
This guide uses maps from my GitHub page produced using shapefiles from OSi and OSNI.

Two packages are used throughout, they are tidyverse and sf. Tidyverse is actually a collection of packages that all work together. One of these is called ggplot2, and this is very useful for making nice plots. sf stands for simple features, it is a package for working with spatial data, and it is designed to be compatible with tidyverse. The spatial data objects that you manipulate with the sf package are called ‘sf objects’. More on that later.

To install the collection of tidyverse packages (including ggplot2) run install.packages("tidyverse"), and to install the sf package run install.packages("sf").

There are alternative packages and approaches in R for producing maps. Other options include the plotting functions in base R and the tmap package. I find that using ggplot2 together with sf offers the best balance of flexibility and ease of use. Alongside the sf package and sf objects there is an older package called sp with associated sp objects, and I would advise against using sp under any circumstances. It has poor compatibility, fewer features and is much more difficult to use.

To start, we will need to load both the tidyverse packages and the sf package.



I would like for anyone to be able to begin making their own maps, but some familiarity with R will be required for you to produce maps beyond the examples in this guide. I’ve listed some of my most-used functions below. Before we get into that I want to point out some of the help tools that are available.

Help and cheatsheets

The help function in R provides great documentation and examples for all functions. Use it by running ? followed by a function, for example by entering ?select.

There are very good cheatsheets for different packages on the RStudio website. One cheatsheet that you won’t find on that page but which I think is really useful for beginners is the one on data wrangling.

Functions that are good to know

  • <- : the assignment operator in R (shortcut Alt -). E.g. x <- 5 gives x the value 5.
  • $ : operator to extract one variable in a dataset, e.g. my_data$some_column returns some_column from the dataframe my_data.
  • select() : subsetting columns
  • filter() : subsetting rows
  • mutate() : create new variables
  • group_by() : prepares a dataframe for operations to be carried out on groups of variables. Use ungroup() to remove grouping.
  • %>% : this is the ‘pipe’ (shortcut Ctrl Shift m), it is a tool for pushing an object through a series of operations. It makes code easier to read and write.
  • c() : create a vector.
  • Boolean operators like == (equal to) != (not equal to) & (and) | (or) %in% (in, I use this a lot to see if a string is in a vector of strings).

Not an absolute necessity, but I find myself doing a lot of string matching when I’m making maps in R, and for that I use the str_detect() function. A very useful resource is the ‘String manipulation with stringr cheatsheet’, available on the RStudio Cheatsheets page.

Importing maps

You should be able to import my maps directly from the web, using the following, which will create an object called lea_166.

lea_166 <- st_read("")

This is a map of the 166 Local Electoral Areas in Ireland, plus the outline for Northern Ireland, so there are 167 shapes in total, and a row for each of these, so 167 rows in lea_166. In terms of structure, lea_166 is an ‘sf object’, where sf stands for simple features. These objects can be manipulated using functions from the sf package and are designed to be compatible with tidyverse functions. An sf object is a special type of dataframe where one of the columns is called geometry, and this contains the coordinates for the shapes corresponding to that row. In our case the geometry column stores multipolygon shapes. There are other types of geometry, including points, lines and multipoints.

I say should in the above because your organisation might not allow R to access the web in this way. If that’s the case then you can navigate to the URL in the st_read() function, and save that page locally as a .geojson file. Then use the file location on your PC as the argument for st_read() instead of the URL.

We will be able to use this map of 166 LEAs (plus Northern Ireland) to create other maps, such as county outlines and NUTS 3 region outlines.

There are 11 columns within lea_166, they are:

  • LE_ID : an id sometimes used by CSO
  • LEA: The name of the LEA
  • COUNTY: The county of the LEA
  • AREA: area in square kilometres
  • GUID: Globally Unique Identification code, another type of ID
  • NUTS3 and NUTS2: NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regions are standard country subdivisions used for statistical purposes.
  • ADMIN_AREA: Ireland’s 31 administrative areas. Like COUNTY, except Dublin, Cork, Galway and Limerick are broken up.
  • cso_name: a version of the name of the LEA which may be matched to CSO datasets
  • Pop2016: The population of the LEA according to Census 2016 data.
  • geometry: a list-column containing the geographic coordinates for each LEA.

You can have a look at lea_166 using the glimpse() function:

## Rows: 167
## Columns: 11
## $ LE_ID      <chr> "13160403", "13210401", "13180401", "1360401", "13100400", ~
## $ LEA        <chr> "Ratoath", "Roscrea-Templemore", "Tullamore", "Tuam", "Borr~
## $ COUNTY     <chr> "Meath", "Tipperary", "Offaly", "Galway", "Laois", "Westmea~
## $ AREA       <dbl> 294.98056, 492.84520, 399.42957, 780.69255, 907.57781, 713.~
## $ GUID       <chr> "2ae19629-3f1b-13a3-e055-000000000001", "2ae19629-3f2d-13a3~
## $ NUTS3      <chr> "Mid-East", "Mid-West", "Midlands", "West", "Midlands", "Mi~
## $ NUTS2      <chr> "Eastern and Midland", "Southern", "Eastern and Midland", "~
## $ cso_name   <chr> "Ratoath, Meath", "Roscrea-Templemore, Tipperary", "Tullamo~
## $ Pop2016    <dbl> 33318, 16594, 29159, 33191, 24807, 21674, 41593, 13771, 265~
## $ geometry   <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-6.662222 5..., MULTIPOLYGON (~

First plot

Let’s take a quick look at the map that we now have using ggplot.

ggplot(lea_166) + geom_sf()

This structure of using ggplot() followed by + geom_XXX() will be familiar to users of ggplot (XXX here might be line, bar etc. depending on the type of plot).

Extra layers can be added through additional geom_sf functions, as we shall see later. These additional geom_sf functions will require a data argument to specify the associated dataframe — the first geom_sf takes its dataframe from the initial ggplot function. Thus the code structure for a layered plot looks something like the following.

# pseudocode 
ggplot(base_map) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = extra_layer) + 
  geom_sf(data = another_layer)

You could put base_map into the first geom_sf function with a data argument like the subsequent layers, but (a) that is not the convention that I have seen, and (b) I think it can cause problems not to have any dataframe in ggplot() if you are adding annotations to the plot.

Maps of counties and NUTS regions

Maps for counties, admin areas, NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions can be produced using lea_166. To produce a map of counties, for example, use the code below. The key function here is st_union() which can be used to join sf objects.

county_map <- lea_166 %>% 
  group_by(COUNTY) %>% 
  summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry) , AREA=sum(AREA))

Note that county_map has only 3 columns, which are COUNTY, geometry and AREA. AREA is calculated for each county using the sum() function above. You could do something similar for Pop2016 if you wished. All other columns are lost in the summarise() step.

Let’s plot county_map to see what it looks like.

ggplot(county_map) + geom_sf()

Try making a similar plot of the NUTS3 regions.

Colouring in selected areas of the map

Let’s start with the LEA map and let’s say we want all of the LEAs in the Border to be coloured in green. We can make a new dataframe called border_leas using filter as follows:

border_leas <- lea_166 %>% 
  filter(NUTS3 == "Border")

Now we can plot that as an extra layer on top of our usual LEA map

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = border_leas , fill="green")

Note that we could have done the filter step within the geom_sf() function if we wanted to, like so:

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = lea_166 %>% filter(NUTS3 == "Border") , fill="green")

The filter function is very powerful, and we can include multiple clauses separated by commas. Let’s say we want all LEAs in the Border and South-West NUTS 3 regions, and all the LEAs in County Offaly, but we want to exclude the LEA of Kenmare and any LEA which has the string ‘Cork City’ in its name. I know this seems like a silly selection but hopefully it will give you a guide to making your own complex subsets.

selected_areas <- lea_166 %>% 
  filter(NUTS3 %in% c("Border" ,"South-West") | COUNTY =="Offaly" , 
         LEA != "Kenmare", 
         ! str_detect(LEA , "Cork City")) 

Note the use of ! above in front of the str_detect function, which negates or produces the opposite of the logical expression in front of it. You could have used & instead of the commas in the argument of filter above, but using logical AND as well as logical OR can be ambiguous (brackets ought to be used). Anyway, let’s plot selected_areas.

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = selected_areas , fill="green")

Adding more layers and using theme_void()

Let’s take the previous map and add dark outlines for the NUTS 3 regions. First we need to create the dataframe for the NUTS outlines, which we’ll do in the same way that the county outlines were produced above, using group_by and summarise with st_union.

nuts_outline <- lea_166 %>% 
  group_by(NUTS3) %>% 
  summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry))

I’m going to set the fill for the NUTS 3 outlines to NA which means it won’t have any fill colour, then set the line colour to black using colour="black". I’ll set the line width to 1 using size=1.

Note that in ggplot, fill always refers to the colour used to fill in shapes, and colour always refers to line colours. Most of the functions you’ll see which refer to fill will have an analagous version with colour and vice versa.

Let’s add another coloured layer, we’ll make all of Dublin blue. I’ll put the line of code for this before the code for the NUTS 3 outline, that way the blue fill won’t partially obscure that outline.

I’m also going to add theme_void() here. With ggplot there are lots of different themes you can add to change the appearance of your plot, but for maps the only one I really use is theme_void(). It’s effect is to remove the axes and give you a clear background.

nuts_outline <- lea_166 %>% 
  group_by(NUTS3) %>% 
  summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry))

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = selected_areas , fill="green") +
  geom_sf(data = lea_166 %>% filter(COUNTY=="Dublin") , fill="blue") +
  geom_sf(data = nuts_outline , fill= NA , colour="black", size=1) +

Creating named objects from plots

Rather than simply plotting a ggplot object immediately, you can turn it into an object in the R environment with its own name. For example, let’s take the first three lines of the previous ggplot statement and make an object called base_plot:

base_plot <- ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = selected_areas , fill="green") 

Now we can add to this as we please (resulting plot not shown, it’s the same as previous image). You might like to try this approach if you are making several plots which have a certain amount of detail in common.

base_plot + 
  geom_sf(data = lea_166 %>% filter(COUNTY=="Dublin") , fill="blue") +
  geom_sf(data = nuts_outline , fill= NA , colour="black", size=1) +

Saving plots

The function used to save plots is ggsave. By default it saves the last plot displayed. The code below shows how it is used. You can adjust the height, width and units depending on your needs.

ggsave(file = "images/map_with_selected_areas.png" , width=18, height = 24, units="cm") 

You can save a named plot to file using the using plot = argument within ggsave. Let’s create simple_lea_map and save that.

simple_lea_map <- ggplot(lea_166) + geom_sf()

ggsave(file = "images/simple_lea_map.png" , plot = simple_lea_map, width=18, height = 24, units="cm") 

Plotting continuous variables

Let’s say we want to create a map where the colour varies in proportion to a particular variable (a chloropleth). We’ll make one where the colour varies by population in each LEA, since this is already a column on lea_166 (the variable name is Pop2016). We can do that as follows:

ggplot(lea_166) + 

Note the aes() function within geom_sf(). This is for aesthetic mappings, and is very commonly used within ggplot for specifying dimensions. Find out more about this function here.

You’ll see that the colour in the plot above varies from dark blue to light blue. There are a few easy ways to choose a different range of colours, and I’ll show two of these here. The first is using scale_fill_distiller which takes an argument palette. Here I’m using the palette YlOrRd which is short for yellow-orange-red.

An aside on palettes

There are 35 different palettes supplied with scale_fill_distiller. You can check out the list of these on the help page for the function (run ?scale_fill_distiller). There are three type of palette: sequential, which are all light to dark and are designed for data that goes from low to high; qualitative, which are a mix of contrasting colours used for categorical data; and diverging, which have a dark colour at each end and a very light colour in the middle, and these are best suited where the midpoint in the range requires some emphasis.

There is another argument to scale_fill_distiller that is worth knowing which is direction, and this can be used to flip the palette, e.g. from dark to light instead of light to dark. By default it is equal to -1, so set it to 1 to reverse.

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill=Pop2016)) +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd")

Another useful function for specifying your own gradient is scale_fill_gradient2. This takes three colours for low, mid and high, and then a value for the midpoint (which will take the mid colour). See the example below. You might also be interested in two variations of this function, one simpler and one more complex. The simpler version is scale_fill_gradient which takes a high and low colour but no midpoint. Then the more complex version is scale_fill_gradientn which can make a gradient from a longer series of colours passed as a vector to the argument colours = , e.g. scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("blue", "green", "yellow", "red")). Often scale_fill_gradientn takes a built-in palette rather than a vector of named colours, e.g. scale_fill_gradientn(colours=rainbow(6)).

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill=Pop2016)) +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red", midpoint = 35000)

Legend title and format

The map above is nice, but we would probably prefer if the legend title said “Population” instead of “Pop2016”. If you are using a scale_fill_... function then the easiest thing is to add name = "Population" to that function. Otherwise you can specify a label for any plot dimension, including fill colour, using the labs function. For fill colour that would look like labs(fill = "Population").

I also want to adjust the appearance of the numbers in the legend so that they have a thousand comma separator. In other circumstances you might want to format the variable with a percent symbol. This is best handled using the scales package, which has some very useful functions for formatting numbers generally. We can add label = comma to whatever scale_fill_... function is being used (use scale_fill_continuous() if no other scale_fill_... function is used). If your continuous variable was from zero to one but you wanted it as a percentage then you would use label = percent.


ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill=Pop2016)) +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd" , label = comma, name="Population")

Hatching and cross hatching selected areas

Unfortunately there is no built-in means of hatching an area using ggplot, but I found a useful work-around on Stack Overflow here. The code to generate a pattern is shown below. The function hatch_pattern takes three arguments: shape, which is the region (sf object) that you want to show with a hatch; scale, which is a number used to adjust the spacing of the hatch; and pattern which has four options for the direction of the lines in the hatch.

hatch_pattern <- function(shape, scale, pattern) {
  ex = list(
    horizontal = c(2, 1),
    vertical = c(1, 4),
    left2right = c(2, 4),
    right2left = c(1, 3)
  fillgrid = st_make_grid(shape, cellsize = scale)
  endsf = lapply(1:length(fillgrid), function(j)
    sf::st_linestring(sf::st_coordinates(fillgrid[j])[ex[[pattern]], 1:2]))
  endsf = sf::st_sfc(endsf, crs = sf::st_crs(shape))
  endsf = sf::st_intersection(endsf, shape)
  endsf = endsf[sf::st_geometry_type(endsf)
                %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING")]
  endsf = sf::st_line_merge(sf::st_union(endsf))

Now let’s use it to cover County Galway in a green hatch with line from top left to bottom right. I use colour = "green" and size=0.8 within the geom_sf() function to control the colour and line thickness respectively.

galway_hatch <- hatch_pattern(shape = lea_166 %>% filter(COUNTY=="Galway"), 
                              scale = 0.1, 
                              pattern = "left2right")

ggplot(lea_166) +
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = galway_hatch, colour = "green", size=0.8)

If you are being finnicky you might like to add lea_166 again in another geom_sf layer, this time with fill = NA, so that the LEA boundaries lie on top of the hatch, and not the other way around.

You can make a crosshatch by creating a second hatch with pattern “right2left” and overlaying this with another geom_sf function.

Cropping/zooming in

We need to distinguish between two types of zooming in here. One kind of zoom is where we plot just one subset of the map, and the other is where the whole map “exists” but we are cropping out a specific piece.

Let do the first kind of zoom where we plot just the LEAs in County Dublin.

dublin_map <- lea_166 %>% filter(COUNTY=="Dublin")

ggplot(dublin_map) + geom_sf()

Now let’s do the type where the map is cropped. This is achieved using coord_sf, wherein the limits are defined using xlim and ylim. Note the negative values in xlim() since we are west of the Greenwich meridian.

If you look closely at the plot you will notice that the full extent of the map is a little bit larger than the area specified by the limits provided, there is a certain amount of ‘padding’ on all four sides. This ‘expand’ feature is on by default, but can be turned off by adding expand = FALSE to the coord_sf function.

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-6.65,-5.95) , ylim = c(53.18, 53.65))

Creating ordinal variable from continuous variable

Suppose we want to plot a map with an ordinal variable, which is like a category but has some ordering from low to high. We might make an ordinal variable from a continuous variable by assigning values into bands. A good example here would be population density. Let’s make a new column for population density and try to plot it.

map_with_density <- lea_166 %>% 
  mutate(pop_density = Pop2016/AREA)

ggplot(map_with_density) + geom_sf(aes(fill=pop_density))

As we can see this is pretty unsatisfactory, too much of the detail is squashed into the top of the scale. It would make more sense to divide LEAs into bands with roughly equal numbers in each. There are tools for dividing a continuous scale into equally sized groups like quintiles, but I prefer to specify the bands myself so that the breaks are nice rounded figures.

We can make a new variable called density_band from pop_density using the cut function. See how the first value is the variable to make intervals from, then it has arguments breaks and labels each of which takes a vector. Note that the vector for breaks must be one element longer than that for labels.

map_with_density <- lea_166 %>% 
  mutate(pop_density = Pop2016/AREA) %>% 
  mutate(density_band = cut(pop_density , 
                                         breaks = c(0,10,50,100,500,1000,10000),
                                         labels = c("0-9", "10-49", "50-99", "100-499","500-999", "1000+")))

The important thing about the cut function is that the value it creates is a factor. Factors are used to represent categorical data and they can have an underlying order applied to them. When we plot a factor using ggplot it will take that order into account when applying the palette and creating the legend. In this case the order is determined by our vectors break and labels.

The structure of a factor is a little bit complicated. Very briefly, the labels that we make are a character attribute associated with the variable, and the underlying data is stored as a series of integers The following three lines of code might illustrate this better. The first line prints the first five entries of density_band, but it also shows the six labels associated with density_band. The second line of code uses as.integer to extract the internal codes for those first ten entries. Note that 1 corresponds to "0-9", 2 corresponds to "10-49", etc. Finally, the last line here uses the function levels to return the levels of the factor.

##  [1] 100-499 10-49   50-99   10-49   10-49   10-49   1000+   10-49   1000+  
## [10] 10-49  
## Levels: 0-9 10-49 50-99 100-499 500-999 1000+
map_with_density$density_band[1:10] %>% as.integer()
##  [1] 4 2 3 2 2 2 6 2 6 2
## [1] "0-9"     "10-49"   "50-99"   "100-499" "500-999" "1000+"

Plotting an ordinal variable

With our ordinal variable density_band created (see above), let’s plot it.

ggplot(map_with_density) + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill=density_band)) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="YlOrBr") +

I’m just going to add one or two more bits to spruce up this plot. I would like the NA colour (for Northern Ireland) to be a more distinctive colour so it’s not confused with the "0-19" band. This is done using the na.value argument within scale_fill_brewer. However I’d also like to remove the NA from the legend. I’ll do that by specifying limits in the scale_fill_brewer function. The limits argument puts limits on what the scale will cover, anything outside of those limits will not appear in the legend. I’ll set the limits to be equal to the levels of the variable density_band, that way the NA will disappear from the legend. Finally, I’m going to use name = in the scale_fill_brewer function to make a nice title for the legend. This time however, I’m using the function expression within the name argument because I want to insert a squared symbol for km2.

ggplot(map_with_density) + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill=density_band)) + 
                    na.value = "grey",
                    limits = levels(map_with_density$density_band),
                    name = expression(Pop~per~km^2)) +


Let’s say that we want a map with an inset for Dublin City. The easiest way I have found for doing this is using the cowplot package, which helps you to make compound images. We will create our map for the whole country and then add a layer on top of this for our inset using the draw_plot function from cowplot.

We’ll start by making a map for the whole country. We’ll use the first example from the gradient colour guide above and create a named object from it called main_map. We’ll need to make a couple of alterations for this plot. First we’ll add theme_void() to get rid of the axes. Then we’ll add a black rectangle to the map around the Dublin City area so that users know where the inset is from.

Finally, before we add the inset layer, I want to make the legend smaller and move it up to the top left corner so that the inset can sit close to Dublin where the default legend position is. Fortunately, it is possible to tune the size of all the components of the legend (text, title, colour bar), but unfortunately it is not possible to scale the whole legend all at once — each component must be scaled individually. This is done within the theme function as shown below.

main_map <- ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill=Pop2016)) +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd") + 
  theme_void() +
  # Adding the rectangle. 
  geom_rect(xmin = -6.65, xmax = -5.95 , ymin = 53.18 , ymax = 53.65 , 
            fill = NA, size = 0.6 , colour = "black") +
  # Adjusting the legend. 
  theme(legend.position = c(0,0.8) ,  # x-y coords for legend position (zero to one)
        legend.key.size = unit(0.4, "cm"), # size of colour bar
        legend.text = element_text(size=7), # size of text in legend
        legend.title = element_text(size=7)) # size of legend title


Now let’s make the inset map. It is main_map plus coord_sf to crop to the same coordinates as the black rectangle. Note the use of expand = FALSE to remove the padding; otherwise the black rectangle would sit a little bit inside the inset plot. I’ve also added an extra theme function to get rid of the legend since we don’t need an extra legend in the inset.

inset_map <- main_map + 
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-6.65, -5.95), ylim = c(53.18,53.65) , expand=FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")  


Now we can produce the finished product with the main_map and the inset_map. We use ggdraw and draw_plot as shown below. The other arguments to draw_plot (x, y, width, height) provide the size and position of the inset relative to the plot area.


ggdraw(main_map) + 
  draw_plot({inset_map} , x = 0.65, y = 0.35 , width = 0.35, height = 0.4) 

Here is a guide to inset maps that I found helpful.

Plotting point locations in a map

I’m going to assume a starting point where you have a file that contains coordinates for a bunch of points that you’d like to plot. For this example we’ll use the coordinates of train stations in the Republic of Ireland as given on Wikipedia.

stations <- read_csv("assets/train_stations.csv")
## # A tibble: 8 x 3
##   Name                   N     W
##   <chr>              <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Sligo Mac Diarmada  54.3  8.48
## 2 Collooney           54.2  8.49
## 3 Ballina             54.1  9.16
## 4 Ballymote           54.1  8.52
## 5 Dundalk Clarke      54.0  6.41
## 6 Foxford             54.0  9.14
## 7 Boyle               54.0  8.30
## 8 Carrick-on-Shannon  53.9  8.11

We have the coordinates as latitude and longitude. We need to convert it into an sf object so that we can plot it with geom_sf(). We do that using the function st_as_sf(). There are two important arguments to this function. The first is coords, which takes the names of the two coordinates. We use the newly created variables ‘long’ and ‘lat’, where ‘long’ is the negative of W since it is to the west of the Greenwich Meridian. The second important argument is crs which stands for coordinate reference system. We set this to "WGS 84", or the EPSG number for this crs which is 4326. This is the same crs used for lea_166, so they are already compatible. You can check this by running st_crs(lea_166).

The st_as_sf function creates the geometry column and removes the columns long and lat. At that point we no longer require N and W so we can remove those as well.

stations <- stations %>% 
  mutate(long = -W, lat = N) %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat") , crs = 4326) %>% 
  select(-N, -W)

## Rows: 146
## Columns: 2
## $ Name     <chr> "Sligo Mac Diarmada", "Collooney", "Ballina", "Ballymote", "D~
## $ geometry <POINT [°]> POINT (-8.48249 54.2723), POINT (-8.49453 54.1871), POI~

An aside on Coordinate Reference Systems

There are lots of different ways of defining coordinate systems, and different systems are used by different organisations and in different countries. When we import or create coordinates in R we need to tell it what coordinate reference system we are using, particularly if we are using spatial coordinates from more than one source. One of the most widely used reference systems is the World Geodetic System (1984 version). This is what is used for lea_166 and the stations here. There is a public registry of all of these reference systems called the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset. In this registry every crs has a unique number, and these can be used to identify a crs in R. The EPSG code for World Geodetic System 1984 is 4326.

When dealing with Irish maps and coordinates, you might come across the Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) reference system (EPSG code 2157) and perhaps the older Irish Grid (EPSG code 29902).

If you have two spatial data objects with two different coordinate reference systems, you will need to transform one to match the crs of the other. This is easily done for sf objects using the function st_transform.

Now we can plot our train stations on top of our map. Have a go modifying the points using arguments like size, colour and shape (which takes a numerical value, try shape = 17).

ggplot(lea_166) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = stations)

Assigning point locations to regions in the map

Let’s say we are interested in determining the LEA in which each train station is located. There are a couple of different potential endpoints here, we might want to calculate the number of stations per LEA or get a list of stations for some LEA. Here I’ll produce a dataframe of LEA-station pairs, which will hopefully be useful for whatever you’re trying to achieve.

We can use the function st_contains with lea_166 and stations. This returns a list which is the same length as lea_166. Each element in that list is a vector containing numbers for train stations in the relevant LEA. Those numbers correspond to the row numbers for each station in the dataframe stations.

stations_in_leas <- st_contains(lea_166 , stations)
# Look at the first six entries:
## [[1]]
## [1] 28 30
## [[2]]
## [1] 102 110
## [[3]]
## [1] 62 84
## [[4]]
## integer(0)
## [[5]]
## [1] 105
## [[6]]
## integer(0)

This is a little bit unsatisfactory, we would like to have the LEA names and station names rather than some row numbers. Below is a solution for getting those names. First, we take the list created by st_covers and pass it to data.frame(), which forces it to become a dataframe. This dataframe has 146 rows, which is the number of LEA-station pairs. There are two columns named and which correspond to the row numbers of LEAs and stations respectively in the objects lea_166 and stations. We can join the LEA and station names by doing a left_join with those objects, after we have extracted only the name of the LEA/station, and created equal to the row number from each dataset. Note that we also have to use st_drop_geometry for each spatial object to get rid of the geometry column; the select function cannot be used to remove geometry from an sf object.

The dataframe stations_in_leas has the output we want. We could easily calculate the number of stations in each LEA using group_by and summarise.

stations_in_leas <- st_contains(lea_166 , stations) %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  left_join(lea_166 %>% 
              st_drop_geometry() %>% # get rid of geometry column
              select(LEA) %>% # choose just the LEA name
              mutate( = row_number())) %>% # create for matching
  left_join(stations %>% 
              st_drop_geometry() %>% # get rid of geometry column
              select(Name) %>% # choose just the station name
              mutate( = row_number())) # create for matching

##                LEA       Name
## 1      1     28            Ratoath M3 Parkway
## 2      1     30            Ratoath   Dunboyne
## 3      2    102 Roscrea-Templemore    Roscrea
## 4      2    110 Roscrea-Templemore Templemore
## 5      3     62          Tullamore      Clara
## 6      3     84          Tullamore  Tullamore

An aside on using generalised maps

My LEA map is based on a 20m generalised map provided by OSi. A generalised map uses fewer datapoints for the boundaries of its regions to save memory and reduce processing time. The trade-off is reduced accuracy of the boundaries, which in this case are within 20 metres of the true boundaries. This could lead to errors if you are dealing with points which lie close to the boundary between two regions or are close to the coast, as they could be assigned to the wrong region or might end up in the sea. In the present example, the train stations Hazelhatch-Celbridge, Kishoge and Clonsilla are very close to LEA boundaries and might have been assigned to a different LEA if I had used an ungeneralised map. If this is a concern for you, then you should use an ungeneralised map.

Overlapping areas and calculating area

Create a file for Gaeltacht areas.