Bits of R


Some R code and sample projects

View My GitHub Profile

Some R guides

A crash course in R

Importing CSO data using the csodata package

Making maps of Ireland

Making interactive maps of Ireland

Using OpenStreetMap data in R

Statistical Disclosure Control using sdcTable

R snippets

Managing variables that may not exist

Formatting date and time

Running and using shell in R

Slider functions

Showing progress of R loops

Labels on geom_col (and geom_bar)

Why you should use geom_col

Other bits

Constituency Tilegram with TDs

Constituency Tilegram highlighting TDS that will not be contesting next general election

Leaders’ tenures of Irish political parties

SAS-R Cheatsheet

Hex Map of Research Resources

List of NACE codes

Eircode Routing Key Map

Lots of useful macros for SAS

The Axis of Fudge - an interactive brownie recipe exploration tool in Shiny

LEA Population Map - a Shiny web app for calculating population in selected LEAs