge … https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CREST-Centre-for-Research-in-Engineering-Surface-Technology-Dublin.html
IMaR - Intelligent Mechatronics and RFID - Tralee In 2013 the IT Tralee was awarded Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway funding (up to €1.2m over 5 years) to establish the IMaR Technology Gateway. The principal theme of the IMaR Technology Gateway is on the design and… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/IMaR-Intelligent-Mechatronics-and-RFID-Tralee.html
MiCRA - Microsensors for Clinical Research and Analysis - Dublin MiCRA is an award winning Technology Gateway located in the Institute of Technology, Tallaght. The Gateway was established, through funding from Enterprise Ireland, to enable Industry access to the skills, expertise and … https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/MiCRA-Microsensors-for-Clinical-Research-and-Analysis-Dublin.html
PMBrc - Pharmaceutical & Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre - Waterford The Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre (PMBRC) is an applied research centre which aims to support the sustainable growth of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry in the south east of Ireland… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/PMBrc-Pharmaceutical-Molecular-Biotechnology-Research-Centre-Waterford.html
SEAM - South Eastern Applied Materials Research Centre - Waterford SEAM is an industry focussed applied research centre, providing innovative materials engineering solutions for companies from a wide range of sectors, including bio-medical devices, pharmaceuticals, micro-electronics, pr… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/SEAM-South-Eastern-Applied-Materials-Research-Centre-Waterford.html
Shannon ABC - Nutraceuticals Research - Tralee/ Limerick Shannon ABC Gateway in Institute of Technology Tralee, has on-going and expanding programmes to explore natural products for novel bioactive substances of value to the Healthcare, Forensic, Pharmaceutical, Food, Cosmeti… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Shannon-ABC-Nutraceuticals-Research-Tralee-Limerick.html
NIMBUS - Embedded Computing and Software Systems - Cork The NIMBUS Gateway based in the Nimbus Centre at CIT, has a team of 40+ hardware and software researchers working with companies who require technical expertise in Smart Technologies, Internet of Things and Cyber Physica… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/NIMBUS-Embedded-Computing-and-Software-Systems-Cork.html
WiSAR Lab - Wireless Sensor Technologies - Letterkenny The WiSAR Lab is an Enterprise Ireland funded Technology Gateway (www.technologygateway.ie) based in the CoLab in the Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT). The core objective of the WiSAR Gateway is to become a hub… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/WiSAR-Lab-Wireless-Sensor-Technologies-Letterkenny.html
Teagasc Food Research Centre - Ashtown & Moorepark The Food Programme focuses on quality, safety and food product innovation, with emphasis in Ashtown on meat and meat products, cereals and consumer foods and food industry support services Agri-Food Business and Spatial… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Teagasc-Food-Research-Centre-Ashtown-Moorepark.html
ADAPT - Centre for Digital Content Technology ADAPT research and technologies will help businesses in all sectors to manage, personalise and deliver digital content more effectively. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/ADAPT-Centre-for-Digital-Content-Technology.html
iCRAG - Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences Introduction to iCRAG- Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/iCRAG-Irish-Centre-for-Research-in-Applied-Geosciences.html
CURAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices - Galway CÚRAM aims to radically improve health outcomes for patients by developing ‘smart’ medical devices and implants. These devices are developed through collaborations with industry partners and hospital groups, to enable ra… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CURAM-SFI-Research-Centre-for-Medical-Devices-Galway.html
CONNECT - The Centre for Future Networks and Communications - Dublin The Centre for Future Networks and Communications (CONNECT) is a research centre for communications networking, services, applications and technologies. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CONNECT-The-Centre-for-Future-Networks-and-Communications-Dublin.html
DPTC - The Dairy Processing Technology Centre Introduction to DPTC - The Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC) is an industry–academic collaborative research centre, hosted by the University of Limerick, with a research agenda driven by the long-term growth oppo… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/DPTC-The-Dairy-Processing-Technology-Centre.html
Marine Institute Introduction to the Marine Institute. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Marine-Institute.html
ICHEC - Irish Centre for High-End Computing Introduction to ICHEC - Irish Centre for High-End Computing https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/ICHEC-Irish-Centre-for-High-End-Computing.html
Tyndall National Institute Introduction to Tyndall National Institute. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Tyndall-National-Institute.html
NIBRT - National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training Introduction to NIBRT - National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/NIBRT-National-Institute-for-Bioprocessing-Research-Training.html
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) Since its foundation in 1784, RCSI has played a leadership role in both research and in Irish surgical and medical education. The College’s research vision is to improve human health through translational medical researc… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Royal-College-of-Surgeons-Ireland-RCSI-.html
Precision Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing research - Sligo https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Precision-Engineering-Materials-and-Manufacturing-research-Sligo.html
MET Gateway - Medical & Engineering Technology - Galway https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/MET-Gateway-Medical-Engineering-Technology-Galway.html
Design and Applied Design Technology Gateway - Carlow https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Design-and-Applied-Design-Technology-Gateway-Carlow.html
BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre - Dublin BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre harnesses the wealth of Ireland’s natural resources on land and in the sea for the development of a sustainable circular Irish bioeconomy, enabling vibrant sustainable communities.. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/BiOrbic-Bioeconomy-Research-Centre-Dublin.html
CONFIRM - Smart Manufacturing Research Centre - Limerick Smart manufacturing involves the complete convergence of IT systems and industrial automation systems. Confirm’s mission is to support the transformation of the Irish manufacturing sector to a smart manufacturing paradig… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CONFIRM-Smart-Manufacturing-Research-Centre-Limerick.html
Future Neuro - Centre for Chronic and Rare Neurological Diseases - Dublin Future-Neuro will develop novel therapeutics, diagnostics and e-health infrastructure for patients with chronic and rare neurological diseases of significant economic and societal burden. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/FutureNeuro-Centre-for-Chronic-and-Rare-Neurological-Diseases-Dublin.html
HRB - Health Research Board Health Research Board Clinical Research Coordination Ireland (HRB CRCI) is an independent integrated national clinical research network, providing centralised support in the conduct of multicentre clinical trials (both c… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/HRB-Health-Research-Board.html
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre - Dublin https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/I-Form-Advanced-Manufacturing-Research-Centre-Dublin.html
MTI - Meat Technology Ireland Meat Technology Ireland (MTI) is an industry-led initiative that will build a strategic research and innovation base in beef and sheepmeat processing in Ireland. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/MTI%20-%20Meat-Technology-Ireland.html
National College of Ireland (NCI) TTO The NCI Technology Transfer office was set up to assist staff and students in the commercialisation of research which is supported by Enterprise Ireland and Knowledge Transfer Ireland under the Technology Transfer Streng… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/National-College-of-Ireland-NCI-TTO.html
DIAS - The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (TTO) DIAS, a unique institution in the Irish research landscape, has a role and focus to conduct scholarship and fundamental advanced research in specific disciplines. DIAS acts as a national hub for those disciplines and has… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/DIAS-The-Dublin-Institute-for-Advanced-Studies-TTO-.html
TSSG - Telecommunications Software & Systems Gateway TSSG in Waterford Institute of Technology can assist you to unlock the potential of your business through the design and delivery of technology that empower’s your business to meet the demands of today’s customers. TSSG… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/TSSG-Telecommunications-Software-Systems-Gateway.html
National College of Art & Design (NCAD) TTO NCAD Origin8 was established in 2013 as our technology transfer office and client gateway. Our focus to date has been to commercialise close to market product design. NCAD Origin8 has had three campus company spin-outs,… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/National-College-of-Art-Design-NCAD-TTO.html
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) TTO TU Dublin hosts a thriving research community engaged in applying innovation and technology to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. With campuses in Dublin City, Tallaght and Blanchardstown. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/Technological-University-Dublin-TU-Dublin-TTO.html
VistaMilk The SFI VistaMilk Centre represents a unique collaboration between Agri-Food and information communications technology (ICT) research institutes and leading Irish/multinational food and ICT companies. https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/VistaMilk.html
APT – Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre Dublin The Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre (APT), is a leading interdisciplinary research centre located in the Dublin City University for a world class materials and laser processing and advanced manufacturing r… https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/APT-%E2%80%93-Advanced-Processing-Technology-Research-Centre-Dublin-.html
CREDIT - Centre for Renewables and Energy - Dundalk https://www.knowledgetransferireland.com/Research_in_Ireland/Research-Map-of-Ireland/HEI-Profiles/CREDIT-Centre-for-Renewables-and-Energy-Dundalk-.html

Scraping data from individual organisations

Now we have a dataframe of 73 rows, one for each organisation. We now scrape the individual pages for each of these to find their type and coordinates.

From the individual pages we would like to extract the type of organisation and the lat-long coordinates. The type of each organisation is stored as the first paragraph object on each page, so it can be captured using html_element('p'). However, the rest of the page cannot be queried using rvest tools, or at least I can’t figure out how to do it, I think because it is processed with CSS. We do still have all the code for the page, and it turns out that the lat-long coordinates can be located within the code as they are preceded by a particular string pattern, which we’ll see in a minute. This code extracts the first paragraph element from each page and the entire code, in a similar way to how the first 73 pages were scanned.

sub_page_list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(page_data)){
  sub_page_list[[i]] <- read_html( page_data$link[i])
  type <- sub_page_list[[i]] %>% 
    html_element('p') %>% 
  sub_page_list[[i]] <- sub_page_list[[i]] %>% 
    html_text() %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    rename(entire_code=1) %>% 

To find the longitude and latitude for individual organisations, we make use of the fact that they are contained in the code within a specific string pattern. Shown below is an image of a sample piece of code where longitude and latitude for an organisation can be readily extracted.

Sample web code showing how coordinates are found within string pattern

The coordinates are a non-zero-length sequence of digits, full-stops and minuses: [\\d\\.-]+ preceded by a particular string pattern pToolsMarkerItem\\.GeoLongitude = (with GeoLongitude as .GeoLatitude for latitude). We can extract these coordinates using str_extract applied to the dataframe made by binding the rows of sub_page_list.

sub_pages <- bind_rows(sub_page_list) %>% 
  mutate(long = str_extract(entire_code , '(?<=pToolsMarkerItem\\.GeoLongitude = )[\\d\\.-]+'),
         lat = str_extract(entire_code , '(?<=pToolsMarkerItem\\.GeoLatitude = )[\\d\\.-]+')) %>% 
  select(-entire_code) %>% 
  mutate(across(c(long, lat) , as.numeric))
type long lat
Institute of Technology TTO -7.901287 53.41680
University TTO -6.367307 53.28941
University TTO -6.378036 53.40562
Institute of Technology TTO -6.936064 52.82732
University TTO -9.688954 52.27139
Institute of Technology TTO -8.648032 52.67411
University TTO -6.601453 53.38457
University TTO -6.254525 53.34289
University TTO -8.492775 51.89299
University TTO -6.219077 53.30706
University TTO -8.568048 52.67425
Institute of Technology TTO -7.138925 52.24591
University TTO -8.534489 51.88534
University TTO -6.257358 53.38502
Institute of Technology TTO -7.719569 54.95086
Institute of Technology TTO -9.008875 53.27743
Institute of Technology TTO -6.392756 53.98214
Institute of Technology TTO -6.155884 53.28103
University TTO -9.061457 53.27667
Institute of Technology TTO -8.461576 54.27673
SFI Research Centre -8.575172 52.67649
SFI Research Centre -6.249944 53.34366
SFI Research Centre -8.489255 51.89524
HEI Profiles -8.489385 51.89317
SFI Research Centre -6.258943 53.38563
SFI Research Centre -8.494148 51.89299
SFI Research Centre -8.492775 51.89299
SFI Research Centre -8.568048 52.67425
Technology Centre -6.234191 53.31264
Technology Centre -6.219077 53.30706
Technology Centre -6.465689 53.28971
Technology Centre -6.240219 53.34187
Technology Centre -8.492775 51.89299
Technology Centre -8.574970 52.66848
Technology Gateway -7.900941 53.41881
Technology Gateway -8.532258 51.88774
Technology Gateway -7.905082 53.42073
Technology Gateway -6.266324 53.33840
Technology Gateway -9.689690 52.27192
Technology Gateway -6.367307 53.28941
Technology Gateway -7.141660 52.24734
Technology Gateway -7.136028 52.24613
Technology Gateway -8.649413 52.67435
Technology Gateway -8.535970 51.88588
Technology Gateway -7.720985 54.95204
National Institutes and Facilities -6.336622 53.38093
SFI Research Centre -6.254577 53.34389
SFI Research Centre -6.222805 53.30925
SFI Research Centre -9.074015 53.29071
SFI Research Centre -6.250170 53.34221
Technology Centre -8.575857 52.67499
National Institutes and Facilities -8.976420 53.24823
National Institutes and Facilities -6.241150 53.34181
National Institutes and Facilities -8.483326 51.89837
National Institutes and Facilities -6.212018 53.30261
University TTO -6.261964 53.33912
Technology Gateway -8.464580 54.27685
Technology Gateway -9.004393 53.27638
Technology Gateway -6.937362 52.82773
SFI Research Centre -6.219077 53.30706
SFI Research Centre -8.576760 52.67256
SFI Research Centre -6.262576 53.33897
National Institutes and Facilities -6.244775 53.33724
SFI Research Centre -6.220654 53.30534
Technology Centre -6.336622 53.38072
University TTO -6.243179 53.34882
Institute of Technology TTO -6.245638 53.33134
Technology Gateway -7.139858 52.24607
University TTO -6.278675 53.34292
University TTO -6.278980 53.35321
SFI Research Centre -8.264160 52.16325
National Institutes and Facilities -6.263190 53.38481
Technology Gateway -6.540900 53.95093

That’s good. Now let’s create the dataset that we’ll use for plotting by adding the page_data columns.

hub_data <- bind_cols(page_data , sub_pages) %>% 
name desc type long lat
Athlone Institute of Technology TUS Athlone’s strategy is to be a partner of choice for enterprise - focusing our research, innovation and enterprise support activities on addressing the needs of regional and national industry. We do this by proactive… Institute of Technology TTO -7.901287 53.41680
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Tallaght TTO The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at the Institute of Technology, Tallaght engages with industry to maximise the economic potential of ITT research and innovation. University TTO -6.367307 53.28941
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Blanchardstown TTO ITB prides itself on being a practice-led higher education institute building on its emerging strengths in applied research, development and innovation by working closely with local industry to develop capability for eco… University TTO -6.378036 53.40562
Institute of Technology Carlow (IT Carlow) TTO The Institute of Technology Carlow is committed to delivering research outputs with clear societal and economic impact. We have a proven track record of excellence in delivering international and industrial impact in a n… Institute of Technology TTO -6.936064 52.82732
Munster Technological University Kerry (MTU Kerry) TTO The majority of the research conducted at the university is collaborative and focused on delivering innovative solutions to our industrial partners to promote competitiveness and new job creation. University TTO -9.688954 52.27139
Limerick Institute of Technology Collaboration also lies at the heart of LIT’s enterprise development activity and its unique Enterprise Ladder, through which our Enterprise Development and Business Liaison Manager Gillian Barry works closely with Enter… Institute of Technology TTO -8.648032 52.67411
Maynooth University TTO We do things differently at Maynooth – and our approach has had a major impact on the local economy. We have one of Ireland’s strongest spin-out performances and play a key role in anchoring and retaining foreign direct … University TTO -6.601453 53.38457
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) TTO Trinity is recognised as one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities and its research continues to address issues of global, societal and economic importance. The university’s research strategy is based on… University TTO -6.254525 53.34289
University College Cork (UCC) TTO UCC plays a key role in the development of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy and provides strong support for entrepreneurship and new business creation, with entrepreneurship education modules available to all students. … University TTO -8.492775 51.89299
University College Dublin (UCD) TTO University College Dublin is an environment of excellence. This is visible across its education programmes, in its research teams and in the facilities and systems that support them. UCD also recognises the critical impo… University TTO -6.219077 53.30706
University of Limerick (UL) TTO The University of Limerick has an established reputation for being Ireland’s leading university in industry-led research. This has resulted in significant research commercialisation activities and collaboration between o… University TTO -8.568048 52.67425
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) TTO Waterford Institute of Technology’s research vision is to drive regional economic development through our global reputation for research and innovation excellence. The Technology Transfer Office is driving the realisatio… Institute of Technology TTO -7.138925 52.24591
Munster Technological University Cork (MTU Cork) TTO The Industry Liaison Office in MTU Cork is responsible for all technology transfer activities between the institute and industry. University TTO -8.534489 51.88534
Dublin City University (DCU) TTO As the gateway for doing business with DCU, Invent works with researchers to collaborate with industry through licensing of our intellectual property or the creation of new IP through research partnerships. University TTO -6.257358 53.38502
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) TTO LYIT is acutely aware of its responsibility to contribute to regional and national economic prosperity and employment creation. We continue to deliver on this important strategic priority by leveraging Higher Education i… Institute of Technology TTO -7.719569 54.95086
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) TTO We believe in an integrated approach to research, development and innovation (RDI) and have streamlined operations into a number of research centres and an Innovation Hub. Our research centres, focussing on marine and fr… Institute of Technology TTO -9.008875 53.27743
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) TTO The Regional Development Centre, through its technology transfer and applied research services provides: Industry collaboration through knowledge transfer services aimed at established enterprises and external organisa… Institute of Technology TTO -6.392756 53.98214
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) TTO With deep expertise and experience in areas such as design, visual communication, multimedia and psychology. Our staff regularly help companies re-think how their technology, products and services can be designed to maxi… Institute of Technology TTO -6.155884 53.28103
National University of Ireland Galway TTO (NUIG) NUI Galway is a research-led University which emphasises inter-disciplinary research programmes and collaborations with industry and social and cultural partners in areas of strategic importance, both regionally and nati… University TTO -9.061457 53.27667
Institute of Technology Sligo TTO IT Sligo has been involved in research for over 30 years. One of the strategic objectives of research at the Institute is to directly support business to provide new knowledge and increased capacity to operate in a devel… Institute of Technology TTO -8.461576 54.27673
Lero - Irish Software Engineering Research Centre - Limerick Lero is the Irish Software Engineering Research CSET in University of Limerick. It brings together leading software engineering (SE) teams from Universities and Institutes of Technology in a coordinated centre of researc… SFI Research Centre -8.575172 52.67649
AMBER - Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research - Dublin AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) is a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded centre that provides a partnership between leading researchers in material science and industry. It is jointly hosted i… SFI Research Centre -6.249944 53.34366
APC - Microbiome Institute - Cork APC is a gastrointestinal health research centre exploring the role that gastrointestinal bacteria (microbiota) play in health and disease. The microbiota is a target for treatment and prevention of disease, and a source… SFI Research Centre -8.489255 51.89524
INFANT - Irish Centre for Foetal and Neonatal Translational Research - Cork INFANT: INNOVATION FOR THE NEXT GENERATION Founded upon over a decade of worldclass collaborative research and a diverse array of national and international academic and industry partnerships, INFANT is now an internatio… HEI Profiles -8.489385 51.89317
Insight – Centre for Data Analytics We live in a data rich world, where almost everything we do results in a data record being created and stored somewhere. Our vision is to create a healthier, safer, more productive world by empowering a data-driven socie… SFI Research Centre -6.258943 53.38563
IPIC - Irish Photonic Integration Centre - Cork IPIC in University College Cork, will address the grand challenge of Photonic Integration, which the team equates to the grand challenge of electronic integration in the 1960s. They will develop novel integrated photonic… SFI Research Centre -8.494148 51.89299
MaREI - Marine Renewable Energy Ireland - Cork The MaREI programme is founded on well-established Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) research capability distributed throughout Ireland. The centre brings together expert groups who have established themselves as internation… SFI Research Centre -8.492775 51.89299
SSPC, the SFI Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC), the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals, is a hub of Irish pharmaceutically relevant research expertise developing innovative techn… SFI Research Centre -8.568048 52.67425
CeADAR – Data Analytics & Machine Intelligence - Dublin CeADAR (the Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research) is an industry-led technology centre initiative for innovation and applied research that accelerates the development, deployment and adoption of Data Analytics tech… Technology Centre -6.234191 53.31264
FHI - Food for Health Ireland - Dublin Food for Health Ireland (FHI) in University College Dublin is a leading global innovation centre for the development of nutritional functional ingredients to improve health, wellness and quality of life. Technology Centre -6.219077 53.30706
IMR - Irish Manufacturing Research - Mullingar IMR is a ‘not-for-profit’ research company, limited by guarantee (membership not shareholding) that is carrying out research in areas of manufacturing productivity. It includes areas of research in training and developme… Technology Centre -6.465689 53.28971
Learnovate Centre - Dublin The Learnovate Centre is an industry-led centre of excellence for research and innovation in learning technologies, hosted by Trinity College, Dublin. Our mission is to enhance the competitive advantage of Ireland’s lear… Technology Centre -6.240219 53.34187
MCCI - Microelectronics - Cork MCCI – the Microelectronics Technology Centre in the Tyndall National Institute. MCCI is an EI/IDA funded technology centre focused on carrying out microelectronic circuit research for the benefit of industry. The MCCI v… Technology Centre -8.492775 51.89299
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (PMTC) - Limerick The vision of the PMTC is to support and develop the Irish pharmaceutical industry (small and large molecule) by improving manufacturing competitiveness and enhancing the research and development mandate and activity of … Technology Centre -8.574970 52.66848
APT - Applied Polymer Technologies - Athlone The Applied Polymer Technology (APT) Gateway is an interdisciplinary technology gateway focused on all aspects of polymer research. Technology Gateway -7.900941 53.41881
CAPPA - Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis - Cork CAPPA’s researchers have a strong track record of engagement with industry. Early collaborations centred on activities in our Photonic Material & Devices Strand and as a consequence was primarily with the photonics secto… Technology Gateway -8.532258 51.88774
COMAND - Interactive Media Technologies - Athlone COMAND concentrates on the research and development of prospective interactive media technologies, based at the SRI Athlone Institute of Technology focuses on Cross Platform Applications, Mobile Media Cloud and 3D Sensi… Technology Gateway -7.905082 53.42073
CREST - Centre for Research in Engineering Surface Technology - Dublin The CREST Centre in Dublin Institute of Technology, is the only dedicated surface coatings laboratory on the Island of Ireland. It exists to serve the SMART economy by means of translating in-house fundamental knowledge … Technology Gateway -6.266324 53.33840
IMaR - Intelligent Mechatronics and RFID - Tralee In 2013 the IT Tralee was awarded Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway funding (up to €1.2m over 5 years) to establish the IMaR Technology Gateway. The principal theme of the IMaR Technology Gateway is on the design and… Technology Gateway -9.689690 52.27192
MiCRA - Microsensors for Clinical Research and Analysis - Dublin MiCRA is an award winning Technology Gateway located in the Institute of Technology, Tallaght. The Gateway was established, through funding from Enterprise Ireland, to enable Industry access to the skills, expertise and … Technology Gateway -6.367307 53.28941
PMBrc - Pharmaceutical & Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre - Waterford The Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre (PMBRC) is an applied research centre which aims to support the sustainable growth of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry in the south east of Ireland… Technology Gateway -7.141660 52.24734
SEAM - South Eastern Applied Materials Research Centre - Waterford SEAM is an industry focussed applied research centre, providing innovative materials engineering solutions for companies from a wide range of sectors, including bio-medical devices, pharmaceuticals, micro-electronics, pr… Technology Gateway -7.136028 52.24613
Shannon ABC - Nutraceuticals Research - Tralee/ Limerick Shannon ABC Gateway in Institute of Technology Tralee, has on-going and expanding programmes to explore natural products for novel bioactive substances of value to the Healthcare, Forensic, Pharmaceutical, Food, Cosmeti… Technology Gateway -8.649413 52.67435
NIMBUS - Embedded Computing and Software Systems - Cork The NIMBUS Gateway based in the Nimbus Centre at CIT, has a team of 40+ hardware and software researchers working with companies who require technical expertise in Smart Technologies, Internet of Things and Cyber Physica… Technology Gateway -8.535970 51.88588
WiSAR Lab - Wireless Sensor Technologies - Letterkenny The WiSAR Lab is an Enterprise Ireland funded Technology Gateway (www.technologygateway.ie) based in the CoLab in the Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT). The core objective of the WiSAR Gateway is to become a hub… Technology Gateway -7.720985 54.95204
Teagasc Food Research Centre - Ashtown & Moorepark The Food Programme focuses on quality, safety and food product innovation, with emphasis in Ashtown on meat and meat products, cereals and consumer foods and food industry support services Agri-Food Business and Spatial… National Institutes and Facilities -6.336622 53.38093
ADAPT - Centre for Digital Content Technology ADAPT research and technologies will help businesses in all sectors to manage, personalise and deliver digital content more effectively. SFI Research Centre -6.254577 53.34389
iCRAG - Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences Introduction to iCRAG- Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences SFI Research Centre -6.222805 53.30925
CURAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices - Galway CÚRAM aims to radically improve health outcomes for patients by developing ‘smart’ medical devices and implants. These devices are developed through collaborations with industry partners and hospital groups, to enable ra… SFI Research Centre -9.074015 53.29071
CONNECT - The Centre for Future Networks and Communications - Dublin The Centre for Future Networks and Communications (CONNECT) is a research centre for communications networking, services, applications and technologies. SFI Research Centre -6.250170 53.34221
DPTC - The Dairy Processing Technology Centre Introduction to DPTC - The Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC) is an industry–academic collaborative research centre, hosted by the University of Limerick, with a research agenda driven by the long-term growth oppo… Technology Centre -8.575857 52.67499
Marine Institute Introduction to the Marine Institute. National Institutes and Facilities -8.976420 53.24823
ICHEC - Irish Centre for High-End Computing Introduction to ICHEC - Irish Centre for High-End Computing National Institutes and Facilities -6.241150 53.34181
Tyndall National Institute Introduction to Tyndall National Institute. National Institutes and Facilities -8.483326 51.89837
NIBRT - National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training Introduction to NIBRT - National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training National Institutes and Facilities -6.212018 53.30261
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) Since its foundation in 1784, RCSI has played a leadership role in both research and in Irish surgical and medical education. The College’s research vision is to improve human health through translational medical researc… University TTO -6.261964 53.33912
Precision Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing research - Sligo Technology Gateway -8.464580 54.27685
MET Gateway - Medical & Engineering Technology - Galway Technology Gateway -9.004393 53.27638
Design and Applied Design Technology Gateway - Carlow Technology Gateway -6.937362 52.82773
BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre - Dublin BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre harnesses the wealth of Ireland’s natural resources on land and in the sea for the development of a sustainable circular Irish bioeconomy, enabling vibrant sustainable communities.. SFI Research Centre -6.219077 53.30706
CONFIRM - Smart Manufacturing Research Centre - Limerick Smart manufacturing involves the complete convergence of IT systems and industrial automation systems. Confirm’s mission is to support the transformation of the Irish manufacturing sector to a smart manufacturing paradig… SFI Research Centre -8.576760 52.67256
Future Neuro - Centre for Chronic and Rare Neurological Diseases - Dublin Future-Neuro will develop novel therapeutics, diagnostics and e-health infrastructure for patients with chronic and rare neurological diseases of significant economic and societal burden. SFI Research Centre -6.262576 53.33897
HRB - Health Research Board Health Research Board Clinical Research Coordination Ireland (HRB CRCI) is an independent integrated national clinical research network, providing centralised support in the conduct of multicentre clinical trials (both c… National Institutes and Facilities -6.244775 53.33724
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre - Dublin SFI Research Centre -6.220654 53.30534
MTI - Meat Technology Ireland Meat Technology Ireland (MTI) is an industry-led initiative that will build a strategic research and innovation base in beef and sheepmeat processing in Ireland. Technology Centre -6.336622 53.38072
National College of Ireland (NCI) TTO The NCI Technology Transfer office was set up to assist staff and students in the commercialisation of research which is supported by Enterprise Ireland and Knowledge Transfer Ireland under the Technology Transfer Streng… University TTO -6.243179 53.34882
DIAS - The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (TTO) DIAS, a unique institution in the Irish research landscape, has a role and focus to conduct scholarship and fundamental advanced research in specific disciplines. DIAS acts as a national hub for those disciplines and has… Institute of Technology TTO -6.245638 53.33134
TSSG - Telecommunications Software & Systems Gateway TSSG in Waterford Institute of Technology can assist you to unlock the potential of your business through the design and delivery of technology that empower’s your business to meet the demands of today’s customers. TSSG… Technology Gateway -7.139858 52.24607
National College of Art & Design (NCAD) TTO NCAD Origin8 was established in 2013 as our technology transfer office and client gateway. Our focus to date has been to commercialise close to market product design. NCAD Origin8 has had three campus company spin-outs,… University TTO -6.278675 53.34292
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) TTO TU Dublin hosts a thriving research community engaged in applying innovation and technology to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. With campuses in Dublin City, Tallaght and Blanchardstown. University TTO -6.278980 53.35321
VistaMilk The SFI VistaMilk Centre represents a unique collaboration between Agri-Food and information communications technology (ICT) research institutes and leading Irish/multinational food and ICT companies. SFI Research Centre -8.264160 52.16325
APT – Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre Dublin The Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre (APT), is a leading interdisciplinary research centre located in the Dublin City University for a world class materials and laser processing and advanced manufacturing r… National Institutes and Facilities -6.263190 53.38481
CREDIT - Centre for Renewables and Energy - Dundalk Technology Gateway -6.540900 53.95093

Plotting Data

Setting up basic county map

The base map will be my map of Local Electoral Areas which is available on GitHub and can be downloaded directly into R. We make a couple of changes here, grouping areas by County using group_by and summarise over geometry, and we convert the coordinate reference system to the Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) which has EPSG code 2157 (the initial CRS of lea_166 is ‘World Geodetic System 1984’ (WGS 84) which has EPSG code 4326). The reason that we switch away from WGS 84 is that in that reference system, the latitude scale is greater than the longitude scale, e.g. a box drawn over Ireland which is one degree of longitude wide and one degree of latitude high will appear as a tall rectangle. With ITM the x and y scales (which are given in metres) are similar. Note that plots of the map still has axes with showing degrees longitude and latitude rather than metres.

county_map_itm <- st_read("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brendanjodowd/maps/main/lea_166.geojson" , quiet=T) %>%
  group_by(COUNTY) %>%
  summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry)) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 2157)

ggplot(county_map_itm) +

Creating circles for inset

Before I plot the organisations from the Knowledge Transfer Ireland website, I want to create a circular inset for Dublin, since many of the organistaions are based there. This is done by creating a new sf layer which is scaled and pushed eastwards. First we create a circle over Dublin showing what area is to be included in the inset. This is done using by choosing the centroid of Dublin as the centre (with the help of st_centroid) and creating a circle around that point using st_buffer with a radius of 30k (30,000 metres).

dublin_cntrd <-  st_centroid(county_map_itm %>% filter(COUNTY=="Dublin"))

dub_circle_small <- dublin_cntrd %>%

ggplot(county_map_itm) +
  geom_sf() +  
  geom_sf(data =dub_circle_small)

Now we’ll make a larger circle for where the inset is going to go. We specify dub_x and dub_y which are the x-y distances that will transform the scaled area eastwards and northwards, and dub_scale which specifies the zoom level for the inset (and the scale of dub_circle_big compared to dub_circle_small )

dub_x <- 160000; dub_y <- 20000; dub_scale <- 4 

# First take geometry of dub_circle_small
dub_circle_big <- dub_circle_small %>%  
# Translate it eastwards and northwards
dub_circle_big <- dub_circle_big + c(dub_x,dub_y)
# Scale it by dub_scale
dub_circle_big <- (dub_circle_big - st_centroid(dub_circle_big))  * dub_scale + st_centroid(dub_circle_big)
# Convert back into an sf object
dub_circle_big <- dub_circle_big %>% 
  st_as_sf(crs = 2157) %>%

ggplot(county_map_itm) +  
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data =dub_circle_small) +
  geom_sf(data =dub_circle_big)

Creating map content for inset

What about the actual map of Dublin that will appear in the circular inset? We produce that using st_intersection with arguments of the original map (county_map_itm) and the small circle around Dublin. We immediately create a copy of this to use later on, as we would like to be able to see the shape of Dublin within the small circle.

The inset is then translated and scaled in the same way that was done for dub_circle_big above.

dub_inset <- st_intersection(county_map_itm, dub_circle_small) %>%  

dub_inset_small <- dub_inset # keep this copy to make grey area within small circle.

dub_inset  <- dub_inset + c(dub_x,dub_y)
dub_inset <-  (dub_inset - st_coordinates(st_centroid(dub_circle_big)) )  * dub_scale +  st_coordinates(st_centroid(dub_circle_big))
dub_inset <- dub_inset %>% st_as_sf(crs = 2157) %>%

At this point I would like to be able to draw two lines between the small and big circles of my inset. These are external tangents. I have written a function tangents that can produce these. It takes as arguments the centre x and y coordinates of the first circle, followed by its radius, followed by the same details for the second circle. It returns a 4x2 dataframe where the first two rows have the x and y coordinates for the first line and the last two rows have the x and ys for the second tangent.

tangents <- function(c1x, c1y, c1r , c2x , c2y , c2r){
  phi <- atan2((c2y-c1y) , (c2x - c1x)) + acos((c1r - c2r) /  sqrt( ((c2x-c1x)^2)  +  ((c2y-c1y)^2)  ) )
  t1x <-  c1x + c1r * cos(phi)
  t1y <-  c1y + c1r * sin(phi)
  t2x <-  c2x + c2r * cos(phi)
  t2y <-  c2y + c2r * sin(phi)
  output_df <- data.frame(x = c(t1x , t2x) , y = c(t1y , t2y) )
  phi <- atan2((c2y-c1y) , (c2x - c1x)) - acos((c1r - c2r) /  sqrt( ((c2x-c1x)^2)  +  ((c2y-c1y)^2)  ) )
  t1x <-  c1x + c1r * cos(phi)
  t1y <-  c1y + c1r * sin(phi)
  t2x <-  c2x + c2r * cos(phi)
  t2y <-  c2y + c2r * sin(phi)
  output_df <- bind_rows(output_df ,  data.frame(x = c(t1x , t2x) , y = c(t1y , t2y) ))
  rm(t1x ,t1y ,t2x , t2y)

Here we use that tangents function, and convert the output into two lines by adding a column called line which is equal to 1 and 2, summarising over this and then converting into sf lines using st_cast("LINESTRING").

# specify details of the small circle
c1x <- st_coordinates(dub_circle_small %>% st_centroid())[,1]
c1y <- st_coordinates(dub_circle_small %>% st_centroid())[,2]
c1r <- 30000
# specify details of the big circle
c2x <- st_coordinates(dub_circle_big %>% st_centroid())[,1]
c2y <- st_coordinates(dub_circle_big %>% st_centroid())[,2]
c2r <- 30000*dub_scale

# pop these details into the tangents function and convert into two sf lines.
tan_df <- tangents(c1x , c1y, c1r, c2x, c2y, c2r) %>%  
  st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y") , crs = 2157) %>%
  bind_cols(line = rep(1:2, each=2)) %>%
  group_by(line) %>%
  summarize(m = mean(line)) %>% 

ggplot(county_map_itm) +
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_small , fill=NA) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_big) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset) +
  geom_sf(data = tan_df)

Finding and transposing hubs in the inset

We have a little work to do with our hub data before we can plot it. We have to convert it into an sf object using its current coordinate reference system (WGS 84) and then convert to ITM.

hub_data <- hub_data %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>%

ggplot(county_map_itm) +  
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(  data =dub_circle_small , fill=NA) +
  geom_sf(  data =dub_circle_big) +
  geom_sf(  data =dub_inset) +
  geom_sf(data  = tan_df) +
  geom_sf(data  = hub_data)

Now I want to find out which organisations are based within the Dublin circle, and transpose these into the zoomed inset. We create a dataframe for the hubs in the small circle called hubs_dub. Initially this dataframe contains two columns, row.id which is just equal to 1, indicating that these organisations are in the first element of the first argument (the small circle), and col.id which is an integer referring to the elements from the second argument (the hub coordinates). Thus we have lost the details of the actual hubs inside the small circle. We can join these on from the hub_data dataframe by creating within it a column called col.id which is equal to the row number within that dataframe.

# dataframe containing row ids for organisations within the small circle.
hubs_dub <- st_contains(dub_circle_small , hub_data) %>%  
# join on the details from hub_data
hubs_dub <- inner_join(hub_data %>% 
                         select(name, type) %>%
                         mutate(col.id = row_number()) , 
                       hubs_dub) %>% 
  # transpose ... 
  mutate(geometry = geometry + c(dub_x,dub_y)) %>%
  # ...  and scale
  mutate(geometry = (geometry-st_coordinates(st_centroid(dub_circle_big)) )*dub_scale + st_coordinates(st_centroid(dub_circle_big))) %>%
  select(name , type )

Now we can recreate the dataframe hub_data by including all of the organisations which are not in the small circle, and then adding all of the organisations which have been transposed to the inset (the ones which were inside the small circle are therefore excluded).

hub_data <- bind_rows(hub_data %>% filter(! name %in% (hubs_dub %>% pull(name))),

ggplot(county_map_itm) +  
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_small , fill=NA) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_big) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset) +
  geom_sf(data = tan_df) +
  geom_sf(data = hub_data)

Creating hexagonal grid

Now I want to create a hexagonal grid over the map, and later we will assign each of the organisations to a specific hexagon in this grid. To make this hexagonal grid we create a single shape which is large enough to cover the whole area in which organisations are located (including those in the transposed inset), and we then we use st_make_grid with square = FALSE to make a hexagonal grid over that area. The single shape we start off with is a triangle which is simple to create. It has its lower left corner at coordinates (400,000, 500,000) which is off the south-west of Cork and Kerry, and it has a height and width of 600km, which is large enough to cover the area we want. Then hex_grid is created with square = FALSE as mentioned already to create a hexagonal grid, and n equal to c(70, 70), which means that the grid will be 70 hexagons across and 70 hexagons high. I also make a variable called hex_num so that each hexagon has a unique id.

x0 <- 400000; y0 <- 500000; d0 <- 600000
triangle = st_sfc(st_polygon(list(rbind(c(x0,y0), c(x0+d0,y0), c(x0+d0,y0+d0), c(x0,y0)))))

hex_grid <- st_make_grid(triangle,  
                         square = FALSE , 
                         n = c(70, 70)) %>% 
  st_as_sf(crs =2157) %>%  

rm(triangle , x0,y0,d0)

ggplot(county_map_itm) +  
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_small , fill=NA) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_big) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset) +
  geom_sf(data = tan_df) +
  geom_sf(data = hex_grid , colour="red"  , fill=NA) + 
  geom_sf(data = hub_data)

Assigning organisations to hexagons

Before I assign each organisation to a hexagon I need to find the coordinates of the centre of each hexagon. I create that data in a dataframe called hex_centres.

hex_centres <- hex_grid %>% 
  st_centroid() %>%  
  rename(coords=1) %>%
  mutate(x = st_coordinates(.)[,1], y = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>%
hex_num x y
1 395714.3 507423.1
2 395714.3 522269.2
3 395714.3 537115.4
4 395714.3 551961.5
5 395714.3 566807.7
6 395714.3 581653.8
7 395714.3 596500.0
8 395714.3 611346.1
9 395714.3 626192.3
10 395714.3 641038.4
11 395714.3 655884.6
12 395714.3 670730.7
13 395714.3 685576.9
14 395714.3 700423.0
15 395714.3 715269.2
16 395714.3 730115.3
17 395714.3 744961.5
18 395714.3 759807.6
19 395714.3 774653.8
20 395714.3 789499.9
21 395714.3 804346.1
22 395714.3 819192.2
23 395714.3 834038.4
24 395714.3 848884.5
25 395714.3 863730.7
26 395714.3 878576.8
27 395714.3 893423.0
28 395714.3 908269.1
29 395714.3 923115.3
30 395714.3 937961.4
31 395714.3 952807.6
32 395714.3 967653.7
33 395714.3 982499.9
34 395714.3 997346.0
35 395714.3 1012192.2
36 395714.3 1027038.3
37 395714.3 1041884.5
38 395714.3 1056730.6
39 395714.3 1071576.8
40 395714.3 1086422.9
41 395714.3 1101269.1
42 400000.0 500000.0
43 400000.0 514846.1
44 400000.0 529692.3
45 400000.0 544538.4
46 400000.0 559384.6
47 400000.0 574230.7
48 400000.0 589076.9
49 400000.0 603923.0
50 400000.0 618769.2
51 400000.0 633615.3
52 400000.0 648461.5
53 400000.0 663307.6
54 400000.0 678153.8
55 400000.0 692999.9
56 400000.0 707846.1
57 400000.0 722692.2
58 400000.0 737538.4
59 400000.0 752384.5
60 400000.0 767230.7
61 400000.0 782076.8
62 400000.0 796923.0
63 400000.0 811769.1
64 400000.0 826615.3
65 400000.0 841461.4
66 400000.0 856307.6
67 400000.0 871153.7
68 400000.0 885999.9
69 400000.0 900846.0
70 400000.0 915692.2
71 400000.0 930538.3
72 400000.0 945384.5
73 400000.0 960230.6
74 400000.0 975076.8
75 400000.0 989922.9
76 400000.0 1004769.1
77 400000.0 1019615.2
78 400000.0 1034461.4
79 400000.0 1049307.5
80 400000.0 1064153.7
81 400000.0 1078999.8
82 400000.0 1093846.0
83 404285.7 507423.1
84 404285.7 522269.2
85 404285.7 537115.4
86 404285.7 551961.5
87 404285.7 566807.7
88 404285.7 581653.8
89 404285.7 596500.0
90 404285.7 611346.1
91 404285.7 626192.3
92 404285.7 641038.4
93 404285.7 655884.6
94 404285.7 670730.7
95 404285.7 685576.9
96 404285.7 700423.0
97 404285.7 715269.2
98 404285.7 730115.3
99 404285.7 744961.5
100 404285.7 759807.6
101 404285.7 774653.8
102 404285.7 789499.9
103 404285.7 804346.1
104 404285.7 819192.2
105 404285.7 834038.4
106 404285.7 848884.5
107 404285.7 863730.7
108 404285.7 878576.8
109 404285.7 893423.0
110 404285.7 908269.1
111 404285.7 923115.3
112 404285.7 937961.4
113 404285.7 952807.6
114 404285.7 967653.7
115 404285.7 982499.9
116 404285.7 997346.0
117 404285.7 1012192.2
118 404285.7 1027038.3
119 404285.7 1041884.5
120 404285.7 1056730.6
121 404285.7 1071576.8
122 404285.7 1086422.9
123 404285.7 1101269.1
124 408571.4 500000.0
125 408571.4 514846.1
126 408571.4 529692.3
127 408571.4 544538.4
128 408571.4 559384.6
129 408571.4 574230.7
130 408571.4 589076.9
131 408571.4 603923.0
132 408571.4 618769.2
133 408571.4 633615.3
134 408571.4 648461.5
135 408571.4 663307.6
136 408571.4 678153.8
137 408571.4 692999.9
138 408571.4 707846.1
139 408571.4 722692.2
140 408571.4 737538.4
141 408571.4 752384.5
142 408571.4 767230.7
143 408571.4 782076.8
144 408571.4 796923.0
145 408571.4 811769.1
146 408571.4 826615.3
147 408571.4 841461.4
148 408571.4 856307.6
149 408571.4 871153.7
150 408571.4 885999.9
151 408571.4 900846.0
152 408571.4 915692.2
153 408571.4 930538.3
154 408571.4 945384.5
155 408571.4 960230.6
156 408571.4 975076.8
157 408571.4 989922.9
158 408571.4 1004769.1
159 408571.4 1019615.2
160 408571.4 1034461.4
161 408571.4 1049307.5
162 408571.4 1064153.7
163 408571.4 1078999.8
164 408571.4 1093846.0
165 412857.1 507423.1
166 412857.1 522269.2
167 412857.1 537115.4
168 412857.1 551961.5
169 412857.1 566807.7
170 412857.1 581653.8
171 412857.1 596500.0
172 412857.1 611346.1
173 412857.1 626192.3
174 412857.1 641038.4
175 412857.1 655884.6
176 412857.1 670730.7
177 412857.1 685576.9
178 412857.1 700423.0
179 412857.1 715269.2
180 412857.1 730115.3
181 412857.1 744961.5
182 412857.1 759807.6
183 412857.1 774653.8
184 412857.1 789499.9
185 412857.1 804346.1
186 412857.1 819192.2
187 412857.1 834038.4
188 412857.1 848884.5
189 412857.1 863730.7
190 412857.1 878576.8
191 412857.1 893423.0
192 412857.1 908269.1
193 412857.1 923115.3
194 412857.1 937961.4
195 412857.1 952807.6
196 412857.1 967653.7
197 412857.1 982499.9
198 412857.1 997346.0
199 412857.1 1012192.2
200 412857.1 1027038.3
201 412857.1 1041884.5
202 412857.1 1056730.6
203 412857.1 1071576.8
204 412857.1 1086422.9
205 412857.1 1101269.1
206 417142.9 500000.0
207 417142.9 514846.1
208 417142.9 529692.3
209 417142.9 544538.4
210 417142.9 559384.6
211 417142.9 574230.7
212 417142.9 589076.9
213 417142.9 603923.0
214 417142.9 618769.2
215 417142.9 633615.3
216 417142.9 648461.5
217 417142.9 663307.6
218 417142.9 678153.8
219 417142.9 692999.9
220 417142.9 707846.1
221 417142.9 722692.2
222 417142.9 737538.4
223 417142.9 752384.5
224 417142.9 767230.7
225 417142.9 782076.8
226 417142.9 796923.0
227 417142.9 811769.1
228 417142.9 826615.3
229 417142.9 841461.4
230 417142.9 856307.6
231 417142.9 871153.7
232 417142.9 885999.9
233 417142.9 900846.0
234 417142.9 915692.2
235 417142.9 930538.3
236 417142.9 945384.5
237 417142.9 960230.6
238 417142.9 975076.8
239 417142.9 989922.9
240 417142.9 1004769.1
241 417142.9 1019615.2
242 417142.9 1034461.4
243 417142.9 1049307.5
244 417142.9 1064153.7
245 417142.9 1078999.8
246 417142.9 1093846.0
247 421428.6 507423.1
248 421428.6 522269.2
249 421428.6 537115.4
250 421428.6 551961.5
251 421428.6 566807.7
252 421428.6 581653.8
253 421428.6 596500.0
254 421428.6 611346.1
255 421428.6 626192.3
256 421428.6 641038.4
257 421428.6 655884.6
258 421428.6 670730.7
259 421428.6 685576.9
260 421428.6 700423.0
261 421428.6 715269.2
262 421428.6 730115.3
263 421428.6 744961.5
264 421428.6 759807.6
265 421428.6 774653.8
266 421428.6 789499.9
267 421428.6 804346.1
268 421428.6 819192.2
269 421428.6 834038.4
270 421428.6 848884.5
271 421428.6 863730.7
272 421428.6 878576.8
273 421428.6 893423.0
274 421428.6 908269.1
275 421428.6 923115.3
276 421428.6 937961.4
277 421428.6 952807.6
278 421428.6 967653.7
279 421428.6 982499.9
280 421428.6 997346.0
281 421428.6 1012192.2
282 421428.6 1027038.3
283 421428.6 1041884.5
284 421428.6 1056730.6
285 421428.6 1071576.8
286 421428.6 1086422.9
287 421428.6 1101269.1
288 425714.3 500000.0
289 425714.3 514846.1
290 425714.3 529692.3
291 425714.3 544538.4
292 425714.3 559384.6
293 425714.3 574230.7
294 425714.3 589076.9
295 425714.3 603923.0
296 425714.3 618769.2
297 425714.3 633615.3
298 425714.3 648461.5
299 425714.3 663307.6
300 425714.3 678153.8
301 425714.3 692999.9
302 425714.3 707846.1
303 425714.3 722692.2
304 425714.3 737538.4
305 425714.3 752384.5
306 425714.3 767230.7
307 425714.3 782076.8
308 425714.3 796923.0
309 425714.3 811769.1
310 425714.3 826615.3
311 425714.3 841461.4
312 425714.3 856307.6
313 425714.3 871153.7
314 425714.3 885999.9
315 425714.3 900846.0
316 425714.3 915692.2
317 425714.3 930538.3
318 425714.3 945384.5
319 425714.3 960230.6
320 425714.3 975076.8
321 425714.3 989922.9
322 425714.3 1004769.1
323 425714.3 1019615.2
324 425714.3 1034461.4
325 425714.3 1049307.5
326 425714.3 1064153.7
327 425714.3 1078999.8
328 425714.3 1093846.0
329 430000.0 507423.1
330 430000.0 522269.2
331 430000.0 537115.4
332 430000.0 551961.5
333 430000.0 566807.7
334 430000.0 581653.8
335 430000.0 596500.0
336 430000.0 611346.1
337 430000.0 626192.3
338 430000.0 641038.4
339 430000.0 655884.6
340 430000.0 670730.7
341 430000.0 685576.9
342 430000.0 700423.0
343 430000.0 715269.2
344 430000.0 730115.3
345 430000.0 744961.5
346 430000.0 759807.6
347 430000.0 774653.8
348 430000.0 789499.9
349 430000.0 804346.1
350 430000.0 819192.2
351 430000.0 834038.4
352 430000.0 848884.5
353 430000.0 863730.7
354 430000.0 878576.8
355 430000.0 893423.0
356 430000.0 908269.1
357 430000.0 923115.3
358 430000.0 937961.4
359 430000.0 952807.6
360 430000.0 967653.7
361 430000.0 982499.9
362 430000.0 997346.0
363 430000.0 1012192.2
364 430000.0 1027038.3
365 430000.0 1041884.5
366 430000.0 1056730.6
367 430000.0 1071576.8
368 430000.0 1086422.9
369 430000.0 1101269.1
370 434285.7 500000.0
371 434285.7 514846.1
372 434285.7 529692.3
373 434285.7 544538.4
374 434285.7 559384.6
375 434285.7 574230.7
376 434285.7 589076.9
377 434285.7 603923.0
378 434285.7 618769.2
379 434285.7 633615.3
380 434285.7 648461.5
381 434285.7 663307.6
382 434285.7 678153.8
383 434285.7 692999.9
384 434285.7 707846.1
385 434285.7 722692.2
386 434285.7 737538.4
387 434285.7 752384.5
388 434285.7 767230.7
389 434285.7 782076.8
390 434285.7 796923.0
391 434285.7 811769.1
392 434285.7 826615.3
393 434285.7 841461.4
394 434285.7 856307.6
395 434285.7 871153.7
396 434285.7 885999.9
397 434285.7 900846.0
398 434285.7 915692.2
399 434285.7 930538.3
400 434285.7 945384.5
401 434285.7 960230.6
402 434285.7 975076.8
403 434285.7 989922.9
404 434285.7 1004769.1
405 434285.7 1019615.2
406 434285.7 1034461.4
407 434285.7 1049307.5
408 434285.7 1064153.7
409 434285.7 1078999.8
410 434285.7 1093846.0
411 438571.4 507423.1
412 438571.4 522269.2
413 438571.4 537115.4
414 438571.4 551961.5
415 438571.4 566807.7
416 438571.4 581653.8
417 438571.4 596500.0
418 438571.4 611346.1
419 438571.4 626192.3
420 438571.4 641038.4
421 438571.4 655884.6
422 438571.4 670730.7
423 438571.4 685576.9
424 438571.4 700423.0
425 438571.4 715269.2
426 438571.4 730115.3
427 438571.4 744961.5
428 438571.4 759807.6
429 438571.4 774653.8
430 438571.4 789499.9
431 438571.4 804346.1
432 438571.4 819192.2
433 438571.4 834038.4
434 438571.4 848884.5
435 438571.4 863730.7
436 438571.4 878576.8
437 438571.4 893423.0
438 438571.4 908269.1
439 438571.4 923115.3
440 438571.4 937961.4
441 438571.4 952807.6
442 438571.4 967653.7
443 438571.4 982499.9
444 438571.4 997346.0
445 438571.4 1012192.2
446 438571.4 1027038.3
447 438571.4 1041884.5
448 438571.4 1056730.6
449 438571.4 1071576.8
450 438571.4 1086422.9
451 438571.4 1101269.1
452 442857.1 500000.0
453 442857.1 514846.1
454 442857.1 529692.3
455 442857.1 544538.4
456 442857.1 559384.6
457 442857.1 574230.7
458 442857.1 589076.9
459 442857.1 603923.0
460 442857.1 618769.2
461 442857.1 633615.3
462 442857.1 648461.5
463 442857.1 663307.6
464 442857.1 678153.8
465 442857.1 692999.9
466 442857.1 707846.1
467 442857.1 722692.2
468 442857.1 737538.4
469 442857.1 752384.5
470 442857.1 767230.7
471 442857.1 782076.8
472 442857.1 796923.0
473 442857.1 811769.1
474 442857.1 826615.3
475 442857.1 841461.4
476 442857.1 856307.6
477 442857.1 871153.7
478 442857.1 885999.9
479 442857.1 900846.0
480 442857.1 915692.2
481 442857.1 930538.3
482 442857.1 945384.5
483 442857.1 960230.6
484 442857.1 975076.8
485 442857.1 989922.9
486 442857.1 1004769.1
487 442857.1 1019615.2
488 442857.1 1034461.4
489 442857.1 1049307.5
490 442857.1 1064153.7
491 442857.1 1078999.8
492 442857.1 1093846.0
493 447142.9 507423.1
494 447142.9 522269.2
495 447142.9 537115.4
496 447142.9 551961.5
497 447142.9 566807.7
498 447142.9 581653.8
499 447142.9 596500.0
500 447142.9 611346.1
501 447142.9 626192.3
502 447142.9 641038.4
503 447142.9 655884.6
504 447142.9 670730.7
505 447142.9 685576.9
506 447142.9 700423.0
507 447142.9 715269.2
508 447142.9 730115.3
509 447142.9 744961.5
510 447142.9 759807.6
511 447142.9 774653.8
512 447142.9 789499.9
513 447142.9 804346.1
514 447142.9 819192.2
515 447142.9 834038.4
516 447142.9 848884.5
517 447142.9 863730.7
518 447142.9 878576.8
519 447142.9 893423.0
520 447142.9 908269.1
521 447142.9 923115.3
522 447142.9 937961.4
523 447142.9 952807.6
524 447142.9 967653.7
525 447142.9 982499.9
526 447142.9 997346.0
527 447142.9 1012192.2
528 447142.9 1027038.3
529 447142.9 1041884.5
530 447142.9 1056730.6
531 447142.9 1071576.8
532 447142.9 1086422.9
533 447142.9 1101269.1
534 451428.6 500000.0
535 451428.6 514846.1
536 451428.6 529692.3
537 451428.6 544538.4
538 451428.6 559384.6
539 451428.6 574230.7
540 451428.6 589076.9
541 451428.6 603923.0
542 451428.6 618769.2
543 451428.6 633615.3
544 451428.6 648461.5
545 451428.6 663307.6
546 451428.6 678153.8
547 451428.6 692999.9
548 451428.6 707846.1
549 451428.6 722692.2
550 451428.6 737538.4
551 451428.6 752384.5
552 451428.6 767230.7
553 451428.6 782076.8
554 451428.6 796923.0
555 451428.6 811769.1
556 451428.6 826615.3
557 451428.6 841461.4
558 451428.6 856307.6
559 451428.6 871153.7
560 451428.6 885999.9
561 451428.6 900846.0
562 451428.6 915692.2
563 451428.6 930538.3
564 451428.6 945384.5
565 451428.6 960230.6
566 451428.6 975076.8
567 451428.6 989922.9
568 451428.6 1004769.1
569 451428.6 1019615.2
570 451428.6 1034461.4
571 451428.6 1049307.5
572 451428.6 1064153.7
573 451428.6 1078999.8
574 451428.6 1093846.0
575 455714.3 507423.1
576 455714.3 522269.2
577 455714.3 537115.4
578 455714.3 551961.5
579 455714.3 566807.7
580 455714.3 581653.8
581 455714.3 596500.0
582 455714.3 611346.1
583 455714.3 626192.3
584 455714.3 641038.4
585 455714.3 655884.6
586 455714.3 670730.7
587 455714.3 685576.9
588 455714.3 700423.0
589 455714.3 715269.2
590 455714.3 730115.3
591 455714.3 744961.5
592 455714.3 759807.6
593 455714.3 774653.8
594 455714.3 789499.9
595 455714.3 804346.1
596 455714.3 819192.2
597 455714.3 834038.4
598 455714.3 848884.5
599 455714.3 863730.7
600 455714.3 878576.8
601 455714.3 893423.0
602 455714.3 908269.1
603 455714.3 923115.3
604 455714.3 937961.4
605 455714.3 952807.6
606 455714.3 967653.7
607 455714.3 982499.9
608 455714.3 997346.0
609 455714.3 1012192.2
610 455714.3 1027038.3
611 455714.3 1041884.5
612 455714.3 1056730.6
613 455714.3 1071576.8
614 455714.3 1086422.9
615 455714.3 1101269.1
616 460000.0 500000.0
617 460000.0 514846.1
618 460000.0 529692.3
619 460000.0 544538.4
620 460000.0 559384.6
621 460000.0 574230.7
622 460000.0 589076.9
623 460000.0 603923.0
624 460000.0 618769.2
625 460000.0 633615.3
626 460000.0 648461.5
627 460000.0 663307.6
628 460000.0 678153.8
629 460000.0 692999.9
630 460000.0 707846.1
631 460000.0 722692.2
632 460000.0 737538.4
633 460000.0 752384.5
634 460000.0 767230.7
635 460000.0 782076.8
636 460000.0 796923.0
637 460000.0 811769.1
638 460000.0 826615.3
639 460000.0 841461.4
640 460000.0 856307.6
641 460000.0 871153.7
642 460000.0 885999.9
643 460000.0 900846.0
644 460000.0 915692.2
645 460000.0 930538.3
646 460000.0 945384.5
647 460000.0 960230.6
648 460000.0 975076.8
649 460000.0 989922.9
650 460000.0 1004769.1
651 460000.0 1019615.2
652 460000.0 1034461.4
653 460000.0 1049307.5
654 460000.0 1064153.7
655 460000.0 1078999.8
656 460000.0 1093846.0
657 464285.7 507423.1
658 464285.7 522269.2
659 464285.7 537115.4
660 464285.7 551961.5
661 464285.7 566807.7
662 464285.7 581653.8
663 464285.7 596500.0
664 464285.7 611346.1
665 464285.7 626192.3
666 464285.7 641038.4
667 464285.7 655884.6
668 464285.7 670730.7
669 464285.7 685576.9
670 464285.7 700423.0
671 464285.7 715269.2
672 464285.7 730115.3
673 464285.7 744961.5
674 464285.7 759807.6
675 464285.7 774653.8
676 464285.7 789499.9
677 464285.7 804346.1
678 464285.7 819192.2
679 464285.7 834038.4
680 464285.7 848884.5
681 464285.7 863730.7
682 464285.7 878576.8
683 464285.7 893423.0
684 464285.7 908269.1
685 464285.7 923115.3
686 464285.7 937961.4
687 464285.7 952807.6
688 464285.7 967653.7
689 464285.7 982499.9
690 464285.7 997346.0
691 464285.7 1012192.2
692 464285.7 1027038.3
693 464285.7 1041884.5
694 464285.7 1056730.6
695 464285.7 1071576.8
696 464285.7 1086422.9
697 464285.7 1101269.1
698 468571.4 500000.0
699 468571.4 514846.1
700 468571.4 529692.3
701 468571.4 544538.4
702 468571.4 559384.6
703 468571.4 574230.7
704 468571.4 589076.9
705 468571.4 603923.0
706 468571.4 618769.2
707 468571.4 633615.3
708 468571.4 648461.5
709 468571.4 663307.6
710 468571.4 678153.8
711 468571.4 692999.9
712 468571.4 707846.1
713 468571.4 722692.2
714 468571.4 737538.4
715 468571.4 752384.5
716 468571.4 767230.7
717 468571.4 782076.8
718 468571.4 796923.0
719 468571.4 811769.1
720 468571.4 826615.3
721 468571.4 841461.4
722 468571.4 856307.6
723 468571.4 871153.7
724 468571.4 885999.9
725 468571.4 900846.0
726 468571.4 915692.2
727 468571.4 930538.3
728 468571.4 945384.5
729 468571.4 960230.6
730 468571.4 975076.8
731 468571.4 989922.9
732 468571.4 1004769.1
733 468571.4 1019615.2
734 468571.4 1034461.4
735 468571.4 1049307.5
736 468571.4 1064153.7
737 468571.4 1078999.8
738 468571.4 1093846.0
739 472857.1 507423.1
740 472857.1 522269.2
741 472857.1 537115.4
742 472857.1 551961.5
743 472857.1 566807.7
744 472857.1 581653.8
745 472857.1 596500.0
746 472857.1 611346.1
747 472857.1 626192.3
748 472857.1 641038.4
749 472857.1 655884.6
750 472857.1 670730.7
751 472857.1 685576.9
752 472857.1 700423.0
753 472857.1 715269.2
754 472857.1 730115.3
755 472857.1 744961.5
756 472857.1 759807.6
757 472857.1 774653.8
758 472857.1 789499.9
759 472857.1 804346.1
760 472857.1 819192.2
761 472857.1 834038.4
762 472857.1 848884.5
763 472857.1 863730.7
764 472857.1 878576.8
765 472857.1 893423.0
766 472857.1 908269.1
767 472857.1 923115.3
768 472857.1 937961.4
769 472857.1 952807.6
770 472857.1 967653.7
771 472857.1 982499.9
772 472857.1 997346.0
773 472857.1 1012192.2
774 472857.1 1027038.3
775 472857.1 1041884.5
776 472857.1 1056730.6
777 472857.1 1071576.8
778 472857.1 1086422.9
779 472857.1 1101269.1
780 477142.9 500000.0
781 477142.9 514846.1
782 477142.9 529692.3
783 477142.9 544538.4
784 477142.9 559384.6
785 477142.9 574230.7
786 477142.9 589076.9
787 477142.9 603923.0
788 477142.9 618769.2
789 477142.9 633615.3
790 477142.9 648461.5
791 477142.9 663307.6
792 477142.9 678153.8
793 477142.9 692999.9
794 477142.9 707846.1
795 477142.9 722692.2
796 477142.9 737538.4
797 477142.9 752384.5
798 477142.9 767230.7
799 477142.9 782076.8
800 477142.9 796923.0
801 477142.9 811769.1
802 477142.9 826615.3
803 477142.9 841461.4
804 477142.9 856307.6
805 477142.9 871153.7
806 477142.9 885999.9
807 477142.9 900846.0
808 477142.9 915692.2
809 477142.9 930538.3
810 477142.9 945384.5
811 477142.9 960230.6
812 477142.9 975076.8
813 477142.9 989922.9
814 477142.9 1004769.1
815 477142.9 1019615.2
816 477142.9 1034461.4
817 477142.9 1049307.5
818 477142.9 1064153.7
819 477142.9 1078999.8
820 477142.9 1093846.0
821 481428.6 507423.1
822 481428.6 522269.2
823 481428.6 537115.4
824 481428.6 551961.5
825 481428.6 566807.7
826 481428.6 581653.8
827 481428.6 596500.0
828 481428.6 611346.1
829 481428.6 626192.3
830 481428.6 641038.4
831 481428.6 655884.6
832 481428.6 670730.7
833 481428.6 685576.9
834 481428.6 700423.0
835 481428.6 715269.2
836 481428.6 730115.3
837 481428.6 744961.5
838 481428.6 759807.6
839 481428.6 774653.8
840 481428.6 789499.9
841 481428.6 804346.1
842 481428.6 819192.2
843 481428.6 834038.4
844 481428.6 848884.5
845 481428.6 863730.7
846 481428.6 878576.8
847 481428.6 893423.0
848 481428.6 908269.1
849 481428.6 923115.3
850 481428.6 937961.4
851 481428.6 952807.6
852 481428.6 967653.7
853 481428.6 982499.9
854 481428.6 997346.0
855 481428.6 1012192.2
856 481428.6 1027038.3
857 481428.6 1041884.5
858 481428.6 1056730.6
859 481428.6 1071576.8
860 481428.6 1086422.9
861 481428.6 1101269.1
862 485714.3 500000.0
863 485714.3 514846.1
864 485714.3 529692.3
865 485714.3 544538.4
866 485714.3 559384.6
867 485714.3 574230.7
868 485714.3 589076.9
869 485714.3 603923.0
870 485714.3 618769.2
871 485714.3 633615.3
872 485714.3 648461.5
873 485714.3 663307.6
874 485714.3 678153.8
875 485714.3 692999.9
876 485714.3 707846.1
877 485714.3 722692.2
878 485714.3 737538.4
879 485714.3 752384.5
880 485714.3 767230.7
881 485714.3 782076.8
882 485714.3 796923.0
883 485714.3 811769.1
884 485714.3 826615.3
885 485714.3 841461.4
886 485714.3 856307.6
887 485714.3 871153.7
888 485714.3 885999.9
889 485714.3 900846.0
890 485714.3 915692.2
891 485714.3 930538.3
892 485714.3 945384.5
893 485714.3 960230.6
894 485714.3 975076.8
895 485714.3 989922.9
896 485714.3 1004769.1
897 485714.3 1019615.2
898 485714.3 1034461.4
899 485714.3 1049307.5
900 485714.3 1064153.7
901 485714.3 1078999.8
902 485714.3 1093846.0
903 490000.0 507423.1
904 490000.0 522269.2
905 490000.0 537115.4
906 490000.0 551961.5
907 490000.0 566807.7
908 490000.0 581653.8
909 490000.0 596500.0
910 490000.0 611346.1
911 490000.0 626192.3
912 490000.0 641038.4
913 490000.0 655884.6
914 490000.0 670730.7
915 490000.0 685576.9
916 490000.0 700423.0
917 490000.0 715269.2
918 490000.0 730115.3
919 490000.0 744961.5
920 490000.0 759807.6
921 490000.0 774653.8
922 490000.0 789499.9
923 490000.0 804346.1
924 490000.0 819192.2
925 490000.0 834038.4
926 490000.0 848884.5
927 490000.0 863730.7
928 490000.0 878576.8
929 490000.0 893423.0
930 490000.0 908269.1
931 490000.0 923115.3
932 490000.0 937961.4
933 490000.0 952807.6
934 490000.0 967653.7
935 490000.0 982499.9
936 490000.0 997346.0
937 490000.0 1012192.2
938 490000.0 1027038.3
939 490000.0 1041884.5
940 490000.0 1056730.6
941 490000.0 1071576.8
942 490000.0 1086422.9
943 490000.0 1101269.1
944 494285.7 500000.0
945 494285.7 514846.1
946 494285.7 529692.3
947 494285.7 544538.4
948 494285.7 559384.6
949 494285.7 574230.7
950 494285.7 589076.9
951 494285.7 603923.0
952 494285.7 618769.2
953 494285.7 633615.3
954 494285.7 648461.5
955 494285.7 663307.6
956 494285.7 678153.8
957 494285.7 692999.9
958 494285.7 707846.1
959 494285.7 722692.2
960 494285.7 737538.4
961 494285.7 752384.5
962 494285.7 767230.7
963 494285.7 782076.8
964 494285.7 796923.0
965 494285.7 811769.1
966 494285.7 826615.3
967 494285.7 841461.4
968 494285.7 856307.6
969 494285.7 871153.7
970 494285.7 885999.9
971 494285.7 900846.0
972 494285.7 915692.2
973 494285.7 930538.3
974 494285.7 945384.5
975 494285.7 960230.6
976 494285.7 975076.8
977 494285.7 989922.9
978 494285.7 1004769.1
979 494285.7 1019615.2
980 494285.7 1034461.4
981 494285.7 1049307.5
982 494285.7 1064153.7
983 494285.7 1078999.8
984 494285.7 1093846.0
985 498571.4 507423.1
986 498571.4 522269.2
987 498571.4 537115.4
988 498571.4 551961.5
989 498571.4 566807.7
990 498571.4 581653.8
991 498571.4 596500.0
992 498571.4 611346.1
993 498571.4 626192.3
994 498571.4 641038.4
995 498571.4 655884.6
996 498571.4 670730.7
997 498571.4 685576.9
998 498571.4 700423.0
999 498571.4 715269.2
1000 498571.4 730115.3
1001 498571.4 744961.5
1002 498571.4 759807.6
1003 498571.4 774653.8
1004 498571.4 789499.9
1005 498571.4 804346.1
1006 498571.4 819192.2
1007 498571.4 834038.4
1008 498571.4 848884.5
1009 498571.4 863730.7
1010 498571.4 878576.8
1011 498571.4 893423.0
1012 498571.4 908269.1
1013 498571.4 923115.3
1014 498571.4 937961.4
1015 498571.4 952807.6
1016 498571.4 967653.7
1017 498571.4 982499.9
1018 498571.4 997346.0
1019 498571.4 1012192.2
1020 498571.4 1027038.3
1021 498571.4 1041884.5
1022 498571.4 1056730.6
1023 498571.4 1071576.8
1024 498571.4 1086422.9
1025 498571.4 1101269.1
1026 502857.1 500000.0
1027 502857.1 514846.1
1028 502857.1 529692.3
1029 502857.1 544538.4
1030 502857.1 559384.6
1031 502857.1 574230.7
1032 502857.1 589076.9
1033 502857.1 603923.0
1034 502857.1 618769.2
1035 502857.1 633615.3
1036 502857.1 648461.5
1037 502857.1 663307.6
1038 502857.1 678153.8
1039 502857.1 692999.9
1040 502857.1 707846.1
1041 502857.1 722692.2
1042 502857.1 737538.4
1043 502857.1 752384.5
1044 502857.1 767230.7
1045 502857.1 782076.8
1046 502857.1 796923.0
1047 502857.1 811769.1
1048 502857.1 826615.3
1049 502857.1 841461.4
1050 502857.1 856307.6
1051 502857.1 871153.7
1052 502857.1 885999.9
1053 502857.1 900846.0
1054 502857.1 915692.2
1055 502857.1 930538.3
1056 502857.1 945384.5
1057 502857.1 960230.6
1058 502857.1 975076.8
1059 502857.1 989922.9
1060 502857.1 1004769.1
1061 502857.1 1019615.2
1062 502857.1 1034461.4
1063 502857.1 1049307.5
1064 502857.1 1064153.7
1065 502857.1 1078999.8
1066 502857.1 1093846.0
1067 507142.9 507423.1
1068 507142.9 522269.2
1069 507142.9 537115.4
1070 507142.9 551961.5
1071 507142.9 566807.7
1072 507142.9 581653.8
1073 507142.9 596500.0
1074 507142.9 611346.1
1075 507142.9 626192.3
1076 507142.9 641038.4
1077 507142.9 655884.6
1078 507142.9 670730.7
1079 507142.9 685576.9
1080 507142.9 700423.0
1081 507142.9 715269.2
1082 507142.9 730115.3
1083 507142.9 744961.5
1084 507142.9 759807.6
1085 507142.9 774653.8
1086 507142.9 789499.9
1087 507142.9 804346.1
1088 507142.9 819192.2
1089 507142.9 834038.4
1090 507142.9 848884.5
1091 507142.9 863730.7
1092 507142.9 878576.8
1093 507142.9 893423.0
1094 507142.9 908269.1
1095 507142.9 923115.3
1096 507142.9 937961.4
1097 507142.9 952807.6
1098 507142.9 967653.7
1099 507142.9 982499.9
1100 507142.9 997346.0
1101 507142.9 1012192.2
1102 507142.9 1027038.3
1103 507142.9 1041884.5
1104 507142.9 1056730.6
1105 507142.9 1071576.8
1106 507142.9 1086422.9
1107 507142.9 1101269.1
1108 511428.6 500000.0
1109 511428.6 514846.1
1110 511428.6 529692.3
1111 511428.6 544538.4
1112 511428.6 559384.6
1113 511428.6 574230.7
1114 511428.6 589076.9
1115 511428.6 603923.0
1116 511428.6 618769.2
1117 511428.6 633615.3
1118 511428.6 648461.5
1119 511428.6 663307.6
1120 511428.6 678153.8
1121 511428.6 692999.9
1122 511428.6 707846.1
1123 511428.6 722692.2
1124 511428.6 737538.4
1125 511428.6 752384.5
1126 511428.6 767230.7
1127 511428.6 782076.8
1128 511428.6 796923.0
1129 511428.6 811769.1
1130 511428.6 826615.3
1131 511428.6 841461.4
1132 511428.6 856307.6
1133 511428.6 871153.7
1134 511428.6 885999.9
1135 511428.6 900846.0
1136 511428.6 915692.2
1137 511428.6 930538.3
1138 511428.6 945384.5
1139 511428.6 960230.6
1140 511428.6 975076.8
1141 511428.6 989922.9
1142 511428.6 1004769.1
1143 511428.6 1019615.2
1144 511428.6 1034461.4
1145 511428.6 1049307.5
1146 511428.6 1064153.7
1147 511428.6 1078999.8
1148 511428.6 1093846.0
1149 515714.3 507423.1
1150 515714.3 522269.2
1151 515714.3 537115.4
1152 515714.3 551961.5
1153 515714.3 566807.7
1154 515714.3 581653.8
1155 515714.3 596500.0
1156 515714.3 611346.1
1157 515714.3 626192.3
1158 515714.3 641038.4
1159 515714.3 655884.6
1160 515714.3 670730.7
1161 515714.3 685576.9
1162 515714.3 700423.0
1163 515714.3 715269.2
1164 515714.3 730115.3
1165 515714.3 744961.5
1166 515714.3 759807.6
1167 515714.3 774653.8
1168 515714.3 789499.9
1169 515714.3 804346.1
1170 515714.3 819192.2
1171 515714.3 834038.4
1172 515714.3 848884.5
1173 515714.3 863730.7
1174 515714.3 878576.8
1175 515714.3 893423.0
1176 515714.3 908269.1
1177 515714.3 923115.3
1178 515714.3 937961.4
1179 515714.3 952807.6
1180 515714.3 967653.7
1181 515714.3 982499.9
1182 515714.3 997346.0
1183 515714.3 1012192.2
1184 515714.3 1027038.3
1185 515714.3 1041884.5
1186 515714.3 1056730.6
1187 515714.3 1071576.8
1188 515714.3 1086422.9
1189 515714.3 1101269.1
1190 520000.0 500000.0
1191 520000.0 514846.1
1192 520000.0 529692.3
1193 520000.0 544538.4
1194 520000.0 559384.6
1195 520000.0 574230.7
1196 520000.0 589076.9
1197 520000.0 603923.0
1198 520000.0 618769.2
1199 520000.0 633615.3
1200 520000.0 648461.5
1201 520000.0 663307.6
1202 520000.0 678153.8
1203 520000.0 692999.9
1204 520000.0 707846.1
1205 520000.0 722692.2
1206 520000.0 737538.4
1207 520000.0 752384.5
1208 520000.0 767230.7
1209 520000.0 782076.8
1210 520000.0 796923.0
1211 520000.0 811769.1
1212 520000.0 826615.3
1213 520000.0 841461.4
1214 520000.0 856307.6
1215 520000.0 871153.7
1216 520000.0 885999.9
1217 520000.0 900846.0
1218 520000.0 915692.2
1219 520000.0 930538.3
1220 520000.0 945384.5
1221 520000.0 960230.6
1222 520000.0 975076.8
1223 520000.0 989922.9
1224 520000.0 1004769.1
1225 520000.0 1019615.2
1226 520000.0 1034461.4
1227 520000.0 1049307.5
1228 520000.0 1064153.7
1229 520000.0 1078999.8
1230 520000.0 1093846.0
1231 524285.7 507423.1
1232 524285.7 522269.2
1233 524285.7 537115.4
1234 524285.7 551961.5
1235 524285.7 566807.7
1236 524285.7 581653.8
1237 524285.7 596500.0
1238 524285.7 611346.1
1239 524285.7 626192.3
1240 524285.7 641038.4
1241 524285.7 655884.6
1242 524285.7 670730.7
1243 524285.7 685576.9
1244 524285.7 700423.0
1245 524285.7 715269.2
1246 524285.7 730115.3
1247 524285.7 744961.5
1248 524285.7 759807.6
1249 524285.7 774653.8
1250 524285.7 789499.9
1251 524285.7 804346.1
1252 524285.7 819192.2
1253 524285.7 834038.4
1254 524285.7 848884.5
1255 524285.7 863730.7
1256 524285.7 878576.8
1257 524285.7 893423.0
1258 524285.7 908269.1
1259 524285.7 923115.3
1260 524285.7 937961.4
1261 524285.7 952807.6
1262 524285.7 967653.7
1263 524285.7 982499.9
1264 524285.7 997346.0
1265 524285.7 1012192.2
1266 524285.7 1027038.3
1267 524285.7 1041884.5
1268 524285.7 1056730.6
1269 524285.7 1071576.8
1270 524285.7 1086422.9
1271 524285.7 1101269.1
1272 528571.4 500000.0
1273 528571.4 514846.1
1274 528571.4 529692.3
1275 528571.4 544538.4
1276 528571.4 559384.6
1277 528571.4 574230.7
1278 528571.4 589076.9
1279 528571.4 603923.0
1280 528571.4 618769.2
1281 528571.4 633615.3
1282 528571.4 648461.5
1283 528571.4 663307.6
1284 528571.4 678153.8
1285 528571.4 692999.9
1286 528571.4 707846.1
1287 528571.4 722692.2
1288 528571.4 737538.4
1289 528571.4 752384.5
1290 528571.4 767230.7
1291 528571.4 782076.8
1292 528571.4 796923.0
1293 528571.4 811769.1
1294 528571.4 826615.3
1295 528571.4 841461.4
1296 528571.4 856307.6
1297 528571.4 871153.7
1298 528571.4 885999.9
1299 528571.4 900846.0
1300 528571.4 915692.2
1301 528571.4 930538.3
1302 528571.4 945384.5
1303 528571.4 960230.6
1304 528571.4 975076.8
1305 528571.4 989922.9
1306 528571.4 1004769.1
1307 528571.4 1019615.2
1308 528571.4 1034461.4
1309 528571.4 1049307.5
1310 528571.4 1064153.7
1311 528571.4 1078999.8
1312 528571.4 1093846.0
1313 532857.1 507423.1
1314 532857.1 522269.2
1315 532857.1 537115.4
1316 532857.1 551961.5
1317 532857.1 566807.7
1318 532857.1 581653.8
1319 532857.1 596500.0
1320 532857.1 611346.1
1321 532857.1 626192.3
1322 532857.1 641038.4
1323 532857.1 655884.6
1324 532857.1 670730.7
1325 532857.1 685576.9
1326 532857.1 700423.0
1327 532857.1 715269.2
1328 532857.1 730115.3
1329 532857.1 744961.5
1330 532857.1 759807.6
1331 532857.1 774653.8
1332 532857.1 789499.9
1333 532857.1 804346.1
1334 532857.1 819192.2
1335 532857.1 834038.4
1336 532857.1 848884.5
1337 532857.1 863730.7
1338 532857.1 878576.8
1339 532857.1 893423.0
1340 532857.1 908269.1
1341 532857.1 923115.3
1342 532857.1 937961.4
1343 532857.1 952807.6
1344 532857.1 967653.7
1345 532857.1 982499.9
1346 532857.1 997346.0
1347 532857.1 1012192.2
1348 532857.1 1027038.3
1349 532857.1 1041884.5
1350 532857.1 1056730.6
1351 532857.1 1071576.8
1352 532857.1 1086422.9
1353 532857.1 1101269.1
1354 537142.9 500000.0
1355 537142.9 514846.1
1356 537142.9 529692.3
1357 537142.9 544538.4
1358 537142.9 559384.6
1359 537142.9 574230.7
1360 537142.9 589076.9
1361 537142.9 603923.0
1362 537142.9 618769.2
1363 537142.9 633615.3
1364 537142.9 648461.5
1365 537142.9 663307.6
1366 537142.9 678153.8
1367 537142.9 692999.9
1368 537142.9 707846.1
1369 537142.9 722692.2
1370 537142.9 737538.4
1371 537142.9 752384.5
1372 537142.9 767230.7
1373 537142.9 782076.8
1374 537142.9 796923.0
1375 537142.9 811769.1
1376 537142.9 826615.3
1377 537142.9 841461.4
1378 537142.9 856307.6
1379 537142.9 871153.7
1380 537142.9 885999.9
1381 537142.9 900846.0
1382 537142.9 915692.2
1383 537142.9 930538.3
1384 537142.9 945384.5
1385 537142.9 960230.6
1386 537142.9 975076.8
1387 537142.9 989922.9
1388 537142.9 1004769.1
1389 537142.9 1019615.2
1390 537142.9 1034461.4
1391 537142.9 1049307.5
1392 537142.9 1064153.7
1393 537142.9 1078999.8
1394 537142.9 1093846.0
1395 541428.6 507423.1
1396 541428.6 522269.2
1397 541428.6 537115.4
1398 541428.6 551961.5
1399 541428.6 566807.7
1400 541428.6 581653.8
1401 541428.6 596500.0
1402 541428.6 611346.1
1403 541428.6 626192.3
1404 541428.6 641038.4
1405 541428.6 655884.6
1406 541428.6 670730.7
1407 541428.6 685576.9
1408 541428.6 700423.0
1409 541428.6 715269.2
1410 541428.6 730115.3
1411 541428.6 744961.5
1412 541428.6 759807.6
1413 541428.6 774653.8
1414 541428.6 789499.9
1415 541428.6 804346.1
1416 541428.6 819192.2
1417 541428.6 834038.4
1418 541428.6 848884.5
1419 541428.6 863730.7
1420 541428.6 878576.8
1421 541428.6 893423.0
1422 541428.6 908269.1
1423 541428.6 923115.3
1424 541428.6 937961.4
1425 541428.6 952807.6
1426 541428.6 967653.7
1427 541428.6 982499.9
1428 541428.6 997346.0
1429 541428.6 1012192.2
1430 541428.6 1027038.3
1431 541428.6 1041884.5
1432 541428.6 1056730.6
1433 541428.6 1071576.8
1434 541428.6 1086422.9
1435 541428.6 1101269.1
1436 545714.3 500000.0
1437 545714.3 514846.1
1438 545714.3 529692.3
1439 545714.3 544538.4
1440 545714.3 559384.6
1441 545714.3 574230.7
1442 545714.3 589076.9
1443 545714.3 603923.0
1444 545714.3 618769.2
1445 545714.3 633615.3
1446 545714.3 648461.5
1447 545714.3 663307.6
1448 545714.3 678153.8
1449 545714.3 692999.9
1450 545714.3 707846.1
1451 545714.3 722692.2
1452 545714.3 737538.4
1453 545714.3 752384.5
1454 545714.3 767230.7
1455 545714.3 782076.8
1456 545714.3 796923.0
1457 545714.3 811769.1
1458 545714.3 826615.3
1459 545714.3 841461.4
1460 545714.3 856307.6
1461 545714.3 871153.7
1462 545714.3 885999.9
1463 545714.3 900846.0
1464 545714.3 915692.2
1465 545714.3 930538.3
1466 545714.3 945384.5
1467 545714.3 960230.6
1468 545714.3 975076.8
1469 545714.3 989922.9
1470 545714.3 1004769.1
1471 545714.3 1019615.2
1472 545714.3 1034461.4
1473 545714.3 1049307.5
1474 545714.3 1064153.7
1475 545714.3 1078999.8
1476 545714.3 1093846.0
1477 550000.0 507423.1
1478 550000.0 522269.2
1479 550000.0 537115.4
1480 550000.0 551961.5
1481 550000.0 566807.7
1482 550000.0 581653.8
1483 550000.0 596500.0
1484 550000.0 611346.1
1485 550000.0 626192.3
1486 550000.0 641038.4
1487 550000.0 655884.6
1488 550000.0 670730.7
1489 550000.0 685576.9
1490 550000.0 700423.0
1491 550000.0 715269.2
1492 550000.0 730115.3
1493 550000.0 744961.5
1494 550000.0 759807.6
1495 550000.0 774653.8
1496 550000.0 789499.9
1497 550000.0 804346.1
1498 550000.0 819192.2
1499 550000.0 834038.4
1500 550000.0 848884.5
1501 550000.0 863730.7
1502 550000.0 878576.8
1503 550000.0 893423.0
1504 550000.0 908269.1
1505 550000.0 923115.3
1506 550000.0 937961.4
1507 550000.0 952807.6
1508 550000.0 967653.7
1509 550000.0 982499.9
1510 550000.0 997346.0
1511 550000.0 1012192.2
1512 550000.0 1027038.3
1513 550000.0 1041884.5
1514 550000.0 1056730.6
1515 550000.0 1071576.8
1516 550000.0 1086422.9
1517 550000.0 1101269.1
1518 554285.7 500000.0
1519 554285.7 514846.1
1520 554285.7 529692.3
1521 554285.7 544538.4
1522 554285.7 559384.6
1523 554285.7 574230.7
1524 554285.7 589076.9
1525 554285.7 603923.0
1526 554285.7 618769.2
1527 554285.7 633615.3
1528 554285.7 648461.5
1529 554285.7 663307.6
1530 554285.7 678153.8
1531 554285.7 692999.9
1532 554285.7 707846.1
1533 554285.7 722692.2
1534 554285.7 737538.4
1535 554285.7 752384.5
1536 554285.7 767230.7
1537 554285.7 782076.8
1538 554285.7 796923.0
1539 554285.7 811769.1
1540 554285.7 826615.3
1541 554285.7 841461.4
1542 554285.7 856307.6
1543 554285.7 871153.7
1544 554285.7 885999.9
1545 554285.7 900846.0
1546 554285.7 915692.2
1547 554285.7 930538.3
1548 554285.7 945384.5
1549 554285.7 960230.6
1550 554285.7 975076.8
1551 554285.7 989922.9
1552 554285.7 1004769.1
1553 554285.7 1019615.2
1554 554285.7 1034461.4
1555 554285.7 1049307.5
1556 554285.7 1064153.7
1557 554285.7 1078999.8
1558 554285.7 1093846.0
1559 558571.4 507423.1
1560 558571.4 522269.2
1561 558571.4 537115.4
1562 558571.4 551961.5
1563 558571.4 566807.7
1564 558571.4 581653.8
1565 558571.4 596500.0
1566 558571.4 611346.1
1567 558571.4 626192.3
1568 558571.4 641038.4
1569 558571.4 655884.6
1570 558571.4 670730.7
1571 558571.4 685576.9
1572 558571.4 700423.0
1573 558571.4 715269.2
1574 558571.4 730115.3
1575 558571.4 744961.5
1576 558571.4 759807.6
1577 558571.4 774653.8
1578 558571.4 789499.9
1579 558571.4 804346.1
1580 558571.4 819192.2
1581 558571.4 834038.4
1582 558571.4 848884.5
1583 558571.4 863730.7
1584 558571.4 878576.8
1585 558571.4 893423.0
1586 558571.4 908269.1
1587 558571.4 923115.3
1588 558571.4 937961.4
1589 558571.4 952807.6
1590 558571.4 967653.7
1591 558571.4 982499.9
1592 558571.4 997346.0
1593 558571.4 1012192.2
1594 558571.4 1027038.3
1595 558571.4 1041884.5
1596 558571.4 1056730.6
1597 558571.4 1071576.8
1598 558571.4 1086422.9
1599 558571.4 1101269.1
1600 562857.1 500000.0
1601 562857.1 514846.1
1602 562857.1 529692.3
1603 562857.1 544538.4
1604 562857.1 559384.6
1605 562857.1 574230.7
1606 562857.1 589076.9
1607 562857.1 603923.0
1608 562857.1 618769.2
1609 562857.1 633615.3
1610 562857.1 648461.5
1611 562857.1 663307.6
1612 562857.1 678153.8
1613 562857.1 692999.9
1614 562857.1 707846.1
1615 562857.1 722692.2
1616 562857.1 737538.4
1617 562857.1 752384.5
1618 562857.1 767230.7
1619 562857.1 782076.8
1620 562857.1 796923.0
1621 562857.1 811769.1
1622 562857.1 826615.3
1623 562857.1 841461.4
1624 562857.1 856307.6
1625 562857.1 871153.7
1626 562857.1 885999.9
1627 562857.1 900846.0
1628 562857.1 915692.2
1629 562857.1 930538.3
1630 562857.1 945384.5
1631 562857.1 960230.6
1632 562857.1 975076.8
1633 562857.1 989922.9
1634 562857.1 1004769.1
1635 562857.1 1019615.2
1636 562857.1 1034461.4
1637 562857.1 1049307.5
1638 562857.1 1064153.7
1639 562857.1 1078999.8
1640 562857.1 1093846.0
1641 567142.9 507423.1
1642 567142.9 522269.2
1643 567142.9 537115.4
1644 567142.9 551961.5
1645 567142.9 566807.7
1646 567142.9 581653.8
1647 567142.9 596500.0
1648 567142.9 611346.1
1649 567142.9 626192.3
1650 567142.9 641038.4
1651 567142.9 655884.6
1652 567142.9 670730.7
1653 567142.9 685576.9
1654 567142.9 700423.0
1655 567142.9 715269.2
1656 567142.9 730115.3
1657 567142.9 744961.5
1658 567142.9 759807.6
1659 567142.9 774653.8
1660 567142.9 789499.9
1661 567142.9 804346.1
1662 567142.9 819192.2
1663 567142.9 834038.4
1664 567142.9 848884.5
1665 567142.9 863730.7
1666 567142.9 878576.8
1667 567142.9 893423.0
1668 567142.9 908269.1
1669 567142.9 923115.3
1670 567142.9 937961.4
1671 567142.9 952807.6
1672 567142.9 967653.7
1673 567142.9 982499.9
1674 567142.9 997346.0
1675 567142.9 1012192.2
1676 567142.9 1027038.3
1677 567142.9 1041884.5
1678 567142.9 1056730.6
1679 567142.9 1071576.8
1680 567142.9 1086422.9
1681 567142.9 1101269.1
1682 571428.6 500000.0
1683 571428.6 514846.1
1684 571428.6 529692.3
1685 571428.6 544538.4
1686 571428.6 559384.6
1687 571428.6 574230.7
1688 571428.6 589076.9
1689 571428.6 603923.0
1690 571428.6 618769.2
1691 571428.6 633615.3
1692 571428.6 648461.5
1693 571428.6 663307.6
1694 571428.6 678153.8
1695 571428.6 692999.9
1696 571428.6 707846.1
1697 571428.6 722692.2
1698 571428.6 737538.4
1699 571428.6 752384.5
1700 571428.6 767230.7
1701 571428.6 782076.8
1702 571428.6 796923.0
1703 571428.6 811769.1
1704 571428.6 826615.3
1705 571428.6 841461.4
1706 571428.6 856307.6
1707 571428.6 871153.7
1708 571428.6 885999.9
1709 571428.6 900846.0
1710 571428.6 915692.2
1711 571428.6 930538.3
1712 571428.6 945384.5
1713 571428.6 960230.6
1714 571428.6 975076.8
1715 571428.6 989922.9
1716 571428.6 1004769.1
1717 571428.6 1019615.2
1718 571428.6 1034461.4
1719 571428.6 1049307.5
1720 571428.6 1064153.7
1721 571428.6 1078999.8
1722 571428.6 1093846.0
1723 575714.3 507423.1
1724 575714.3 522269.2
1725 575714.3 537115.4
1726 575714.3 551961.5
1727 575714.3 566807.7
1728 575714.3 581653.8
1729 575714.3 596500.0
1730 575714.3 611346.1
1731 575714.3 626192.3
1732 575714.3 641038.4
1733 575714.3 655884.6
1734 575714.3 670730.7
1735 575714.3 685576.9
1736 575714.3 700423.0
1737 575714.3 715269.2
1738 575714.3 730115.3
1739 575714.3 744961.5
1740 575714.3 759807.6
1741 575714.3 774653.8
1742 575714.3 789499.9
1743 575714.3 804346.1
1744 575714.3 819192.2
1745 575714.3 834038.4
1746 575714.3 848884.5
1747 575714.3 863730.7
1748 575714.3 878576.8
1749 575714.3 893423.0
1750 575714.3 908269.1
1751 575714.3 923115.3
1752 575714.3 937961.4
1753 575714.3 952807.6
1754 575714.3 967653.7
1755 575714.3 982499.9
1756 575714.3 997346.0
1757 575714.3 1012192.2
1758 575714.3 1027038.3
1759 575714.3 1041884.5
1760 575714.3 1056730.6
1761 575714.3 1071576.8
1762 575714.3 1086422.9
1763 575714.3 1101269.1
1764 580000.0 500000.0
1765 580000.0 514846.1
1766 580000.0 529692.3
1767 580000.0 544538.4
1768 580000.0 559384.6
1769 580000.0 574230.7
1770 580000.0 589076.9
1771 580000.0 603923.0
1772 580000.0 618769.2
1773 580000.0 633615.3
1774 580000.0 648461.5
1775 580000.0 663307.6
1776 580000.0 678153.8
1777 580000.0 692999.9
1778 580000.0 707846.1
1779 580000.0 722692.2
1780 580000.0 737538.4
1781 580000.0 752384.5
1782 580000.0 767230.7
1783 580000.0 782076.8
1784 580000.0 796923.0
1785 580000.0 811769.1
1786 580000.0 826615.3
1787 580000.0 841461.4
1788 580000.0 856307.6
1789 580000.0 871153.7
1790 580000.0 885999.9
1791 580000.0 900846.0
1792 580000.0 915692.2
1793 580000.0 930538.3
1794 580000.0 945384.5
1795 580000.0 960230.6
1796 580000.0 975076.8
1797 580000.0 989922.9
1798 580000.0 1004769.1
1799 580000.0 1019615.2
1800 580000.0 1034461.4
1801 580000.0 1049307.5
1802 580000.0 1064153.7
1803 580000.0 1078999.8
1804 580000.0 1093846.0
1805 584285.7 507423.1
1806 584285.7 522269.2
1807 584285.7 537115.4
1808 584285.7 551961.5
1809 584285.7 566807.7
1810 584285.7 581653.8
1811 584285.7 596500.0
1812 584285.7 611346.1
1813 584285.7 626192.3
1814 584285.7 641038.4
1815 584285.7 655884.6
1816 584285.7 670730.7
1817 584285.7 685576.9
1818 584285.7 700423.0
1819 584285.7 715269.2
1820 584285.7 730115.3
1821 584285.7 744961.5
1822 584285.7 759807.6
1823 584285.7 774653.8
1824 584285.7 789499.9
1825 584285.7 804346.1
1826 584285.7 819192.2
1827 584285.7 834038.4
1828 584285.7 848884.5
1829 584285.7 863730.7
1830 584285.7 878576.8
1831 584285.7 893423.0
1832 584285.7 908269.1
1833 584285.7 923115.3
1834 584285.7 937961.4
1835 584285.7 952807.6
1836 584285.7 967653.7
1837 584285.7 982499.9
1838 584285.7 997346.0
1839 584285.7 1012192.2
1840 584285.7 1027038.3
1841 584285.7 1041884.5
1842 584285.7 1056730.6
1843 584285.7 1071576.8
1844 584285.7 1086422.9
1845 584285.7 1101269.1
1846 588571.4 500000.0
1847 588571.4 514846.1
1848 588571.4 529692.3
1849 588571.4 544538.4
1850 588571.4 559384.6
1851 588571.4 574230.7
1852 588571.4 589076.9
1853 588571.4 603923.0
1854 588571.4 618769.2
1855 588571.4 633615.3
1856 588571.4 648461.5
1857 588571.4 663307.6
1858 588571.4 678153.8
1859 588571.4 692999.9
1860 588571.4 707846.1
1861 588571.4 722692.2
1862 588571.4 737538.4
1863 588571.4 752384.5
1864 588571.4 767230.7
1865 588571.4 782076.8
1866 588571.4 796923.0
1867 588571.4 811769.1
1868 588571.4 826615.3
1869 588571.4 841461.4
1870 588571.4 856307.6
1871 588571.4 871153.7
1872 588571.4 885999.9
1873 588571.4 900846.0
1874 588571.4 915692.2
1875 588571.4 930538.3
1876 588571.4 945384.5
1877 588571.4 960230.6
1878 588571.4 975076.8
1879 588571.4 989922.9
1880 588571.4 1004769.1
1881 588571.4 1019615.2
1882 588571.4 1034461.4
1883 588571.4 1049307.5
1884 588571.4 1064153.7
1885 588571.4 1078999.8
1886 588571.4 1093846.0
1887 592857.1 507423.1
1888 592857.1 522269.2
1889 592857.1 537115.4
1890 592857.1 551961.5
1891 592857.1 566807.7
1892 592857.1 581653.8
1893 592857.1 596500.0
1894 592857.1 611346.1
1895 592857.1 626192.3
1896 592857.1 641038.4
1897 592857.1 655884.6
1898 592857.1 670730.7
1899 592857.1 685576.9
1900 592857.1 700423.0
1901 592857.1 715269.2
1902 592857.1 730115.3
1903 592857.1 744961.5
1904 592857.1 759807.6
1905 592857.1 774653.8
1906 592857.1 789499.9
1907 592857.1 804346.1
1908 592857.1 819192.2
1909 592857.1 834038.4
1910 592857.1 848884.5
1911 592857.1 863730.7
1912 592857.1 878576.8
1913 592857.1 893423.0
1914 592857.1 908269.1
1915 592857.1 923115.3
1916 592857.1 937961.4
1917 592857.1 952807.6
1918 592857.1 967653.7
1919 592857.1 982499.9
1920 592857.1 997346.0
1921 592857.1 1012192.2
1922 592857.1 1027038.3
1923 592857.1 1041884.5
1924 592857.1 1056730.6
1925 592857.1 1071576.8
1926 592857.1 1086422.9
1927 592857.1 1101269.1
1928 597142.9 500000.0
1929 597142.9 514846.1
1930 597142.9 529692.3
1931 597142.9 544538.4
1932 597142.9 559384.6
1933 597142.9 574230.7
1934 597142.9 589076.9
1935 597142.9 603923.0
1936 597142.9 618769.2
1937 597142.9 633615.3
1938 597142.9 648461.5
1939 597142.9 663307.6
1940 597142.9 678153.8
1941 597142.9 692999.9
1942 597142.9 707846.1
1943 597142.9 722692.2
1944 597142.9 737538.4
1945 597142.9 752384.5
1946 597142.9 767230.7
1947 597142.9 782076.8
1948 597142.9 796923.0
1949 597142.9 811769.1
1950 597142.9 826615.3
1951 597142.9 841461.4
1952 597142.9 856307.6
1953 597142.9 871153.7
1954 597142.9 885999.9
1955 597142.9 900846.0
1956 597142.9 915692.2
1957 597142.9 930538.3
1958 597142.9 945384.5
1959 597142.9 960230.6
1960 597142.9 975076.8
1961 597142.9 989922.9
1962 597142.9 1004769.1
1963 597142.9 1019615.2
1964 597142.9 1034461.4
1965 597142.9 1049307.5
1966 597142.9 1064153.7
1967 597142.9 1078999.8
1968 597142.9 1093846.0
1969 601428.6 507423.1
1970 601428.6 522269.2
1971 601428.6 537115.4
1972 601428.6 551961.5
1973 601428.6 566807.7
1974 601428.6 581653.8
1975 601428.6 596500.0
1976 601428.6 611346.1
1977 601428.6 626192.3
1978 601428.6 641038.4
1979 601428.6 655884.6
1980 601428.6 670730.7
1981 601428.6 685576.9
1982 601428.6 700423.0
1983 601428.6 715269.2
1984 601428.6 730115.3
1985 601428.6 744961.5
1986 601428.6 759807.6
1987 601428.6 774653.8
1988 601428.6 789499.9
1989 601428.6 804346.1
1990 601428.6 819192.2
1991 601428.6 834038.4
1992 601428.6 848884.5
1993 601428.6 863730.7
1994 601428.6 878576.8
1995 601428.6 893423.0
1996 601428.6 908269.1
1997 601428.6 923115.3
1998 601428.6 937961.4
1999 601428.6 952807.6
2000 601428.6 967653.7
2001 601428.6 982499.9
2002 601428.6 997346.0
2003 601428.6 1012192.2
2004 601428.6 1027038.3
2005 601428.6 1041884.5
2006 601428.6 1056730.6
2007 601428.6 1071576.8
2008 601428.6 1086422.9
2009 601428.6 1101269.1
2010 605714.3 500000.0
2011 605714.3 514846.1
2012 605714.3 529692.3
2013 605714.3 544538.4
2014 605714.3 559384.6
2015 605714.3 574230.7
2016 605714.3 589076.9
2017 605714.3 603923.0
2018 605714.3 618769.2
2019 605714.3 633615.3
2020 605714.3 648461.5
2021 605714.3 663307.6
2022 605714.3 678153.8
2023 605714.3 692999.9
2024 605714.3 707846.1
2025 605714.3 722692.2
2026 605714.3 737538.4
2027 605714.3 752384.5
2028 605714.3 767230.7
2029 605714.3 782076.8
2030 605714.3 796923.0
2031 605714.3 811769.1
2032 605714.3 826615.3
2033 605714.3 841461.4
2034 605714.3 856307.6
2035 605714.3 871153.7
2036 605714.3 885999.9
2037 605714.3 900846.0
2038 605714.3 915692.2
2039 605714.3 930538.3
2040 605714.3 945384.5
2041 605714.3 960230.6
2042 605714.3 975076.8
2043 605714.3 989922.9
2044 605714.3 1004769.1
2045 605714.3 1019615.2
2046 605714.3 1034461.4
2047 605714.3 1049307.5
2048 605714.3 1064153.7
2049 605714.3 1078999.8
2050 605714.3 1093846.0
2051 610000.0 507423.1
2052 610000.0 522269.2
2053 610000.0 537115.4
2054 610000.0 551961.5
2055 610000.0 566807.7
2056 610000.0 581653.8
2057 610000.0 596500.0
2058 610000.0 611346.1
2059 610000.0 626192.3
2060 610000.0 641038.4
2061 610000.0 655884.6
2062 610000.0 670730.7
2063 610000.0 685576.9
2064 610000.0 700423.0
2065 610000.0 715269.2
2066 610000.0 730115.3
2067 610000.0 744961.5
2068 610000.0 759807.6
2069 610000.0 774653.8
2070 610000.0 789499.9
2071 610000.0 804346.1
2072 610000.0 819192.2
2073 610000.0 834038.4
2074 610000.0 848884.5
2075 610000.0 863730.7
2076 610000.0 878576.8
2077 610000.0 893423.0
2078 610000.0 908269.1
2079 610000.0 923115.3
2080 610000.0 937961.4
2081 610000.0 952807.6
2082 610000.0 967653.7
2083 610000.0 982499.9
2084 610000.0 997346.0
2085 610000.0 1012192.2
2086 610000.0 1027038.3
2087 610000.0 1041884.5
2088 610000.0 1056730.6
2089 610000.0 1071576.8
2090 610000.0 1086422.9
2091 610000.0 1101269.1
2092 614285.7 500000.0
2093 614285.7 514846.1
2094 614285.7 529692.3
2095 614285.7 544538.4
2096 614285.7 559384.6
2097 614285.7 574230.7
2098 614285.7 589076.9
2099 614285.7 603923.0
2100 614285.7 618769.2
2101 614285.7 633615.3
2102 614285.7 648461.5
2103 614285.7 663307.6
2104 614285.7 678153.8
2105 614285.7 692999.9
2106 614285.7 707846.1
2107 614285.7 722692.2
2108 614285.7 737538.4
2109 614285.7 752384.5
2110 614285.7 767230.7
2111 614285.7 782076.8
2112 614285.7 796923.0
2113 614285.7 811769.1
2114 614285.7 826615.3
2115 614285.7 841461.4
2116 614285.7 856307.6
2117 614285.7 871153.7
2118 614285.7 885999.9
2119 614285.7 900846.0
2120 614285.7 915692.2
2121 614285.7 930538.3
2122 614285.7 945384.5
2123 614285.7 960230.6
2124 614285.7 975076.8
2125 614285.7 989922.9
2126 614285.7 1004769.1
2127 614285.7 1019615.2
2128 614285.7 1034461.4
2129 614285.7 1049307.5
2130 614285.7 1064153.7
2131 614285.7 1078999.8
2132 614285.7 1093846.0
2133 618571.4 507423.1
2134 618571.4 522269.2
2135 618571.4 537115.4
2136 618571.4 551961.5
2137 618571.4 566807.7
2138 618571.4 581653.8
2139 618571.4 596500.0
2140 618571.4 611346.1
2141 618571.4 626192.3
2142 618571.4 641038.4
2143 618571.4 655884.6
2144 618571.4 670730.7
2145 618571.4 685576.9
2146 618571.4 700423.0
2147 618571.4 715269.2
2148 618571.4 730115.3
2149 618571.4 744961.5
2150 618571.4 759807.6
2151 618571.4 774653.8
2152 618571.4 789499.9
2153 618571.4 804346.1
2154 618571.4 819192.2
2155 618571.4 834038.4
2156 618571.4 848884.5
2157 618571.4 863730.7
2158 618571.4 878576.8
2159 618571.4 893423.0
2160 618571.4 908269.1
2161 618571.4 923115.3
2162 618571.4 937961.4
2163 618571.4 952807.6
2164 618571.4 967653.7
2165 618571.4 982499.9
2166 618571.4 997346.0
2167 618571.4 1012192.2
2168 618571.4 1027038.3
2169 618571.4 1041884.5
2170 618571.4 1056730.6
2171 618571.4 1071576.8
2172 618571.4 1086422.9
2173 618571.4 1101269.1
2174 622857.1 500000.0
2175 622857.1 514846.1
2176 622857.1 529692.3
2177 622857.1 544538.4
2178 622857.1 559384.6
2179 622857.1 574230.7
2180 622857.1 589076.9
2181 622857.1 603923.0
2182 622857.1 618769.2
2183 622857.1 633615.3
2184 622857.1 648461.5
2185 622857.1 663307.6
2186 622857.1 678153.8
2187 622857.1 692999.9
2188 622857.1 707846.1
2189 622857.1 722692.2
2190 622857.1 737538.4
2191 622857.1 752384.5
2192 622857.1 767230.7
2193 622857.1 782076.8
2194 622857.1 796923.0
2195 622857.1 811769.1
2196 622857.1 826615.3
2197 622857.1 841461.4
2198 622857.1 856307.6
2199 622857.1 871153.7
2200 622857.1 885999.9
2201 622857.1 900846.0
2202 622857.1 915692.2
2203 622857.1 930538.3
2204 622857.1 945384.5
2205 622857.1 960230.6
2206 622857.1 975076.8
2207 622857.1 989922.9
2208 622857.1 1004769.1
2209 622857.1 1019615.2
2210 622857.1 1034461.4
2211 622857.1 1049307.5
2212 622857.1 1064153.7
2213 622857.1 1078999.8
2214 622857.1 1093846.0
2215 627142.9 507423.1
2216 627142.9 522269.2
2217 627142.9 537115.4
2218 627142.9 551961.5
2219 627142.9 566807.7
2220 627142.9 581653.8
2221 627142.9 596500.0
2222 627142.9 611346.1
2223 627142.9 626192.3
2224 627142.9 641038.4
2225 627142.9 655884.6
2226 627142.9 670730.7
2227 627142.9 685576.9
2228 627142.9 700423.0
2229 627142.9 715269.2
2230 627142.9 730115.3
2231 627142.9 744961.5
2232 627142.9 759807.6
2233 627142.9 774653.8
2234 627142.9 789499.9
2235 627142.9 804346.1
2236 627142.9 819192.2
2237 627142.9 834038.4
2238 627142.9 848884.5
2239 627142.9 863730.7
2240 627142.9 878576.8
2241 627142.9 893423.0
2242 627142.9 908269.1
2243 627142.9 923115.3
2244 627142.9 937961.4
2245 627142.9 952807.6
2246 627142.9 967653.7
2247 627142.9 982499.9
2248 627142.9 997346.0
2249 627142.9 1012192.2
2250 627142.9 1027038.3
2251 627142.9 1041884.5
2252 627142.9 1056730.6
2253 627142.9 1071576.8
2254 627142.9 1086422.9
2255 627142.9 1101269.1
2256 631428.6 500000.0
2257 631428.6 514846.1
2258 631428.6 529692.3
2259 631428.6 544538.4
2260 631428.6 559384.6
2261 631428.6 574230.7
2262 631428.6 589076.9
2263 631428.6 603923.0
2264 631428.6 618769.2
2265 631428.6 633615.3
2266 631428.6 648461.5
2267 631428.6 663307.6
2268 631428.6 678153.8
2269 631428.6 692999.9
2270 631428.6 707846.1
2271 631428.6 722692.2
2272 631428.6 737538.4
2273 631428.6 752384.5
2274 631428.6 767230.7
2275 631428.6 782076.8
2276 631428.6 796923.0
2277 631428.6 811769.1
2278 631428.6 826615.3
2279 631428.6 841461.4
2280 631428.6 856307.6
2281 631428.6 871153.7
2282 631428.6 885999.9
2283 631428.6 900846.0
2284 631428.6 915692.2
2285 631428.6 930538.3
2286 631428.6 945384.5
2287 631428.6 960230.6
2288 631428.6 975076.8
2289 631428.6 989922.9
2290 631428.6 1004769.1
2291 631428.6 1019615.2
2292 631428.6 1034461.4
2293 631428.6 1049307.5
2294 631428.6 1064153.7
2295 631428.6 1078999.8
2296 631428.6 1093846.0
2297 635714.3 507423.1
2298 635714.3 522269.2
2299 635714.3 537115.4
2300 635714.3 551961.5
2301 635714.3 566807.7
2302 635714.3 581653.8
2303 635714.3 596500.0
2304 635714.3 611346.1
2305 635714.3 626192.3
2306 635714.3 641038.4
2307 635714.3 655884.6
2308 635714.3 670730.7
2309 635714.3 685576.9
2310 635714.3 700423.0
2311 635714.3 715269.2
2312 635714.3 730115.3
2313 635714.3 744961.5
2314 635714.3 759807.6
2315 635714.3 774653.8
2316 635714.3 789499.9
2317 635714.3 804346.1
2318 635714.3 819192.2
2319 635714.3 834038.4
2320 635714.3 848884.5
2321 635714.3 863730.7
2322 635714.3 878576.8
2323 635714.3 893423.0
2324 635714.3 908269.1
2325 635714.3 923115.3
2326 635714.3 937961.4
2327 635714.3 952807.6
2328 635714.3 967653.7
2329 635714.3 982499.9
2330 635714.3 997346.0
2331 635714.3 1012192.2
2332 635714.3 1027038.3
2333 635714.3 1041884.5
2334 635714.3 1056730.6
2335 635714.3 1071576.8
2336 635714.3 1086422.9
2337 635714.3 1101269.1
2338 640000.0 500000.0
2339 640000.0 514846.1
2340 640000.0 529692.3
2341 640000.0 544538.4
2342 640000.0 559384.6
2343 640000.0 574230.7
2344 640000.0 589076.9
2345 640000.0 603923.0
2346 640000.0 618769.2
2347 640000.0 633615.3
2348 640000.0 648461.5
2349 640000.0 663307.6
2350 640000.0 678153.8
2351 640000.0 692999.9
2352 640000.0 707846.1
2353 640000.0 722692.2
2354 640000.0 737538.4
2355 640000.0 752384.5
2356 640000.0 767230.7
2357 640000.0 782076.8
2358 640000.0 796923.0
2359 640000.0 811769.1
2360 640000.0 826615.3
2361 640000.0 841461.4
2362 640000.0 856307.6
2363 640000.0 871153.7
2364 640000.0 885999.9
2365 640000.0 900846.0
2366 640000.0 915692.2
2367 640000.0 930538.3
2368 640000.0 945384.5
2369 640000.0 960230.6
2370 640000.0 975076.8
2371 640000.0 989922.9
2372 640000.0 1004769.1
2373 640000.0 1019615.2
2374 640000.0 1034461.4
2375 640000.0 1049307.5
2376 640000.0 1064153.7
2377 640000.0 1078999.8
2378 640000.0 1093846.0
2379 644285.7 507423.1
2380 644285.7 522269.2
2381 644285.7 537115.4
2382 644285.7 551961.5
2383 644285.7 566807.7
2384 644285.7 581653.8
2385 644285.7 596500.0
2386 644285.7 611346.1
2387 644285.7 626192.3
2388 644285.7 641038.4
2389 644285.7 655884.6
2390 644285.7 670730.7
2391 644285.7 685576.9
2392 644285.7 700423.0
2393 644285.7 715269.2
2394 644285.7 730115.3
2395 644285.7 744961.5
2396 644285.7 759807.6
2397 644285.7 774653.8
2398 644285.7 789499.9
2399 644285.7 804346.1
2400 644285.7 819192.2
2401 644285.7 834038.4
2402 644285.7 848884.5
2403 644285.7 863730.7
2404 644285.7 878576.8
2405 644285.7 893423.0
2406 644285.7 908269.1
2407 644285.7 923115.3
2408 644285.7 937961.4
2409 644285.7 952807.6
2410 644285.7 967653.7
2411 644285.7 982499.9
2412 644285.7 997346.0
2413 644285.7 1012192.2
2414 644285.7 1027038.3
2415 644285.7 1041884.5
2416 644285.7 1056730.6
2417 644285.7 1071576.8
2418 644285.7 1086422.9
2419 644285.7 1101269.1
2420 648571.4 500000.0
2421 648571.4 514846.1
2422 648571.4 529692.3
2423 648571.4 544538.4
2424 648571.4 559384.6
2425 648571.4 574230.7
2426 648571.4 589076.9
2427 648571.4 603923.0
2428 648571.4 618769.2
2429 648571.4 633615.3
2430 648571.4 648461.5
2431 648571.4 663307.6
2432 648571.4 678153.8
2433 648571.4 692999.9
2434 648571.4 707846.1
2435 648571.4 722692.2
2436 648571.4 737538.4
2437 648571.4 752384.5
2438 648571.4 767230.7
2439 648571.4 782076.8
2440 648571.4 796923.0
2441 648571.4 811769.1
2442 648571.4 826615.3
2443 648571.4 841461.4
2444 648571.4 856307.6
2445 648571.4 871153.7
2446 648571.4 885999.9
2447 648571.4 900846.0
2448 648571.4 915692.2
2449 648571.4 930538.3
2450 648571.4 945384.5
2451 648571.4 960230.6
2452 648571.4 975076.8
2453 648571.4 989922.9
2454 648571.4 1004769.1
2455 648571.4 1019615.2
2456 648571.4 1034461.4
2457 648571.4 1049307.5
2458 648571.4 1064153.7
2459 648571.4 1078999.8
2460 648571.4 1093846.0
2461 652857.1 507423.1
2462 652857.1 522269.2
2463 652857.1 537115.4
2464 652857.1 551961.5
2465 652857.1 566807.7
2466 652857.1 581653.8
2467 652857.1 596500.0
2468 652857.1 611346.1
2469 652857.1 626192.3
2470 652857.1 641038.4
2471 652857.1 655884.6
2472 652857.1 670730.7
2473 652857.1 685576.9
2474 652857.1 700423.0
2475 652857.1 715269.2
2476 652857.1 730115.3
2477 652857.1 744961.5
2478 652857.1 759807.6
2479 652857.1 774653.8
2480 652857.1 789499.9
2481 652857.1 804346.1
2482 652857.1 819192.2
2483 652857.1 834038.4
2484 652857.1 848884.5
2485 652857.1 863730.7
2486 652857.1 878576.8
2487 652857.1 893423.0
2488 652857.1 908269.1
2489 652857.1 923115.3
2490 652857.1 937961.4
2491 652857.1 952807.6
2492 652857.1 967653.7
2493 652857.1 982499.9
2494 652857.1 997346.0
2495 652857.1 1012192.2
2496 652857.1 1027038.3
2497 652857.1 1041884.5
2498 652857.1 1056730.6
2499 652857.1 1071576.8
2500 652857.1 1086422.9
2501 652857.1 1101269.1
2502 657142.9 500000.0
2503 657142.9 514846.1
2504 657142.9 529692.3
2505 657142.9 544538.4
2506 657142.9 559384.6
2507 657142.9 574230.7
2508 657142.9 589076.9
2509 657142.9 603923.0
2510 657142.9 618769.2
2511 657142.9 633615.3
2512 657142.9 648461.5
2513 657142.9 663307.6
2514 657142.9 678153.8
2515 657142.9 692999.9
2516 657142.9 707846.1
2517 657142.9 722692.2
2518 657142.9 737538.4
2519 657142.9 752384.5
2520 657142.9 767230.7
2521 657142.9 782076.8
2522 657142.9 796923.0
2523 657142.9 811769.1
2524 657142.9 826615.3
2525 657142.9 841461.4
2526 657142.9 856307.6
2527 657142.9 871153.7
2528 657142.9 885999.9
2529 657142.9 900846.0
2530 657142.9 915692.2
2531 657142.9 930538.3
2532 657142.9 945384.5
2533 657142.9 960230.6
2534 657142.9 975076.8
2535 657142.9 989922.9
2536 657142.9 1004769.1
2537 657142.9 1019615.2
2538 657142.9 1034461.4
2539 657142.9 1049307.5
2540 657142.9 1064153.7
2541 657142.9 1078999.8
2542 657142.9 1093846.0
2543 661428.6 507423.1
2544 661428.6 522269.2
2545 661428.6 537115.4
2546 661428.6 551961.5
2547 661428.6 566807.7
2548 661428.6 581653.8
2549 661428.6 596500.0
2550 661428.6 611346.1
2551 661428.6 626192.3
2552 661428.6 641038.4
2553 661428.6 655884.6
2554 661428.6 670730.7
2555 661428.6 685576.9
2556 661428.6 700423.0
2557 661428.6 715269.2
2558 661428.6 730115.3
2559 661428.6 744961.5
2560 661428.6 759807.6
2561 661428.6 774653.8
2562 661428.6 789499.9
2563 661428.6 804346.1
2564 661428.6 819192.2
2565 661428.6 834038.4
2566 661428.6 848884.5
2567 661428.6 863730.7
2568 661428.6 878576.8
2569 661428.6 893423.0
2570 661428.6 908269.1
2571 661428.6 923115.3
2572 661428.6 937961.4
2573 661428.6 952807.6
2574 661428.6 967653.7
2575 661428.6 982499.9
2576 661428.6 997346.0
2577 661428.6 1012192.2
2578 661428.6 1027038.3
2579 661428.6 1041884.5
2580 661428.6 1056730.6
2581 661428.6 1071576.8
2582 661428.6 1086422.9
2583 661428.6 1101269.1
2584 665714.3 500000.0
2585 665714.3 514846.1
2586 665714.3 529692.3
2587 665714.3 544538.4
2588 665714.3 559384.6
2589 665714.3 574230.7
2590 665714.3 589076.9
2591 665714.3 603923.0
2592 665714.3 618769.2
2593 665714.3 633615.3
2594 665714.3 648461.5
2595 665714.3 663307.6
2596 665714.3 678153.8
2597 665714.3 692999.9
2598 665714.3 707846.1
2599 665714.3 722692.2
2600 665714.3 737538.4
2601 665714.3 752384.5
2602 665714.3 767230.7
2603 665714.3 782076.8
2604 665714.3 796923.0
2605 665714.3 811769.1
2606 665714.3 826615.3
2607 665714.3 841461.4
2608 665714.3 856307.6
2609 665714.3 871153.7
2610 665714.3 885999.9
2611 665714.3 900846.0
2612 665714.3 915692.2
2613 665714.3 930538.3
2614 665714.3 945384.5
2615 665714.3 960230.6
2616 665714.3 975076.8
2617 665714.3 989922.9
2618 665714.3 1004769.1
2619 665714.3 1019615.2
2620 665714.3 1034461.4
2621 665714.3 1049307.5
2622 665714.3 1064153.7
2623 665714.3 1078999.8
2624 665714.3 1093846.0
2625 670000.0 507423.1
2626 670000.0 522269.2
2627 670000.0 537115.4
2628 670000.0 551961.5
2629 670000.0 566807.7
2630 670000.0 581653.8
2631 670000.0 596500.0
2632 670000.0 611346.1
2633 670000.0 626192.3
2634 670000.0 641038.4
2635 670000.0 655884.6
2636 670000.0 670730.7
2637 670000.0 685576.9
2638 670000.0 700423.0
2639 670000.0 715269.2
2640 670000.0 730115.3
2641 670000.0 744961.5
2642 670000.0 759807.6
2643 670000.0 774653.8
2644 670000.0 789499.9
2645 670000.0 804346.1
2646 670000.0 819192.2
2647 670000.0 834038.4
2648 670000.0 848884.5
2649 670000.0 863730.7
2650 670000.0 878576.8
2651 670000.0 893423.0
2652 670000.0 908269.1
2653 670000.0 923115.3
2654 670000.0 937961.4
2655 670000.0 952807.6
2656 670000.0 967653.7
2657 670000.0 982499.9
2658 670000.0 997346.0
2659 670000.0 1012192.2
2660 670000.0 1027038.3
2661 670000.0 1041884.5
2662 670000.0 1056730.6
2663 670000.0 1071576.8
2664 670000.0 1086422.9
2665 670000.0 1101269.1
2666 674285.7 500000.0
2667 674285.7 514846.1
2668 674285.7 529692.3
2669 674285.7 544538.4
2670 674285.7 559384.6
2671 674285.7 574230.7
2672 674285.7 589076.9
2673 674285.7 603923.0
2674 674285.7 618769.2
2675 674285.7 633615.3
2676 674285.7 648461.5
2677 674285.7 663307.6
2678 674285.7 678153.8
2679 674285.7 692999.9
2680 674285.7 707846.1
2681 674285.7 722692.2
2682 674285.7 737538.4
2683 674285.7 752384.5
2684 674285.7 767230.7
2685 674285.7 782076.8
2686 674285.7 796923.0
2687 674285.7 811769.1
2688 674285.7 826615.3
2689 674285.7 841461.4
2690 674285.7 856307.6
2691 674285.7 871153.7
2692 674285.7 885999.9
2693 674285.7 900846.0
2694 674285.7 915692.2
2695 674285.7 930538.3
2696 674285.7 945384.5
2697 674285.7 960230.6
2698 674285.7 975076.8
2699 674285.7 989922.9
2700 674285.7 1004769.1
2701 674285.7 1019615.2
2702 674285.7 1034461.4
2703 674285.7 1049307.5
2704 674285.7 1064153.7
2705 674285.7 1078999.8
2706 674285.7 1093846.0
2707 678571.4 507423.1
2708 678571.4 522269.2
2709 678571.4 537115.4
2710 678571.4 551961.5
2711 678571.4 566807.7
2712 678571.4 581653.8
2713 678571.4 596500.0
2714 678571.4 611346.1
2715 678571.4 626192.3
2716 678571.4 641038.4
2717 678571.4 655884.6
2718 678571.4 670730.7
2719 678571.4 685576.9
2720 678571.4 700423.0
2721 678571.4 715269.2
2722 678571.4 730115.3
2723 678571.4 744961.5
2724 678571.4 759807.6
2725 678571.4 774653.8
2726 678571.4 789499.9
2727 678571.4 804346.1
2728 678571.4 819192.2
2729 678571.4 834038.4
2730 678571.4 848884.5
2731 678571.4 863730.7
2732 678571.4 878576.8
2733 678571.4 893423.0
2734 678571.4 908269.1
2735 678571.4 923115.3
2736 678571.4 937961.4
2737 678571.4 952807.6
2738 678571.4 967653.7
2739 678571.4 982499.9
2740 678571.4 997346.0
2741 678571.4 1012192.2
2742 678571.4 1027038.3
2743 678571.4 1041884.5
2744 678571.4 1056730.6
2745 678571.4 1071576.8
2746 678571.4 1086422.9
2747 678571.4 1101269.1
2748 682857.1 500000.0
2749 682857.1 514846.1
2750 682857.1 529692.3
2751 682857.1 544538.4
2752 682857.1 559384.6
2753 682857.1 574230.7
2754 682857.1 589076.9
2755 682857.1 603923.0
2756 682857.1 618769.2
2757 682857.1 633615.3
2758 682857.1 648461.5
2759 682857.1 663307.6
2760 682857.1 678153.8
2761 682857.1 692999.9
2762 682857.1 707846.1
2763 682857.1 722692.2
2764 682857.1 737538.4
2765 682857.1 752384.5
2766 682857.1 767230.7
2767 682857.1 782076.8
2768 682857.1 796923.0
2769 682857.1 811769.1
2770 682857.1 826615.3
2771 682857.1 841461.4
2772 682857.1 856307.6
2773 682857.1 871153.7
2774 682857.1 885999.9
2775 682857.1 900846.0
2776 682857.1 915692.2
2777 682857.1 930538.3
2778 682857.1 945384.5
2779 682857.1 960230.6
2780 682857.1 975076.8
2781 682857.1 989922.9
2782 682857.1 1004769.1
2783 682857.1 1019615.2
2784 682857.1 1034461.4
2785 682857.1 1049307.5
2786 682857.1 1064153.7
2787 682857.1 1078999.8
2788 682857.1 1093846.0
2789 687142.9 507423.1
2790 687142.9 522269.2
2791 687142.9 537115.4
2792 687142.9 551961.5
2793 687142.9 566807.7
2794 687142.9 581653.8
2795 687142.9 596500.0
2796 687142.9 611346.1
2797 687142.9 626192.3
2798 687142.9 641038.4
2799 687142.9 655884.6
2800 687142.9 670730.7
2801 687142.9 685576.9
2802 687142.9 700423.0
2803 687142.9 715269.2
2804 687142.9 730115.3
2805 687142.9 744961.5
2806 687142.9 759807.6
2807 687142.9 774653.8
2808 687142.9 789499.9
2809 687142.9 804346.1
2810 687142.9 819192.2
2811 687142.9 834038.4
2812 687142.9 848884.5
2813 687142.9 863730.7
2814 687142.9 878576.8
2815 687142.9 893423.0
2816 687142.9 908269.1
2817 687142.9 923115.3
2818 687142.9 937961.4
2819 687142.9 952807.6
2820 687142.9 967653.7
2821 687142.9 982499.9
2822 687142.9 997346.0
2823 687142.9 1012192.2
2824 687142.9 1027038.3
2825 687142.9 1041884.5
2826 687142.9 1056730.6
2827 687142.9 1071576.8
2828 687142.9 1086422.9
2829 687142.9 1101269.1
2830 691428.6 500000.0
2831 691428.6 514846.1
2832 691428.6 529692.3
2833 691428.6 544538.4
2834 691428.6 559384.6
2835 691428.6 574230.7
2836 691428.6 589076.9
2837 691428.6 603923.0
2838 691428.6 618769.2
2839 691428.6 633615.3
2840 691428.6 648461.5
2841 691428.6 663307.6
2842 691428.6 678153.8
2843 691428.6 692999.9
2844 691428.6 707846.1
2845 691428.6 722692.2
2846 691428.6 737538.4
2847 691428.6 752384.5
2848 691428.6 767230.7
2849 691428.6 782076.8
2850 691428.6 796923.0
2851 691428.6 811769.1
2852 691428.6 826615.3
2853 691428.6 841461.4
2854 691428.6 856307.6
2855 691428.6 871153.7
2856 691428.6 885999.9
2857 691428.6 900846.0
2858 691428.6 915692.2
2859 691428.6 930538.3
2860 691428.6 945384.5
2861 691428.6 960230.6
2862 691428.6 975076.8
2863 691428.6 989922.9
2864 691428.6 1004769.1
2865 691428.6 1019615.2
2866 691428.6 1034461.4
2867 691428.6 1049307.5
2868 691428.6 1064153.7
2869 691428.6 1078999.8
2870 691428.6 1093846.0
2871 695714.3 507423.1
2872 695714.3 522269.2
2873 695714.3 537115.4
2874 695714.3 551961.5
2875 695714.3 566807.7
2876 695714.3 581653.8
2877 695714.3 596500.0
2878 695714.3 611346.1
2879 695714.3 626192.3
2880 695714.3 641038.4
2881 695714.3 655884.6
2882 695714.3 670730.7
2883 695714.3 685576.9
2884 695714.3 700423.0
2885 695714.3 715269.2
2886 695714.3 730115.3
2887 695714.3 744961.5
2888 695714.3 759807.6
2889 695714.3 774653.8
2890 695714.3 789499.9
2891 695714.3 804346.1
2892 695714.3 819192.2
2893 695714.3 834038.4
2894 695714.3 848884.5
2895 695714.3 863730.7
2896 695714.3 878576.8
2897 695714.3 893423.0
2898 695714.3 908269.1
2899 695714.3 923115.3
2900 695714.3 937961.4
2901 695714.3 952807.6
2902 695714.3 967653.7
2903 695714.3 982499.9
2904 695714.3 997346.0
2905 695714.3 1012192.2
2906 695714.3 1027038.3
2907 695714.3 1041884.5
2908 695714.3 1056730.6
2909 695714.3 1071576.8
2910 695714.3 1086422.9
2911 695714.3 1101269.1
2912 700000.0 500000.0
2913 700000.0 514846.1
2914 700000.0 529692.3
2915 700000.0 544538.4
2916 700000.0 559384.6
2917 700000.0 574230.7
2918 700000.0 589076.9
2919 700000.0 603923.0
2920 700000.0 618769.2
2921 700000.0 633615.3
2922 700000.0 648461.5
2923 700000.0 663307.6
2924 700000.0 678153.8
2925 700000.0 692999.9
2926 700000.0 707846.1
2927 700000.0 722692.2
2928 700000.0 737538.4
2929 700000.0 752384.5
2930 700000.0 767230.7
2931 700000.0 782076.8
2932 700000.0 796923.0
2933 700000.0 811769.1
2934 700000.0 826615.3
2935 700000.0 841461.4
2936 700000.0 856307.6
2937 700000.0 871153.7
2938 700000.0 885999.9
2939 700000.0 900846.0
2940 700000.0 915692.2
2941 700000.0 930538.3
2942 700000.0 945384.5
2943 700000.0 960230.6
2944 700000.0 975076.8
2945 700000.0 989922.9
2946 700000.0 1004769.1
2947 700000.0 1019615.2
2948 700000.0 1034461.4
2949 700000.0 1049307.5
2950 700000.0 1064153.7
2951 700000.0 1078999.8
2952 700000.0 1093846.0
2953 704285.7 507423.1
2954 704285.7 522269.2
2955 704285.7 537115.4
2956 704285.7 551961.5
2957 704285.7 566807.7
2958 704285.7 581653.8
2959 704285.7 596500.0
2960 704285.7 611346.1
2961 704285.7 626192.3
2962 704285.7 641038.4
2963 704285.7 655884.6
2964 704285.7 670730.7
2965 704285.7 685576.9
2966 704285.7 700423.0
2967 704285.7 715269.2
2968 704285.7 730115.3
2969 704285.7 744961.5
2970 704285.7 759807.6
2971 704285.7 774653.8
2972 704285.7 789499.9
2973 704285.7 804346.1
2974 704285.7 819192.2
2975 704285.7 834038.4
2976 704285.7 848884.5
2977 704285.7 863730.7
2978 704285.7 878576.8
2979 704285.7 893423.0
2980 704285.7 908269.1
2981 704285.7 923115.3
2982 704285.7 937961.4
2983 704285.7 952807.6
2984 704285.7 967653.7
2985 704285.7 982499.9
2986 704285.7 997346.0
2987 704285.7 1012192.2
2988 704285.7 1027038.3
2989 704285.7 1041884.5
2990 704285.7 1056730.6
2991 704285.7 1071576.8
2992 704285.7 1086422.9
2993 704285.7 1101269.1
2994 708571.4 500000.0
2995 708571.4 514846.1
2996 708571.4 529692.3
2997 708571.4 544538.4
2998 708571.4 559384.6
2999 708571.4 574230.7
3000 708571.4 589076.9
3001 708571.4 603923.0
3002 708571.4 618769.2
3003 708571.4 633615.3
3004 708571.4 648461.5
3005 708571.4 663307.6
3006 708571.4 678153.8
3007 708571.4 692999.9
3008 708571.4 707846.1
3009 708571.4 722692.2
3010 708571.4 737538.4
3011 708571.4 752384.5
3012 708571.4 767230.7
3013 708571.4 782076.8
3014 708571.4 796923.0
3015 708571.4 811769.1
3016 708571.4 826615.3
3017 708571.4 841461.4
3018 708571.4 856307.6
3019 708571.4 871153.7
3020 708571.4 885999.9
3021 708571.4 900846.0
3022 708571.4 915692.2
3023 708571.4 930538.3
3024 708571.4 945384.5
3025 708571.4 960230.6
3026 708571.4 975076.8
3027 708571.4 989922.9
3028 708571.4 1004769.1
3029 708571.4 1019615.2
3030 708571.4 1034461.4
3031 708571.4 1049307.5
3032 708571.4 1064153.7
3033 708571.4 1078999.8
3034 708571.4 1093846.0
3035 712857.1 507423.1
3036 712857.1 522269.2
3037 712857.1 537115.4
3038 712857.1 551961.5
3039 712857.1 566807.7
3040 712857.1 581653.8
3041 712857.1 596500.0
3042 712857.1 611346.1
3043 712857.1 626192.3
3044 712857.1 641038.4
3045 712857.1 655884.6
3046 712857.1 670730.7
3047 712857.1 685576.9
3048 712857.1 700423.0
3049 712857.1 715269.2
3050 712857.1 730115.3
3051 712857.1 744961.5
3052 712857.1 759807.6
3053 712857.1 774653.8
3054 712857.1 789499.9
3055 712857.1 804346.1
3056 712857.1 819192.2
3057 712857.1 834038.4
3058 712857.1 848884.5
3059 712857.1 863730.7
3060 712857.1 878576.8
3061 712857.1 893423.0
3062 712857.1 908269.1
3063 712857.1 923115.3
3064 712857.1 937961.4
3065 712857.1 952807.6
3066 712857.1 967653.7
3067 712857.1 982499.9
3068 712857.1 997346.0
3069 712857.1 1012192.2
3070 712857.1 1027038.3
3071 712857.1 1041884.5
3072 712857.1 1056730.6
3073 712857.1 1071576.8
3074 712857.1 1086422.9
3075 712857.1 1101269.1
3076 717142.9 500000.0
3077 717142.9 514846.1
3078 717142.9 529692.3
3079 717142.9 544538.4
3080 717142.9 559384.6
3081 717142.9 574230.7
3082 717142.9 589076.9
3083 717142.9 603923.0
3084 717142.9 618769.2
3085 717142.9 633615.3
3086 717142.9 648461.5
3087 717142.9 663307.6
3088 717142.9 678153.8
3089 717142.9 692999.9
3090 717142.9 707846.1
3091 717142.9 722692.2
3092 717142.9 737538.4
3093 717142.9 752384.5
3094 717142.9 767230.7
3095 717142.9 782076.8
3096 717142.9 796923.0
3097 717142.9 811769.1
3098 717142.9 826615.3
3099 717142.9 841461.4
3100 717142.9 856307.6
3101 717142.9 871153.7
3102 717142.9 885999.9
3103 717142.9 900846.0
3104 717142.9 915692.2
3105 717142.9 930538.3
3106 717142.9 945384.5
3107 717142.9 960230.6
3108 717142.9 975076.8
3109 717142.9 989922.9
3110 717142.9 1004769.1
3111 717142.9 1019615.2
3112 717142.9 1034461.4
3113 717142.9 1049307.5
3114 717142.9 1064153.7
3115 717142.9 1078999.8
3116 717142.9 1093846.0
3117 721428.6 507423.1
3118 721428.6 522269.2
3119 721428.6 537115.4
3120 721428.6 551961.5
3121 721428.6 566807.7
3122 721428.6 581653.8
3123 721428.6 596500.0
3124 721428.6 611346.1
3125 721428.6 626192.3
3126 721428.6 641038.4
3127 721428.6 655884.6
3128 721428.6 670730.7
3129 721428.6 685576.9
3130 721428.6 700423.0
3131 721428.6 715269.2
3132 721428.6 730115.3
3133 721428.6 744961.5
3134 721428.6 759807.6
3135 721428.6 774653.8
3136 721428.6 789499.9
3137 721428.6 804346.1
3138 721428.6 819192.2
3139 721428.6 834038.4
3140 721428.6 848884.5
3141 721428.6 863730.7
3142 721428.6 878576.8
3143 721428.6 893423.0
3144 721428.6 908269.1
3145 721428.6 923115.3
3146 721428.6 937961.4
3147 721428.6 952807.6
3148 721428.6 967653.7
3149 721428.6 982499.9
3150 721428.6 997346.0
3151 721428.6 1012192.2
3152 721428.6 1027038.3
3153 721428.6 1041884.5
3154 721428.6 1056730.6
3155 721428.6 1071576.8
3156 721428.6 1086422.9
3157 721428.6 1101269.1
3158 725714.3 500000.0
3159 725714.3 514846.1
3160 725714.3 529692.3
3161 725714.3 544538.4
3162 725714.3 559384.6
3163 725714.3 574230.7
3164 725714.3 589076.9
3165 725714.3 603923.0
3166 725714.3 618769.2
3167 725714.3 633615.3
3168 725714.3 648461.5
3169 725714.3 663307.6
3170 725714.3 678153.8
3171 725714.3 692999.9
3172 725714.3 707846.1
3173 725714.3 722692.2
3174 725714.3 737538.4
3175 725714.3 752384.5
3176 725714.3 767230.7
3177 725714.3 782076.8
3178 725714.3 796923.0
3179 725714.3 811769.1
3180 725714.3 826615.3
3181 725714.3 841461.4
3182 725714.3 856307.6
3183 725714.3 871153.7
3184 725714.3 885999.9
3185 725714.3 900846.0
3186 725714.3 915692.2
3187 725714.3 930538.3
3188 725714.3 945384.5
3189 725714.3 960230.6
3190 725714.3 975076.8
3191 725714.3 989922.9
3192 725714.3 1004769.1
3193 725714.3 1019615.2
3194 725714.3 1034461.4
3195 725714.3 1049307.5
3196 725714.3 1064153.7
3197 725714.3 1078999.8
3198 725714.3 1093846.0
3199 730000.0 507423.1
3200 730000.0 522269.2
3201 730000.0 537115.4
3202 730000.0 551961.5
3203 730000.0 566807.7
3204 730000.0 581653.8
3205 730000.0 596500.0
3206 730000.0 611346.1
3207 730000.0 626192.3
3208 730000.0 641038.4
3209 730000.0 655884.6
3210 730000.0 670730.7
3211 730000.0 685576.9
3212 730000.0 700423.0
3213 730000.0 715269.2
3214 730000.0 730115.3
3215 730000.0 744961.5
3216 730000.0 759807.6
3217 730000.0 774653.8
3218 730000.0 789499.9
3219 730000.0 804346.1
3220 730000.0 819192.2
3221 730000.0 834038.4
3222 730000.0 848884.5
3223 730000.0 863730.7
3224 730000.0 878576.8
3225 730000.0 893423.0
3226 730000.0 908269.1
3227 730000.0 923115.3
3228 730000.0 937961.4
3229 730000.0 952807.6
3230 730000.0 967653.7
3231 730000.0 982499.9
3232 730000.0 997346.0
3233 730000.0 1012192.2
3234 730000.0 1027038.3
3235 730000.0 1041884.5
3236 730000.0 1056730.6
3237 730000.0 1071576.8
3238 730000.0 1086422.9
3239 730000.0 1101269.1
3240 734285.7 500000.0
3241 734285.7 514846.1
3242 734285.7 529692.3
3243 734285.7 544538.4
3244 734285.7 559384.6
3245 734285.7 574230.7
3246 734285.7 589076.9
3247 734285.7 603923.0
3248 734285.7 618769.2
3249 734285.7 633615.3
3250 734285.7 648461.5
3251 734285.7 663307.6
3252 734285.7 678153.8
3253 734285.7 692999.9
3254 734285.7 707846.1
3255 734285.7 722692.2
3256 734285.7 737538.4
3257 734285.7 752384.5
3258 734285.7 767230.7
3259 734285.7 782076.8
3260 734285.7 796923.0
3261 734285.7 811769.1
3262 734285.7 826615.3
3263 734285.7 841461.4
3264 734285.7 856307.6
3265 734285.7 871153.7
3266 734285.7 885999.9
3267 734285.7 900846.0
3268 734285.7 915692.2
3269 734285.7 930538.3
3270 734285.7 945384.5
3271 734285.7 960230.6
3272 734285.7 975076.8
3273 734285.7 989922.9
3274 734285.7 1004769.1
3275 734285.7 1019615.2
3276 734285.7 1034461.4
3277 734285.7 1049307.5
3278 734285.7 1064153.7
3279 734285.7 1078999.8
3280 734285.7 1093846.0
3281 738571.4 507423.1
3282 738571.4 522269.2
3283 738571.4 537115.4
3284 738571.4 551961.5
3285 738571.4 566807.7
3286 738571.4 581653.8
3287 738571.4 596500.0
3288 738571.4 611346.1
3289 738571.4 626192.3
3290 738571.4 641038.4
3291 738571.4 655884.6
3292 738571.4 670730.7
3293 738571.4 685576.9
3294 738571.4 700423.0
3295 738571.4 715269.2
3296 738571.4 730115.3
3297 738571.4 744961.5
3298 738571.4 759807.6
3299 738571.4 774653.8
3300 738571.4 789499.9
3301 738571.4 804346.1
3302 738571.4 819192.2
3303 738571.4 834038.4
3304 738571.4 848884.5
3305 738571.4 863730.7
3306 738571.4 878576.8
3307 738571.4 893423.0
3308 738571.4 908269.1
3309 738571.4 923115.3
3310 738571.4 937961.4
3311 738571.4 952807.6
3312 738571.4 967653.7
3313 738571.4 982499.9
3314 738571.4 997346.0
3315 738571.4 1012192.2
3316 738571.4 1027038.3
3317 738571.4 1041884.5
3318 738571.4 1056730.6
3319 738571.4 1071576.8
3320 738571.4 1086422.9
3321 738571.4 1101269.1
3322 742857.1 500000.0
3323 742857.1 514846.1
3324 742857.1 529692.3
3325 742857.1 544538.4
3326 742857.1 559384.6
3327 742857.1 574230.7
3328 742857.1 589076.9
3329 742857.1 603923.0
3330 742857.1 618769.2
3331 742857.1 633615.3
3332 742857.1 648461.5
3333 742857.1 663307.6
3334 742857.1 678153.8
3335 742857.1 692999.9
3336 742857.1 707846.1
3337 742857.1 722692.2
3338 742857.1 737538.4
3339 742857.1 752384.5
3340 742857.1 767230.7
3341 742857.1 782076.8
3342 742857.1 796923.0
3343 742857.1 811769.1
3344 742857.1 826615.3
3345 742857.1 841461.4
3346 742857.1 856307.6
3347 742857.1 871153.7
3348 742857.1 885999.9
3349 742857.1 900846.0
3350 742857.1 915692.2
3351 742857.1 930538.3
3352 742857.1 945384.5
3353 742857.1 960230.6
3354 742857.1 975076.8
3355 742857.1 989922.9
3356 742857.1 1004769.1
3357 742857.1 1019615.2
3358 742857.1 1034461.4
3359 742857.1 1049307.5
3360 742857.1 1064153.7
3361 742857.1 1078999.8
3362 742857.1 1093846.0
3363 747142.9 507423.1
3364 747142.9 522269.2
3365 747142.9 537115.4
3366 747142.9 551961.5
3367 747142.9 566807.7
3368 747142.9 581653.8
3369 747142.9 596500.0
3370 747142.9 611346.1
3371 747142.9 626192.3
3372 747142.9 641038.4
3373 747142.9 655884.6
3374 747142.9 670730.7
3375 747142.9 685576.9
3376 747142.9 700423.0
3377 747142.9 715269.2
3378 747142.9 730115.3
3379 747142.9 744961.5
3380 747142.9 759807.6
3381 747142.9 774653.8
3382 747142.9 789499.9
3383 747142.9 804346.1
3384 747142.9 819192.2
3385 747142.9 834038.4
3386 747142.9 848884.5
3387 747142.9 863730.7
3388 747142.9 878576.8
3389 747142.9 893423.0
3390 747142.9 908269.1
3391 747142.9 923115.3
3392 747142.9 937961.4
3393 747142.9 952807.6
3394 747142.9 967653.7
3395 747142.9 982499.9
3396 747142.9 997346.0
3397 747142.9 1012192.2
3398 747142.9 1027038.3
3399 747142.9 1041884.5
3400 747142.9 1056730.6
3401 747142.9 1071576.8
3402 747142.9 1086422.9
3403 747142.9 1101269.1
3404 751428.6 500000.0
3405 751428.6 514846.1
3406 751428.6 529692.3
3407 751428.6 544538.4
3408 751428.6 559384.6
3409 751428.6 574230.7
3410 751428.6 589076.9
3411 751428.6 603923.0
3412 751428.6 618769.2
3413 751428.6 633615.3
3414 751428.6 648461.5
3415 751428.6 663307.6
3416 751428.6 678153.8
3417 751428.6 692999.9
3418 751428.6 707846.1
3419 751428.6 722692.2
3420 751428.6 737538.4
3421 751428.6 752384.5
3422 751428.6 767230.7
3423 751428.6 782076.8
3424 751428.6 796923.0
3425 751428.6 811769.1
3426 751428.6 826615.3
3427 751428.6 841461.4
3428 751428.6 856307.6
3429 751428.6 871153.7
3430 751428.6 885999.9
3431 751428.6 900846.0
3432 751428.6 915692.2
3433 751428.6 930538.3
3434 751428.6 945384.5
3435 751428.6 960230.6
3436 751428.6 975076.8
3437 751428.6 989922.9
3438 751428.6 1004769.1
3439 751428.6 1019615.2
3440 751428.6 1034461.4
3441 751428.6 1049307.5
3442 751428.6 1064153.7
3443 751428.6 1078999.8
3444 751428.6 1093846.0
3445 755714.3 507423.1
3446 755714.3 522269.2
3447 755714.3 537115.4
3448 755714.3 551961.5
3449 755714.3 566807.7
3450 755714.3 581653.8
3451 755714.3 596500.0
3452 755714.3 611346.1
3453 755714.3 626192.3
3454 755714.3 641038.4
3455 755714.3 655884.6
3456 755714.3 670730.7
3457 755714.3 685576.9
3458 755714.3 700423.0
3459 755714.3 715269.2
3460 755714.3 730115.3
3461 755714.3 744961.5
3462 755714.3 759807.6
3463 755714.3 774653.8
3464 755714.3 789499.9
3465 755714.3 804346.1
3466 755714.3 819192.2
3467 755714.3 834038.4
3468 755714.3 848884.5
3469 755714.3 863730.7
3470 755714.3 878576.8
3471 755714.3 893423.0
3472 755714.3 908269.1
3473 755714.3 923115.3
3474 755714.3 937961.4
3475 755714.3 952807.6
3476 755714.3 967653.7
3477 755714.3 982499.9
3478 755714.3 997346.0
3479 755714.3 1012192.2
3480 755714.3 1027038.3
3481 755714.3 1041884.5
3482 755714.3 1056730.6
3483 755714.3 1071576.8
3484 755714.3 1086422.9
3485 755714.3 1101269.1
3486 760000.0 500000.0
3487 760000.0 514846.1
3488 760000.0 529692.3
3489 760000.0 544538.4
3490 760000.0 559384.6
3491 760000.0 574230.7
3492 760000.0 589076.9
3493 760000.0 603923.0
3494 760000.0 618769.2
3495 760000.0 633615.3
3496 760000.0 648461.5
3497 760000.0 663307.6
3498 760000.0 678153.8
3499 760000.0 692999.9
3500 760000.0 707846.1
3501 760000.0 722692.2
3502 760000.0 737538.4
3503 760000.0 752384.5
3504 760000.0 767230.7
3505 760000.0 782076.8
3506 760000.0 796923.0
3507 760000.0 811769.1
3508 760000.0 826615.3
3509 760000.0 841461.4
3510 760000.0 856307.6
3511 760000.0 871153.7
3512 760000.0 885999.9
3513 760000.0 900846.0
3514 760000.0 915692.2
3515 760000.0 930538.3
3516 760000.0 945384.5
3517 760000.0 960230.6
3518 760000.0 975076.8
3519 760000.0 989922.9
3520 760000.0 1004769.1
3521 760000.0 1019615.2
3522 760000.0 1034461.4
3523 760000.0 1049307.5
3524 760000.0 1064153.7
3525 760000.0 1078999.8
3526 760000.0 1093846.0
3527 764285.7 507423.1
3528 764285.7 522269.2
3529 764285.7 537115.4
3530 764285.7 551961.5
3531 764285.7 566807.7
3532 764285.7 581653.8
3533 764285.7 596500.0
3534 764285.7 611346.1
3535 764285.7 626192.3
3536 764285.7 641038.4
3537 764285.7 655884.6
3538 764285.7 670730.7
3539 764285.7 685576.9
3540 764285.7 700423.0
3541 764285.7 715269.2
3542 764285.7 730115.3
3543 764285.7 744961.5
3544 764285.7 759807.6
3545 764285.7 774653.8
3546 764285.7 789499.9
3547 764285.7 804346.1
3548 764285.7 819192.2
3549 764285.7 834038.4
3550 764285.7 848884.5
3551 764285.7 863730.7
3552 764285.7 878576.8
3553 764285.7 893423.0
3554 764285.7 908269.1
3555 764285.7 923115.3
3556 764285.7 937961.4
3557 764285.7 952807.6
3558 764285.7 967653.7
3559 764285.7 982499.9
3560 764285.7 997346.0
3561 764285.7 1012192.2
3562 764285.7 1027038.3
3563 764285.7 1041884.5
3564 764285.7 1056730.6
3565 764285.7 1071576.8
3566 764285.7 1086422.9
3567 764285.7 1101269.1
3568 768571.4 500000.0
3569 768571.4 514846.1
3570 768571.4 529692.3
3571 768571.4 544538.4
3572 768571.4 559384.6
3573 768571.4 574230.7
3574 768571.4 589076.9
3575 768571.4 603923.0
3576 768571.4 618769.2
3577 768571.4 633615.3
3578 768571.4 648461.5
3579 768571.4 663307.6
3580 768571.4 678153.8
3581 768571.4 692999.9
3582 768571.4 707846.1
3583 768571.4 722692.2
3584 768571.4 737538.4
3585 768571.4 752384.5
3586 768571.4 767230.7
3587 768571.4 782076.8
3588 768571.4 796923.0
3589 768571.4 811769.1
3590 768571.4 826615.3
3591 768571.4 841461.4
3592 768571.4 856307.6
3593 768571.4 871153.7
3594 768571.4 885999.9
3595 768571.4 900846.0
3596 768571.4 915692.2
3597 768571.4 930538.3
3598 768571.4 945384.5
3599 768571.4 960230.6
3600 768571.4 975076.8
3601 768571.4 989922.9
3602 768571.4 1004769.1
3603 768571.4 1019615.2
3604 768571.4 1034461.4
3605 768571.4 1049307.5
3606 768571.4 1064153.7
3607 768571.4 1078999.8
3608 768571.4 1093846.0
3609 772857.1 507423.1
3610 772857.1 522269.2
3611 772857.1 537115.4
3612 772857.1 551961.5
3613 772857.1 566807.7
3614 772857.1 581653.8
3615 772857.1 596500.0
3616 772857.1 611346.1
3617 772857.1 626192.3
3618 772857.1 641038.4
3619 772857.1 655884.6
3620 772857.1 670730.7
3621 772857.1 685576.9
3622 772857.1 700423.0
3623 772857.1 715269.2
3624 772857.1 730115.3
3625 772857.1 744961.5
3626 772857.1 759807.6
3627 772857.1 774653.8
3628 772857.1 789499.9
3629 772857.1 804346.1
3630 772857.1 819192.2
3631 772857.1 834038.4
3632 772857.1 848884.5
3633 772857.1 863730.7
3634 772857.1 878576.8
3635 772857.1 893423.0
3636 772857.1 908269.1
3637 772857.1 923115.3
3638 772857.1 937961.4
3639 772857.1 952807.6
3640 772857.1 967653.7
3641 772857.1 982499.9
3642 772857.1 997346.0
3643 772857.1 1012192.2
3644 772857.1 1027038.3
3645 772857.1 1041884.5
3646 772857.1 1056730.6
3647 772857.1 1071576.8
3648 772857.1 1086422.9
3649 772857.1 1101269.1
3650 777142.9 500000.0
3651 777142.9 514846.1
3652 777142.9 529692.3
3653 777142.9 544538.4
3654 777142.9 559384.6
3655 777142.9 574230.7
3656 777142.9 589076.9
3657 777142.9 603923.0
3658 777142.9 618769.2
3659 777142.9 633615.3
3660 777142.9 648461.5
3661 777142.9 663307.6
3662 777142.9 678153.8
3663 777142.9 692999.9
3664 777142.9 707846.1
3665 777142.9 722692.2
3666 777142.9 737538.4
3667 777142.9 752384.5
3668 777142.9 767230.7
3669 777142.9 782076.8
3670 777142.9 796923.0
3671 777142.9 811769.1
3672 777142.9 826615.3
3673 777142.9 841461.4
3674 777142.9 856307.6
3675 777142.9 871153.7
3676 777142.9 885999.9
3677 777142.9 900846.0
3678 777142.9 915692.2
3679 777142.9 930538.3
3680 777142.9 945384.5
3681 777142.9 960230.6
3682 777142.9 975076.8
3683 777142.9 989922.9
3684 777142.9 1004769.1
3685 777142.9 1019615.2
3686 777142.9 1034461.4
3687 777142.9 1049307.5
3688 777142.9 1064153.7
3689 777142.9 1078999.8
3690 777142.9 1093846.0
3691 781428.6 507423.1
3692 781428.6 522269.2
3693 781428.6 537115.4
3694 781428.6 551961.5
3695 781428.6 566807.7
3696 781428.6 581653.8
3697 781428.6 596500.0
3698 781428.6 611346.1
3699 781428.6 626192.3
3700 781428.6 641038.4
3701 781428.6 655884.6
3702 781428.6 670730.7
3703 781428.6 685576.9
3704 781428.6 700423.0
3705 781428.6 715269.2
3706 781428.6 730115.3
3707 781428.6 744961.5
3708 781428.6 759807.6
3709 781428.6 774653.8
3710 781428.6 789499.9
3711 781428.6 804346.1
3712 781428.6 819192.2
3713 781428.6 834038.4
3714 781428.6 848884.5
3715 781428.6 863730.7
3716 781428.6 878576.8
3717 781428.6 893423.0
3718 781428.6 908269.1
3719 781428.6 923115.3
3720 781428.6 937961.4
3721 781428.6 952807.6
3722 781428.6 967653.7
3723 781428.6 982499.9
3724 781428.6 997346.0
3725 781428.6 1012192.2
3726 781428.6 1027038.3
3727 781428.6 1041884.5
3728 781428.6 1056730.6
3729 781428.6 1071576.8
3730 781428.6 1086422.9
3731 781428.6 1101269.1
3732 785714.3 500000.0
3733 785714.3 514846.1
3734 785714.3 529692.3
3735 785714.3 544538.4
3736 785714.3 559384.6
3737 785714.3 574230.7
3738 785714.3 589076.9
3739 785714.3 603923.0
3740 785714.3 618769.2
3741 785714.3 633615.3
3742 785714.3 648461.5
3743 785714.3 663307.6
3744 785714.3 678153.8
3745 785714.3 692999.9
3746 785714.3 707846.1
3747 785714.3 722692.2
3748 785714.3 737538.4
3749 785714.3 752384.5
3750 785714.3 767230.7
3751 785714.3 782076.8
3752 785714.3 796923.0
3753 785714.3 811769.1
3754 785714.3 826615.3
3755 785714.3 841461.4
3756 785714.3 856307.6
3757 785714.3 871153.7
3758 785714.3 885999.9
3759 785714.3 900846.0
3760 785714.3 915692.2
3761 785714.3 930538.3
3762 785714.3 945384.5
3763 785714.3 960230.6
3764 785714.3 975076.8
3765 785714.3 989922.9
3766 785714.3 1004769.1
3767 785714.3 1019615.2
3768 785714.3 1034461.4
3769 785714.3 1049307.5
3770 785714.3 1064153.7
3771 785714.3 1078999.8
3772 785714.3 1093846.0
3773 790000.0 507423.1
3774 790000.0 522269.2
3775 790000.0 537115.4
3776 790000.0 551961.5
3777 790000.0 566807.7
3778 790000.0 581653.8
3779 790000.0 596500.0
3780 790000.0 611346.1
3781 790000.0 626192.3
3782 790000.0 641038.4
3783 790000.0 655884.6
3784 790000.0 670730.7
3785 790000.0 685576.9
3786 790000.0 700423.0
3787 790000.0 715269.2
3788 790000.0 730115.3
3789 790000.0 744961.5
3790 790000.0 759807.6
3791 790000.0 774653.8
3792 790000.0 789499.9
3793 790000.0 804346.1
3794 790000.0 819192.2
3795 790000.0 834038.4
3796 790000.0 848884.5
3797 790000.0 863730.7
3798 790000.0 878576.8
3799 790000.0 893423.0
3800 790000.0 908269.1
3801 790000.0 923115.3
3802 790000.0 937961.4
3803 790000.0 952807.6
3804 790000.0 967653.7
3805 790000.0 982499.9
3806 790000.0 997346.0
3807 790000.0 1012192.2
3808 790000.0 1027038.3
3809 790000.0 1041884.5
3810 790000.0 1056730.6
3811 790000.0 1071576.8
3812 790000.0 1086422.9
3813 790000.0 1101269.1
3814 794285.7 500000.0
3815 794285.7 514846.1
3816 794285.7 529692.3
3817 794285.7 544538.4
3818 794285.7 559384.6
3819 794285.7 574230.7
3820 794285.7 589076.9
3821 794285.7 603923.0
3822 794285.7 618769.2
3823 794285.7 633615.3
3824 794285.7 648461.5
3825 794285.7 663307.6
3826 794285.7 678153.8
3827 794285.7 692999.9
3828 794285.7 707846.1
3829 794285.7 722692.2
3830 794285.7 737538.4
3831 794285.7 752384.5
3832 794285.7 767230.7
3833 794285.7 782076.8
3834 794285.7 796923.0
3835 794285.7 811769.1
3836 794285.7 826615.3
3837 794285.7 841461.4
3838 794285.7 856307.6
3839 794285.7 871153.7
3840 794285.7 885999.9
3841 794285.7 900846.0
3842 794285.7 915692.2
3843 794285.7 930538.3
3844 794285.7 945384.5
3845 794285.7 960230.6
3846 794285.7 975076.8
3847 794285.7 989922.9
3848 794285.7 1004769.1
3849 794285.7 1019615.2
3850 794285.7 1034461.4
3851 794285.7 1049307.5
3852 794285.7 1064153.7
3853 794285.7 1078999.8
3854 794285.7 1093846.0
3855 798571.4 507423.1
3856 798571.4 522269.2
3857 798571.4 537115.4
3858 798571.4 551961.5
3859 798571.4 566807.7
3860 798571.4 581653.8
3861 798571.4 596500.0
3862 798571.4 611346.1
3863 798571.4 626192.3
3864 798571.4 641038.4
3865 798571.4 655884.6
3866 798571.4 670730.7
3867 798571.4 685576.9
3868 798571.4 700423.0
3869 798571.4 715269.2
3870 798571.4 730115.3
3871 798571.4 744961.5
3872 798571.4 759807.6
3873 798571.4 774653.8
3874 798571.4 789499.9
3875 798571.4 804346.1
3876 798571.4 819192.2
3877 798571.4 834038.4
3878 798571.4 848884.5
3879 798571.4 863730.7
3880 798571.4 878576.8
3881 798571.4 893423.0
3882 798571.4 908269.1
3883 798571.4 923115.3
3884 798571.4 937961.4
3885 798571.4 952807.6
3886 798571.4 967653.7
3887 798571.4 982499.9
3888 798571.4 997346.0
3889 798571.4 1012192.2
3890 798571.4 1027038.3
3891 798571.4 1041884.5
3892 798571.4 1056730.6
3893 798571.4 1071576.8
3894 798571.4 1086422.9
3895 798571.4 1101269.1
3896 802857.1 500000.0
3897 802857.1 514846.1
3898 802857.1 529692.3
3899 802857.1 544538.4
3900 802857.1 559384.6
3901 802857.1 574230.7
3902 802857.1 589076.9
3903 802857.1 603923.0
3904 802857.1 618769.2
3905 802857.1 633615.3
3906 802857.1 648461.5
3907 802857.1 663307.6
3908 802857.1 678153.8
3909 802857.1 692999.9
3910 802857.1 707846.1
3911 802857.1 722692.2
3912 802857.1 737538.4
3913 802857.1 752384.5
3914 802857.1 767230.7
3915 802857.1 782076.8
3916 802857.1 796923.0
3917 802857.1 811769.1
3918 802857.1 826615.3
3919 802857.1 841461.4
3920 802857.1 856307.6
3921 802857.1 871153.7
3922 802857.1 885999.9
3923 802857.1 900846.0
3924 802857.1 915692.2
3925 802857.1 930538.3
3926 802857.1 945384.5
3927 802857.1 960230.6
3928 802857.1 975076.8
3929 802857.1 989922.9
3930 802857.1 1004769.1
3931 802857.1 1019615.2
3932 802857.1 1034461.4
3933 802857.1 1049307.5
3934 802857.1 1064153.7
3935 802857.1 1078999.8
3936 802857.1 1093846.0
3937 807142.9 507423.1
3938 807142.9 522269.2
3939 807142.9 537115.4
3940 807142.9 551961.5
3941 807142.9 566807.7
3942 807142.9 581653.8
3943 807142.9 596500.0
3944 807142.9 611346.1
3945 807142.9 626192.3
3946 807142.9 641038.4
3947 807142.9 655884.6
3948 807142.9 670730.7
3949 807142.9 685576.9
3950 807142.9 700423.0
3951 807142.9 715269.2
3952 807142.9 730115.3
3953 807142.9 744961.5
3954 807142.9 759807.6
3955 807142.9 774653.8
3956 807142.9 789499.9
3957 807142.9 804346.1
3958 807142.9 819192.2
3959 807142.9 834038.4
3960 807142.9 848884.5
3961 807142.9 863730.7
3962 807142.9 878576.8
3963 807142.9 893423.0
3964 807142.9 908269.1
3965 807142.9 923115.3
3966 807142.9 937961.4
3967 807142.9 952807.6
3968 807142.9 967653.7
3969 807142.9 982499.9
3970 807142.9 997346.0
3971 807142.9 1012192.2
3972 807142.9 1027038.3
3973 807142.9 1041884.5
3974 807142.9 1056730.6
3975 807142.9 1071576.8
3976 807142.9 1086422.9
3977 807142.9 1101269.1
3978 811428.6 500000.0
3979 811428.6 514846.1
3980 811428.6 529692.3
3981 811428.6 544538.4
3982 811428.6 559384.6
3983 811428.6 574230.7
3984 811428.6 589076.9
3985 811428.6 603923.0
3986 811428.6 618769.2
3987 811428.6 633615.3
3988 811428.6 648461.5
3989 811428.6 663307.6
3990 811428.6 678153.8
3991 811428.6 692999.9
3992 811428.6 707846.1
3993 811428.6 722692.2
3994 811428.6 737538.4
3995 811428.6 752384.5
3996 811428.6 767230.7
3997 811428.6 782076.8
3998 811428.6 796923.0
3999 811428.6 811769.1
4000 811428.6 826615.3
4001 811428.6 841461.4
4002 811428.6 856307.6
4003 811428.6 871153.7
4004 811428.6 885999.9
4005 811428.6 900846.0
4006 811428.6 915692.2
4007 811428.6 930538.3
4008 811428.6 945384.5
4009 811428.6 960230.6
4010 811428.6 975076.8
4011 811428.6 989922.9
4012 811428.6 1004769.1
4013 811428.6 1019615.2
4014 811428.6 1034461.4
4015 811428.6 1049307.5
4016 811428.6 1064153.7
4017 811428.6 1078999.8
4018 811428.6 1093846.0
4019 815714.3 507423.1
4020 815714.3 522269.2
4021 815714.3 537115.4
4022 815714.3 551961.5
4023 815714.3 566807.7
4024 815714.3 581653.8
4025 815714.3 596500.0
4026 815714.3 611346.1
4027 815714.3 626192.3
4028 815714.3 641038.4
4029 815714.3 655884.6
4030 815714.3 670730.7
4031 815714.3 685576.9
4032 815714.3 700423.0
4033 815714.3 715269.2
4034 815714.3 730115.3
4035 815714.3 744961.5
4036 815714.3 759807.6
4037 815714.3 774653.8
4038 815714.3 789499.9
4039 815714.3 804346.1
4040 815714.3 819192.2
4041 815714.3 834038.4
4042 815714.3 848884.5
4043 815714.3 863730.7
4044 815714.3 878576.8
4045 815714.3 893423.0
4046 815714.3 908269.1
4047 815714.3 923115.3
4048 815714.3 937961.4
4049 815714.3 952807.6
4050 815714.3 967653.7
4051 815714.3 982499.9
4052 815714.3 997346.0
4053 815714.3 1012192.2
4054 815714.3 1027038.3
4055 815714.3 1041884.5
4056 815714.3 1056730.6
4057 815714.3 1071576.8
4058 815714.3 1086422.9
4059 815714.3 1101269.1
4060 820000.0 500000.0
4061 820000.0 514846.1
4062 820000.0 529692.3
4063 820000.0 544538.4
4064 820000.0 559384.6
4065 820000.0 574230.7
4066 820000.0 589076.9
4067 820000.0 603923.0
4068 820000.0 618769.2
4069 820000.0 633615.3
4070 820000.0 648461.5
4071 820000.0 663307.6
4072 820000.0 678153.8
4073 820000.0 692999.9
4074 820000.0 707846.1
4075 820000.0 722692.2
4076 820000.0 737538.4
4077 820000.0 752384.5
4078 820000.0 767230.7
4079 820000.0 782076.8
4080 820000.0 796923.0
4081 820000.0 811769.1
4082 820000.0 826615.3
4083 820000.0 841461.4
4084 820000.0 856307.6
4085 820000.0 871153.7
4086 820000.0 885999.9
4087 820000.0 900846.0
4088 820000.0 915692.2
4089 820000.0 930538.3
4090 820000.0 945384.5
4091 820000.0 960230.6
4092 820000.0 975076.8
4093 820000.0 989922.9
4094 820000.0 1004769.1
4095 820000.0 1019615.2
4096 820000.0 1034461.4
4097 820000.0 1049307.5
4098 820000.0 1064153.7
4099 820000.0 1078999.8
4100 820000.0 1093846.0
4101 824285.7 507423.1
4102 824285.7 522269.2
4103 824285.7 537115.4
4104 824285.7 551961.5
4105 824285.7 566807.7
4106 824285.7 581653.8
4107 824285.7 596500.0
4108 824285.7 611346.1
4109 824285.7 626192.3
4110 824285.7 641038.4
4111 824285.7 655884.6
4112 824285.7 670730.7
4113 824285.7 685576.9
4114 824285.7 700423.0
4115 824285.7 715269.2
4116 824285.7 730115.3
4117 824285.7 744961.5
4118 824285.7 759807.6
4119 824285.7 774653.8
4120 824285.7 789499.9
4121 824285.7 804346.1
4122 824285.7 819192.2
4123 824285.7 834038.4
4124 824285.7 848884.5
4125 824285.7 863730.7
4126 824285.7 878576.8
4127 824285.7 893423.0
4128 824285.7 908269.1
4129 824285.7 923115.3
4130 824285.7 937961.4
4131 824285.7 952807.6
4132 824285.7 967653.7
4133 824285.7 982499.9
4134 824285.7 997346.0
4135 824285.7 1012192.2
4136 824285.7 1027038.3
4137 824285.7 1041884.5
4138 824285.7 1056730.6
4139 824285.7 1071576.8
4140 824285.7 1086422.9
4141 824285.7 1101269.1
4142 828571.4 500000.0
4143 828571.4 514846.1
4144 828571.4 529692.3
4145 828571.4 544538.4
4146 828571.4 559384.6
4147 828571.4 574230.7
4148 828571.4 589076.9
4149 828571.4 603923.0
4150 828571.4 618769.2
4151 828571.4 633615.3
4152 828571.4 648461.5
4153 828571.4 663307.6
4154 828571.4 678153.8
4155 828571.4 692999.9
4156 828571.4 707846.1
4157 828571.4 722692.2
4158 828571.4 737538.4
4159 828571.4 752384.5
4160 828571.4 767230.7
4161 828571.4 782076.8
4162 828571.4 796923.0
4163 828571.4 811769.1
4164 828571.4 826615.3
4165 828571.4 841461.4
4166 828571.4 856307.6
4167 828571.4 871153.7
4168 828571.4 885999.9
4169 828571.4 900846.0
4170 828571.4 915692.2
4171 828571.4 930538.3
4172 828571.4 945384.5
4173 828571.4 960230.6
4174 828571.4 975076.8
4175 828571.4 989922.9
4176 828571.4 1004769.1
4177 828571.4 1019615.2
4178 828571.4 1034461.4
4179 828571.4 1049307.5
4180 828571.4 1064153.7
4181 828571.4 1078999.8
4182 828571.4 1093846.0
4183 832857.1 507423.1
4184 832857.1 522269.2
4185 832857.1 537115.4
4186 832857.1 551961.5
4187 832857.1 566807.7
4188 832857.1 581653.8
4189 832857.1 596500.0
4190 832857.1 611346.1
4191 832857.1 626192.3
4192 832857.1 641038.4
4193 832857.1 655884.6
4194 832857.1 670730.7
4195 832857.1 685576.9
4196 832857.1 700423.0
4197 832857.1 715269.2
4198 832857.1 730115.3
4199 832857.1 744961.5
4200 832857.1 759807.6
4201 832857.1 774653.8
4202 832857.1 789499.9
4203 832857.1 804346.1
4204 832857.1 819192.2
4205 832857.1 834038.4
4206 832857.1 848884.5
4207 832857.1 863730.7
4208 832857.1 878576.8
4209 832857.1 893423.0
4210 832857.1 908269.1
4211 832857.1 923115.3
4212 832857.1 937961.4
4213 832857.1 952807.6
4214 832857.1 967653.7
4215 832857.1 982499.9
4216 832857.1 997346.0
4217 832857.1 1012192.2
4218 832857.1 1027038.3
4219 832857.1 1041884.5
4220 832857.1 1056730.6
4221 832857.1 1071576.8
4222 832857.1 1086422.9
4223 832857.1 1101269.1
4224 837142.9 500000.0
4225 837142.9 514846.1
4226 837142.9 529692.3
4227 837142.9 544538.4
4228 837142.9 559384.6
4229 837142.9 574230.7
4230 837142.9 589076.9
4231 837142.9 603923.0
4232 837142.9 618769.2
4233 837142.9 633615.3
4234 837142.9 648461.5
4235 837142.9 663307.6
4236 837142.9 678153.8
4237 837142.9 692999.9
4238 837142.9 707846.1
4239 837142.9 722692.2
4240 837142.9 737538.4
4241 837142.9 752384.5
4242 837142.9 767230.7
4243 837142.9 782076.8
4244 837142.9 796923.0
4245 837142.9 811769.1
4246 837142.9 826615.3
4247 837142.9 841461.4
4248 837142.9 856307.6
4249 837142.9 871153.7
4250 837142.9 885999.9
4251 837142.9 900846.0
4252 837142.9 915692.2
4253 837142.9 930538.3
4254 837142.9 945384.5
4255 837142.9 960230.6
4256 837142.9 975076.8
4257 837142.9 989922.9
4258 837142.9 1004769.1
4259 837142.9 1019615.2
4260 837142.9 1034461.4
4261 837142.9 1049307.5
4262 837142.9 1064153.7
4263 837142.9 1078999.8
4264 837142.9 1093846.0
4265 841428.6 507423.1
4266 841428.6 522269.2
4267 841428.6 537115.4
4268 841428.6 551961.5
4269 841428.6 566807.7
4270 841428.6 581653.8
4271 841428.6 596500.0
4272 841428.6 611346.1
4273 841428.6 626192.3
4274 841428.6 641038.4
4275 841428.6 655884.6
4276 841428.6 670730.7
4277 841428.6 685576.9
4278 841428.6 700423.0
4279 841428.6 715269.2
4280 841428.6 730115.3
4281 841428.6 744961.5
4282 841428.6 759807.6
4283 841428.6 774653.8
4284 841428.6 789499.9
4285 841428.6 804346.1
4286 841428.6 819192.2
4287 841428.6 834038.4
4288 841428.6 848884.5
4289 841428.6 863730.7
4290 841428.6 878576.8
4291 841428.6 893423.0
4292 841428.6 908269.1
4293 841428.6 923115.3
4294 841428.6 937961.4
4295 841428.6 952807.6
4296 841428.6 967653.7
4297 841428.6 982499.9
4298 841428.6 997346.0
4299 841428.6 1012192.2
4300 841428.6 1027038.3
4301 841428.6 1041884.5
4302 841428.6 1056730.6
4303 841428.6 1071576.8
4304 841428.6 1086422.9
4305 841428.6 1101269.1
4306 845714.3 500000.0
4307 845714.3 514846.1
4308 845714.3 529692.3
4309 845714.3 544538.4
4310 845714.3 559384.6
4311 845714.3 574230.7
4312 845714.3 589076.9
4313 845714.3 603923.0
4314 845714.3 618769.2
4315 845714.3 633615.3
4316 845714.3 648461.5
4317 845714.3 663307.6
4318 845714.3 678153.8
4319 845714.3 692999.9
4320 845714.3 707846.1
4321 845714.3 722692.2
4322 845714.3 737538.4
4323 845714.3 752384.5
4324 845714.3 767230.7
4325 845714.3 782076.8
4326 845714.3 796923.0
4327 845714.3 811769.1
4328 845714.3 826615.3
4329 845714.3 841461.4
4330 845714.3 856307.6
4331 845714.3 871153.7
4332 845714.3 885999.9
4333 845714.3 900846.0
4334 845714.3 915692.2
4335 845714.3 930538.3
4336 845714.3 945384.5
4337 845714.3 960230.6
4338 845714.3 975076.8
4339 845714.3 989922.9
4340 845714.3 1004769.1
4341 845714.3 1019615.2
4342 845714.3 1034461.4
4343 845714.3 1049307.5
4344 845714.3 1064153.7
4345 845714.3 1078999.8
4346 845714.3 1093846.0
4347 850000.0 507423.1
4348 850000.0 522269.2
4349 850000.0 537115.4
4350 850000.0 551961.5
4351 850000.0 566807.7
4352 850000.0 581653.8
4353 850000.0 596500.0
4354 850000.0 611346.1
4355 850000.0 626192.3
4356 850000.0 641038.4
4357 850000.0 655884.6
4358 850000.0 670730.7
4359 850000.0 685576.9
4360 850000.0 700423.0
4361 850000.0 715269.2
4362 850000.0 730115.3
4363 850000.0 744961.5
4364 850000.0 759807.6
4365 850000.0 774653.8
4366 850000.0 789499.9
4367 850000.0 804346.1
4368 850000.0 819192.2
4369 850000.0 834038.4
4370 850000.0 848884.5
4371 850000.0 863730.7
4372 850000.0 878576.8
4373 850000.0 893423.0
4374 850000.0 908269.1
4375 850000.0 923115.3
4376 850000.0 937961.4
4377 850000.0 952807.6
4378 850000.0 967653.7
4379 850000.0 982499.9
4380 850000.0 997346.0
4381 850000.0 1012192.2
4382 850000.0 1027038.3
4383 850000.0 1041884.5
4384 850000.0 1056730.6
4385 850000.0 1071576.8
4386 850000.0 1086422.9
4387 850000.0 1101269.1
4388 854285.7 500000.0
4389 854285.7 514846.1
4390 854285.7 529692.3
4391 854285.7 544538.4
4392 854285.7 559384.6
4393 854285.7 574230.7
4394 854285.7 589076.9
4395 854285.7 603923.0
4396 854285.7 618769.2
4397 854285.7 633615.3
4398 854285.7 648461.5
4399 854285.7 663307.6
4400 854285.7 678153.8
4401 854285.7 692999.9
4402 854285.7 707846.1
4403 854285.7 722692.2
4404 854285.7 737538.4
4405 854285.7 752384.5
4406 854285.7 767230.7
4407 854285.7 782076.8
4408 854285.7 796923.0
4409 854285.7 811769.1
4410 854285.7 826615.3
4411 854285.7 841461.4
4412 854285.7 856307.6
4413 854285.7 871153.7
4414 854285.7 885999.9
4415 854285.7 900846.0
4416 854285.7 915692.2
4417 854285.7 930538.3
4418 854285.7 945384.5
4419 854285.7 960230.6
4420 854285.7 975076.8
4421 854285.7 989922.9
4422 854285.7 1004769.1
4423 854285.7 1019615.2
4424 854285.7 1034461.4
4425 854285.7 1049307.5
4426 854285.7 1064153.7
4427 854285.7 1078999.8
4428 854285.7 1093846.0
4429 858571.4 507423.1
4430 858571.4 522269.2
4431 858571.4 537115.4
4432 858571.4 551961.5
4433 858571.4 566807.7
4434 858571.4 581653.8
4435 858571.4 596500.0
4436 858571.4 611346.1
4437 858571.4 626192.3
4438 858571.4 641038.4
4439 858571.4 655884.6
4440 858571.4 670730.7
4441 858571.4 685576.9
4442 858571.4 700423.0
4443 858571.4 715269.2
4444 858571.4 730115.3
4445 858571.4 744961.5
4446 858571.4 759807.6
4447 858571.4 774653.8
4448 858571.4 789499.9
4449 858571.4 804346.1
4450 858571.4 819192.2
4451 858571.4 834038.4
4452 858571.4 848884.5
4453 858571.4 863730.7
4454 858571.4 878576.8
4455 858571.4 893423.0
4456 858571.4 908269.1
4457 858571.4 923115.3
4458 858571.4 937961.4
4459 858571.4 952807.6
4460 858571.4 967653.7
4461 858571.4 982499.9
4462 858571.4 997346.0
4463 858571.4 1012192.2
4464 858571.4 1027038.3
4465 858571.4 1041884.5
4466 858571.4 1056730.6
4467 858571.4 1071576.8
4468 858571.4 1086422.9
4469 858571.4 1101269.1
4470 862857.1 500000.0
4471 862857.1 514846.1
4472 862857.1 529692.3
4473 862857.1 544538.4
4474 862857.1 559384.6
4475 862857.1 574230.7
4476 862857.1 589076.9
4477 862857.1 603923.0
4478 862857.1 618769.2
4479 862857.1 633615.3
4480 862857.1 648461.5
4481 862857.1 663307.6
4482 862857.1 678153.8
4483 862857.1 692999.9
4484 862857.1 707846.1
4485 862857.1 722692.2
4486 862857.1 737538.4
4487 862857.1 752384.5
4488 862857.1 767230.7
4489 862857.1 782076.8
4490 862857.1 796923.0
4491 862857.1 811769.1
4492 862857.1 826615.3
4493 862857.1 841461.4
4494 862857.1 856307.6
4495 862857.1 871153.7
4496 862857.1 885999.9
4497 862857.1 900846.0
4498 862857.1 915692.2
4499 862857.1 930538.3
4500 862857.1 945384.5
4501 862857.1 960230.6
4502 862857.1 975076.8
4503 862857.1 989922.9
4504 862857.1 1004769.1
4505 862857.1 1019615.2
4506 862857.1 1034461.4
4507 862857.1 1049307.5
4508 862857.1 1064153.7
4509 862857.1 1078999.8
4510 862857.1 1093846.0
4511 867142.9 507423.1
4512 867142.9 522269.2
4513 867142.9 537115.4
4514 867142.9 551961.5
4515 867142.9 566807.7
4516 867142.9 581653.8
4517 867142.9 596500.0
4518 867142.9 611346.1
4519 867142.9 626192.3
4520 867142.9 641038.4
4521 867142.9 655884.6
4522 867142.9 670730.7
4523 867142.9 685576.9
4524 867142.9 700423.0
4525 867142.9 715269.2
4526 867142.9 730115.3
4527 867142.9 744961.5
4528 867142.9 759807.6
4529 867142.9 774653.8
4530 867142.9 789499.9
4531 867142.9 804346.1
4532 867142.9 819192.2
4533 867142.9 834038.4
4534 867142.9 848884.5
4535 867142.9 863730.7
4536 867142.9 878576.8
4537 867142.9 893423.0
4538 867142.9 908269.1
4539 867142.9 923115.3
4540 867142.9 937961.4
4541 867142.9 952807.6
4542 867142.9 967653.7
4543 867142.9 982499.9
4544 867142.9 997346.0
4545 867142.9 1012192.2
4546 867142.9 1027038.3
4547 867142.9 1041884.5
4548 867142.9 1056730.6
4549 867142.9 1071576.8
4550 867142.9 1086422.9
4551 867142.9 1101269.1
4552 871428.6 500000.0
4553 871428.6 514846.1
4554 871428.6 529692.3
4555 871428.6 544538.4
4556 871428.6 559384.6
4557 871428.6 574230.7
4558 871428.6 589076.9
4559 871428.6 603923.0
4560 871428.6 618769.2
4561 871428.6 633615.3
4562 871428.6 648461.5
4563 871428.6 663307.6
4564 871428.6 678153.8
4565 871428.6 692999.9
4566 871428.6 707846.1
4567 871428.6 722692.2
4568 871428.6 737538.4
4569 871428.6 752384.5
4570 871428.6 767230.7
4571 871428.6 782076.8
4572 871428.6 796923.0
4573 871428.6 811769.1
4574 871428.6 826615.3
4575 871428.6 841461.4
4576 871428.6 856307.6
4577 871428.6 871153.7
4578 871428.6 885999.9
4579 871428.6 900846.0
4580 871428.6 915692.2
4581 871428.6 930538.3
4582 871428.6 945384.5
4583 871428.6 960230.6
4584 871428.6 975076.8
4585 871428.6 989922.9
4586 871428.6 1004769.1
4587 871428.6 1019615.2
4588 871428.6 1034461.4
4589 871428.6 1049307.5
4590 871428.6 1064153.7
4591 871428.6 1078999.8
4592 871428.6 1093846.0
4593 875714.3 507423.1
4594 875714.3 522269.2
4595 875714.3 537115.4
4596 875714.3 551961.5
4597 875714.3 566807.7
4598 875714.3 581653.8
4599 875714.3 596500.0
4600 875714.3 611346.1
4601 875714.3 626192.3
4602 875714.3 641038.4
4603 875714.3 655884.6
4604 875714.3 670730.7
4605 875714.3 685576.9
4606 875714.3 700423.0
4607 875714.3 715269.2
4608 875714.3 730115.3
4609 875714.3 744961.5
4610 875714.3 759807.6
4611 875714.3 774653.8
4612 875714.3 789499.9
4613 875714.3 804346.1
4614 875714.3 819192.2
4615 875714.3 834038.4
4616 875714.3 848884.5
4617 875714.3 863730.7
4618 875714.3 878576.8
4619 875714.3 893423.0
4620 875714.3 908269.1
4621 875714.3 923115.3
4622 875714.3 937961.4
4623 875714.3 952807.6
4624 875714.3 967653.7
4625 875714.3 982499.9
4626 875714.3 997346.0
4627 875714.3 1012192.2
4628 875714.3 1027038.3
4629 875714.3 1041884.5
4630 875714.3 1056730.6
4631 875714.3 1071576.8
4632 875714.3 1086422.9
4633 875714.3 1101269.1
4634 880000.0 500000.0
4635 880000.0 514846.1
4636 880000.0 529692.3
4637 880000.0 544538.4
4638 880000.0 559384.6
4639 880000.0 574230.7
4640 880000.0 589076.9
4641 880000.0 603923.0
4642 880000.0 618769.2
4643 880000.0 633615.3
4644 880000.0 648461.5
4645 880000.0 663307.6
4646 880000.0 678153.8
4647 880000.0 692999.9
4648 880000.0 707846.1
4649 880000.0 722692.2
4650 880000.0 737538.4
4651 880000.0 752384.5
4652 880000.0 767230.7
4653 880000.0 782076.8
4654 880000.0 796923.0
4655 880000.0 811769.1
4656 880000.0 826615.3
4657 880000.0 841461.4
4658 880000.0 856307.6
4659 880000.0 871153.7
4660 880000.0 885999.9
4661 880000.0 900846.0
4662 880000.0 915692.2
4663 880000.0 930538.3
4664 880000.0 945384.5
4665 880000.0 960230.6
4666 880000.0 975076.8
4667 880000.0 989922.9
4668 880000.0 1004769.1
4669 880000.0 1019615.2
4670 880000.0 1034461.4
4671 880000.0 1049307.5
4672 880000.0 1064153.7
4673 880000.0 1078999.8
4674 880000.0 1093846.0
4675 884285.7 507423.1
4676 884285.7 522269.2
4677 884285.7 537115.4
4678 884285.7 551961.5
4679 884285.7 566807.7
4680 884285.7 581653.8
4681 884285.7 596500.0
4682 884285.7 611346.1
4683 884285.7 626192.3
4684 884285.7 641038.4
4685 884285.7 655884.6
4686 884285.7 670730.7
4687 884285.7 685576.9
4688 884285.7 700423.0
4689 884285.7 715269.2
4690 884285.7 730115.3
4691 884285.7 744961.5
4692 884285.7 759807.6
4693 884285.7 774653.8
4694 884285.7 789499.9
4695 884285.7 804346.1
4696 884285.7 819192.2
4697 884285.7 834038.4
4698 884285.7 848884.5
4699 884285.7 863730.7
4700 884285.7 878576.8
4701 884285.7 893423.0
4702 884285.7 908269.1
4703 884285.7 923115.3
4704 884285.7 937961.4
4705 884285.7 952807.6
4706 884285.7 967653.7
4707 884285.7 982499.9
4708 884285.7 997346.0
4709 884285.7 1012192.2
4710 884285.7 1027038.3
4711 884285.7 1041884.5
4712 884285.7 1056730.6
4713 884285.7 1071576.8
4714 884285.7 1086422.9
4715 884285.7 1101269.1
4716 888571.4 500000.0
4717 888571.4 514846.1
4718 888571.4 529692.3
4719 888571.4 544538.4
4720 888571.4 559384.6
4721 888571.4 574230.7
4722 888571.4 589076.9
4723 888571.4 603923.0
4724 888571.4 618769.2
4725 888571.4 633615.3
4726 888571.4 648461.5
4727 888571.4 663307.6
4728 888571.4 678153.8
4729 888571.4 692999.9
4730 888571.4 707846.1
4731 888571.4 722692.2
4732 888571.4 737538.4
4733 888571.4 752384.5
4734 888571.4 767230.7
4735 888571.4 782076.8
4736 888571.4 796923.0
4737 888571.4 811769.1
4738 888571.4 826615.3
4739 888571.4 841461.4
4740 888571.4 856307.6
4741 888571.4 871153.7
4742 888571.4 885999.9
4743 888571.4 900846.0
4744 888571.4 915692.2
4745 888571.4 930538.3
4746 888571.4 945384.5
4747 888571.4 960230.6
4748 888571.4 975076.8
4749 888571.4 989922.9
4750 888571.4 1004769.1
4751 888571.4 1019615.2
4752 888571.4 1034461.4
4753 888571.4 1049307.5
4754 888571.4 1064153.7
4755 888571.4 1078999.8
4756 888571.4 1093846.0
4757 892857.1 507423.1
4758 892857.1 522269.2
4759 892857.1 537115.4
4760 892857.1 551961.5
4761 892857.1 566807.7
4762 892857.1 581653.8
4763 892857.1 596500.0
4764 892857.1 611346.1
4765 892857.1 626192.3
4766 892857.1 641038.4
4767 892857.1 655884.6
4768 892857.1 670730.7
4769 892857.1 685576.9
4770 892857.1 700423.0
4771 892857.1 715269.2
4772 892857.1 730115.3
4773 892857.1 744961.5
4774 892857.1 759807.6
4775 892857.1 774653.8
4776 892857.1 789499.9
4777 892857.1 804346.1
4778 892857.1 819192.2
4779 892857.1 834038.4
4780 892857.1 848884.5
4781 892857.1 863730.7
4782 892857.1 878576.8
4783 892857.1 893423.0
4784 892857.1 908269.1
4785 892857.1 923115.3
4786 892857.1 937961.4
4787 892857.1 952807.6
4788 892857.1 967653.7
4789 892857.1 982499.9
4790 892857.1 997346.0
4791 892857.1 1012192.2
4792 892857.1 1027038.3
4793 892857.1 1041884.5
4794 892857.1 1056730.6
4795 892857.1 1071576.8
4796 892857.1 1086422.9
4797 892857.1 1101269.1
4798 897142.9 500000.0
4799 897142.9 514846.1
4800 897142.9 529692.3
4801 897142.9 544538.4
4802 897142.9 559384.6
4803 897142.9 574230.7
4804 897142.9 589076.9
4805 897142.9 603923.0
4806 897142.9 618769.2
4807 897142.9 633615.3
4808 897142.9 648461.5
4809 897142.9 663307.6
4810 897142.9 678153.8
4811 897142.9 692999.9
4812 897142.9 707846.1
4813 897142.9 722692.2
4814 897142.9 737538.4
4815 897142.9 752384.5
4816 897142.9 767230.7
4817 897142.9 782076.8
4818 897142.9 796923.0
4819 897142.9 811769.1
4820 897142.9 826615.3
4821 897142.9 841461.4
4822 897142.9 856307.6
4823 897142.9 871153.7
4824 897142.9 885999.9
4825 897142.9 900846.0
4826 897142.9 915692.2
4827 897142.9 930538.3
4828 897142.9 945384.5
4829 897142.9 960230.6
4830 897142.9 975076.8
4831 897142.9 989922.9
4832 897142.9 1004769.1
4833 897142.9 1019615.2
4834 897142.9 1034461.4
4835 897142.9 1049307.5
4836 897142.9 1064153.7
4837 897142.9 1078999.8
4838 897142.9 1093846.0
4839 901428.6 507423.1
4840 901428.6 522269.2
4841 901428.6 537115.4
4842 901428.6 551961.5
4843 901428.6 566807.7
4844 901428.6 581653.8
4845 901428.6 596500.0
4846 901428.6 611346.1
4847 901428.6 626192.3
4848 901428.6 641038.4
4849 901428.6 655884.6
4850 901428.6 670730.7
4851 901428.6 685576.9
4852 901428.6 700423.0
4853 901428.6 715269.2
4854 901428.6 730115.3
4855 901428.6 744961.5
4856 901428.6 759807.6
4857 901428.6 774653.8
4858 901428.6 789499.9
4859 901428.6 804346.1
4860 901428.6 819192.2
4861 901428.6 834038.4
4862 901428.6 848884.5
4863 901428.6 863730.7
4864 901428.6 878576.8
4865 901428.6 893423.0
4866 901428.6 908269.1
4867 901428.6 923115.3
4868 901428.6 937961.4
4869 901428.6 952807.6
4870 901428.6 967653.7
4871 901428.6 982499.9
4872 901428.6 997346.0
4873 901428.6 1012192.2
4874 901428.6 1027038.3
4875 901428.6 1041884.5
4876 901428.6 1056730.6
4877 901428.6 1071576.8
4878 901428.6 1086422.9
4879 901428.6 1101269.1
4880 905714.3 500000.0
4881 905714.3 514846.1
4882 905714.3 529692.3
4883 905714.3 544538.4
4884 905714.3 559384.6
4885 905714.3 574230.7
4886 905714.3 589076.9
4887 905714.3 603923.0
4888 905714.3 618769.2
4889 905714.3 633615.3
4890 905714.3 648461.5
4891 905714.3 663307.6
4892 905714.3 678153.8
4893 905714.3 692999.9
4894 905714.3 707846.1
4895 905714.3 722692.2
4896 905714.3 737538.4
4897 905714.3 752384.5
4898 905714.3 767230.7
4899 905714.3 782076.8
4900 905714.3 796923.0
4901 905714.3 811769.1
4902 905714.3 826615.3
4903 905714.3 841461.4
4904 905714.3 856307.6
4905 905714.3 871153.7
4906 905714.3 885999.9
4907 905714.3 900846.0
4908 905714.3 915692.2
4909 905714.3 930538.3
4910 905714.3 945384.5
4911 905714.3 960230.6
4912 905714.3 975076.8
4913 905714.3 989922.9
4914 905714.3 1004769.1
4915 905714.3 1019615.2
4916 905714.3 1034461.4
4917 905714.3 1049307.5
4918 905714.3 1064153.7
4919 905714.3 1078999.8
4920 905714.3 1093846.0
4921 910000.0 507423.1
4922 910000.0 522269.2
4923 910000.0 537115.4
4924 910000.0 551961.5
4925 910000.0 566807.7
4926 910000.0 581653.8
4927 910000.0 596500.0
4928 910000.0 611346.1
4929 910000.0 626192.3
4930 910000.0 641038.4
4931 910000.0 655884.6
4932 910000.0 670730.7
4933 910000.0 685576.9
4934 910000.0 700423.0
4935 910000.0 715269.2
4936 910000.0 730115.3
4937 910000.0 744961.5
4938 910000.0 759807.6
4939 910000.0 774653.8
4940 910000.0 789499.9
4941 910000.0 804346.1
4942 910000.0 819192.2
4943 910000.0 834038.4
4944 910000.0 848884.5
4945 910000.0 863730.7
4946 910000.0 878576.8
4947 910000.0 893423.0
4948 910000.0 908269.1
4949 910000.0 923115.3
4950 910000.0 937961.4
4951 910000.0 952807.6
4952 910000.0 967653.7
4953 910000.0 982499.9
4954 910000.0 997346.0
4955 910000.0 1012192.2
4956 910000.0 1027038.3
4957 910000.0 1041884.5
4958 910000.0 1056730.6
4959 910000.0 1071576.8
4960 910000.0 1086422.9
4961 910000.0 1101269.1
4962 914285.7 500000.0
4963 914285.7 514846.1
4964 914285.7 529692.3
4965 914285.7 544538.4
4966 914285.7 559384.6
4967 914285.7 574230.7
4968 914285.7 589076.9
4969 914285.7 603923.0
4970 914285.7 618769.2
4971 914285.7 633615.3
4972 914285.7 648461.5
4973 914285.7 663307.6
4974 914285.7 678153.8
4975 914285.7 692999.9
4976 914285.7 707846.1
4977 914285.7 722692.2
4978 914285.7 737538.4
4979 914285.7 752384.5
4980 914285.7 767230.7
4981 914285.7 782076.8
4982 914285.7 796923.0
4983 914285.7 811769.1
4984 914285.7 826615.3
4985 914285.7 841461.4
4986 914285.7 856307.6
4987 914285.7 871153.7
4988 914285.7 885999.9
4989 914285.7 900846.0
4990 914285.7 915692.2
4991 914285.7 930538.3
4992 914285.7 945384.5
4993 914285.7 960230.6
4994 914285.7 975076.8
4995 914285.7 989922.9
4996 914285.7 1004769.1
4997 914285.7 1019615.2
4998 914285.7 1034461.4
4999 914285.7 1049307.5
5000 914285.7 1064153.7
5001 914285.7 1078999.8
5002 914285.7 1093846.0
5003 918571.4 507423.1
5004 918571.4 522269.2
5005 918571.4 537115.4
5006 918571.4 551961.5
5007 918571.4 566807.7
5008 918571.4 581653.8
5009 918571.4 596500.0
5010 918571.4 611346.1
5011 918571.4 626192.3
5012 918571.4 641038.4
5013 918571.4 655884.6
5014 918571.4 670730.7
5015 918571.4 685576.9
5016 918571.4 700423.0
5017 918571.4 715269.2
5018 918571.4 730115.3
5019 918571.4 744961.5
5020 918571.4 759807.6
5021 918571.4 774653.8
5022 918571.4 789499.9
5023 918571.4 804346.1
5024 918571.4 819192.2
5025 918571.4 834038.4
5026 918571.4 848884.5
5027 918571.4 863730.7
5028 918571.4 878576.8
5029 918571.4 893423.0
5030 918571.4 908269.1
5031 918571.4 923115.3
5032 918571.4 937961.4
5033 918571.4 952807.6
5034 918571.4 967653.7
5035 918571.4 982499.9
5036 918571.4 997346.0
5037 918571.4 1012192.2
5038 918571.4 1027038.3
5039 918571.4 1041884.5
5040 918571.4 1056730.6
5041 918571.4 1071576.8
5042 918571.4 1086422.9
5043 918571.4 1101269.1
5044 922857.1 500000.0
5045 922857.1 514846.1
5046 922857.1 529692.3
5047 922857.1 544538.4
5048 922857.1 559384.6
5049 922857.1 574230.7
5050 922857.1 589076.9
5051 922857.1 603923.0
5052 922857.1 618769.2
5053 922857.1 633615.3
5054 922857.1 648461.5
5055 922857.1 663307.6
5056 922857.1 678153.8
5057 922857.1 692999.9
5058 922857.1 707846.1
5059 922857.1 722692.2
5060 922857.1 737538.4
5061 922857.1 752384.5
5062 922857.1 767230.7
5063 922857.1 782076.8
5064 922857.1 796923.0
5065 922857.1 811769.1
5066 922857.1 826615.3
5067 922857.1 841461.4
5068 922857.1 856307.6
5069 922857.1 871153.7
5070 922857.1 885999.9
5071 922857.1 900846.0
5072 922857.1 915692.2
5073 922857.1 930538.3
5074 922857.1 945384.5
5075 922857.1 960230.6
5076 922857.1 975076.8
5077 922857.1 989922.9
5078 922857.1 1004769.1
5079 922857.1 1019615.2
5080 922857.1 1034461.4
5081 922857.1 1049307.5
5082 922857.1 1064153.7
5083 922857.1 1078999.8
5084 922857.1 1093846.0
5085 927142.9 507423.1
5086 927142.9 522269.2
5087 927142.9 537115.4
5088 927142.9 551961.5
5089 927142.9 566807.7
5090 927142.9 581653.8
5091 927142.9 596500.0
5092 927142.9 611346.1
5093 927142.9 626192.3
5094 927142.9 641038.4
5095 927142.9 655884.6
5096 927142.9 670730.7
5097 927142.9 685576.9
5098 927142.9 700423.0
5099 927142.9 715269.2
5100 927142.9 730115.3
5101 927142.9 744961.5
5102 927142.9 759807.6
5103 927142.9 774653.8
5104 927142.9 789499.9
5105 927142.9 804346.1
5106 927142.9 819192.2
5107 927142.9 834038.4
5108 927142.9 848884.5
5109 927142.9 863730.7
5110 927142.9 878576.8
5111 927142.9 893423.0
5112 927142.9 908269.1
5113 927142.9 923115.3
5114 927142.9 937961.4
5115 927142.9 952807.6
5116 927142.9 967653.7
5117 927142.9 982499.9
5118 927142.9 997346.0
5119 927142.9 1012192.2
5120 927142.9 1027038.3
5121 927142.9 1041884.5
5122 927142.9 1056730.6
5123 927142.9 1071576.8
5124 927142.9 1086422.9
5125 927142.9 1101269.1
5126 931428.6 500000.0
5127 931428.6 514846.1
5128 931428.6 529692.3
5129 931428.6 544538.4
5130 931428.6 559384.6
5131 931428.6 574230.7
5132 931428.6 589076.9
5133 931428.6 603923.0
5134 931428.6 618769.2
5135 931428.6 633615.3
5136 931428.6 648461.5
5137 931428.6 663307.6
5138 931428.6 678153.8
5139 931428.6 692999.9
5140 931428.6 707846.1
5141 931428.6 722692.2
5142 931428.6 737538.4
5143 931428.6 752384.5
5144 931428.6 767230.7
5145 931428.6 782076.8
5146 931428.6 796923.0
5147 931428.6 811769.1
5148 931428.6 826615.3
5149 931428.6 841461.4
5150 931428.6 856307.6
5151 931428.6 871153.7
5152 931428.6 885999.9
5153 931428.6 900846.0
5154 931428.6 915692.2
5155 931428.6 930538.3
5156 931428.6 945384.5
5157 931428.6 960230.6
5158 931428.6 975076.8
5159 931428.6 989922.9
5160 931428.6 1004769.1
5161 931428.6 1019615.2
5162 931428.6 1034461.4
5163 931428.6 1049307.5
5164 931428.6 1064153.7
5165 931428.6 1078999.8
5166 931428.6 1093846.0
5167 935714.3 507423.1
5168 935714.3 522269.2
5169 935714.3 537115.4
5170 935714.3 551961.5
5171 935714.3 566807.7
5172 935714.3 581653.8
5173 935714.3 596500.0
5174 935714.3 611346.1
5175 935714.3 626192.3
5176 935714.3 641038.4
5177 935714.3 655884.6
5178 935714.3 670730.7
5179 935714.3 685576.9
5180 935714.3 700423.0
5181 935714.3 715269.2
5182 935714.3 730115.3
5183 935714.3 744961.5
5184 935714.3 759807.6
5185 935714.3 774653.8
5186 935714.3 789499.9
5187 935714.3 804346.1
5188 935714.3 819192.2
5189 935714.3 834038.4
5190 935714.3 848884.5
5191 935714.3 863730.7
5192 935714.3 878576.8
5193 935714.3 893423.0
5194 935714.3 908269.1
5195 935714.3 923115.3
5196 935714.3 937961.4
5197 935714.3 952807.6
5198 935714.3 967653.7
5199 935714.3 982499.9
5200 935714.3 997346.0
5201 935714.3 1012192.2
5202 935714.3 1027038.3
5203 935714.3 1041884.5
5204 935714.3 1056730.6
5205 935714.3 1071576.8
5206 935714.3 1086422.9
5207 935714.3 1101269.1
5208 940000.0 500000.0
5209 940000.0 514846.1
5210 940000.0 529692.3
5211 940000.0 544538.4
5212 940000.0 559384.6
5213 940000.0 574230.7
5214 940000.0 589076.9
5215 940000.0 603923.0
5216 940000.0 618769.2
5217 940000.0 633615.3
5218 940000.0 648461.5
5219 940000.0 663307.6
5220 940000.0 678153.8
5221 940000.0 692999.9
5222 940000.0 707846.1
5223 940000.0 722692.2
5224 940000.0 737538.4
5225 940000.0 752384.5
5226 940000.0 767230.7
5227 940000.0 782076.8
5228 940000.0 796923.0
5229 940000.0 811769.1
5230 940000.0 826615.3
5231 940000.0 841461.4
5232 940000.0 856307.6
5233 940000.0 871153.7
5234 940000.0 885999.9
5235 940000.0 900846.0
5236 940000.0 915692.2
5237 940000.0 930538.3
5238 940000.0 945384.5
5239 940000.0 960230.6
5240 940000.0 975076.8
5241 940000.0 989922.9
5242 940000.0 1004769.1
5243 940000.0 1019615.2
5244 940000.0 1034461.4
5245 940000.0 1049307.5
5246 940000.0 1064153.7
5247 940000.0 1078999.8
5248 940000.0 1093846.0
5249 944285.7 507423.1
5250 944285.7 522269.2
5251 944285.7 537115.4
5252 944285.7 551961.5
5253 944285.7 566807.7
5254 944285.7 581653.8
5255 944285.7 596500.0
5256 944285.7 611346.1
5257 944285.7 626192.3
5258 944285.7 641038.4
5259 944285.7 655884.6
5260 944285.7 670730.7
5261 944285.7 685576.9
5262 944285.7 700423.0
5263 944285.7 715269.2
5264 944285.7 730115.3
5265 944285.7 744961.5
5266 944285.7 759807.6
5267 944285.7 774653.8
5268 944285.7 789499.9
5269 944285.7 804346.1
5270 944285.7 819192.2
5271 944285.7 834038.4
5272 944285.7 848884.5
5273 944285.7 863730.7
5274 944285.7 878576.8
5275 944285.7 893423.0
5276 944285.7 908269.1
5277 944285.7 923115.3
5278 944285.7 937961.4
5279 944285.7 952807.6
5280 944285.7 967653.7
5281 944285.7 982499.9
5282 944285.7 997346.0
5283 944285.7 1012192.2
5284 944285.7 1027038.3
5285 944285.7 1041884.5
5286 944285.7 1056730.6
5287 944285.7 1071576.8
5288 944285.7 1086422.9
5289 944285.7 1101269.1
5290 948571.4 500000.0
5291 948571.4 514846.1
5292 948571.4 529692.3
5293 948571.4 544538.4
5294 948571.4 559384.6
5295 948571.4 574230.7
5296 948571.4 589076.9
5297 948571.4 603923.0
5298 948571.4 618769.2
5299 948571.4 633615.3
5300 948571.4 648461.5
5301 948571.4 663307.6
5302 948571.4 678153.8
5303 948571.4 692999.9
5304 948571.4 707846.1
5305 948571.4 722692.2
5306 948571.4 737538.4
5307 948571.4 752384.5
5308 948571.4 767230.7
5309 948571.4 782076.8
5310 948571.4 796923.0
5311 948571.4 811769.1
5312 948571.4 826615.3
5313 948571.4 841461.4
5314 948571.4 856307.6
5315 948571.4 871153.7
5316 948571.4 885999.9
5317 948571.4 900846.0
5318 948571.4 915692.2
5319 948571.4 930538.3
5320 948571.4 945384.5
5321 948571.4 960230.6
5322 948571.4 975076.8
5323 948571.4 989922.9
5324 948571.4 1004769.1
5325 948571.4 1019615.2
5326 948571.4 1034461.4
5327 948571.4 1049307.5
5328 948571.4 1064153.7
5329 948571.4 1078999.8
5330 948571.4 1093846.0
5331 952857.1 507423.1
5332 952857.1 522269.2
5333 952857.1 537115.4
5334 952857.1 551961.5
5335 952857.1 566807.7
5336 952857.1 581653.8
5337 952857.1 596500.0
5338 952857.1 611346.1
5339 952857.1 626192.3
5340 952857.1 641038.4
5341 952857.1 655884.6
5342 952857.1 670730.7
5343 952857.1 685576.9
5344 952857.1 700423.0
5345 952857.1 715269.2
5346 952857.1 730115.3
5347 952857.1 744961.5
5348 952857.1 759807.6
5349 952857.1 774653.8
5350 952857.1 789499.9
5351 952857.1 804346.1
5352 952857.1 819192.2
5353 952857.1 834038.4
5354 952857.1 848884.5
5355 952857.1 863730.7
5356 952857.1 878576.8
5357 952857.1 893423.0
5358 952857.1 908269.1
5359 952857.1 923115.3
5360 952857.1 937961.4
5361 952857.1 952807.6
5362 952857.1 967653.7
5363 952857.1 982499.9
5364 952857.1 997346.0
5365 952857.1 1012192.2
5366 952857.1 1027038.3
5367 952857.1 1041884.5
5368 952857.1 1056730.6
5369 952857.1 1071576.8
5370 952857.1 1086422.9
5371 952857.1 1101269.1
5372 957142.9 500000.0
5373 957142.9 514846.1
5374 957142.9 529692.3
5375 957142.9 544538.4
5376 957142.9 559384.6
5377 957142.9 574230.7
5378 957142.9 589076.9
5379 957142.9 603923.0
5380 957142.9 618769.2
5381 957142.9 633615.3
5382 957142.9 648461.5
5383 957142.9 663307.6
5384 957142.9 678153.8
5385 957142.9 692999.9
5386 957142.9 707846.1
5387 957142.9 722692.2
5388 957142.9 737538.4
5389 957142.9 752384.5
5390 957142.9 767230.7
5391 957142.9 782076.8
5392 957142.9 796923.0
5393 957142.9 811769.1
5394 957142.9 826615.3
5395 957142.9 841461.4
5396 957142.9 856307.6
5397 957142.9 871153.7
5398 957142.9 885999.9
5399 957142.9 900846.0
5400 957142.9 915692.2
5401 957142.9 930538.3
5402 957142.9 945384.5
5403 957142.9 960230.6
5404 957142.9 975076.8
5405 957142.9 989922.9
5406 957142.9 1004769.1
5407 957142.9 1019615.2
5408 957142.9 1034461.4
5409 957142.9 1049307.5
5410 957142.9 1064153.7
5411 957142.9 1078999.8
5412 957142.9 1093846.0
5413 961428.6 507423.1
5414 961428.6 522269.2
5415 961428.6 537115.4
5416 961428.6 551961.5
5417 961428.6 566807.7
5418 961428.6 581653.8
5419 961428.6 596500.0
5420 961428.6 611346.1
5421 961428.6 626192.3
5422 961428.6 641038.4
5423 961428.6 655884.6
5424 961428.6 670730.7
5425 961428.6 685576.9
5426 961428.6 700423.0
5427 961428.6 715269.2
5428 961428.6 730115.3
5429 961428.6 744961.5
5430 961428.6 759807.6
5431 961428.6 774653.8
5432 961428.6 789499.9
5433 961428.6 804346.1
5434 961428.6 819192.2
5435 961428.6 834038.4
5436 961428.6 848884.5
5437 961428.6 863730.7
5438 961428.6 878576.8
5439 961428.6 893423.0
5440 961428.6 908269.1
5441 961428.6 923115.3
5442 961428.6 937961.4
5443 961428.6 952807.6
5444 961428.6 967653.7
5445 961428.6 982499.9
5446 961428.6 997346.0
5447 961428.6 1012192.2
5448 961428.6 1027038.3
5449 961428.6 1041884.5
5450 961428.6 1056730.6
5451 961428.6 1071576.8
5452 961428.6 1086422.9
5453 961428.6 1101269.1
5454 965714.3 500000.0
5455 965714.3 514846.1
5456 965714.3 529692.3
5457 965714.3 544538.4
5458 965714.3 559384.6
5459 965714.3 574230.7
5460 965714.3 589076.9
5461 965714.3 603923.0
5462 965714.3 618769.2
5463 965714.3 633615.3
5464 965714.3 648461.5
5465 965714.3 663307.6
5466 965714.3 678153.8
5467 965714.3 692999.9
5468 965714.3 707846.1
5469 965714.3 722692.2
5470 965714.3 737538.4
5471 965714.3 752384.5
5472 965714.3 767230.7
5473 965714.3 782076.8
5474 965714.3 796923.0
5475 965714.3 811769.1
5476 965714.3 826615.3
5477 965714.3 841461.4
5478 965714.3 856307.6
5479 965714.3 871153.7
5480 965714.3 885999.9
5481 965714.3 900846.0
5482 965714.3 915692.2
5483 965714.3 930538.3
5484 965714.3 945384.5
5485 965714.3 960230.6
5486 965714.3 975076.8
5487 965714.3 989922.9
5488 965714.3 1004769.1
5489 965714.3 1019615.2
5490 965714.3 1034461.4
5491 965714.3 1049307.5
5492 965714.3 1064153.7
5493 965714.3 1078999.8
5494 965714.3 1093846.0
5495 970000.0 507423.1
5496 970000.0 522269.2
5497 970000.0 537115.4
5498 970000.0 551961.5
5499 970000.0 566807.7
5500 970000.0 581653.8
5501 970000.0 596500.0
5502 970000.0 611346.1
5503 970000.0 626192.3
5504 970000.0 641038.4
5505 970000.0 655884.6
5506 970000.0 670730.7
5507 970000.0 685576.9
5508 970000.0 700423.0
5509 970000.0 715269.2
5510 970000.0 730115.3
5511 970000.0 744961.5
5512 970000.0 759807.6
5513 970000.0 774653.8
5514 970000.0 789499.9
5515 970000.0 804346.1
5516 970000.0 819192.2
5517 970000.0 834038.4
5518 970000.0 848884.5
5519 970000.0 863730.7
5520 970000.0 878576.8
5521 970000.0 893423.0
5522 970000.0 908269.1
5523 970000.0 923115.3
5524 970000.0 937961.4
5525 970000.0 952807.6
5526 970000.0 967653.7
5527 970000.0 982499.9
5528 970000.0 997346.0
5529 970000.0 1012192.2
5530 970000.0 1027038.3
5531 970000.0 1041884.5
5532 970000.0 1056730.6
5533 970000.0 1071576.8
5534 970000.0 1086422.9
5535 970000.0 1101269.1
5536 974285.7 500000.0
5537 974285.7 514846.1
5538 974285.7 529692.3
5539 974285.7 544538.4
5540 974285.7 559384.6
5541 974285.7 574230.7
5542 974285.7 589076.9
5543 974285.7 603923.0
5544 974285.7 618769.2
5545 974285.7 633615.3
5546 974285.7 648461.5
5547 974285.7 663307.6
5548 974285.7 678153.8
5549 974285.7 692999.9
5550 974285.7 707846.1
5551 974285.7 722692.2
5552 974285.7 737538.4
5553 974285.7 752384.5
5554 974285.7 767230.7
5555 974285.7 782076.8
5556 974285.7 796923.0
5557 974285.7 811769.1
5558 974285.7 826615.3
5559 974285.7 841461.4
5560 974285.7 856307.6
5561 974285.7 871153.7
5562 974285.7 885999.9
5563 974285.7 900846.0
5564 974285.7 915692.2
5565 974285.7 930538.3
5566 974285.7 945384.5
5567 974285.7 960230.6
5568 974285.7 975076.8
5569 974285.7 989922.9
5570 974285.7 1004769.1
5571 974285.7 1019615.2
5572 974285.7 1034461.4
5573 974285.7 1049307.5
5574 974285.7 1064153.7
5575 974285.7 1078999.8
5576 974285.7 1093846.0
5577 978571.4 507423.1
5578 978571.4 522269.2
5579 978571.4 537115.4
5580 978571.4 551961.5
5581 978571.4 566807.7
5582 978571.4 581653.8
5583 978571.4 596500.0
5584 978571.4 611346.1
5585 978571.4 626192.3
5586 978571.4 641038.4
5587 978571.4 655884.6
5588 978571.4 670730.7
5589 978571.4 685576.9
5590 978571.4 700423.0
5591 978571.4 715269.2
5592 978571.4 730115.3
5593 978571.4 744961.5
5594 978571.4 759807.6
5595 978571.4 774653.8
5596 978571.4 789499.9
5597 978571.4 804346.1
5598 978571.4 819192.2
5599 978571.4 834038.4
5600 978571.4 848884.5
5601 978571.4 863730.7
5602 978571.4 878576.8
5603 978571.4 893423.0
5604 978571.4 908269.1
5605 978571.4 923115.3
5606 978571.4 937961.4
5607 978571.4 952807.6
5608 978571.4 967653.7
5609 978571.4 982499.9
5610 978571.4 997346.0
5611 978571.4 1012192.2
5612 978571.4 1027038.3
5613 978571.4 1041884.5
5614 978571.4 1056730.6
5615 978571.4 1071576.8
5616 978571.4 1086422.9
5617 978571.4 1101269.1
5618 982857.1 500000.0
5619 982857.1 514846.1
5620 982857.1 529692.3
5621 982857.1 544538.4
5622 982857.1 559384.6
5623 982857.1 574230.7
5624 982857.1 589076.9
5625 982857.1 603923.0
5626 982857.1 618769.2
5627 982857.1 633615.3
5628 982857.1 648461.5
5629 982857.1 663307.6
5630 982857.1 678153.8
5631 982857.1 692999.9
5632 982857.1 707846.1
5633 982857.1 722692.2
5634 982857.1 737538.4
5635 982857.1 752384.5
5636 982857.1 767230.7
5637 982857.1 782076.8
5638 982857.1 796923.0
5639 982857.1 811769.1
5640 982857.1 826615.3
5641 982857.1 841461.4
5642 982857.1 856307.6
5643 982857.1 871153.7
5644 982857.1 885999.9
5645 982857.1 900846.0
5646 982857.1 915692.2
5647 982857.1 930538.3
5648 982857.1 945384.5
5649 982857.1 960230.6
5650 982857.1 975076.8
5651 982857.1 989922.9
5652 982857.1 1004769.1
5653 982857.1 1019615.2
5654 982857.1 1034461.4
5655 982857.1 1049307.5
5656 982857.1 1064153.7
5657 982857.1 1078999.8
5658 982857.1 1093846.0
5659 987142.9 507423.1
5660 987142.9 522269.2
5661 987142.9 537115.4
5662 987142.9 551961.5
5663 987142.9 566807.7
5664 987142.9 581653.8
5665 987142.9 596500.0
5666 987142.9 611346.1
5667 987142.9 626192.3
5668 987142.9 641038.4
5669 987142.9 655884.6
5670 987142.9 670730.7
5671 987142.9 685576.9
5672 987142.9 700423.0
5673 987142.9 715269.2
5674 987142.9 730115.3
5675 987142.9 744961.5
5676 987142.9 759807.6
5677 987142.9 774653.8
5678 987142.9 789499.9
5679 987142.9 804346.1
5680 987142.9 819192.2
5681 987142.9 834038.4
5682 987142.9 848884.5
5683 987142.9 863730.7
5684 987142.9 878576.8
5685 987142.9 893423.0
5686 987142.9 908269.1
5687 987142.9 923115.3
5688 987142.9 937961.4
5689 987142.9 952807.6
5690 987142.9 967653.7
5691 987142.9 982499.9
5692 987142.9 997346.0
5693 987142.9 1012192.2
5694 987142.9 1027038.3
5695 987142.9 1041884.5
5696 987142.9 1056730.6
5697 987142.9 1071576.8
5698 987142.9 1086422.9
5699 987142.9 1101269.1
5700 991428.6 500000.0
5701 991428.6 514846.1
5702 991428.6 529692.3
5703 991428.6 544538.4
5704 991428.6 559384.6
5705 991428.6 574230.7
5706 991428.6 589076.9
5707 991428.6 603923.0
5708 991428.6 618769.2
5709 991428.6 633615.3
5710 991428.6 648461.5
5711 991428.6 663307.6
5712 991428.6 678153.8
5713 991428.6 692999.9
5714 991428.6 707846.1
5715 991428.6 722692.2
5716 991428.6 737538.4
5717 991428.6 752384.5
5718 991428.6 767230.7
5719 991428.6 782076.8
5720 991428.6 796923.0
5721 991428.6 811769.1
5722 991428.6 826615.3
5723 991428.6 841461.4
5724 991428.6 856307.6
5725 991428.6 871153.7
5726 991428.6 885999.9
5727 991428.6 900846.0
5728 991428.6 915692.2
5729 991428.6 930538.3
5730 991428.6 945384.5
5731 991428.6 960230.6
5732 991428.6 975076.8
5733 991428.6 989922.9
5734 991428.6 1004769.1
5735 991428.6 1019615.2
5736 991428.6 1034461.4
5737 991428.6 1049307.5
5738 991428.6 1064153.7
5739 991428.6 1078999.8
5740 991428.6 1093846.0
5741 995714.3 507423.1
5742 995714.3 522269.2
5743 995714.3 537115.4
5744 995714.3 551961.5
5745 995714.3 566807.7
5746 995714.3 581653.8
5747 995714.3 596500.0
5748 995714.3 611346.1
5749 995714.3 626192.3
5750 995714.3 641038.4
5751 995714.3 655884.6
5752 995714.3 670730.7
5753 995714.3 685576.9
5754 995714.3 700423.0
5755 995714.3 715269.2
5756 995714.3 730115.3
5757 995714.3 744961.5
5758 995714.3 759807.6
5759 995714.3 774653.8
5760 995714.3 789499.9
5761 995714.3 804346.1
5762 995714.3 819192.2
5763 995714.3 834038.4
5764 995714.3 848884.5
5765 995714.3 863730.7
5766 995714.3 878576.8
5767 995714.3 893423.0
5768 995714.3 908269.1
5769 995714.3 923115.3
5770 995714.3 937961.4
5771 995714.3 952807.6
5772 995714.3 967653.7
5773 995714.3 982499.9
5774 995714.3 997346.0
5775 995714.3 1012192.2
5776 995714.3 1027038.3
5777 995714.3 1041884.5
5778 995714.3 1056730.6
5779 995714.3 1071576.8
5780 995714.3 1086422.9
5781 995714.3 1101269.1
5782 1000000.0 500000.0
5783 1000000.0 514846.1
5784 1000000.0 529692.3
5785 1000000.0 544538.4
5786 1000000.0 559384.6
5787 1000000.0 574230.7
5788 1000000.0 589076.9
5789 1000000.0 603923.0
5790 1000000.0 618769.2
5791 1000000.0 633615.3
5792 1000000.0 648461.5
5793 1000000.0 663307.6
5794 1000000.0 678153.8
5795 1000000.0 692999.9
5796 1000000.0 707846.1
5797 1000000.0 722692.2
5798 1000000.0 737538.4
5799 1000000.0 752384.5
5800 1000000.0 767230.7
5801 1000000.0 782076.8
5802 1000000.0 796923.0
5803 1000000.0 811769.1
5804 1000000.0 826615.3
5805 1000000.0 841461.4
5806 1000000.0 856307.6
5807 1000000.0 871153.7
5808 1000000.0 885999.9
5809 1000000.0 900846.0
5810 1000000.0 915692.2
5811 1000000.0 930538.3
5812 1000000.0 945384.5
5813 1000000.0 960230.6
5814 1000000.0 975076.8
5815 1000000.0 989922.9
5816 1000000.0 1004769.1
5817 1000000.0 1019615.2
5818 1000000.0 1034461.4
5819 1000000.0 1049307.5
5820 1000000.0 1064153.7
5821 1000000.0 1078999.8
5822 1000000.0 1093846.0
5823 1004285.7 507423.1
5824 1004285.7 522269.2
5825 1004285.7 537115.4
5826 1004285.7 551961.5
5827 1004285.7 566807.7
5828 1004285.7 581653.8
5829 1004285.7 596500.0
5830 1004285.7 611346.1
5831 1004285.7 626192.3
5832 1004285.7 641038.4
5833 1004285.7 655884.6
5834 1004285.7 670730.7
5835 1004285.7 685576.9
5836 1004285.7 700423.0
5837 1004285.7 715269.2
5838 1004285.7 730115.3
5839 1004285.7 744961.5
5840 1004285.7 759807.6
5841 1004285.7 774653.8
5842 1004285.7 789499.9
5843 1004285.7 804346.1
5844 1004285.7 819192.2
5845 1004285.7 834038.4
5846 1004285.7 848884.5
5847 1004285.7 863730.7
5848 1004285.7 878576.8
5849 1004285.7 893423.0
5850 1004285.7 908269.1
5851 1004285.7 923115.3
5852 1004285.7 937961.4
5853 1004285.7 952807.6
5854 1004285.7 967653.7
5855 1004285.7 982499.9
5856 1004285.7 997346.0
5857 1004285.7 1012192.2
5858 1004285.7 1027038.3
5859 1004285.7 1041884.5
5860 1004285.7 1056730.6
5861 1004285.7 1071576.8
5862 1004285.7 1086422.9
5863 1004285.7 1101269.1

I also need to convert hubs_data from an sf object into a dataframe with the x and y coordinates stored as separate columns, so that distances to hexagon centres can be calculated. There might be a way of going about this where the hexagons and organisations are left as sf objects, and distances are calculated using st_distance, but anyway.

hub_data <- hub_data %>% 
  mutate(x = st_coordinates(.)[,1] , y = st_coordinates(.)[,2] ) %>% 

Now that we have the coordinates as separate variables in their datasets we can assign each organistion to an individual hexagon. This is done by using a vector containing the hexagon ids which are already assigned to an organisation called hex_gone_list (it is initially set up containing ‘1’ which isn’t near any of the organisations, so that doesn’t matter).

We have a separate list, which starts out empty, that will contain all of the information on organisations and their nearest hexagons.

We loop over all of the organisations in hub_data, and in each case calculate the distance to all remaining hexagons. Then we filter out the one with the minimum distance. The id for that hexagon (hex_num) is added to the hex_gone_list so that it is excluded from further distance checks, and the data for the organisation and its paired hexagon is added to the hex_list. We then make a dataframe from hex_list using bind_rows.

hex_gone_list <- c(1)
hex_list <- list()

for(i in 1:nrow(hub_data)){  
  org_hex_pair <- hex_centres %>%
    filter(! hex_num %in% hex_gone_list) %>%
    mutate(x0 = hub_data$x[i] , y0= hub_data$y[i],
           dist = sqrt(    ((x0-x)^2)   +    ((y0-y)^2)   ) ) %>%
    filter(dist == min(dist)) %>%
    mutate(name = hub_data$name[i] , type = hub_data$type[i])
  hex_gone_list <- c(hex_gone_list , org_hex_pair$hex_num[1])
  hex_list[[i]] <- org_hex_pair

Now that we have a list of all of the hex IDs and associated organisation names and types, we can link it to hex_grid which has the geometries of the hexagons for plotting.

org_hexes <- hex_grid %>%  
  inner_join(bind_rows(hex_list) %>% 
               select(hex_num , name, type)) 
hex_num name type x
828 IMaR - Intelligent Mechatronics and RFID - Tralee Technology Gateway POLYGON ((481428.6 606397.4…
870 Munster Technological University Kerry (MTU Kerry) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((485714.3 613820.5…
1246 CURAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices - Galway SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((524285.7 725166.6…
1287 National University of Ireland Galway TTO (NUIG) University TTO POLYGON ((528571.4 717743.5…
1328 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((532857.1 725166.6…
1369 Marine Institute National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((537142.9 717743.5…
1410 MET Gateway - Medical & Engineering Technology - Galway Technology Gateway POLYGON ((541428.6 725166.6…
1487 Shannon ABC - Nutraceuticals Research - Tralee/ Limerick Technology Gateway POLYGON ((550000 650935.9, …
1523 MCCI - Microelectronics - Cork Technology Centre POLYGON ((554285.7 569282, …
1528 CONFIRM - Smart Manufacturing Research Centre - Limerick SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((554285.7 643512.8…
1529 SSPC, the SFI Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((554285.7 658358.9…
1563 INFANT - Irish Centre for Foetal and Neonatal Translational Research - Cork HEI Profiles POLYGON ((558571.4 561859, …
1564 NIMBUS - Embedded Computing and Software Systems - Cork Technology Gateway POLYGON ((558571.4 576705.1…
1569 Limerick Institute of Technology Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((558571.4 650935.9…
1604 CAPPA - Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis - Cork Technology Gateway POLYGON ((562857.1 554435.9…
1605 University College Cork (UCC) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((562857.1 569282, …
1610 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (PMTC) - Limerick Technology Centre POLYGON ((562857.1 643512.8…
1611 University of Limerick (UL) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((562857.1 658358.9…
1645 Munster Technological University Cork (MTU Cork) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((567142.9 561859, …
1646 IPIC - Irish Photonic Integration Centre - Cork SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((567142.9 576705.1…
1651 Lero - Irish Software Engineering Research Centre - Limerick SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((567142.9 650935.9…
1663 Institute of Technology Sligo TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((567142.9 829089.7…
1687 APC - Microbiome Institute - Cork SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((571428.6 569282, …
1693 DPTC - The Dairy Processing Technology Centre Technology Centre POLYGON ((571428.6 658358.9…
1705 Precision Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing research - Sligo Technology Gateway POLYGON ((571428.6 836512.7…
1727 MaREI - Marine Renewable Energy Ireland - Cork SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((575714.3 561859, …
1728 Tyndall National Institute National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((575714.3 576705.1…
1771 VistaMilk SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((580000 598974.3, …
1985 COMAND - Interactive Media Technologies - Athlone Technology Gateway POLYGON ((601428.6 740012.8…
2026 Athlone Institute of Technology Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((605714.3 732589.7…
2067 APT - Applied Polymer Technologies - Athlone Technology Gateway POLYGON ((610000 740012.8, …
2120 WiSAR Lab - Wireless Sensor Technologies - Letterkenny Technology Gateway POLYGON ((614285.7 910743.5…
2160 Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((618571.4 903320.4…
2468 PMBrc - Pharmaceutical & Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre - Waterford Technology Gateway POLYGON ((652857.1 606397.4…
2509 SEAM - South Eastern Applied Materials Research Centre - Waterford Technology Gateway POLYGON ((657142.9 598974.3…
2510 TSSG - Telecommunications Software & Systems Gateway Technology Gateway POLYGON ((657142.9 613820.5…
2550 Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((661428.6 606397.4…
2636 Design and Applied Design Technology Gateway - Carlow Technology Gateway POLYGON ((670000 665782, 66…
2678 Institute of Technology Carlow (IT Carlow) TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((674285.7 673205.1…
2891 CREDIT - Centre for Renewables and Energy - Dundalk Technology Gateway POLYGON ((695714.3 799397.4…
2973 Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((704285.7 799397.4…
3749 Maynooth University TTO University TTO POLYGON ((785714.3 747435.8…
4115 IMR - Irish Manufacturing Research - Mullingar Technology Centre POLYGON ((824285.7 710320.5…
4324 Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Blanchardstown TTO University TTO POLYGON ((845714.3 762282, …
4361 Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Tallaght TTO University TTO POLYGON ((850000 710320.5, …
4402 MiCRA - Microsensors for Clinical Research and Analysis - Dublin Technology Gateway POLYGON ((854285.7 702897.4…
4446 MTI - Meat Technology Ireland Technology Centre POLYGON ((858571.4 754858.9…
4487 Teagasc Food Research Centre - Ashtown & Moorepark National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((862857.1 747435.8…
4527 National College of Art & Design (NCAD) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((867142.9 740012.8…
4567 DIAS - The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (TTO) Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((871428.6 717743.5…
4568 Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) University TTO POLYGON ((871428.6 732589.7…
4569 Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((871428.6 747435.8…
4608 CREST - Centre for Research in Engineering Surface Technology - Dublin Technology Gateway POLYGON ((875714.3 725166.6…
4609 ADAPT - Centre for Digital Content Technology SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((875714.3 740012.8…
4610 APT – Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre Dublin National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((875714.3 754858.9…
4649 Future Neuro - Centre for Chronic and Rare Neurological Diseases - Dublin SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((880000 717743.5, …
4650 Trinity College Dublin (TCD) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((880000 732589.7, …
4651 Dublin City University (DCU) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((880000 747435.8, …
4689 BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre - Dublin SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((884285.7 710320.5…
4690 CeADAR – Data Analytics & Machine Intelligence - Dublin Technology Centre POLYGON ((884285.7 725166.6…
4691 Learnovate Centre - Dublin Technology Centre POLYGON ((884285.7 740012.8…
4692 Insight – Centre for Data Analytics SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((884285.7 754858.9…
4731 University College Dublin (UCD) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((888571.4 717743.5…
4732 AMBER - Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research - Dublin SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((888571.4 732589.7…
4733 National College of Ireland (NCI) TTO University TTO POLYGON ((888571.4 747435.8…
4771 NIBRT - National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((892857.1 710320.5…
4772 iCRAG - Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((892857.1 725166.6…
4773 CONNECT - The Centre for Future Networks and Communications - Dublin SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((892857.1 740012.8…
4813 FHI - Food for Health Ireland - Dublin Technology Centre POLYGON ((897142.9 717743.5…
4814 ICHEC - Irish Centre for High-End Computing National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((897142.9 732589.7…
4853 I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre - Dublin SFI Research Centre POLYGON ((901428.6 710320.5…
4854 HRB - Health Research Board National Institutes and Facilities POLYGON ((901428.6 725166.6…
4935 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) TTO Institute of Technology TTO POLYGON ((910000 710320.5, …

Final plot

Now we can plot org_hexes as an extra layer in our map. We add dub_inset_small as a layer too in a darker shade of grey than the rest of the country.

ggplot(county_map_itm) +  
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_small , fill=NA) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_big, fill=NA) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset ) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset_small , fill="grey80") +
  geom_sf(data = tan_df , colour= "grey35") +
  geom_sf(data = org_hexes, aes(fill=type) , colour=NA) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Dark2")) +
  labs(fill = "") +

Let’s adjust some of the colours for a ‘dark mode’ style image. The background colour and legend text are adjusted within the theme function using the plot.background and legend.text arguments respectively.

ggplot(county_map_itm) +  
  geom_sf(fill = "#4D5C67", colour = "#dae1e8", size = 0.2) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset , fill = "#4D5C67" , colour = "#dae1e8", size = 0.2) +
  geom_sf(data = dub_inset_small , fill="#36434d", colour = "#a8b2bd", size = 0.2) + # slightly darker
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_small , fill=NA, colour = "white") +
  geom_sf(data = dub_circle_big, fill=NA, colour = "white") +
  geom_sf(data = tan_df , colour= "white") +
  geom_sf(data = org_hexes, aes(fill=type) , colour=NA) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Dark2")) +
  labs(fill = "") +
  theme_void() +
  theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#2B2727"),

That’s it. You can make some additional code to do some “annealing” of the hexagon-organisation allocations to minimise the sum of the distances. Each hexagon has six neighbours, and their ID number varies by -48 (lower left), -94 (left), -49 (top left), +47 (top right), +94 (right) and +46 (bottom right). So you could run, say, 10,000 iterations where organisations swap hexes with one of their neighbouring cells and see if the total distance is reduced, keeping changes where that is the case.