Bits of R


Some R code and sample projects

View My GitHub Profile

Some R guides

A crash course in R

Importing CSO data using the csodata package

Making maps of Ireland

Making interactive maps of Ireland

Using OpenStreetMap data in R

Statistical Disclosure Control using sdcTable

R snippets

Managing variables that may not exist

Formatting date and time

Running and using shell in R

Slider functions

Showing progress of R loops

Labels on geom_col (and geom_bar)

Why you should use geom_col

Other bits

Constituency Tilegram with TDs

Constituency Tilegram with TDs (2020 GE)

Constituency Tilegram highlighting TDS that will not be contesting next general election

Leaders’ tenures of Irish political parties

SAS-R Cheatsheet

Hex Map of Research Resources

List of NACE codes

Eircode Routing Key Map

Lots of useful macros for SAS

The Axis of Fudge - an interactive brownie recipe exploration tool in Shiny

LEA Population Map - a Shiny web app for calculating population in selected LEAs