
About R and RStudio

R is a flexible, convenient and powerful tool for managing and analysing data, and well as for creating publication materials such as visualisations, reports and dashboards. RStudio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for using R. R is free to install, as is the open source edition of RStudio (there are professional and hosted versions of RStudio which are not free). In my opinion, R and RStudio provide at least as much of the functionality you would see in other quite expensive statistical computing platforms.

About this guide

This guide will be just enough to get you going. It does not show the full range of features for every function. It uses tidyverse and isn’t very concerned with technical stuff going on under the hood.

Getting help

The help function in R provides great documentation and examples for all functions. Use it by running ? followed by the name of the function. For example, to find out more about the function select just run ?select.

There are very good cheatsheets for different packages on the RStudio website. One cheatsheet that you won’t find on that page but which I think is really useful for beginners is the one on data wrangling (although some of the functions on that are out of date).

Finally there are a couple of good online forums where users post their coding problems and other users try to provide solutions. One of the most active of these is Stack Overflow. Try searching or posting your problem there if you are getting stuck. Users are more likely to be able to help if you provide a reproducible example, so try to provide enough code so that they can recreate the problem themselves.

A word on web restrictions

R needs to access the web in order to download packages from CRAN. You may also want to import data from the web, e.g. through the csodata package for importing data from the CSO website. If you are having trouble with these steps then it may be because your organisation has not allowed R to access the web, so you might need to contact your IT department. If you are in the same organisation as me and you are experiencing difficulties, let me know, there are some settings that I can pass on that will help.

Packages and Tidyverse

About packages

The capabilities of R are extended through a wide array of packages. As a beginner with R, it is likely that all of the extra packages that you use will be downloaded from an online repository of packages called CRAN, which stands for the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Packages are downloaded from CRAN within the R environment, you rarely have to visit the CRAN website at all. There is a stringent process to getting your package included on CRAN which includes a series of checks and testing, so there is a very low likelihood of you ever downloading malicious code from CRAN.

Tidyverse and Base R

Tidyverse is a very widely used collection of packages which makes it easier to write and read code in R. It is so commonly used that it is almost ubiquitous, so I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend that you begin learning R through tidyverse. If you are not using tidyverse and you are only using the handful of default packages in R then you would say that you are using ‘base R’, where ‘base’ is the main default package (I think there are seven default packages). This is not an ‘either-or’ decision, when you load tidyverse it is perfectly fine to write code using the ‘base’ set of functions. It’s good to understand base R, but I think it’s ok to pick this up as you go along rather than starting out with exclusive use of base R.

Installing and loading

To install a package you use the function install.packages, so to install the tidyverse packages you run install.packages("tidyverse"). Then to use the package you have to load it into your environment using the function library, so to use the tidyverse functions and features you run library(tidyverse) (note you need inverted commas for install.packages but not for library). You only have to install a package once, or again if you want to update the package, but you have to load the package every time you start a new session in R. Note that the default packages that come with R do not have to be installed or loaded using install.packages and library.

Core tidyverse and other tidyverse

Within tidyverse there are eight core packages, and then a couple of extra tidyverse packages. All of these are installed when you run install.packages("tidyverse"), but only the core packages are loaded when you run library(tidyverse) (plus a couple of back-end ones that you don’t really see). This is not something that you have to worry too much about, it just means that you have to run an extra library line when you want to use one of those extra tidyverse packages that are beyond the core ones. Extra tidyverse packages that I would often use include scales for formatting axes, lubridate for handling dates and times, and readxl for reading and writing Excel files. Some packages I like which aren’t from tidyverse (and require separate installation) include sf for maps, tictoc for timing how long it takes code to run, beepr for making ‘ding’ noises after code has finished running, and knitr for making html documents like this one.

Click for a summary on types of packages

A diagram which summarises the different types of package is shown below. The five main types (A, B, C, D and E) are described below. As a beginner you will probably only encounter types A and B.

Diagram summarising types of packages

  1. Base R: These packages are already installed with R and always loaded by default, so you don’t need to use install.packages or library. Examples include base which has lots of fundamental functions and stats which has functions for statistical analysis.
  2. Core Tidyverse: These are the main tidyverse packages. They are all installed using install.packages("tidyverse") and loaded using library(tidyverse). Examples include dplyr for data manipulation and stringr for manipulating strings.
  3. Other Tidyverse: These are part of tidyverse but not among the core packages. They are also all installed using install.packages("tidyverse") but they are not loaded with library(tidyverse), you have to use a separate library line to load these. Examples include lubridate for managing dates and times and haven for reading more unusual file types. You might use these kinds of packages as an intermediate user but not so much as a beginner.
  4. Other packages on CRAN: There are over 18,000 packages on CRAN made by developers and organisations all over the world. These can be downloaded using install.packages and loaded using library. Examples include csodata for downloading CSO data, and caret for machine learning. As a beginner you will not encounter many of these.
  5. Other packages not on CRAN: Many people make packages which for one reason or another are not on CRAN. For example a company may make a package for internal use only, or an individual might store several functions that they made themselves as a package on their own device (or maybe on GitHub) so that they can be easily added to their projects. These would be installed using a special configuration of install.packages or some other function, but once installed they can be loaded using library.

The RStudio environment

A screenshot of RStudio is shown below. There are four main panels. This guide will not go through every single feature in RStudio, but will hopefully be enough to get you started.

  • The top left panel is where you write and run code and where you view your datasets. You can open up a new scripting window by clicking File > New File > R Script (or ‘Ctrl Shift n’). You can save these as ‘.R’ files. How you actually go about running code that you have written here is covered further on under ‘How do I run code?’ To view datasets in this window you can click them in the ‘Environment’ panel (top right) or run View(dataset_name).
  • The bottom left panel is the console, which does two things. The first is that it outputs useful information after you have run some code, such as warnings or any print statements. The second thing is that you can also write code here. Generally I would write code in the Console if I didn’t care about not having access to that code again, so I might run quick spot checks in the console, and it is also where I would run code for installing packages. There are tabs for ‘Terminal’, ‘R Markdown’ and ‘Jobs’ which you don’t need to worry about for now.
  • I would call the top right panel the environment panel, even though ‘Environment’ is only one of the six tabs in that panel, because I would rarely have occasion to use the other five tabs. The environment panel shows you all the datasets and other variables that you have created. There is a blue arrow next to the datasets which allows you to browse their structure. Note that there are some datasets which exist and which you can use, but they don’t appear in the environment panel. These are usually associated with training or as demo datasets to play with a package. One of these is mtcars, which contains information on 32 cars. In the code in the screenshot, I have used mtcars to make a new duplicate dataset called my_data which does appear in the environment panel.
  • The bottom right panel shows plots and help, and also allows you to browse files and installed packages. I don’t think it is too difficult to find your way around this panel. If you create a plot or run a help command then the appropriate tab will become active.

A screenshot of the RStudio environment

Data objects in R


Vectors are one-dimensional objects containing the same type of data, so all entries are either numerical, character (strings) or logical (TRUE or FALSE). These are created using the function c(), with the elements separated by commas. A vector of three names would look like: c("Andy", "Betty" , "Carol"). A vector of three numbers would look like: c(71, 8.5 , 0.13). You can make a vector of consecutive integers by putting a colon (:) between the low and high integer, so 5:8 is equivalent to c(5, 6, 7, 8). Finally, you can make a logical vector like so: c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE).


Most of the data objects you’ll encounter will be dataframes, which can be thought of as tables with rows and columns. Each column has a particular type which can be numerical, character (strings) or logical (TRUE or FALSE). The columns of dataframes have names. The rows of dataframes can have names too, but this is a stupid feature, it makes more sense to just use another column for whatever information is stored as the row name.

The columns of dataframes are vectors. So what? It is useful to know that the columns of dataframes are themselves vectors. Why is that useful to know? Two reasons. One is that you can extract a column from a dataframe and manipulate it as a vector. The second reason is that programming in R is generally geared towards working with vectors as the basic unit. It is easier to program in R with “long” datasets, where you have data for different groups stacked vertically, so you might have a column for X, a column for Y, and a column for group. If you were working in Excel you would probably arrange things differently, maybe with a “wide” dataset, having a column for X, then a column for Y_1 (representing group 1), a column for Y_2 (representing group 2), and so on. You will find that row-wise operations in R are not as straightforward as column-wise operations. Writing for loops over a dataframe is pretty slow and discouraged. You might notice other effects like this as you become more proficient.

In tidyverse, there is an improved version of a dataframe called a tibble. The differences between a tibble and a regular dataframe are quite subtle from the beginner’s perspective and they can more-or-less be handled in the same way, so I wouldn’t worry about it for now. Just be aware that if you see a reference to a ‘tibble’ then it’s a special type of a dataframe.

Other structures

There are other objects in R including matrices, arrays and lists. You can skip this section if you like as it is unlikely you will need to deal with them as a beginner.

Click for info on other structures

A matrix is a 2D table with only one type of data (usually all numeric). An array is more general than a matrix, it can have any number of dimensions. I don’t think I have ever had to use matrices or arrays.

A list is a 1D structure where the elements don’t have to be of the same type, i.e. the first element could be a number and the second element could be a string. But moreover, the elements of lists can be vectors, dataframes, or even more lists. Dealing with lists would be for an intermediate or advanced course, but even as a beginner you might find yourself working with a package which uses lists. Often in these cases, the lists have a specific structure, or ‘class’, which is recognised by the package. Don’t panic, there will usually be a helpful vignette for you to follow.

Fundamentals: Running Code and Creating Objects

This section covers just a couple of fundamental tools from Base R. . I prefer to do all my data filtering, manipulation and aggregation using tidyverse functions, so those kinds of processes are not covered here.

How do I run code?

After you write some code in the scripting window you will want to run it. My preferred way to run code is to place the cursor somewhere in the line of code and press ‘Ctrl Enter’. As well as running the line of code, the cursor will then jump to the next line of code, and this is useful as it helps you to run several concurrent lines of code by holding ‘Ctrl’ and tapping ‘Enter’.

You can also write code directly in the console. After you write your code there, simply hit ‘Enter’ and it will run.

Click to see other ways of running code

There are other ways of running code from your scripting window. Pressing the ‘Run’ button at the top of the scripting window has the same effect as hitting ‘Ctrl Enter’. Instead of placing the cursor in the line of code you can select the whole line of code. You can select several lines of code and then hit ‘Ctrl Enter’ or ‘Run’, and they will all run in the order they appear.

Finally, you can run all of the code in the script by pressing ‘Ctrl Alt r’. Note that this also saves the script.

The assignment operator <-

To create objects, we use the assignment operator: <- You can quickly write this operator by hitting ‘Alt -’. Let’s make an object x which has a value of 5.

x <- 5

After you run this line of code you will see the code appear in the Console, and x appear in the Environment panel along with its value, 5.

To output the value of x, we can write x in a line on its own and run that line. The value 5 will appear in the Console. We can also run x + 2 to return 7.

## [1] 5

x + 2
## [1] 7

Let’s make a vector containing a couple of numeric values using the function c, and output it as well.

numbers_vec <- c(5,6,7,8,9)

## [1] 5 6 7 8 9
Click to see example of string and logical vectors

We can make a vector of strings by putting each string in inverted commas. We can use single or double inverted commas.

names_vec <- c("Mary", "Louise", "Tom")

## [1] "Mary"   "Louise" "Tom"

And we can make a logical vector like so. Note that I am writing T and F which are abbreviations of TRUE and FALSE and work in exactly the same way.

logical_vec <- c(T, F, F, T)


I find that I very rarely need to make dataframes from scratch. As a beginner you usually work with built-in sample dataframes, and as a regular user you usually work with dataframes created from data from files or from the web.

Although the built-in datasets don’t appear in the Environment panel, they are all there waiting to be used. We will make our own copy of a dataset from a study on oesophageal cancer which is called esoph. Our copy of this dataset will be called cancer. Note that cancer will appear in the Environment panel.

cancer <- esoph
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0
Click to see how to make a dataframe from scratch

Like I say, this is something you rarely need to do. Dataframes are created using a bunch of named vectors separated by commas, within the function data.frame(). Here I am making a character variable called name, a numerical variable called age, and a logical variable called married.

some_dataframe <- data.frame(name = c("Mary", "Louise", "Tom"),
                             age = c(30, 40, 50),
                             married = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))

Accessing elements with [] and $

We can use the square brackets [] to access specific elements within vectors and dataframes. Let’s create the vector numbers_vec as before and access the second element using numbers_vec[2].

numbers_vec <- c(5,6,7,8,9)
## [1] 6

Similarly we can access the ith row and the jth column of a dataframe using [i,j]. Let’s go to the fifth row of the second column of the cancer dataframe using cancer[5,2].

cancer <- esoph

## [1] 40-79
## Levels: 0-39g/day < 40-79 < 80-119 < 120+

You’ll see in the output above that as well as giving the contents of that cell (which is 40-79), it shows: Levels: 0-39g/day < 40-79 < 80-119 < 120+. This is because this particular variable (alcgp) is stored as a factor. A full discussion of factors would be better placed in an intermediate guide to R, but in this context a factor is a variable where each element can have one of several possible values or levels. The allowed levels of the variable alcgp are 0-39g/day, 40-79, 80-119 and 120+. The levels of a factor can be given an order, in which case we would say that the variable is an ‘ordinal variable’. Factors have many uses. In particular they can be used for sorting string variables in an order that is not alphabetical, for example Low, Medium, High.

We can access a whole row or a whole column of a dataframe by using square brackets with either i or j left blank. For example, we can access the whole fifth row of cancer using cancer[5,]:

##   agegp alcgp    tobgp ncases ncontrols
## 5 25-34 40-79 0-9g/day      0        27

To access a whole column we can leave i blank and include the value for j (like cancer[,2]). Alternatively, and perhaps more practically, we can refer to the column by name. Here we will output the column agegp using cancer$agegp, and this will print all 88 elements (along with the list of levels, which are ordered).

##  [1] 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34
## [13] 25-34 25-34 25-34 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44
## [25] 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 35-44 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54
## [37] 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 45-54 55-64 55-64
## [49] 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-64
## [61] 55-64 55-64 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74
## [73] 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 65-74 75+   75+   75+   75+   75+   75+   75+  
## [85] 75+   75+   75+   75+  
## Levels: 25-34 < 35-44 < 45-54 < 55-64 < 65-74 < 75+

As mentioned in one of the collapsible sections above, the columns of dataframes are themselves vectors. So we can access the fifth element of the column agegp using square brackets, e.g.:

## [1] 25-34
## Levels: 25-34 < 35-44 < 45-54 < 55-64 < 65-74 < 75+

Viewing dataframes

The easiest way to view a dataframe is by clicking on it in the Environment panel. The dataframe will then appear in its own window in the top-left panel, and you can scroll and search within that window. Note that View(dataset name) will appear in the console. Running that line of code would have the same effect.

Beside the name of each dataframe in the environment panel is a blue arrow which allows you to expand the dataset to look at the variable names and the first couple of values. This view also tells you the type of each value (logical (logi), numeric (num) or character (chr)). It also tells you if a variable is stored as a factor, as is the case for three of the variables in the cancer dataset.

A very similar view to that produced by expanding the values in the environment panel can be achieved using the glimpse function (e.g. run glimpse(cancer)). This is output to console.

You can output the first or last couple of lines of a dataframe to console using the head and tail functions (e.g. run head(cancer)). By default it prints the first (or last) 6 rows, but you can change that using the extra argument n (e.g. run head(cancer , n=10)).

You can print an entire dataframe to console by simply running the name of the dataframe on its own.

The pipe and five key functions

We’ll go through five of the most important functions in R. These are all from tidyverse, so you will need to load the tidyverse package before progressing.


Most of the examples below start with the dataset cancer which was created as a copy of esoph as shown earlier. In each case the dataset cancer is pushed into a function and the result is shown below. In practice what you might do is create a new dataset to capture the output, by writing the name of your dataset and the assignment operator <- at the top, so instead of…

cancer %>% 

…you might have…

my_new_dataset <- cancer %>% 

The pipe: %>%

The pipe is a tool which allows you to pass an object such as a dataframe through a series of operations. It makes code much easier to read and write. The way it works is that it takes whatever is on the left hand side and pushes it through the function on the right hand side. The shortcut for writing a pipe is ‘Ctrl Shift m’. Suppose we have a dataset called my_dataset and we want to apply a function called some_function, the following two lines of code would be equivalent:

my_dataset %>% some_function()

# the following line is equivalent:

It is clearer why the pipe makes code easier to read and write when you consider a series of functions which may each have additional arguments. Suppose we want to subsequently apply another function called another_function, and furthermore that the two functions require argument_A and argument_B. Compare the following two equivalent lines of code.

my_dataset %>% 
  some_function(argument_A = 10) %>% 
  another_function(argument_B = 20) 

# the following line is equivalent, but much harder to read!
another_function( some_function( my_dataset , argument_A = 10), argument_B = 20 )

The pipe always passes the left-hand side as the first argument to the function on the right hand side. What does this mean? It means that functions that work with the pipe have to be set up so that their first argument is the object that is being manipulated (usually a dataframe). All of the tidyverse functions are set up in this way, so it’s not something that you need to worry too much about. If you were creating your own function for manipulating a dataframe in some way (something for an intermediate course) and wanted it to be compatible with the pipe, you would set it up so that the first argument to your function was the incoming dataframe.


The select function allows you to select specific columns from a dataframe. Like other tidyverse functions, the first argument is the dataframe, so it can be used with the pipe. Then you can pass the names of variables that you want to keep. Here we’ll take the cancer dataframe and keep just the variables agegp and alcgp.

cancer %>% 
  select(agegp , alcgp)
agegp alcgp
25-34 0-39g/day
25-34 0-39g/day
25-34 0-39g/day
25-34 0-39g/day
25-34 40-79
25-34 40-79
25-34 40-79
25-34 40-79
25-34 80-119
25-34 80-119
25-34 80-119
25-34 120+
25-34 120+
25-34 120+
25-34 120+
35-44 0-39g/day
35-44 0-39g/day
35-44 0-39g/day
35-44 0-39g/day
35-44 40-79
35-44 40-79
35-44 40-79
35-44 40-79
35-44 80-119
35-44 80-119
35-44 80-119
35-44 80-119
35-44 120+
35-44 120+
35-44 120+
45-54 0-39g/day
45-54 0-39g/day
45-54 0-39g/day
45-54 0-39g/day
45-54 40-79
45-54 40-79
45-54 40-79
45-54 40-79
45-54 80-119
45-54 80-119
45-54 80-119
45-54 80-119
45-54 120+
45-54 120+
45-54 120+
45-54 120+
55-64 0-39g/day
55-64 0-39g/day
55-64 0-39g/day
55-64 0-39g/day
55-64 40-79
55-64 40-79
55-64 40-79
55-64 40-79
55-64 80-119
55-64 80-119
55-64 80-119
55-64 80-119
55-64 120+
55-64 120+
55-64 120+
55-64 120+
65-74 0-39g/day
65-74 0-39g/day
65-74 0-39g/day
65-74 0-39g/day
65-74 40-79
65-74 40-79
65-74 40-79
65-74 80-119
65-74 80-119
65-74 80-119
65-74 80-119
65-74 120+
65-74 120+
65-74 120+
65-74 120+
75+ 0-39g/day
75+ 0-39g/day
75+ 0-39g/day
75+ 40-79
75+ 40-79
75+ 40-79
75+ 40-79
75+ 80-119
75+ 80-119
75+ 120+
75+ 120+

We can also drop variables by putting a minus sign in front of them. Here we’ll drop the variables alcgp and tobgp.

cancer %>%
  select(-alcgp , -tobgp)
agegp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0 40
25-34 0 10
25-34 0 6
25-34 0 5
25-34 0 27
25-34 0 7
25-34 0 4
25-34 0 7
25-34 0 2
25-34 0 1
25-34 0 2
25-34 0 1
25-34 1 0
25-34 0 1
25-34 0 2
35-44 0 60
35-44 1 13
35-44 0 7
35-44 0 8
35-44 0 35
35-44 3 20
35-44 1 13
35-44 0 8
35-44 0 11
35-44 0 6
35-44 0 2
35-44 0 1
35-44 2 1
35-44 0 3
35-44 2 2
45-54 1 45
45-54 0 18
45-54 0 10
45-54 0 4
45-54 6 32
45-54 4 17
45-54 5 10
45-54 5 2
45-54 3 13
45-54 6 8
45-54 1 4
45-54 2 2
45-54 4 0
45-54 3 1
45-54 2 1
45-54 4 0
55-64 2 47
55-64 3 19
55-64 3 9
55-64 4 2
55-64 9 31
55-64 6 15
55-64 4 13
55-64 3 3
55-64 9 9
55-64 8 7
55-64 3 3
55-64 4 0
55-64 5 5
55-64 6 1
55-64 2 1
55-64 5 1
65-74 5 43
65-74 4 10
65-74 2 5
65-74 0 2
65-74 17 17
65-74 3 7
65-74 5 4
65-74 6 7
65-74 4 8
65-74 2 1
65-74 1 0
65-74 3 1
65-74 1 1
65-74 1 0
65-74 1 0
75+ 1 17
75+ 2 4
75+ 1 2
75+ 2 3
75+ 1 2
75+ 0 3
75+ 1 0
75+ 1 0
75+ 1 0
75+ 2 0
75+ 1 0

There are a couple of really useful ‘selection helper’ functions that help you to keep or drop variables which contain certain string patterns. For example, we can use select with the selection helper function contains with the argument "gp" to select only variables whose names contain the string pattern “gp” (so agegp, alcgp and tobgp). The functions starts_with and ends_width are similar but the variable name has to start or end with the string pattern.

Here we will put a minus in front of contains to drop variables containing the string pattern “gp”.

cancer %>%
ncases ncontrols
0 40
0 10
0 6
0 5
0 27
0 7
0 4
0 7
0 2
0 1
0 2
0 1
1 0
0 1
0 2
0 60
1 13
0 7
0 8
0 35
3 20
1 13
0 8
0 11
0 6
0 2
0 1
2 1
0 3
2 2
1 45
0 18
0 10
0 4
6 32
4 17
5 10
5 2
3 13
6 8
1 4
2 2
4 0
3 1
2 1
4 0
2 47
3 19
3 9
4 2
9 31
6 15
4 13
3 3
9 9
8 7
3 3
4 0
5 5
6 1
2 1
5 1
5 43
4 10
2 5
0 2
17 17
3 7
5 4
6 7
4 8
2 1
1 0
3 1
1 1
1 0
1 0
1 17
2 4
1 2
2 3
1 2
0 3
1 0
1 0
1 0
2 0
1 0

You can select all the columns of a particular type (numerical, character, etc.) using the selection helper function where. It takes as its argument the name of another function which performs a logical check on a variable, examples include is.numeric, is.character, is.logical, is.factor. Let’s select the numerical variables.

cancer %>%
ncases ncontrols
0 40
0 10
0 6
0 5
0 27
0 7
0 4
0 7
0 2
0 1
0 2
0 1
1 0
0 1
0 2
0 60
1 13
0 7
0 8
0 35
3 20
1 13
0 8
0 11
0 6
0 2
0 1
2 1
0 3
2 2
1 45
0 18
0 10
0 4
6 32
4 17
5 10
5 2
3 13
6 8
1 4
2 2
4 0
3 1
2 1
4 0
2 47
3 19
3 9
4 2
9 31
6 15
4 13
3 3
9 9
8 7
3 3
4 0
5 5
6 1
2 1
5 1
5 43
4 10
2 5
0 2
17 17
3 7
5 4
6 7
4 8
2 1
1 0
3 1
1 1
1 0
1 0
1 17
2 4
1 2
2 3
1 2
0 3
1 0
1 0
1 0
2 0
1 0

Note that you can select the opposite (non-numeric columns, for example), by putting a minus or the ‘NOT’ logical operator ! in front of the where function.


The filter function allows you to select specific rows from a dataframe. Again the first argument is the dataframe so that it can be used by the pipe. Then you provide some logical expression based on the variables in the dataframe, and cases where that expression is true are retained in the output. Let’s take the cancer dataframe again and filter out the rows where tobgp is equal to "30+". Note the use of the double equals == which is the binary comparison operator for ‘equals’.

cancer %>%
  filter(togbp == "30+")
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0

You can specify several conditions within a single filter function. If you have two conditions and want both of them to apply, you can separate them using a comma or the boolean ‘AND’ symbol which is the ampersand &.

If you have two conditions and want either of them to apply you separate them using the boolean ‘OR’ symbol which is the pipe | (unfortunately this character has the same name as the %>% tool in R, but it would be read as ‘OR’).

Let’s filter the cancer dataset keeping cases where ncases is not equal to zero or ncontrols is greater than 20.

cancer %>%
  filter(ncases != 0 | ncontrols > 20)
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0

What if we want to filter cases where a variable matches one of a selection of different values? Using multiple OR statements would become messy after about 3 options. A better way is to use the value matching tool %in%. The format is x %in% c(a, b, c, ... ) where c(a, b, c, ... ) is a vector of options which are the same type as the variable x. Let’s filter the cancer dataset keeping only the rows where ncases in equal to 3, 4, 5 or 6.

cancer %>%
  filter(ncases %in% c(3,4,5,6))
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1

Note that since these four options are consecutive integers, we could have written the vector simply as 3:6, so an equivalent piece of code would be:

cancer %>%
  filter(ncases %in% 3:6)


Simple variable creation

The mutate function is used to edit variables or to create new ones. Let’s take the cancer dataset and create a new variable called new_var which is just equal to ncases plus 5.

cancer %>%
  mutate(new_var = ncases + 5)
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols new_var
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40 5
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10 5
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6 5
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27 5
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7 5
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4 5
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7 5
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2 5
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1 5
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2 5
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1 5
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0 6
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1 5
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2 5
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60 5
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13 6
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7 5
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8 5
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35 5
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20 8
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13 6
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8 5
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11 5
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6 5
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2 5
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1 5
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1 7
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3 5
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2 7
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45 6
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18 5
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10 5
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4 5
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32 11
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17 9
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2 10
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13 8
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8 11
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4 6
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2 7
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0 9
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1 8
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1 7
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0 9
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47 7
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19 8
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9 8
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2 9
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31 14
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15 11
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13 9
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3 8
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9 14
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7 13
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3 8
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0 9
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5 10
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1 11
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1 7
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1 10
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43 10
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10 9
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5 7
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2 5
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17 22
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7 8
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4 10
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7 11
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8 9
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1 7
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0 6
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1 8
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1 6
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0 6
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0 6
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17 6
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4 7
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2 6
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3 7
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2 6
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 5
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0 6
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0 6
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0 6
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0 7
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0 6

Conditional variables

We can create a variable whose value is conditional on another variable using if_else. This function takes a logical expression as its first argument, and then its second and third arguments provide the result if the expression is true or false respectively. Let’s make a variable called lots_of_controls which is "Y" if ncontrols is greater than 15, and "N" otherwise. We’ll begin by selecting just the column ncontrols to make the output easier to read.

cancer %>%
  select(ncontrols) %>% 
  mutate(lots_of_controls = if_else(ncontrols > 15 , "Y" , "N"))
ncontrols lots_of_controls
40 Y
10 N
6 N
5 N
27 Y
7 N
4 N
7 N
2 N
1 N
2 N
1 N
0 N
1 N
2 N
60 Y
13 N
7 N
8 N
35 Y
20 Y
13 N
8 N
11 N
6 N
2 N
1 N
1 N
3 N
2 N
45 Y
18 Y
10 N
4 N
32 Y
17 Y
10 N
2 N
13 N
8 N
4 N
2 N
0 N
1 N
1 N
0 N
47 Y
19 Y
9 N
2 N
31 Y
15 N
13 N
3 N
9 N
7 N
3 N
0 N
5 N
1 N
1 N
1 N
43 Y
10 N
5 N
2 N
17 Y
7 N
4 N
7 N
8 N
1 N
0 N
1 N
1 N
0 N
0 N
17 Y
4 N
2 N
3 N
2 N
3 N
0 N
0 N
0 N
0 N
0 N
Let’s say I wanted to do some conditional editing on one of those factor variables…

Suppose you wanted to change the variable tobgp so that instead of having 30+ it would read 30 or more. If tobgp was a regular string variable, you could use the following. Note that the ‘false’ option (the third argument to if_else) is simply tobgp, meaning that tobgp is left as-is if the logical expression is false. This is a common structure, at least for me.

cancer %>%
  mutate(tobgp = if_else(tobgp == "30+" , "30 or more" , tobgp))

However, if you try to run that piece of code you’ll get an error, and this is because tobgp is a factor with defined levels, and "30 or more" is not one of those levels.

There are two options here. The first is to change the variable tobgp into a regular character variable using mutate with as.character, and then do the switcheroo.

cancer %>%
  mutate(tobgp = as.character(tobgp)) %>% 
  mutate(tobgp = if_else(tobgp == "30+" , "30 or more" , tobgp))
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4
25-34 40-79 30 or more 0 7
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1
25-34 80-119 30 or more 0 2
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1
25-34 120+ 30 or more 0 2
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7
35-44 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 8
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13
35-44 40-79 30 or more 0 8
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2
35-44 80-119 30 or more 0 1
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10
45-54 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30 or more 5 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4
45-54 80-119 30 or more 2 2
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1
45-54 120+ 30 or more 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30 or more 4 2
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
55-64 40-79 30 or more 3 3
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30 or more 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1
55-64 120+ 30 or more 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5
65-74 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 2
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1
65-74 80-119 30 or more 1 0
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0
65-74 120+ 30 or more 1 0
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
75+ 0-39g/day 30 or more 1 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
75+ 40-79 30 or more 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0

That would work, but you would lose the ordered factor levels of tobgp which is useful for sorting. You could re-create the factor again (not hard but beyond the scope of a crash course). A better way might be to recode the level "30+" in the original factor using the function fct_recode. Here’s how you would do that:

cancer %>%
  mutate(tobgp = fct_recode(tobgp , "30 or more" = "30+"))
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4
25-34 40-79 30 or more 0 7
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1
25-34 80-119 30 or more 0 2
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1
25-34 120+ 30 or more 0 2
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7
35-44 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 8
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13
35-44 40-79 30 or more 0 8
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2
35-44 80-119 30 or more 0 1
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10
45-54 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30 or more 5 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4
45-54 80-119 30 or more 2 2
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1
45-54 120+ 30 or more 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30 or more 4 2
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
55-64 40-79 30 or more 3 3
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30 or more 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1
55-64 120+ 30 or more 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5
65-74 0-39g/day 30 or more 0 2
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1
65-74 80-119 30 or more 1 0
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0
65-74 120+ 30 or more 1 0
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
75+ 0-39g/day 30 or more 1 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
75+ 40-79 30 or more 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0

The function case_when provides even greater (potentially unlimited) options for conditionally defining a value. The format for this function is a logical expression (condition) followed by a tilde (~) followed by the value to be assigned in the event of that expression being true. This is repeated for further conditions, with each option separated by a comma, and usually written on separate lines for ease of reading. Below is an example where amount_of_controls has a value of "very few" if ncontrols is less than 10, "a couple" if ncontrols is between 10 and 19, and "lots" for ncontrols equal to 20 or more.

cancer %>%
  select(ncontrols) %>% 
  mutate(amount_of_controls = case_when(
    ncontrols < 10 ~ "very few",
    ncontrols < 20 ~ "a couple",
    ncontrols >= 20 ~ "lots"
ncontrols amount_of_controls
40 lots
10 a couple
6 very few
5 very few
27 lots
7 very few
4 very few
7 very few
2 very few
1 very few
2 very few
1 very few
0 very few
1 very few
2 very few
60 lots
13 a couple
7 very few
8 very few
35 lots
20 lots
13 a couple
8 very few
11 a couple
6 very few
2 very few
1 very few
1 very few
3 very few
2 very few
45 lots
18 a couple
10 a couple
4 very few
32 lots
17 a couple
10 a couple
2 very few
13 a couple
8 very few
4 very few
2 very few
0 very few
1 very few
1 very few
0 very few
47 lots
19 a couple
9 very few
2 very few
31 lots
15 a couple
13 a couple
3 very few
9 very few
7 very few
3 very few
0 very few
5 very few
1 very few
1 very few
1 very few
43 lots
10 a couple
5 very few
2 very few
17 a couple
7 very few
4 very few
7 very few
8 very few
1 very few
0 very few
1 very few
1 very few
0 very few
0 very few
17 a couple
4 very few
2 very few
3 very few
2 very few
3 very few
0 very few
0 very few
0 very few
0 very few
0 very few

Note that the value returned by case_when is determined by the first true expression. This means that for the second condition we don’t have to specify that ncontrols is greater or equal to 10, we write ncontrols < 20 rather than ncontrols >=10 & ncontrols < 20. This is because the possibility that is ncontrols is less than 10 is already covered off by the first expression. If ncontrols was equal to 5, for example, it would never make it past the first condition into the second condition.

For the third expression (ncontrols >= 20) it shouldn’t have been necessary to specify any logical expression at all, since all cases remaining after the first two expressions would be greater than 20 by default and should be categorised as "lots". We can therefore replace ncontrols >= 20 with the word TRUE and get the same result (output not shown but identical to the above).

cancer %>%
  select(ncontrols) %>% 
  mutate(amount_of_controls = case_when(
    ncontrols < 10 ~ "very few",
    ncontrols < 20 ~ "a couple",
    TRUE ~ "lots"

Summary, size and row number functions

Before we move on from mutate I want to mention a couple of other useful functions because these will be useful later. We can create a variable equal to the minimum, maximum or sum of another variable using the functions min, max and sum. Let’s calculate the sum of ncases as a separate variable.

cancer %>%
  mutate(total_cases = sum(ncases))
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols total_cases
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40 200
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10 200
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6 200
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5 200
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27 200
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7 200
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4 200
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7 200
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2 200
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1 200
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2 200
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1 200
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0 200
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1 200
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2 200
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60 200
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13 200
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7 200
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8 200
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35 200
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20 200
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13 200
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8 200
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11 200
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6 200
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2 200
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1 200
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1 200
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3 200
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2 200
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45 200
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18 200
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10 200
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4 200
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32 200
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17 200
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10 200
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2 200
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13 200
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8 200
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4 200
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2 200
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0 200
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1 200
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1 200
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0 200
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47 200
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19 200
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9 200
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2 200
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31 200
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15 200
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13 200
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3 200
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9 200
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7 200
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3 200
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0 200
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5 200
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1 200
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1 200
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1 200
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43 200
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10 200
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5 200
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2 200
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17 200
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7 200
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4 200
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7 200
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8 200
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1 200
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0 200
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1 200
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1 200
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0 200
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0 200
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17 200
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4 200
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2 200
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3 200
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2 200
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 200
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0 200
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0 200
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0 200
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0 200
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0 200

We can also create a variable equal to the row number using row_number. We’ll create my_id using this function. Finally we can get the number of entries in the group using n(). Let’s call this variable number_of_rows. We’ll create both of these variables at the same time. Note that you can create multiple variables in a single mutate function (separated by commas). You can even create a new variable in a mutate function and create another variable which depends on the first one within the same mutate function.

We will see later that row_number and n are pretty versatile functions.

cancer %>%
  mutate(my_id = row_number() , number_of_rows = n())
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols my_id number_of_rows
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40 1 88
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10 2 88
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6 3 88
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5 4 88
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27 5 88
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7 6 88
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4 7 88
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7 8 88
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2 9 88
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1 10 88
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2 11 88
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1 12 88
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0 13 88
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1 14 88
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2 15 88
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60 16 88
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13 17 88
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7 18 88
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8 19 88
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35 20 88
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20 21 88
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13 22 88
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8 23 88
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11 24 88
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6 25 88
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2 26 88
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1 27 88
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1 28 88
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3 29 88
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2 30 88
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45 31 88
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18 32 88
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10 33 88
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4 34 88
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32 35 88
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17 36 88
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10 37 88
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2 38 88
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13 39 88
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8 40 88
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4 41 88
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2 42 88
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0 43 88
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1 44 88
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1 45 88
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0 46 88
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47 47 88
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19 48 88
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9 49 88
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2 50 88
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31 51 88
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15 52 88
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13 53 88
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3 54 88
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9 55 88
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7 56 88
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3 57 88
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0 58 88
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5 59 88
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1 60 88
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1 61 88
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1 62 88
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43 63 88
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10 64 88
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5 65 88
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2 66 88
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17 67 88
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7 68 88
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4 69 88
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7 70 88
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8 71 88
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1 72 88
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0 73 88
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1 74 88
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1 75 88
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0 76 88
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0 77 88
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17 78 88
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4 79 88
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2 80 88
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3 81 88
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2 82 88
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 83 88
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0 84 88
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0 85 88
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0 86 88
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0 87 88
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0 88 88


The function summarise is used to produce aggregated data from a dataframe. In practice it is almost always used in combination with summary functions such as max, sum, etc.

Let’s calculate the sum of ncases and ncontrols from the cancer dataset. We will also calculate the number of rows in the dataset using the function n().

cancer %>%
  summarise(total_cases = sum(ncases) , 
            total_controls = sum(ncontrols),
            number_of_rows = n())
total_cases total_controls number_of_rows
200 775 88

Note that whereas mutate added the new calculations as additional rows, summarise has done away with the original data.


The real power of mutate and summarise becomes clear when you start to use them in combination with group_by. This function allows you to and calculate counts and summary functions over groups within the data. With mutate the new grouped aggregated data is added to the dataset, and with summarise only the aggregated data for each group remains.

group_by with mutate

Let’s calculate the total number of controls for each of the four bands of tobacco intake (tobgp) and add that as a new column called total_controls.

cancer %>%
  group_by(tobgp) %>% 
  mutate(total_controls = sum(ncases))
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols total_controls
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40 78
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10 58
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6 33
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5 31
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27 78
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7 58
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4 33
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7 31
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2 78
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1 58
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2 31
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1 78
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0 58
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1 33
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2 31
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60 78
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13 58
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7 33
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8 31
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35 78
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20 58
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13 33
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8 31
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11 78
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6 58
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2 33
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1 31
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1 78
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3 58
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2 33
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45 78
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18 58
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10 33
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4 31
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32 78
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17 58
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10 33
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2 31
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13 78
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8 58
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4 33
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2 31
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0 78
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1 58
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1 33
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0 31
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47 78
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19 58
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9 33
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2 31
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31 78
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15 58
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13 33
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3 31
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9 78
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7 58
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3 33
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0 31
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5 78
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1 58
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1 33
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1 31
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43 78
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10 58
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5 33
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2 31
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17 78
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7 58
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4 33
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7 78
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8 58
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1 33
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0 31
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1 78
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1 58
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0 33
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0 31
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17 78
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4 58
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2 31
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3 78
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2 58
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 33
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0 31
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0 78
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0 58
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0 78
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0 58

The row number function can be used with group_by to produce a counter or unique number for each group. Here we’ll create a counter called age_group_counter for each value of agegp.

cancer %>%
  group_by(agegp) %>% 
  mutate(age_group_counter = row_number())
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols age_group_counter
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40 1
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10 2
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6 3
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5 4
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27 5
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7 6
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4 7
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7 8
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2 9
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1 10
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2 11
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1 12
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0 13
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1 14
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2 15
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60 1
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13 2
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7 3
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8 4
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35 5
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20 6
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13 7
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8 8
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11 9
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6 10
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2 11
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1 12
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1 13
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3 14
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2 15
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45 1
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18 2
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10 3
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32 5
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17 6
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10 7
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2 8
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13 9
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8 10
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4 11
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2 12
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0 13
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1 14
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1 15
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0 16
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47 1
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19 2
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9 3
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2 4
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31 5
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15 6
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13 7
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3 8
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7 10
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3 11
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0 12
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5 13
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1 14
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1 15
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1 16
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43 1
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10 2
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5 3
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2 4
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17 5
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7 6
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4 7
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7 8
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8 9
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1 10
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0 11
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1 12
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1 13
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0 14
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0 15
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17 1
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4 2
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2 3
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3 4
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2 5
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 6
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0 7
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0 8
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0 9
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0 10
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0 11

group_by with summarise

Let’s get the total number of cases by age group (agegp) and tobacco intake group (tobgp).

Note that we group by two variables using a single group_by statement. If we use a second group_by it will overwrite the previous grouping, the function is not ‘additive’ in that way.

cancer %>%
  group_by(agegp, tobgp) %>% 
  summarise(total_cases = sum(ncases))
agegp tobgp total_cases
25-34 0-9g/day 0
25-34 10-19 1
25-34 20-29 0
25-34 30+ 0
35-44 0-9g/day 2
35-44 10-19 4
35-44 20-29 3
35-44 30+ 0
45-54 0-9g/day 14
45-54 10-19 13
45-54 20-29 8
45-54 30+ 11
55-64 0-9g/day 25
55-64 10-19 23
55-64 20-29 12
55-64 30+ 16
65-74 0-9g/day 31
65-74 10-19 12
65-74 20-29 10
65-74 30+ 2
75+ 0-9g/day 6
75+ 10-19 5
75+ 20-29 0
75+ 30+ 2


After using a group_by you may wish to apply the function ungroup(). This could avoid unexpected outcomes later, for example if you were using a summary function on a dataset that you had grouped for the purposes of some mutate process. Here’s how you would use it (results not shown):

cancer %>%
  group_by(tobgp) %>% 
  mutate(total_controls = sum(ncases)) %>% 

Other useful tools

Renaming variables

You will probably need to rename variables at some stage. We use the rename function to do that. This is another tidyverse function, so its first argument is the dataframe to be edited and therefore it can be used with the pipe. You can rename more than one variable in a single rename function. Let’s take the cancer dataset and rename the variable agegp as age_group, and alcgp as alcohol_group. Note that the order of the variable names in this function is new_name = old_name.

cancer %>%
  rename(age_group = agegp , alcohol_group = alcgp)
age_group alcohol_group tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0

Sorting datasets

You can sort datasets using the function arrange. This is another tidyverse function so has the dataframe as the first argument and is pipe-friendly. You can sort by as many variables as you like. Let’s sort the cancer dataset by alcgp and then by ncases. Note that since alcgp is an ordered factor (ordinal variable), it is sorted according to the order of the levels rather than alphabetically.

cancer %>%
  arrange(alcgp, ncases)
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1

Combining datasets


You will probably need to join datasets together by some common id or other variable. We don’t have anything to join onto the cancer dataset yet, so let’s make a dataframe called ‘data_set_to_join’. It has one variable in common with the cancer dataset which is tobgp, however it has one extra value of tobgp which is "All amounts". Then it has another variable called tobacco_code.

data_set_to_join <- data.frame(
  tobgp = c("0-9g/day", "10-19", "20-29", "30+", "All amounts"),
  tobacco_code = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "X")
tobgp tobacco_code
0-9g/day A
10-19 B
20-29 C
30+ D
All amounts X

The join functions from tidyverse are inner_join, left_join, right_join and full_join. You can probably guess what each of these does (if you’re not sure check the help, e.g. ?left_join). Let’s do a left join of the cancer dataset onto data_set_to_join. The first two arguments to the join function are the two datasets to be joined, and then there is a by argument which is the joining variable wrapped in quotes. If there is more than one joining variable then they are passed to by as a vector (e.g. by = c("var_1", "var_2")). You can actually leave out the by argument and R will join by whatever common variables are present.

We’ll output the resulting dataframe into a new object called ‘combined_dataset’. The value of "All amounts" for tobgp does not appear in combined_dataset since this is a left join, but it would appear if you did a full_join or a right_join instead.

combined_dataset <- left_join(cancer, data_set_to_join , by = "tobgp")
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols tobacco_code
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40 A
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10 B
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6 C
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5 D
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27 A
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7 B
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4 C
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7 D
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2 A
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1 B
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2 D
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1 A
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0 B
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1 C
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2 D
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 60 A
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 1 13 B
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 0 7 C
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 0 8 D
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 0 35 A
35-44 40-79 10-19 3 20 B
35-44 40-79 20-29 1 13 C
35-44 40-79 30+ 0 8 D
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 0 11 A
35-44 80-119 10-19 0 6 B
35-44 80-119 20-29 0 2 C
35-44 80-119 30+ 0 1 D
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 2 1 A
35-44 120+ 10-19 0 3 B
35-44 120+ 20-29 2 2 C
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 45 A
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 0 18 B
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 0 10 C
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 0 4 D
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 6 32 A
45-54 40-79 10-19 4 17 B
45-54 40-79 20-29 5 10 C
45-54 40-79 30+ 5 2 D
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 3 13 A
45-54 80-119 10-19 6 8 B
45-54 80-119 20-29 1 4 C
45-54 80-119 30+ 2 2 D
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 4 0 A
45-54 120+ 10-19 3 1 B
45-54 120+ 20-29 2 1 C
45-54 120+ 30+ 4 0 D
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 2 47 A
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 3 19 B
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 3 9 C
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 4 2 D
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 9 31 A
55-64 40-79 10-19 6 15 B
55-64 40-79 20-29 4 13 C
55-64 40-79 30+ 3 3 D
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9 9 A
55-64 80-119 10-19 8 7 B
55-64 80-119 20-29 3 3 C
55-64 80-119 30+ 4 0 D
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5 5 A
55-64 120+ 10-19 6 1 B
55-64 120+ 20-29 2 1 C
55-64 120+ 30+ 5 1 D
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 5 43 A
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 4 10 B
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 2 5 C
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 0 2 D
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17 17 A
65-74 40-79 10-19 3 7 B
65-74 40-79 20-29 5 4 C
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 6 7 A
65-74 80-119 10-19 4 8 B
65-74 80-119 20-29 2 1 C
65-74 80-119 30+ 1 0 D
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 3 1 A
65-74 120+ 10-19 1 1 B
65-74 120+ 20-29 1 0 C
65-74 120+ 30+ 1 0 D
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17 A
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4 B
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2 D
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3 A
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2 B
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 C
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0 D
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0 A
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0 B
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0 A
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0 B


We can also combine datasets by binding them vertically using bind_rows and horizontally using bind_cols. These functions take the datasets to be bound together as arguments. We don’t have any datasets to bind ready to hand, so let’s produce ‘cancer_young’ containing the rows from ‘cancer’ where the age is “25-34” and ‘cancer_old’ where the age is "75+".

cancer_young <- cancer %>% 
  filter(agegp == "25-34")

cancer_old <- cancer %>% 
  filter(agegp == "75+")

Now we can bind these together vertically using bind_rows (sorry that this example is a bit artificial).

combined_dataset <- bind_rows(cancer_young, cancer_old)
agegp alcgp tobgp ncases ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 0 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 0 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 0 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 0 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 0 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 0 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 0 4
25-34 40-79 30+ 0 7
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 0 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 0 1
25-34 80-119 30+ 0 2
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 0 1
25-34 120+ 10-19 1 0
25-34 120+ 20-29 0 1
25-34 120+ 30+ 0 2
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 4
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 2
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 0
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 0

If there was a variable in one dataset but not in the other, then it would appear in the resulting dataset with values of NA for the rows coming from the dataset where it did not exist.

The function bind_cols works in a similar fashion. One or more of arguments can be a vector. It produces an error if the dataframes/vectors have varying numbers of rows/elements.

File input and output

As well as data stored in R’s own file format (.rds) and fairly common data file types like .csv and .txt, you can import a very wide range of data files from other programs through different packages. The package readxl provides functions for reading in Excel files, and the package haven has functions read_sas for SAS files, read_stata for Stata files, and read_sav for SPSS files. There are ‘write’ versions of these functions that allow you to output these types of files from R. Both readxl and haven are installed as part of the tidyverse collection but they are not loaded with library(tidyverse), so you would have to load them seperately to use these functions (e.g. library(readxl)).

Here we’ll just look at CSVs and the native data file format for R (.rds).


We can read in a CSV using read_csv. The only argument it really needs is the filename, so you could use it like:

my_dataframe <- read_csv("my_folder/my_csv_file.csv")

By default it assumes that there is a header row in your CSV which becomes the column names for the dataframe. If that is not the case then use the additional argument col_names = FALSE, and it will come up with some default column names on its own.

To write a dataframe to CSV you use write_csv, which takes a dataframe as the first argument and the filename as the second argument, so you could use it like:

write_csv(my_dataframe, "my_folder/my_csv_file.csv")

One thing with read_csv and read_excel: When these functions are used to read a file, they guess the type of a column by looking at the first number of rows. The number of rows that it examines before reading the file is determined by the argument guess_max, which by default is set to 1,000. I had a case where I had a very large Excel file and there were some columns with more than 1,000 missing cells before it got to an actual non-missing value. The function read_excel then mistook the type of the column and it wasn’t read correctly. So I had to set guess_max = Inf (Inf meaning infinity) so that it checked all the rows to correctly determine column type.


To save a single dataframe to file, use saveRDS. It works the same way as write_csv, e.g.

saveRDS(my_dataframe, "my_folder/my_rds_file.rds")

And to read such a file use readRDS, like so:

a_new_dataframe <- readRDS("my_folder/my_rds_file.rds")
save and load functions You may see functions save and load. I don’t use them so much. The key differences are that you can save and load as many objects as you like with single save and load functions, and the load function brings back all of the objects with the same names that they were saved with, you don’t use load with the assignment operator to make a new object.


Pivoting dataframes can be tricky but I need to do it a lot with data imported from the CSO’s open data portal so I’ll give a guide here.

To keep things simple we will only consider pivots involving one column for names and one for values when pivoting wider, and one resultant column for names and one resultant column for values when pivoting longer.


Let’s take our cancer dataset again, forget about ncases (we’ll drop that) and pivot the table so that we have four new columns for each of the tobgp values, and the values within those columns will be ncontrols for the appropriate combination of tobgp, agegp and alcgp. For this we use pivot_wider. The two important arguments to this are names_from which is equal to the name of the variable that will provide names for our new columns, and values_from which is the values that will sit in those new columns. We’ll pop the output into a new dataframe called wide_cancer_dataset

agegp alcgp 0-9g/day 10-19 20-29 30+
25-34 0-39g/day 40 10 6 5
25-34 40-79 27 7 4 7
25-34 80-119 2 1 NA 2
25-34 120+ 1 0 1 2
35-44 0-39g/day 60 13 7 8
35-44 40-79 35 20 13 8
35-44 80-119 11 6 2 1
35-44 120+ 1 3 2 NA
45-54 0-39g/day 45 18 10 4
45-54 40-79 32 17 10 2
45-54 80-119 13 8 4 2
45-54 120+ 0 1 1 0
55-64 0-39g/day 47 19 9 2
55-64 40-79 31 15 13 3
55-64 80-119 9 7 3 0
55-64 120+ 5 1 1 1
65-74 0-39g/day 43 10 5 2
65-74 40-79 17 7 4 NA
65-74 80-119 7 8 1 0
65-74 120+ 1 1 0 0
75+ 0-39g/day 17 4 NA 2
75+ 40-79 3 2 3 0
75+ 80-119 0 0 NA NA
75+ 120+ 0 0 NA NA
wide_cancer_dataset <- cancer %>% 
  select(-ncases) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = tobgp, values_from = ncontrols)

You might notice some NA values among the new dataset. This is because wide_cancer_dataset include some combinations that weren’t in the original cancer dataset, e.g. agegp = "25-34", alcgp = "80-119" and tobgp = "20-29" didn’t appear in the cancer dataset. If you wanted to set those NA values to zero at the time of pivoting, you could use the extra argument values_fill = 0.

You can also add a prefix to your new columns using the additional argument names_prefix, which takes a string, e.g. names_prefix = "tobgp_".


Let’s take wide_cancer_dataset and convert it back into a longer format. We’ll use the function pivot_longer. It has three key arguments: - cols: this specifies the columns to be pivoted into rows - names_to: the name for the new column which contains the names of the columns that you are pivoting - values_to: the name for the new column which contains the values from the columns that you are pivoting.

wide_cancer_dataset %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c("0-9g/day", "10-19",  "20-29","30+"), 
               names_to = "tobgp", 
               values_to = "ncontrols")
agegp alcgp tobgp ncontrols
25-34 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 40
25-34 0-39g/day 10-19 10
25-34 0-39g/day 20-29 6
25-34 0-39g/day 30+ 5
25-34 40-79 0-9g/day 27
25-34 40-79 10-19 7
25-34 40-79 20-29 4
25-34 40-79 30+ 7
25-34 80-119 0-9g/day 2
25-34 80-119 10-19 1
25-34 80-119 20-29 NA
25-34 80-119 30+ 2
25-34 120+ 0-9g/day 1
25-34 120+ 10-19 0
25-34 120+ 20-29 1
25-34 120+ 30+ 2
35-44 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 60
35-44 0-39g/day 10-19 13
35-44 0-39g/day 20-29 7
35-44 0-39g/day 30+ 8
35-44 40-79 0-9g/day 35
35-44 40-79 10-19 20
35-44 40-79 20-29 13
35-44 40-79 30+ 8
35-44 80-119 0-9g/day 11
35-44 80-119 10-19 6
35-44 80-119 20-29 2
35-44 80-119 30+ 1
35-44 120+ 0-9g/day 1
35-44 120+ 10-19 3
35-44 120+ 20-29 2
35-44 120+ 30+ NA
45-54 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 45
45-54 0-39g/day 10-19 18
45-54 0-39g/day 20-29 10
45-54 0-39g/day 30+ 4
45-54 40-79 0-9g/day 32
45-54 40-79 10-19 17
45-54 40-79 20-29 10
45-54 40-79 30+ 2
45-54 80-119 0-9g/day 13
45-54 80-119 10-19 8
45-54 80-119 20-29 4
45-54 80-119 30+ 2
45-54 120+ 0-9g/day 0
45-54 120+ 10-19 1
45-54 120+ 20-29 1
45-54 120+ 30+ 0
55-64 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 47
55-64 0-39g/day 10-19 19
55-64 0-39g/day 20-29 9
55-64 0-39g/day 30+ 2
55-64 40-79 0-9g/day 31
55-64 40-79 10-19 15
55-64 40-79 20-29 13
55-64 40-79 30+ 3
55-64 80-119 0-9g/day 9
55-64 80-119 10-19 7
55-64 80-119 20-29 3
55-64 80-119 30+ 0
55-64 120+ 0-9g/day 5
55-64 120+ 10-19 1
55-64 120+ 20-29 1
55-64 120+ 30+ 1
65-74 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 43
65-74 0-39g/day 10-19 10
65-74 0-39g/day 20-29 5
65-74 0-39g/day 30+ 2
65-74 40-79 0-9g/day 17
65-74 40-79 10-19 7
65-74 40-79 20-29 4
65-74 40-79 30+ NA
65-74 80-119 0-9g/day 7
65-74 80-119 10-19 8
65-74 80-119 20-29 1
65-74 80-119 30+ 0
65-74 120+ 0-9g/day 1
65-74 120+ 10-19 1
65-74 120+ 20-29 0
65-74 120+ 30+ 0
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 17
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 4
75+ 0-39g/day 20-29 NA
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 2
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 3
75+ 40-79 10-19 2
75+ 40-79 20-29 3
75+ 40-79 30+ 0
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 0
75+ 80-119 10-19 0
75+ 80-119 20-29 NA
75+ 80-119 30+ NA
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 0
75+ 120+ 10-19 0
75+ 120+ 20-29 NA
75+ 120+ 30+ NA

That’s all fine, but specifying the four column names is a bit fiddly. Instead we can specify the columns which will not be pivoted, which are agegp and alcgp. To do that we pop in these column names with the argument cols = but put a minus in front of the vector containing these names. The output isn’t shown here but the result is the same as the above.

wide_cancer_dataset %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -c("alcgp", "agegp"), 
               names_to = "tobgp", 
               values_to = "ncontrols")

You should know that the selection helper functions (like contains, starts_with and ends_with) can be used when specifying the list of columns which are to be pivoted. Suppose in making wide_cancer_dataset that we had used names_prefix = "tobgp_" so that each of our tobacco columns started with the string "tobgp_". Then we could have pivoted longer by specifying our column selection as cols = starts_with("tobgp_").

We could also have used the where selection helper together with is.numeric to pivot only the numerical type columns. The code for this is shown below but the results are not since they are the same as before.

wide_cancer_dataset %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = where(is.numeric), 
               names_to = "tobgp", 
               values_to = "ncontrols")

One last thing is that the NA values from wide_cancer_dataset have appeared in the output. If you didn’t want that to be the case you could use the additional argument values_drop_na, setting it equal to TRUE.


Introduction to ggplot

Plotting is done through the ggplot2 package, which is a core tidyverse package and is loaded with library(tidyverse).

There are other handy functions for plotting like plot and qplot, but I think it’s best to start with ggplot2 because the format is so general.

The way it works is something like the pseudocode shown below. It starts out with the function ggplot which just takes the dataframe as its argument. Then there is a geometry type function which specifies the kind of plot that will be made. There is geom_point for points (scatterplot), geom_line for lines, geom_col which I use for both column and bar charts, and lots more asides. I’ve just used geom_XXX as a placeholder here, there is no function called geom_XXX.

Within the geometry function is the aesthetic mapping function aes. This is where you specify what variables in the data are associated with x and y as well as other variables you might have like size, shape, colour, fill etc.

You can have more than one geometry function, e.g. geom_line and geom_points for a plot with both points and lines. You only ever have one ggplot function per plot though.

The other_functions alluded to below refers to functions for altering the appearance of the plot. Don’t worry about that for now.

You’ll notice all the separate parts are connected to by a plus sign. I like to insert a new line after each + for ease of reading. The indentation is automatic.

ggplot(data = the_dataframe) +
  geom_XXX(mapping = aes(x = var_1 , y = var_2 , <other_variables>) , <options_for_this_geom> ) + 
  other_functions ...

Just so you know, the dataset can be defined within the geometry function (you can put data = within geom_XXX) and the aesthetic mapping function can be defined within ggplot (you can put mapping = aes(...) within ggplot).

Here we’ll use the population dataset that comes loaded with tidyverse, but doesn’t appear in the Environment panel. You can view it by running View(population). We’ll make plots using subsets of data from this, making a dataset called dataset_to_plot each time.

country year population
Afghanistan 1995 17586073
Afghanistan 1996 18415307
Afghanistan 1997 19021226
Afghanistan 1998 19496836
Afghanistan 1999 19987071
Afghanistan 2000 20595360
Afghanistan 2001 21347782
Afghanistan 2002 22202806
Afghanistan 2003 23116142
Afghanistan 2004 24018682
Afghanistan 2005 24860855
Afghanistan 2006 25631282
Afghanistan 2007 26349243
Afghanistan 2008 27032197
Afghanistan 2009 27708187
Afghanistan 2010 28397812
Afghanistan 2011 29105480
Afghanistan 2012 29824536
Afghanistan 2013 30551674
Albania 1995 3357858
Albania 1996 3341043
Albania 1997 3331317
Albania 1998 3325456
Albania 1999 3317941
Albania 2000 3304948
Albania 2001 3286084
Albania 2002 3263596
Albania 2003 3239385
Albania 2004 3216197
Albania 2005 3196130
Albania 2006 3179573
Albania 2007 3166222
Albania 2008 3156608
Albania 2009 3151185
Albania 2010 3150143
Albania 2011 3153883
Albania 2012 3162083
Albania 2013 3173271
Algeria 1995 29315463
Algeria 1996 29845208
Algeria 1997 30345466
Algeria 1998 30820435
Algeria 1999 31276295
Algeria 2000 31719449
Algeria 2001 32150198
Algeria 2002 32572977
Algeria 2003 33003442
Algeria 2004 33461345
Algeria 2005 33960903
Algeria 2006 34507214
Algeria 2007 35097043
Algeria 2008 35725377
Algeria 2009 36383302
Algeria 2010 37062820
Algeria 2011 37762962
Algeria 2012 38481705
Algeria 2013 39208194
American Samoa 1995 52874
American Samoa 1996 53926
American Samoa 1997 54942
American Samoa 1998 55899
American Samoa 1999 56768
American Samoa 2000 57522
American Samoa 2001 58176
American Samoa 2002 58729
American Samoa 2003 59117
American Samoa 2004 59262
American Samoa 2005 59117
American Samoa 2006 58652
American Samoa 2007 57919
American Samoa 2008 57053
American Samoa 2009 56245
American Samoa 2010 55636
American Samoa 2011 55274
American Samoa 2012 55128
American Samoa 2013 55165
Andorra 1995 63854
Andorra 1996 64274
Andorra 1997 64090
Andorra 1998 63799
Andorra 1999 64084
Andorra 2000 65399
Andorra 2001 68000
Andorra 2002 71639
Andorra 2003 75643
Andorra 2004 79060
Andorra 2005 81223
Andorra 2006 81877
Andorra 2007 81292
Andorra 2008 79969
Andorra 2009 78659
Andorra 2010 77907
Andorra 2011 77865
Andorra 2012 78360
Andorra 2013 79218
Angola 1995 12104952
Angola 1996 12451945
Angola 1997 12791388
Angola 1998 13137542
Angola 1999 13510616
Angola 2000 13924930
Angola 2001 14385283
Angola 2002 14886574
Angola 2003 15421075
Angola 2004 15976715
Angola 2005 16544376
Angola 2006 17122409
Angola 2007 17712824
Angola 2008 18314441
Angola 2009 18926650
Angola 2010 19549124
Angola 2011 20180490
Angola 2012 20820525
Angola 2013 21471618
Anguilla 1995 9807
Anguilla 1996 10063
Anguilla 1997 10305
Anguilla 1998 10545
Anguilla 1999 10797
Anguilla 2000 11071
Anguilla 2001 11371
Anguilla 2002 11693
Anguilla 2003 12023
Anguilla 2004 12342
Anguilla 2005 12637
Anguilla 2006 12903
Anguilla 2007 13145
Anguilla 2008 13365
Anguilla 2009 13571
Anguilla 2010 13768
Anguilla 2011 13956
Anguilla 2012 14132
Anguilla 2013 14300
Antigua and Barbuda 1995 68349
Antigua and Barbuda 1996 70245
Antigua and Barbuda 1997 72232
Antigua and Barbuda 1998 74206
Antigua and Barbuda 1999 76041
Antigua and Barbuda 2000 77648
Antigua and Barbuda 2001 78972
Antigua and Barbuda 2002 80030
Antigua and Barbuda 2003 80904
Antigua and Barbuda 2004 81718
Antigua and Barbuda 2005 82565
Antigua and Barbuda 2006 83467
Antigua and Barbuda 2007 84397
Antigua and Barbuda 2008 85349
Antigua and Barbuda 2009 86300
Antigua and Barbuda 2010 87233
Antigua and Barbuda 2011 88152
Antigua and Barbuda 2012 89069
Antigua and Barbuda 2013 89985
Argentina 1995 34833168
Argentina 1996 35264070
Argentina 1997 35690778
Argentina 1998 36109342
Argentina 1999 36514558
Argentina 2000 36903067
Argentina 2001 37273361
Argentina 2002 37627545
Argentina 2003 37970411
Argentina 2004 38308779
Argentina 2005 38647854
Argentina 2006 38988923
Argentina 2007 39331357
Argentina 2008 39676083
Argentina 2009 40023641
Argentina 2010 40374224
Argentina 2011 40728738
Argentina 2012 41086927
Argentina 2013 41446246
Armenia 1995 3223173
Armenia 1996 3173425
Armenia 1997 3137652
Armenia 1998 3112958
Armenia 1999 3093820
Armenia 2000 3076098
Armenia 2001 3059960
Armenia 2002 3047002
Armenia 2003 3036032
Armenia 2004 3025652
Armenia 2005 3014917
Armenia 2006 3002911
Armenia 2007 2989882
Armenia 2008 2977488
Armenia 2009 2968154
Armenia 2010 2963496
Armenia 2011 2964120
Armenia 2012 2969081
Armenia 2013 2976566
Aruba 1995 80326
Aruba 1996 83195
Aruba 1997 85447
Aruba 1998 87276
Aruba 1999 89004
Aruba 2000 90858
Aruba 2001 92894
Aruba 2002 94995
Aruba 2003 97015
Aruba 2004 98742
Aruba 2005 100031
Aruba 2006 100830
Aruba 2007 101219
Aruba 2008 101344
Aruba 2009 101418
Aruba 2010 101597
Aruba 2011 101932
Aruba 2012 102384
Aruba 2013 102911
Australia 1995 18124234
Australia 1996 18339037
Australia 1997 18563442
Australia 1998 18794552
Australia 1999 19027438
Australia 2000 19259377
Australia 2001 19487257
Australia 2002 19714625
Australia 2003 19953121
Australia 2004 20218481
Australia 2005 20520736
Australia 2006 20865583
Australia 2007 21246274
Australia 2008 21645095
Australia 2009 22037143
Australia 2010 22404488
Australia 2011 22740536
Australia 2012 23050471
Australia 2013 23342553
Austria 1995 7985372
Austria 1996 8009345
Austria 1997 8014124
Austria 1998 8009051
Austria 1999 8007843
Austria 2000 8020262
Austria 2001 8049440
Austria 2002 8091804
Austria 2003 8142322
Austria 2004 8193157
Austria 2005 8238604
Austria 2006 8277393
Austria 2007 8311463
Austria 2008 8342129
Austria 2009 8371711
Austria 2010 8401924
Austria 2011 8432890
Austria 2012 8463948
Austria 2013 8495145
Azerbaijan 1995 7770806
Azerbaijan 1996 7852273
Azerbaijan 1997 7921745
Azerbaijan 1998 7984460
Azerbaijan 1999 8047936
Azerbaijan 2000 8117742
Azerbaijan 2001 8195427
Azerbaijan 2002 8279768
Azerbaijan 2003 8370169
Azerbaijan 2004 8465127
Azerbaijan 2005 8563398
Azerbaijan 2006 8665006
Azerbaijan 2007 8770122
Azerbaijan 2008 8877669
Azerbaijan 2009 8986266
Azerbaijan 2010 9094718
Azerbaijan 2011 9202432
Azerbaijan 2012 9308959
Azerbaijan 2013 9413420
Bahamas 1995 280050
Bahamas 1996 283678
Bahamas 1997 286845
Bahamas 1998 289926
Bahamas 1999 293442
Bahamas 2000 297759
Bahamas 2001 303005
Bahamas 2002 309039
Bahamas 2003 315624
Bahamas 2004 322400
Bahamas 2005 329088
Bahamas 2006 335622
Bahamas 2007 342049
Bahamas 2008 348340
Bahamas 2009 354492
Bahamas 2010 360498
Bahamas 2011 366331
Bahamas 2012 371960
Bahamas 2013 377374
Bahrain 1995 563730
Bahrain 1996 579697
Bahrain 1997 597400
Bahrain 1998 617537
Bahrain 1999 640913
Bahrain 2000 668239
Bahrain 2001 698749
Bahrain 2002 732541
Bahrain 2003 772058
Bahrain 2004 820505
Bahrain 2005 879534
Bahrain 2006 950951
Bahrain 2007 1032353
Bahrain 2008 1116038
Bahrain 2009 1191539
Bahrain 2010 1251513
Bahrain 2011 1292764
Bahrain 2012 1317827
Bahrain 2013 1332171
Bangladesh 1995 119869585
Bangladesh 1996 122400896
Bangladesh 1997 124945315
Bangladesh 1998 127478524
Bangladesh 1999 129966823
Bangladesh 2000 132383265
Bangladesh 2001 134729503
Bangladesh 2002 137006279
Bangladesh 2003 139185986
Bangladesh 2004 141235035
Bangladesh 2005 143135180
Bangladesh 2006 144868702
Bangladesh 2007 146457067
Bangladesh 2008 147969967
Bangladesh 2009 149503100
Bangladesh 2010 151125475
Bangladesh 2011 152862431
Bangladesh 2012 154695368
Bangladesh 2013 156594962
Barbados 1995 263165
Barbados 1996 263884
Barbados 1997 264606
Barbados 1998 265370
Barbados 1999 266220
Barbados 2000 267190
Barbados 2001 268296
Barbados 2002 269524
Barbados 2003 270844
Barbados 2004 272205
Barbados 2005 273568
Barbados 2006 274923
Barbados 2007 276277
Barbados 2008 277634
Barbados 2009 279006
Barbados 2010 280396
Barbados 2011 281804
Barbados 2012 283221
Barbados 2013 284644
Belarus 1995 10189075
Belarus 1996 10156258
Belarus 1997 10120556
Belarus 1998 10080772
Belarus 1999 10034775
Belarus 2000 9981460
Belarus 2001 9920173
Belarus 2002 9852866
Belarus 2003 9784111
Belarus 2004 9719991
Belarus 2005 9664714
Belarus 2006 9620359
Belarus 2007 9585368
Belarus 2008 9555801
Belarus 2009 9525785
Belarus 2010 9491070
Belarus 2011 9450391
Belarus 2012 9405097
Belarus 2013 9356678
Belgium 1995 10161914
Belgium 1996 10186767
Belgium 1997 10205970
Belgium 1998 10222896
Belgium 1999 10242449
Belgium 2000 10268380
Belgium 2001 10300775
Belgium 2002 10338969
Belgium 2003 10384953
Belgium 2004 10440977
Belgium 2005 10508080
Belgium 2006 10587731
Belgium 2007 10678058
Belgium 2008 10772572
Belgium 2009 10862441
Belgium 2010 10941288
Belgium 2011 11006632
Belgium 2012 11060095
Belgium 2013 11104476
Belize 1995 206962
Belize 1996 212375
Belize 1997 218484
Belize 1998 225083
Belize 1999 231860
Belize 2000 238586
Belize 2001 245198
Belize 2002 251766
Belize 2003 258346
Belize 2004 265040
Belize 2005 271920
Belize 2006 278985
Belize 2007 286196
Belize 2008 293544
Belize 2009 301016
Belize 2010 308595
Belize 2011 316280
Belize 2012 324060
Belize 2013 331900
Benin 1995 5985658
Benin 1996 6176318
Benin 1997 6361301
Benin 1998 6546493
Benin 1999 6740491
Benin 2000 6949366
Benin 2001 7174911
Benin 2002 7414744
Benin 2003 7665681
Benin 2004 7922796
Benin 2005 8182362
Benin 2006 8443671
Benin 2007 8707490
Benin 2008 8973293
Benin 2009 9240783
Benin 2010 9509798
Benin 2011 9779795
Benin 2012 10050702
Benin 2013 10323474
Bermuda 1995 61407
Bermuda 1996 61703
Bermuda 1997 61992
Bermuda 1998 62276
Bermuda 1999 62557
Bermuda 2000 62837
Bermuda 2001 63116
Bermuda 2002 63393
Bermuda 2003 63661
Bermuda 2004 63911
Bermuda 2005 64137
Bermuda 2006 64337
Bermuda 2007 64512
Bermuda 2008 64667
Bermuda 2009 64812
Bermuda 2010 64951
Bermuda 2011 65086
Bermuda 2012 65216
Bermuda 2013 65341
Bhutan 1995 509105
Bhutan 1996 512594
Bhutan 1997 521146
Bhutan 1998 533737
Bhutan 1999 548599
Bhutan 2000 564350
Bhutan 2001 580888
Bhutan 2002 598455
Bhutan 2003 616383
Bhutan 2004 633893
Bhutan 2005 650417
Bhutan 2006 665568
Bhutan 2007 679365
Bhutan 2008 692159
Bhutan 2009 704542
Bhutan 2010 716939
Bhutan 2011 729429
Bhutan 2012 741822
Bhutan 2013 753947
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1995 7635362
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1996 7806953
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1997 7978521
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1998 8150214
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1999 8322408
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2000 8495271
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2001 8669066
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2002 8843350
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2003 9016787
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2004 9187610
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2005 9354709
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2006 9517395
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2007 9676456
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2008 9834098
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2009 9993406
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2010 10156601
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2011 10324445
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2012 10496285
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2013 10671200
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 2010 17616
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 2011 18194
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 2012 18694
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 2013 19130
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 3520996
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996 3485575
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1997 3535998
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998 3640821
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1999 3752004
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2000 3834364
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2001 3879353
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002 3897579
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2003 3895779
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2004 3886723
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2005 3879828
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 3875157
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007 3868665
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2008 3861201
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009 3853446
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2010 3845929
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2011 3839322
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012 3833916
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 3829307
Botswana 1995 1583453
Botswana 1996 1620989
Botswana 1997 1657349
Botswana 1998 1692148
Botswana 1999 1724924
Botswana 2000 1755375
Botswana 2001 1783349
Botswana 2002 1808976
Botswana 2003 1832602
Botswana 2004 1854739
Botswana 2005 1875805
Botswana 2006 1895944
Botswana 2007 1915187
Botswana 2008 1933719
Botswana 2009 1951715
Botswana 2010 1969341
Botswana 2011 1986701
Botswana 2012 2003910
Botswana 2013 2021144
Brazil 1995 161890816
Brazil 1996 164392423
Brazil 1997 166925457
Brazil 1998 169472347
Brazil 1999 172006362
Brazil 2000 174504898
Brazil 2001 176968205
Brazil 2002 179393768
Brazil 2003 181752951
Brazil 2004 184010283
Brazil 2005 186142403
Brazil 2006 188134315
Brazil 2007 189996976
Brazil 2008 191765567
Brazil 2009 193490922
Brazil 2010 195210154
Brazil 2011 196935134
Brazil 2012 198656019
Brazil 2013 200361925
British Virgin Islands 1995 18425
British Virgin Islands 1996 18834
British Virgin Islands 1997 19270
British Virgin Islands 1998 19726
British Virgin Islands 1999 20186
British Virgin Islands 2000 20643
British Virgin Islands 2001 21084
British Virgin Islands 2002 21518
British Virgin Islands 2003 21982
British Virgin Islands 2004 22522
British Virgin Islands 2005 23169
British Virgin Islands 2006 23942
British Virgin Islands 2007 24815
British Virgin Islands 2008 25716
British Virgin Islands 2009 26542
British Virgin Islands 2010 27223
British Virgin Islands 2011 27730
British Virgin Islands 2012 28088
British Virgin Islands 2013 28341
Brunei Darussalam 1995 295003
Brunei Darussalam 1996 302511
Brunei Darussalam 1997 309904
Brunei Darussalam 1998 317214
Brunei Darussalam 1999 324501
Brunei Darussalam 2000 331801
Brunei Darussalam 2001 339114
Brunei Darussalam 2002 346407
Brunei Darussalam 2003 353649
Brunei Darussalam 2004 360797
Brunei Darussalam 2005 367815
Brunei Darussalam 2006 374697
Brunei Darussalam 2007 381440
Brunei Darussalam 2008 388017
Brunei Darussalam 2009 394400
Brunei Darussalam 2010 400569
Brunei Darussalam 2011 406512
Brunei Darussalam 2012 412238
Brunei Darussalam 2013 417784
Bulgaria 1995 8358116
Bulgaria 1996 8274592
Bulgaria 1997 8199715
Bulgaria 1998 8131424
Bulgaria 1999 8065947
Bulgaria 2000 8000510
Bulgaria 2001 7934973
Bulgaria 2002 7870488
Bulgaria 2003 7806995
Bulgaria 2004 7744575
Bulgaria 2005 7683264
Bulgaria 2006 7622852
Bulgaria 2007 7563141
Bulgaria 2008 7504206
Bulgaria 2009 7446197
Bulgaria 2010 7389175
Bulgaria 2011 7333122
Bulgaria 2012 7277831
Bulgaria 2013 7222943
Burkina Faso 1995 10089876
Burkina Faso 1996 10372562
Burkina Faso 1997 10664982
Burkina Faso 1998 10967836
Burkina Faso 1999 11281942
Burkina Faso 2000 11607944
Burkina Faso 2001 11946080
Burkina Faso 2002 12296399
Burkina Faso 2003 12659086
Burkina Faso 2004 13034258
Burkina Faso 2005 13421929
Burkina Faso 2006 13822257
Burkina Faso 2007 14235075
Burkina Faso 2008 14659646
Burkina Faso 2009 15094967
Burkina Faso 2010 15540284
Burkina Faso 2011 15995313
Burkina Faso 2012 16460141
Burkina Faso 2013 16934839
Burundi 1995 6209923
Burundi 1996 6294482
Burundi 1997 6369573
Burundi 1998 6447672
Burundi 1999 6545273
Burundi 2000 6674286
Burundi 2001 6839376
Burundi 2002 7037727
Burundi 2003 7264340
Burundi 2004 7510771
Burundi 2005 7770392
Burundi 2006 8042579
Burundi 2007 8328312
Burundi 2008 8624280
Burundi 2009 8926687
Burundi 2010 9232753
Burundi 2011 9540362
Burundi 2012 9849569
Burundi 2013 10162532
Cabo Verde 1995 399477
Cabo Verde 1996 408790
Cabo Verde 1997 417562
Cabo Verde 1998 425932
Cabo Verde 1999 434168
Cabo Verde 2000 442426
Cabo Verde 2001 450812
Cabo Verde 2002 459140
Cabo Verde 2003 466939
Cabo Verde 2004 473577
Cabo Verde 2005 478651
Cabo Verde 2006 481940
Cabo Verde 2007 483713
Cabo Verde 2008 484651
Cabo Verde 2009 485714
Cabo Verde 2010 487601
Cabo Verde 2011 490556
Cabo Verde 2012 494401
Cabo Verde 2013 498897
Cambodia 1995 10769198
Cambodia 1996 11090611
Cambodia 1997 11395958
Cambodia 1998 11685332
Cambodia 1999 11960467
Cambodia 2000 12222871
Cambodia 2001 12472586
Cambodia 2002 12709336
Cambodia 2003 12934369
Cambodia 2004 13149386
Cambodia 2005 13356424
Cambodia 2006 13555054
Cambodia 2007 13747288
Cambodia 2008 13940518
Cambodia 2009 14144225
Cambodia 2010 14364931
Cambodia 2011 14605862
Cambodia 2012 14864646
Cambodia 2013 15135169
Cameroon 1995 13929575
Cameroon 1996 14316949
Cameroon 1997 14709426
Cameroon 1998 15107909
Cameroon 1999 15513653
Cameroon 2000 15927713
Cameroon 2001 16350440
Cameroon 2002 16782044
Cameroon 2003 17223277
Cameroon 2004 17674960
Cameroon 2005 18137734
Cameroon 2006 18611937
Cameroon 2007 19097676
Cameroon 2008 19595026
Cameroon 2009 20103945
Cameroon 2010 20624343
Cameroon 2011 21156272
Cameroon 2012 21699631
Cameroon 2013 22253959
Canada 1995 29294899
Canada 1996 29586368
Canada 1997 29866502
Canada 1998 30140562
Canada 1999 30415664
Canada 2000 30697425
Canada 2001 30986788
Canada 2002 31283746
Canada 2003 31591631
Canada 2004 31914080
Canada 2005 32253092
Canada 2006 32610984
Canada 2007 32985806
Canada 2008 33369898
Canada 2009 33752618
Canada 2010 34126240
Canada 2011 34487414
Canada 2012 34837978
Canada 2013 35181704
Cayman Islands 1995 31672
Cayman Islands 1996 33535
Cayman Islands 1997 35596
Cayman Islands 1998 37742
Cayman Islands 1999 39810
Cayman Islands 2000 41685
Cayman Islands 2001 43317
Cayman Islands 2002 44742
Cayman Islands 2003 46032
Cayman Islands 2004 47299
Cayman Islands 2005 48623
Cayman Islands 2006 50026
Cayman Islands 2007 51472
Cayman Islands 2008 52912
Cayman Islands 2009 54275
Cayman Islands 2010 55509
Cayman Islands 2011 56601
Cayman Islands 2012 57570
Cayman Islands 2013 58435
Central African Republic 1995 3275695
Central African Republic 1996 3350299
Central African Republic 1997 3424733
Central African Republic 1998 3498140
Central African Republic 1999 3569523
Central African Republic 2000 3638316
Central African Republic 2001 3704045
Central African Republic 2002 3767248
Central African Republic 2003 3829636
Central African Republic 2004 3893595
Central African Republic 2005 3960897
Central African Republic 2006 4032102
Central African Republic 2007 4106897
Central African Republic 2008 4185106
Central African Republic 2009 4266247
Central African Republic 2010 4349921
Central African Republic 2011 4436217
Central African Republic 2012 4525209
Central African Republic 2013 4616417
Chad 1995 6980351
Chad 1996 7216321
Chad 1997 7463347
Chad 1998 7724316
Chad 1999 8002899
Chad 2000 8301151
Chad 2001 8620917
Chad 2002 8959964
Chad 2003 9311234
Chad 2004 9665024
Chad 2005 10014413
Chad 2006 10356822
Chad 2007 10694366
Chad 2008 11030628
Chad 2009 11371325
Chad 2010 11720781
Chad 2011 12080037
Chad 2012 12448175
Chad 2013 12825314
Chile 1995 14440103
Chile 1996 14662323
Chile 1997 14872458
Chile 1998 15072409
Chile 1999 15265536
Chile 2000 15454402
Chile 2001 15639289
Chile 2002 15819522
Chile 2003 15995658
Chile 2004 16168241
Chile 2005 16337749
Chile 2006 16504530
Chile 2007 16668892
Chile 2008 16831184
Chile 2009 16991729
Chile 2010 17150760
Chile 2011 17308449
Chile 2012 17464814
Chile 2013 17619708
China 1995 1237531429
China 1996 1247897092
China 1997 1257021784
China 1998 1265222536
China 1999 1272915272
China 2000 1280428583
China 2001 1287890449
China 2002 1295322020
China 2003 1302810258
China 2004 1310414386
China 2005 1318176835
China 2006 1326146433
China 2007 1334343509
China 2008 1342732604
China 2009 1351247555
China 2010 1359821465
China 2011 1368440300
China 2012 1377064907
China 2013 1385566537
China, Hong Kong SAR 1995 6144498
China, Hong Kong SAR 1996 6275363
China, Hong Kong SAR 1997 6430651
China, Hong Kong SAR 1998 6591717
China, Hong Kong SAR 1999 6732627
China, Hong Kong SAR 2000 6835301
China, Hong Kong SAR 2001 6892752
China, Hong Kong SAR 2002 6912079
China, Hong Kong SAR 2003 6906631
China, Hong Kong SAR 2004 6896523
China, Hong Kong SAR 2005 6896686
China, Hong Kong SAR 2006 6910671
China, Hong Kong SAR 2007 6934748
China, Hong Kong SAR 2008 6967866
China, Hong Kong SAR 2009 7006930
China, Hong Kong SAR 2010 7049514
China, Hong Kong SAR 2011 7096359
China, Hong Kong SAR 2012 7148493
China, Hong Kong SAR 2013 7203836
China, Macao SAR 1995 398459
China, Macao SAR 1996 405231
China, Macao SAR 1997 412031
China, Macao SAR 1998 418810
China, Macao SAR 1999 425448
China, Macao SAR 2000 431907
China, Macao SAR 2001 438080
China, Macao SAR 2002 444150
China, Macao SAR 2003 450711
China, Macao SAR 2004 458542
China, Macao SAR 2005 468149
China, Macao SAR 2006 479808
China, Macao SAR 2007 493206
China, Macao SAR 2008 507528
China, Macao SAR 2009 521617
China, Macao SAR 2010 534626
China, Macao SAR 2011 546278
China, Macao SAR 2012 556783
China, Macao SAR 2013 566375
Colombia 1995 36573895
Colombia 1996 37236124
Colombia 1997 37901358
Colombia 1998 38568056
Colombia 1999 39234115
Colombia 2000 39897984
Colombia 2001 40558648
Colombia 2002 41216304
Colombia 2003 41872051
Colombia 2004 42527623
Colombia 2005 43184026
Colombia 2006 43841370
Colombia 2007 44498390
Colombia 2008 45153037
Colombia 2009 45802561
Colombia 2010 46444798
Colombia 2011 47078792
Colombia 2012 47704427
Colombia 2013 48321405
Comoros 1995 465895
Comoros 1996 477548
Comoros 1997 489627
Comoros 1998 502128
Comoros 1999 515028
Comoros 2000 528312
Comoros 2001 541976
Comoros 2002 556028
Comoros 2003 570491
Comoros 2004 585389
Comoros 2005 600733
Comoros 2006 616526
Comoros 2007 632736
Comoros 2008 649291
Comoros 2009 666097
Comoros 2010 683081
Comoros 2011 700216
Comoros 2012 717503
Comoros 2013 734917
Congo 1995 2720633
Congo 1996 2797572
Congo 1997 2878333
Congo 1998 2961357
Congo 1999 3044444
Congo 2000 3126204
Congo 2001 3205636
Congo 2002 3283719
Congo 2003 3363418
Congo 2004 3448868
Congo 2005 3542867
Congo 2006 3646653
Congo 2007 3758858
Congo 2008 3876475
Congo 2009 3995146
Congo 2010 4111715
Congo 2011 4225359
Congo 2012 4337051
Congo 2013 4447632
Cook Islands 1995 18305
Cook Islands 1996 18244
Cook Islands 1997 18093
Cook Islands 1998 17915
Cook Islands 1999 17806
Cook Islands 2000 17826
Cook Islands 2001 18003
Cook Islands 2002 18308
Cook Islands 2003 18690
Cook Islands 2004 19072
Cook Islands 2005 19399
Cook Islands 2006 19656
Cook Islands 2007 19858
Cook Islands 2008 20016
Cook Islands 2009 20153
Cook Islands 2010 20284
Cook Islands 2011 20409
Cook Islands 2012 20523
Cook Islands 2013 20629
Costa Rica 1995 3478197
Costa Rica 1996 3566605
Costa Rica 1997 3658020
Costa Rica 1998 3750585
Costa Rica 1999 3841734
Costa Rica 2000 3929588
Costa Rica 2001 4013488
Costa Rica 2002 4093840
Costa Rica 2003 4171145
Costa Rica 2004 4246336
Costa Rica 2005 4320130
Costa Rica 2006 4392493
Costa Rica 2007 4463226
Costa Rica 2008 4532711
Costa Rica 2009 4601424
Costa Rica 2010 4669685
Costa Rica 2011 4737680
Costa Rica 2012 4805295
Costa Rica 2013 4872166
Côte d’Ivoire 1995 14217430
Côte d’Ivoire 1996 14632391
Côte d’Ivoire 1997 15042149
Côte d’Ivoire 1998 15436470
Côte d’Ivoire 1999 15802248
Côte d’Ivoire 2000 16131332
Côte d’Ivoire 2001 16420173
Côte d’Ivoire 2002 16674987
Côte d’Ivoire 2003 16909801
Côte d’Ivoire 2004 17144325
Côte d’Ivoire 2005 17393994
Côte d’Ivoire 2006 17662417
Côte d’Ivoire 2007 17949061
Côte d’Ivoire 2008 18260044
Côte d’Ivoire 2009 18601342
Côte d’Ivoire 2010 18976588
Côte d’Ivoire 2011 19389954
Côte d’Ivoire 2012 19839750
Côte d’Ivoire 2013 20316086
Croatia 1995 4690192
Croatia 1996 4647843
Croatia 1997 4601596
Croatia 1998 4554877
Croatia 1999 4511766
Croatia 2000 4475201
Croatia 2001 4446789
Croatia 2002 4426098
Croatia 2003 4411370
Croatia 2004 4399706
Croatia 2005 4388857
Croatia 2006 4378601
Croatia 2007 4369337
Croatia 2008 4360126
Croatia 2009 4349930
Croatia 2010 4338027
Croatia 2011 4323822
Croatia 2012 4307422
Croatia 2013 4289714
Cuba 1995 10932013
Cuba 1996 10980758
Cuba 1997 11024249
Cuba 1998 11063917
Cuba 1999 11101580
Cuba 2000 11138416
Cuba 2001 11175465
Cuba 2002 11212125
Cuba 2003 11245926
Cuba 2004 11273363
Cuba 2005 11292078
Cuba 2006 11301100
Cuba 2007 11301674
Cuba 2008 11296355
Cuba 2009 11288826
Cuba 2010 11281768
Cuba 2011 11276053
Cuba 2012 11270957
Cuba 2013 11265629
Curaçao 2010 147560
Curaçao 2011 151523
Curaçao 2012 155293
Curaçao 2013 158760
Cyprus 1995 855389
Cyprus 1996 873246
Cyprus 1997 890733
Cyprus 1998 908040
Cyprus 1999 925491
Cyprus 2000 943287
Cyprus 2001 961481
Cyprus 2002 979877
Cyprus 2003 998142
Cyprus 2004 1015820
Cyprus 2005 1032586
Cyprus 2006 1048314
Cyprus 2007 1063095
Cyprus 2008 1077089
Cyprus 2009 1090553
Cyprus 2010 1103685
Cyprus 2011 1116513
Cyprus 2012 1128994
Cyprus 2013 1141166
Czech Republic 1995 10339223
Czech Republic 1996 10327823
Czech Republic 1997 10311228
Czech Republic 1998 10291153
Czech Republic 1999 10270096
Czech Republic 2000 10250398
Czech Republic 2001 10231435
Czech Republic 2002 10214070
Czech Republic 2003 10203846
Czech Republic 2004 10207862
Czech Republic 2005 10230683
Czech Republic 2006 10274906
Czech Republic 2007 10337782
Czech Republic 2008 10411836
Czech Republic 2009 10486434
Czech Republic 2010 10553701
Czech Republic 2011 10611037
Czech Republic 2012 10660051
Czech Republic 2013 10702197
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1995 21763678
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1996 22016518
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1997 22240833
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1998 22444993
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1999 22641754
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2000 22840225
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2001 23043449
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2002 23248059
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2003 23449180
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2004 23639303
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2005 23813333
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2006 23969917
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2007 24111989
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2008 24243894
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2009 24371865
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2010 24500520
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2011 24631291
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2012 24763188
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2013 24895480
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1995 42012524
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1996 43122601
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1997 44078397
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1998 44960941
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1999 45889100
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000 46949244
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2001 48167045
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2002 49516960
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2003 50972323
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2004 52487293
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005 54028003
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006 55590838
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2007 57187942
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2008 58819038
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2009 60486276
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2010 62191161
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2011 63931512
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2012 65705093
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2013 67513677
Denmark 1995 5232582
Denmark 1996 5254383
Denmark 1997 5276683
Denmark 1998 5298680
Denmark 1999 5319410
Denmark 2000 5338283
Denmark 2001 5354684
Denmark 2002 5368994
Denmark 2003 5382853
Denmark 2004 5398558
Denmark 2005 5417692
Denmark 2006 5440923
Denmark 2007 5467551
Denmark 2008 5496104
Denmark 2009 5524427
Denmark 2010 5550959
Denmark 2011 5575237
Denmark 2012 5597760
Denmark 2013 5619096
Djibouti 1995 663999
Djibouti 1996 675891
Djibouti 1997 687897
Djibouti 1998 699922
Djibouti 1999 711652
Djibouti 2000 722887
Djibouti 2001 733732
Djibouti 2002 744434
Djibouti 2003 755085
Djibouti 2004 765776
Djibouti 2005 776585
Djibouti 2006 787544
Djibouti 2007 798690
Djibouti 2008 810100
Djibouti 2009 821865
Djibouti 2010 834036
Djibouti 2011 846646
Djibouti 2012 859652
Djibouti 2013 872932
Dominica 1995 71367
Dominica 1996 71146
Dominica 1997 70756
Dominica 1998 70295
Dominica 1999 69902
Dominica 2000 69679
Dominica 2001 69660
Dominica 2002 69806
Dominica 2003 70058
Dominica 2004 70325
Dominica 2005 70542
Dominica 2006 70690
Dominica 2007 70795
Dominica 2008 70883
Dominica 2009 70996
Dominica 2010 71167
Dominica 2011 71401
Dominica 2012 71684
Dominica 2013 72003
Dominican Republic 1995 7977966
Dominican Republic 1996 8118570
Dominican Republic 1997 8256496
Dominican Republic 1998 8392534
Dominican Republic 1999 8527881
Dominican Republic 2000 8663421
Dominican Republic 2001 8799298
Dominican Republic 2002 8935261
Dominican Republic 2003 9071318
Dominican Republic 2004 9207389
Dominican Republic 2005 9343362
Dominican Republic 2006 9479269
Dominican Republic 2007 9615015
Dominican Republic 2008 9750195
Dominican Republic 2009 9884265
Dominican Republic 2010 10016797
Dominican Republic 2011 10147598
Dominican Republic 2012 10276621
Dominican Republic 2013 10403761
Ecuador 1995 11315800
Ecuador 1996 11557151
Ecuador 1997 11799289
Ecuador 1998 12042454
Ecuador 1999 12286995
Ecuador 2000 12533087
Ecuador 2001 12780869
Ecuador 2002 13030041
Ecuador 2003 13279806
Ecuador 2004 13529091
Ecuador 2005 13777131
Ecuador 2006 14023503
Ecuador 2007 14268397
Ecuador 2008 14512402
Ecuador 2009 14756424
Ecuador 2010 15001072
Ecuador 2011 15246481
Ecuador 2012 15492264
Ecuador 2013 15737878
Egypt 1995 61168397
Egypt 1996 62123592
Egypt 1997 63094069
Egypt 1998 64084443
Egypt 1999 65097777
Egypt 2000 66136590
Egypt 2001 67204189
Egypt 2002 68302914
Egypt 2003 69432477
Egypt 2004 70591288
Egypt 2005 71777678
Egypt 2006 72990754
Egypt 2007 74229577
Egypt 2008 75491922
Egypt 2009 76775023
Egypt 2010 78075705
Egypt 2011 79392466
Egypt 2012 80721874
Egypt 2013 82056378
El Salvador 1995 5748013
El Salvador 1996 5806750
El Salvador 1997 5855226
El Salvador 1998 5895018
El Salvador 1999 5928809
El Salvador 2000 5958794
El Salvador 2001 5985299
El Salvador 2002 6008308
El Salvador 2003 6029366
El Salvador 2004 6050297
El Salvador 2005 6072538
El Salvador 2006 6096692
El Salvador 2007 6122952
El Salvador 2008 6151776
El Salvador 2009 6183484
El Salvador 2010 6218195
El Salvador 2011 6256242
El Salvador 2012 6297394
El Salvador 2013 6340454
Equatorial Guinea 1995 441829
Equatorial Guinea 1996 456389
Equatorial Guinea 1997 471288
Equatorial Guinea 1998 486542
Equatorial Guinea 1999 502169
Equatorial Guinea 2000 518179
Equatorial Guinea 2001 534592
Equatorial Guinea 2002 551399
Equatorial Guinea 2003 568552
Equatorial Guinea 2004 585983
Equatorial Guinea 2005 603648
Equatorial Guinea 2006 621517
Equatorial Guinea 2007 639618
Equatorial Guinea 2008 658025
Equatorial Guinea 2009 676851
Equatorial Guinea 2010 696167
Equatorial Guinea 2011 715996
Equatorial Guinea 2012 736296
Equatorial Guinea 2013 757014
Eritrea 1995 3407812
Eritrea 1996 3473399
Eritrea 1997 3560353
Eritrea 1998 3668350
Eritrea 1999 3795384
Eritrea 2000 3939348
Eritrea 2001 4101609
Eritrea 2002 4281576
Eritrea 2003 4472533
Eritrea 2004 4665522
Eritrea 2005 4854066
Eritrea 2006 5035036
Eritrea 2007 5209846
Eritrea 2008 5382163
Eritrea 2009 5557889
Eritrea 2010 5741159
Eritrea 2011 5932852
Eritrea 2012 6130922
Eritrea 2013 6333135
Estonia 1995 1433076
Estonia 1996 1412522
Estonia 1997 1397071
Estonia 1998 1385531
Estonia 1999 1375744
Estonia 2000 1366117
Estonia 2001 1356549
Estonia 2002 1347674
Estonia 2003 1339453
Estonia 2004 1331928
Estonia 2005 1325112
Estonia 2006 1318893
Estonia 2007 1313138
Estonia 2008 1307827
Estonia 2009 1302965
Estonia 2010 1298533
Estonia 2011 1294498
Estonia 2012 1290778
Estonia 2013 1287251
Ethiopia 1995 57023519
Ethiopia 1996 58815116
Ethiopia 1997 60584273
Ethiopia 1998 62353942
Ethiopia 1999 64158887
Ethiopia 2000 66024199
Ethiopia 2001 67956866
Ethiopia 2002 69948344
Ethiopia 2003 71989666
Ethiopia 2004 74066147
Ethiopia 2005 76167240
Ethiopia 2006 78290649
Ethiopia 2007 80440708
Ethiopia 2008 82621190
Ethiopia 2009 84838032
Ethiopia 2010 87095281
Ethiopia 2011 89393063
Ethiopia 2012 91728849
Ethiopia 2013 94100756
Fiji 1995 775587
Fiji 1996 784647
Fiji 1997 793098
Fiji 1998 800616
Fiji 1999 806857
Fiji 2000 811647
Fiji 2001 814700
Fiji 2002 816237
Fiji 2003 817224
Fiji 2004 818995
Fiji 2005 822484
Fiji 2006 828060
Fiji 2007 835392
Fiji 2008 843851
Fiji 2009 852479
Fiji 2010 860559
Fiji 2011 867921
Fiji 2012 874742
Fiji 2013 881065
Finland 1995 5108176
Finland 1996 5126021
Finland 1997 5140755
Finland 1998 5153229
Finland 1999 5164780
Finland 2000 5176482
Finland 2001 5188330
Finland 2002 5200259
Finland 2003 5213213
Finland 2004 5228340
Finland 2005 5246368
Finland 2006 5267817
Finland 2007 5292261
Finland 2008 5318297
Finland 2009 5343927
Finland 2010 5367693
Finland 2011 5389084
Finland 2012 5408466
Finland 2013 5426323
France 1995 58008958
France 1996 58216225
France 1997 58418324
France 1998 58635564
France 1999 58894671
France 2000 59213096
France 2001 59600714
France 2002 60047743
France 2003 60527640
France 2004 61002537
France 2005 61444972
France 2006 61845239
France 2007 62210877
France 2008 62552614
France 2009 62888318
France 2010 63230866
France 2011 63582112
France 2012 63936575
France 2013 64291280
French Polynesia 1995 215200
French Polynesia 1996 219282
French Polynesia 1997 223734
French Polynesia 1998 228380
French Polynesia 1999 232956
French Polynesia 2000 237267
French Polynesia 2001 241276
French Polynesia 2002 245032
French Polynesia 2003 248536
French Polynesia 2004 251811
French Polynesia 2005 254884
French Polynesia 2006 257731
French Polynesia 2007 260361
French Polynesia 2008 262877
French Polynesia 2009 265412
French Polynesia 2010 268065
French Polynesia 2011 270874
French Polynesia 2012 273814
French Polynesia 2013 276831
Gabon 1995 1080477
Gabon 1996 1108698
Gabon 1997 1137412
Gabon 1998 1166525
Gabon 1999 1195919
Gabon 2000 1225527
Gabon 2001 1255299
Gabon 2002 1285318
Gabon 2003 1315820
Gabon 2004 1347125
Gabon 2005 1379465
Gabon 2006 1412907
Gabon 2007 1447388
Gabon 2008 1482843
Gabon 2009 1519155
Gabon 2010 1556222
Gabon 2011 1594034
Gabon 2012 1632572
Gabon 2013 1671711
Gambia 1995 1065746
Gambia 1996 1095930
Gambia 1997 1126986
Gambia 1998 1159271
Gambia 1999 1193143
Gambia 2000 1228863
Gambia 2001 1266691
Gambia 2002 1306667
Gambia 2003 1348548
Gambia 2004 1391934
Gambia 2005 1436549
Gambia 2006 1482324
Gambia 2007 1529406
Gambia 2008 1577984
Gambia 2009 1628332
Gambia 2010 1680640
Gambia 2011 1734966
Gambia 2012 1791225
Gambia 2013 1849285
Georgia 1995 5067143
Georgia 1996 4990097
Georgia 1997 4922489
Georgia 1998 4861848
Georgia 1999 4803312
Georgia 2000 4743591
Georgia 2001 4682290
Georgia 2002 4621837
Georgia 2003 4564938
Georgia 2004 4515280
Georgia 2005 4475306
Georgia 2006 4446032
Georgia 2007 4426077
Georgia 2008 4412502
Georgia 2009 4401093
Georgia 2010 4388674
Georgia 2011 4374226
Georgia 2012 4358242
Georgia 2013 4340895
Germany 1995 83147770
Germany 1996 83388930
Germany 1997 83490697
Germany 1998 83500716
Germany 1999 83490881
Germany 2000 83512459
Germany 2001 83583461
Germany 2002 83685160
Germany 2003 83788480
Germany 2004 83848844
Germany 2005 83835978
Germany 2006 83740302
Germany 2007 83578794
Germany 2008 83379538
Germany 2009 83182774
Germany 2010 83017404
Germany 2011 82892904
Germany 2012 82800121
Germany 2013 82726626
Ghana 1995 16760926
Ghana 1996 17169151
Ghana 1997 17568461
Ghana 1998 17968830
Ghana 1999 18384302
Ghana 2000 18825034
Ghana 2001 19293392
Ghana 2002 19786307
Ghana 2003 20301686
Ghana 2004 20835514
Ghana 2005 21384034
Ghana 2006 21947779
Ghana 2007 22525659
Ghana 2008 23110139
Ghana 2009 23691533
Ghana 2010 24262901
Ghana 2011 24820706
Ghana 2012 25366462
Ghana 2013 25904598
Greece 1995 10671809
Greece 1996 10758368
Greece 1997 10833632
Greece 1998 10896763
Greece 1999 10947724
Greece 2000 10986883
Greece 2001 11012931
Greece 2002 11026358
Greece 2003 11031728
Greece 2004 11035302
Greece 2005 11041642
Greece 2006 11052514
Greece 2007 11066884
Greece 2008 11083063
Greece 2009 11098149
Greece 2010 11109999
Greece 2011 11118556
Greece 2012 11124639
Greece 2013 11127990
Greenland 1995 55809
Greenland 1996 55832
Greenland 1997 55876
Greenland 1998 55948
Greenland 1999 56049
Greenland 2000 56174
Greenland 2001 56337
Greenland 2002 56534
Greenland 2003 56732
Greenland 2004 56881
Greenland 2005 56953
Greenland 2006 56925
Greenland 2007 56817
Greenland 2008 56675
Greenland 2009 56569
Greenland 2010 56546
Greenland 2011 56626
Greenland 2012 56787
Greenland 2013 56987
Grenada 1995 100253
Grenada 1996 100796
Grenada 1997 101125
Grenada 1998 101302
Grenada 1999 101441
Grenada 2000 101620
Grenada 2001 101849
Grenada 2002 102099
Grenada 2003 102369
Grenada 2004 102655
Grenada 2005 102951
Grenada 2006 103260
Grenada 2007 103586
Grenada 2008 103932
Grenada 2009 104296
Grenada 2010 104677
Grenada 2011 105074
Grenada 2012 105483
Grenada 2013 105897
Guam 1995 145562
Guam 1996 148060
Guam 1997 150306
Guam 1998 152275
Guam 1999 153951
Guam 2000 155328
Guam 2001 156417
Guam 2002 157241
Guam 2003 157823
Guam 2004 158194
Guam 2005 158401
Guam 2006 158429
Guam 2007 158331
Guam 2008 158310
Guam 2009 158621
Guam 2010 159440
Guam 2011 160858
Guam 2012 162810
Guam 2013 165124
Guatemala 1995 9983861
Guatemala 1996 10214623
Guatemala 1997 10449636
Guatemala 1998 10691090
Guatemala 1999 10941913
Guatemala 2000 11204183
Guatemala 2001 11478984
Guatemala 2002 11765738
Guatemala 2003 12062835
Guatemala 2004 12367800
Guatemala 2005 12678919
Guatemala 2006 12995374
Guatemala 2007 13317931
Guatemala 2008 13648307
Guatemala 2009 13988988
Guatemala 2010 14341576
Guatemala 2011 14706578
Guatemala 2012 15082831
Guatemala 2013 15468203
Guinea 1995 7837173
Guinea 1996 8094751
Guinea 1997 8296478
Guinea 1998 8457221
Guinea 1999 8600911
Guinea 2000 8746128
Guinea 2001 8895353
Guinea 2002 9045748
Guinea 2003 9204581
Guinea 2004 9379621
Guinea 2005 9576331
Guinea 2006 9798963
Guinea 2007 10046967
Guinea 2008 10314678
Guinea 2009 10593248
Guinea 2010 10876033
Guinea 2011 11161530
Guinea 2012 11451273
Guinea 2013 11745189
Guinea-Bissau 1995 1139667
Guinea-Bissau 1996 1165465
Guinea-Bissau 1997 1191672
Guinea-Bissau 1998 1218336
Guinea-Bissau 1999 1245530
Guinea-Bissau 2000 1273312
Guinea-Bissau 2001 1301748
Guinea-Bissau 2002 1330849
Guinea-Bissau 2003 1360559
Guinea-Bissau 2004 1390791
Guinea-Bissau 2005 1421515
Guinea-Bissau 2006 1452659
Guinea-Bissau 2007 1484337
Guinea-Bissau 2008 1516920
Guinea-Bissau 2009 1550905
Guinea-Bissau 2010 1586624
Guinea-Bissau 2011 1624228
Guinea-Bissau 2012 1663558
Guinea-Bissau 2013 1704255
Guyana 1995 728136
Guyana 1996 730865
Guyana 1997 734059
Guyana 1998 737526
Guyana 1999 741046
Guyana 2000 744471
Guyana 2001 747657
Guyana 2002 750629
Guyana 2003 753612
Guyana 2004 756939
Guyana 2005 760834
Guyana 2006 765367
Guyana 2007 770407
Guyana 2008 775739
Guyana 2009 781055
Guyana 2010 786126
Guyana 2011 790882
Guyana 2012 795369
Guyana 2013 799613
Haiti 1995 7838241
Haiti 1996 7986858
Haiti 1997 8136372
Haiti 1998 8285690
Haiti 1999 8433339
Haiti 2000 8578234
Haiti 2001 8720247
Haiti 2002 8859635
Haiti 2003 8996229
Haiti 2004 9129933
Haiti 2005 9260879
Haiti 2006 9388642
Haiti 2007 9513714
Haiti 2008 9638255
Haiti 2009 9765153
Haiti 2010 9896400
Haiti 2011 10032864
Haiti 2012 10173775
Haiti 2013 10317461
Honduras 1995 5591935
Honduras 1996 5723639
Honduras 1997 5852719
Honduras 1998 5980152
Honduras 1999 6107385
Honduras 2000 6235561
Honduras 2001 6365040
Honduras 2002 6495801
Honduras 2003 6628171
Honduras 2004 6762426
Honduras 2005 6898825
Honduras 2006 7037428
Honduras 2007 7178436
Honduras 2008 7322368
Honduras 2009 7469844
Honduras 2010 7621204
Honduras 2011 7776669
Honduras 2012 7935846
Honduras 2013 8097688
Hungary 1995 10351994
Hungary 1996 10334876
Hungary 1997 10311227
Hungary 1998 10282937
Hungary 1999 10253110
Hungary 2000 10224113
Hungary 2001 10196130
Hungary 2002 10168591
Hungary 2003 10142243
Hungary 2004 10117872
Hungary 2005 10095964
Hungary 2006 10077017
Hungary 2007 10060786
Hungary 2008 10046058
Hungary 2009 10031096
Hungary 2010 10014633
Hungary 2011 9996227
Hungary 2012 9976195
Hungary 2013 9954941
Iceland 1995 267454
Iceland 1996 270089
Iceland 1997 272798
Iceland 1998 275568
Iceland 1999 278376
Iceland 2000 281214
Iceland 2001 284056
Iceland 2002 286929
Iceland 2003 289925
Iceland 2004 293170
Iceland 2005 296745
Iceland 2006 300693
Iceland 2007 304957
Iceland 2008 309394
Iceland 2009 313804
Iceland 2010 318042
Iceland 2011 322052
Iceland 2012 325867
Iceland 2013 329535
India 1995 955804355
India 1996 973147577
India 1997 990460131
India 1998 1007746556
India 1999 1025014711
India 2000 1042261758
India 2001 1059500888
India 2002 1076705723
India 2003 1093786762
India 2004 1110626108
India 2005 1127143548
India 2006 1143289350
India 2007 1159095250
India 2008 1174662334
India 2009 1190138069
India 2010 1205624648
India 2011 1221156319
India 2012 1236686732
India 2013 1252139596
Indonesia 1995 194112556
Indonesia 1996 197097887
Indonesia 1997 200050444
Indonesia 1998 202990922
Indonesia 1999 205946831
Indonesia 2000 208938698
Indonesia 2001 211970371
Indonesia 2002 215038285
Indonesia 2003 218145617
Indonesia 2004 221293797
Indonesia 2005 224480901
Indonesia 2006 227709821
Indonesia 2007 230972808
Indonesia 2008 234243489
Indonesia 2009 237486894
Indonesia 2010 240676485
Indonesia 2011 243801639
Indonesia 2012 246864191
Indonesia 2013 249865631
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1995 60468352
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1996 61440887
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1997 62542531
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1998 63713397
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1999 64858754
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2000 65911052
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2001 66857624
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2002 67727274
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2003 68543171
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2004 69342126
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2005 70152384
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2006 70976584
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2007 71809219
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2008 72660887
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2009 73542954
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2010 74462314
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2011 75424285
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2012 76424443
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013 77447168
Iraq 1995 20363138
Iraq 1996 21017108
Iraq 1997 21693597
Iraq 1998 22387179
Iraq 1999 23091408
Iraq 2000 23801156
Iraq 2001 24516842
Iraq 2002 25238267
Iraq 2003 25959531
Iraq 2004 26673536
Iraq 2005 27377045
Iraq 2006 28064095
Iraq 2007 28740630
Iraq 2008 29429829
Iraq 2009 30163199
Iraq 2010 30962380
Iraq 2011 31837015
Iraq 2012 32778030
Iraq 2013 33765232
Ireland 1995 3610918
Ireland 1996 3638411
Ireland 1997 3669799
Ireland 1998 3706616
Ireland 1999 3750879
Ireland 2000 3803741
Ireland 2001 3865839
Ireland 2002 3935875
Ireland 2003 4010652
Ireland 2004 4085790
Ireland 2005 4158002
Ireland 2006 4226104
Ireland 2007 4290537
Ireland 2008 4351657
Ireland 2009 4410422
Ireland 2010 4467561
Ireland 2011 4522844
Ireland 2012 4575890
Ireland 2013 4627173
Israel 1995 5331622
Israel 1996 5486219
Israel 1997 5630066
Israel 1998 5764197
Israel 1999 5891263
Israel 2000 6013711
Israel 2001 6129590
Israel 2002 6238958
Israel 2003 6348782
Israel 2004 6468354
Israel 2005 6603677
Israel 2006 6758761
Israel 2007 6930068
Israel 2008 7106828
Israel 2009 7273804
Israel 2010 7420368
Israel 2011 7542327
Israel 2012 7643905
Israel 2013 7733144
Italy 1995 56967071
Italy 1996 56937309
Italy 1997 56887127
Italy 1998 56850303
Italy 1999 56872736
Italy 2000 56986085
Italy 2001 57200233
Italy 2002 57501450
Italy 2003 57868021
Italy 2004 58267068
Italy 2005 58671855
Italy 2006 59078271
Italy 2007 59485505
Italy 2008 59873820
Italy 2009 60220314
Italy 2010 60508978
Italy 2011 60729316
Italy 2012 60884593
Italy 2013 60990277
Jamaica 1995 2462051
Jamaica 1996 2485230
Jamaica 1997 2509439
Jamaica 1998 2534127
Jamaica 1999 2558579
Jamaica 2000 2582219
Jamaica 2001 2604946
Jamaica 2002 2626716
Jamaica 2003 2647116
Jamaica 2004 2665680
Jamaica 2005 2682149
Jamaica 2006 2696227
Jamaica 2007 2708152
Jamaica 2008 2718862
Jamaica 2009 2729660
Jamaica 2010 2741485
Jamaica 2011 2754669
Jamaica 2012 2768941
Jamaica 2013 2783888
Japan 1995 124483305
Japan 1996 124794906
Japan 1997 125048712
Japan 1998 125266855
Japan 1999 125481436
Japan 2000 125714674
Japan 2001 125973930
Japan 2002 126249090
Japan 2003 126523597
Japan 2004 126772899
Japan 2005 126978754
Japan 2006 127136020
Japan 2007 127248855
Japan 2008 127319434
Japan 2009 127352872
Japan 2010 127352833
Japan 2011 127319206
Japan 2012 127249704
Japan 2013 127143577
Jordan 1995 4320158
Jordan 1996 4450852
Jordan 1997 4551911
Jordan 1998 4630762
Jordan 1999 4699278
Jordan 2000 4767476
Jordan 2001 4835108
Jordan 2002 4902974
Jordan 2003 4983508
Jordan 2004 5092185
Jordan 2005 5239417
Jordan 2006 5428896
Jordan 2007 5655856
Jordan 2008 5911202
Jordan 2009 6181307
Jordan 2010 6454554
Jordan 2011 6731151
Jordan 2012 7009444
Jordan 2013 7273799
Kazakhstan 1995 15549632
Kazakhstan 1996 15326132
Kazakhstan 1997 15085965
Kazakhstan 1998 14858241
Kazakhstan 1999 14679568
Kazakhstan 2000 14575644
Kazakhstan 2001 14559255
Kazakhstan 2002 14623188
Kazakhstan 2003 14747754
Kazakhstan 2004 14902452
Kazakhstan 2005 15064088
Kazakhstan 2006 15227211
Kazakhstan 2007 15396045
Kazakhstan 2008 15568294
Kazakhstan 2009 15743552
Kazakhstan 2010 15921127
Kazakhstan 2011 16097998
Kazakhstan 2012 16271201
Kazakhstan 2013 16440586
Kenya 1995 27418077
Kenya 1996 28186224
Kenya 1997 28943647
Kenya 1998 29702246
Kenya 1999 30478597
Kenya 2000 31285050
Kenya 2001 32126351
Kenya 2002 33000524
Kenya 2003 33905011
Kenya 2004 34834606
Kenya 2005 35785718
Kenya 2006 36757498
Kenya 2007 37752304
Kenya 2008 38773277
Kenya 2009 39824734
Kenya 2010 40909194
Kenya 2011 42027891
Kenya 2012 43178141
Kenya 2013 44353691
Kiribati 1995 76378
Kiribati 1996 77511
Kiribati 1997 78725
Kiribati 1998 80018
Kiribati 1999 81377
Kiribati 2000 82788
Kiribati 2001 84261
Kiribati 2002 85799
Kiribati 2003 87371
Kiribati 2004 88936
Kiribati 2005 90468
Kiribati 2006 91953
Kiribati 2007 93401
Kiribati 2008 94832
Kiribati 2009 96272
Kiribati 2010 97743
Kiribati 2011 99250
Kiribati 2012 100786
Kiribati 2013 102351
Kuwait 1995 1586123
Kuwait 1996 1585244
Kuwait 1997 1635999
Kuwait 1998 1722208
Kuwait 1999 1818405
Kuwait 2000 1906231
Kuwait 2001 1980604
Kuwait 2002 2048232
Kuwait 2003 2116353
Kuwait 2004 2196466
Kuwait 2005 2296314
Kuwait 2006 2417445
Kuwait 2007 2554920
Kuwait 2008 2702221
Kuwait 2009 2850102
Kuwait 2010 2991580
Kuwait 2011 3124705
Kuwait 2012 3250496
Kuwait 2013 3368572
Kyrgyzstan 1995 4592135
Kyrgyzstan 1996 4658815
Kyrgyzstan 1997 4739263
Kyrgyzstan 1998 4823870
Kyrgyzstan 1999 4898865
Kyrgyzstan 2000 4954850
Kyrgyzstan 2001 4988162
Kyrgyzstan 2002 5003394
Kyrgyzstan 2003 5009453
Kyrgyzstan 2004 5019310
Kyrgyzstan 2005 5042381
Kyrgyzstan 2006 5081620
Kyrgyzstan 2007 5134297
Kyrgyzstan 2008 5197274
Kyrgyzstan 2009 5265218
Kyrgyzstan 2010 5334223
Kyrgyzstan 2011 5403419
Kyrgyzstan 2012 5474213
Kyrgyzstan 2013 5547548
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1995 4871472
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1996 4986592
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1997 5096724
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1998 5200898
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1999 5298146
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2000 5388281
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2001 5470169
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2002 5545245
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2003 5619069
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2004 5699112
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2005 5790646
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2006 5895930
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2007 6013278
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2008 6139127
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2009 6267968
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2010 6395713
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2011 6521314
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2012 6645827
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2013 6769727
Latvia 1995 2487988
Latvia 1996 2458305
Latvia 1997 2434628
Latvia 1998 2414650
Latvia 1999 2394521
Latvia 2000 2371481
Latvia 2001 2345309
Latvia 2002 2317261
Latvia 2003 2287780
Latvia 2004 2257647
Latvia 2005 2227559
Latvia 2006 2197359
Latvia 2007 2167157
Latvia 2008 2138258
Latvia 2009 2112337
Latvia 2010 2090519
Latvia 2011 2073385
Latvia 2012 2060428
Latvia 2013 2050317
Lebanon 1995 3033406
Lebanon 1996 3070984
Lebanon 1997 3092718
Lebanon 1998 3114014
Lebanon 1999 3156706
Lebanon 2000 3235380
Lebanon 2001 3357600
Lebanon 2002 3515604
Lebanon 2003 3690110
Lebanon 2004 3853582
Lebanon 2005 3986865
Lebanon 2006 4079823
Lebanon 2007 4139813
Lebanon 2008 4186088
Lebanon 2009 4246924
Lebanon 2010 4341092
Lebanon 2011 4478105
Lebanon 2012 4647079
Lebanon 2013 4821971
Lesotho 1995 1753824
Lesotho 1996 1779197
Lesotho 1997 1801679
Lesotho 1998 1821609
Lesotho 1999 1839611
Lesotho 2000 1856225
Lesotho 2001 1871500
Lesotho 2002 1885487
Lesotho 2003 1898757
Lesotho 2004 1912022
Lesotho 2005 1925844
Lesotho 2006 1940413
Lesotho 2007 1955784
Lesotho 2008 1972199
Lesotho 2009 1989873
Lesotho 2010 2008921
Lesotho 2011 2029516
Lesotho 2012 2051545
Lesotho 2013 2074465
Liberia 1995 2079921
Liberia 1996 2197801
Liberia 1997 2365290
Liberia 1998 2558085
Liberia 1999 2741755
Liberia 2000 2891968
Liberia 2001 2998770
Liberia 2002 3070673
Liberia 2003 3124222
Liberia 2004 3184643
Liberia 2005 3269786
Liberia 2006 3384791
Liberia 2007 3522294
Liberia 2008 3672714
Liberia 2009 3821440
Liberia 2010 3957990
Liberia 2011 4079697
Liberia 2012 4190435
Liberia 2013 4294077
Libya 1995 4747619
Libya 1996 4837354
Libya 1997 4924347
Libya 1998 5009240
Libya 1999 5092939
Libya 2000 5176185
Libya 2001 5258677
Libya 2002 5340389
Libya 2003 5422612
Libya 2004 5507000
Libya 2005 5594450
Libya 2006 5686475
Libya 2007 5782108
Libya 2008 5876805
Libya 2009 5964325
Libya 2010 6040612
Libya 2011 6103233
Libya 2012 6154623
Libya 2013 6201521
Lithuania 1995 3628079
Lithuania 1996 3606012
Lithuania 1997 3583272
Lithuania 1998 3558827
Lithuania 1999 3530932
Lithuania 2000 3498446
Lithuania 2001 3461616
Lithuania 2002 3421430
Lithuania 2003 3378410
Lithuania 2004 3333259
Lithuania 2005 3286782
Lithuania 2006 3238819
Lithuania 2007 3190088
Lithuania 2008 3143310
Lithuania 2009 3101973
Lithuania 2010 3068457
Lithuania 2011 3043980
Lithuania 2012 3027621
Lithuania 2013 3016933
Luxembourg 1995 408152
Luxembourg 1996 414004
Luxembourg 1997 419979
Luxembourg 1998 425834
Luxembourg 1999 431268
Luxembourg 2000 436111
Luxembourg 2001 440137
Luxembourg 2002 443524
Luxembourg 2003 446996
Luxembourg 2004 451548
Luxembourg 2005 457847
Luxembourg 2006 466209
Luxembourg 2007 476294
Luxembourg 2008 487310
Luxembourg 2009 498116
Luxembourg 2010 507885
Luxembourg 2011 516348
Luxembourg 2012 523744
Luxembourg 2013 530380
Madagascar 1995 13452526
Madagascar 1996 13882646
Madagascar 1997 14329239
Madagascar 1998 14790245
Madagascar 1999 15262817
Madagascar 2000 15744811
Madagascar 2001 16235767
Madagascar 2002 16736029
Madagascar 2003 17245275
Madagascar 2004 17763367
Madagascar 2005 18290394
Madagascar 2006 18826126
Madagascar 2007 19371023
Madagascar 2008 19926785
Madagascar 2009 20495695
Madagascar 2010 21079532
Madagascar 2011 21678934
Madagascar 2012 22293914
Madagascar 2013 22924851
Malawi 1995 9964065
Malawi 1996 10153315
Malawi 1997 10404259
Malawi 1998 10700180
Malawi 1999 11012707
Malawi 2000 11321496
Malawi 2001 11623166
Malawi 2002 11926778
Malawi 2003 12238739
Malawi 2004 12569091
Malawi 2005 12924746
Malawi 2006 13307535
Malawi 2007 13713758
Malawi 2008 14138207
Malawi 2009 14573338
Malawi 2010 15013694
Malawi 2011 15457531
Malawi 2012 15906483
Malawi 2013 16362567
Malaysia 1995 20725374
Malaysia 1996 21259831
Malaysia 1997 21805835
Malaysia 1998 22355057
Malaysia 1999 22896048
Malaysia 2000 23420751
Malaysia 2001 23925742
Malaysia 2002 24413795
Malaysia 2003 24890654
Malaysia 2004 25365089
Malaysia 2005 25843466
Malaysia 2006 26327098
Malaysia 2007 26813819
Malaysia 2008 27302348
Malaysia 2009 27790324
Malaysia 2010 28275835
Malaysia 2011 28758968
Malaysia 2012 29239927
Malaysia 2013 29716965
Maldives 1995 244965
Maldives 1996 250659
Maldives 1997 256347
Maldives 1998 261973
Maldives 1999 267456
Maldives 2000 272745
Maldives 2001 277825
Maldives 2002 282743
Maldives 2003 287594
Maldives 2004 292505
Maldives 2005 297576
Maldives 2006 302825
Maldives 2007 308239
Maldives 2008 313843
Maldives 2009 319660
Maldives 2010 325694
Maldives 2011 331964
Maldives 2012 338442
Maldives 2013 345023
Mali 1995 8988853
Mali 1996 9222157
Mali 1997 9462256
Mali 1998 9712365
Mali 1999 9977308
Mali 2000 10260577
Mali 2001 10562768
Mali 2002 10882662
Mali 2003 11219737
Mali 2004 11572936
Mali 2005 11941258
Mali 2006 12325545
Mali 2007 12725629
Mali 2008 13138299
Mali 2009 13559296
Mali 2010 13985961
Mali 2011 14416737
Mali 2012 14853572
Mali 2013 15301650
Malta 1995 395615
Malta 1996 398698
Malta 1997 401373
Malta 1998 403688
Malta 1999 405716
Malta 2000 407529
Malta 2001 409116
Malta 2002 410493
Malta 2003 411790
Malta 2004 413170
Malta 2005 414747
Malta 2006 416584
Malta 2007 418640
Malta 2008 420796
Malta 2009 422872
Malta 2010 424738
Malta 2011 426356
Malta 2012 427764
Malta 2013 429004
Marshall Islands 1995 51020
Marshall Islands 1996 51397
Marshall Islands 1997 51697
Marshall Islands 1998 51922
Marshall Islands 1999 52076
Marshall Islands 2000 52161
Marshall Islands 2001 52184
Marshall Islands 2002 52161
Marshall Islands 2003 52115
Marshall Islands 2004 52074
Marshall Islands 2005 52058
Marshall Islands 2006 52084
Marshall Islands 2007 52150
Marshall Islands 2008 52245
Marshall Islands 2009 52341
Marshall Islands 2010 52428
Marshall Islands 2011 52495
Marshall Islands 2012 52555
Marshall Islands 2013 52634
Mauritania 1995 2334388
Mauritania 1996 2403805
Mauritania 1997 2475726
Mauritania 1998 2550307
Mauritania 1999 2627739
Mauritania 2000 2708095
Mauritania 2001 2791403
Mauritania 2002 2877431
Mauritania 2003 2965667
Mauritania 2004 3055425
Mauritania 2005 3146164
Mauritania 2006 3237713
Mauritania 2007 3330037
Mauritania 2008 3422901
Mauritania 2009 3516077
Mauritania 2010 3609420
Mauritania 2011 3702763
Mauritania 2012 3796141
Mauritania 2013 3889880
Mauritius 1995 1128676
Mauritius 1996 1142191
Mauritius 1997 1154701
Mauritius 1998 1166070
Mauritius 1999 1176227
Mauritius 2000 1185143
Mauritius 2001 1192719
Mauritius 2002 1198972
Mauritius 2003 1204161
Mauritius 2004 1208653
Mauritius 2005 1212752
Mauritius 2006 1216518
Mauritius 2007 1219976
Mauritius 2008 1223336
Mauritius 2009 1226841
Mauritius 2010 1230659
Mauritius 2011 1234910
Mauritius 2012 1239557
Mauritius 2013 1244403
Mexico 1995 95392647
Mexico 1996 97201533
Mexico 1997 98968558
Mexico 1998 100678867
Mexico 1999 102316781
Mexico 2000 103873607
Mexico 2001 105339877
Mexico 2002 106723661
Mexico 2003 108056312
Mexico 2004 109381550
Mexico 2005 110731826
Mexico 2006 112116694
Mexico 2007 113529819
Mexico 2008 114968039
Mexico 2009 116422752
Mexico 2010 117886404
Mexico 2011 119361233
Mexico 2012 120847477
Mexico 2013 122332399
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1995 107556
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1996 108342
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1997 108506
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1998 108236
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1999 107808
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2000 107430
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2001 107170
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2002 106983
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2003 106816
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2004 106575
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2005 106198
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2006 105686
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2007 105097
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2008 104498
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2009 103983
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2010 103619
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2011 103424
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2012 103395
Micronesia (Federated States of) 2013 103549
Monaco 1995 30700
Monaco 1996 30971
Monaco 1997 31242
Monaco 1998 31517
Monaco 1999 31795
Monaco 2000 32081
Monaco 2001 32366
Monaco 2002 32653
Monaco 2003 32968
Monaco 2004 33346
Monaco 2005 33808
Monaco 2006 34369
Monaco 2007 35013
Monaco 2008 35686
Monaco 2009 36314
Monaco 2010 36845
Monaco 2011 37261
Monaco 2012 37579
Monaco 2013 37831
Mongolia 1995 2298063
Mongolia 1996 2316598
Mongolia 1997 2335723
Mongolia 1998 2355618
Mongolia 1999 2376197
Mongolia 2000 2397473
Mongolia 2001 2419669
Mongolia 2002 2443231
Mongolia 2003 2468595
Mongolia 2004 2496248
Mongolia 2005 2526502
Mongolia 2006 2559496
Mongolia 2007 2595068
Mongolia 2008 2632834
Mongolia 2009 2672223
Mongolia 2010 2712738
Mongolia 2011 2754209
Mongolia 2012 2796484
Mongolia 2013 2839073
Montenegro 2005 615820
Montenegro 2006 616854
Montenegro 2007 617800
Montenegro 2008 618649
Montenegro 2009 619408
Montenegro 2010 620078
Montenegro 2011 620644
Montenegro 2012 621081
Montenegro 2013 621383
Montserrat 1995 10232
Montserrat 1996 9375
Montserrat 1997 8217
Montserrat 1998 6936
Montserrat 1999 5788
Montserrat 2000 4956
Montserrat 2001 4505
Montserrat 2002 4377
Montserrat 2003 4474
Montserrat 2004 4645
Montserrat 2005 4777
Montserrat 2006 4846
Montserrat 2007 4884
Montserrat 2008 4901
Montserrat 2009 4918
Montserrat 2010 4953
Montserrat 2011 5000
Montserrat 2012 5046
Montserrat 2013 5091
Morocco 1995 26833093
Morocco 1996 27237150
Morocco 1997 27632321
Morocco 1998 28013585
Morocco 1999 28374203
Morocco 2000 28710123
Morocco 2001 29021156
Morocco 2002 29311443
Morocco 2003 29586937
Morocco 2004 29855820
Morocco 2005 30125445
Morocco 2006 30395097
Morocco 2007 30667086
Morocco 2008 30955151
Morocco 2009 31276564
Morocco 2010 31642360
Morocco 2011 32059424
Morocco 2012 32521143
Morocco 2013 33008150
Mozambique 1995 15981571
Mozambique 1996 16463426
Mozambique 1997 16914628
Mozambique 1998 17350739
Mozambique 1999 17798102
Mozambique 2000 18275618
Mozambique 2001 18785719
Mozambique 2002 19319894
Mozambique 2003 19873460
Mozambique 2004 20438827
Mozambique 2005 21010376
Mozambique 2006 21587317
Mozambique 2007 22171404
Mozambique 2008 22762525
Mozambique 2009 23361025
Mozambique 2010 23967265
Mozambique 2011 24581367
Mozambique 2012 25203395
Mozambique 2013 25833752
Myanmar 1995 45329862
Myanmar 1996 45991828
Myanmar 1997 46664455
Myanmar 1998 47321204
Myanmar 1999 47925630
Myanmar 2000 48453000
Myanmar 2001 48894203
Myanmar 2002 49261313
Myanmar 2003 49577152
Myanmar 2004 49875169
Myanmar 2005 50181020
Myanmar 2006 50500070
Myanmar 2007 50828959
Myanmar 2008 51174018
Myanmar 2009 51540490
Myanmar 2010 51931231
Myanmar 2011 52350763
Myanmar 2012 52797319
Myanmar 2013 53259018
Namibia 1995 1654214
Namibia 1996 1705309
Namibia 1997 1757969
Namibia 1998 1809719
Namibia 1999 1857149
Namibia 2000 1897953
Namibia 2001 1931282
Namibia 2002 1958303
Namibia 2003 1981237
Namibia 2004 2003320
Namibia 2005 2027026
Namibia 2006 2052931
Namibia 2007 2080700
Namibia 2008 2110791
Namibia 2009 2143498
Namibia 2010 2178967
Namibia 2011 2217618
Namibia 2012 2259393
Namibia 2013 2303315
Nauru 1995 9970
Nauru 1996 10033
Nauru 1997 10056
Nauru 1998 10054
Nauru 1999 10044
Nauru 2000 10042
Nauru 2001 10053
Nauru 2002 10072
Nauru 2003 10096
Nauru 2004 10112
Nauru 2005 10115
Nauru 2006 10104
Nauru 2007 10083
Nauru 2008 10058
Nauru 2009 10037
Nauru 2010 10025
Nauru 2011 10024
Nauru 2012 10032
Nauru 2013 10051
Nepal 1995 20587157
Nepal 1996 21115271
Nepal 1997 21647305
Nepal 1998 22175431
Nepal 1999 22690158
Nepal 2000 23184177
Nepal 2001 23655119
Nepal 2002 24102862
Nepal 2003 24525527
Nepal 2004 24921910
Nepal 2005 25292058
Nepal 2006 25634043
Nepal 2007 25950022
Nepal 2008 26249412
Nepal 2009 26544943
Nepal 2010 26846016
Nepal 2011 27156367
Nepal 2012 27474377
Nepal 2013 27797457
Netherlands Antilles 1995 194332
Netherlands Antilles 1996 192128
Netherlands Antilles 1997 188609
Netherlands Antilles 1998 184455
Netherlands Antilles 1999 180623
Netherlands Antilles 2000 177838
Netherlands Antilles 2001 176280
Netherlands Antilles 2002 175823
Netherlands Antilles 2003 176517
Netherlands Antilles 2004 178328
Netherlands Antilles 2005 181195
Netherlands Antilles 2006 185182
Netherlands Antilles 2007 190229
Netherlands Antilles 2008 195970
Netherlands Antilles 2009 201921
Netherlands 1995 15420000
Netherlands 1996 15514794
Netherlands 1997 15603344
Netherlands 1998 15688091
Netherlands 1999 15772758
Netherlands 2000 15859863
Netherlands 2001 15950214
Netherlands 2002 16042368
Netherlands 2003 16133907
Netherlands 2004 16221364
Netherlands 2005 16302242
Netherlands 2006 16375813
Netherlands 2007 16442848
Netherlands 2008 16504193
Netherlands 2009 16561282
Netherlands 2010 16615243
Netherlands 2011 16666206
Netherlands 2012 16714018
Netherlands 2013 16759229
New Caledonia 1995 189220
New Caledonia 1996 193493
New Caledonia 1997 197726
New Caledonia 1998 201899
New Caledonia 1999 205997
New Caledonia 2000 210010
New Caledonia 2001 213919
New Caledonia 2002 217720
New Caledonia 2003 221432
New Caledonia 2004 225088
New Caledonia 2005 228714
New Caledonia 2006 232317
New Caledonia 2007 235889
New Caledonia 2008 239429
New Caledonia 2009 242926
New Caledonia 2010 246379
New Caledonia 2011 249786
New Caledonia 2012 253155
New Caledonia 2013 256496
New Zealand 1995 3675060
New Zealand 1996 3717342
New Zealand 1997 3752131
New Zealand 1998 3783470
New Zealand 1999 3817367
New Zealand 2000 3858032
New Zealand 2001 3906817
New Zealand 2002 3961937
New Zealand 2003 4020706
New Zealand 2004 4079075
New Zealand 2005 4134117
New Zealand 2006 4185020
New Zealand 2007 4232734
New Zealand 2008 4278186
New Zealand 2009 4322941
New Zealand 2010 4368136
New Zealand 2011 4413923
New Zealand 2012 4459852
New Zealand 2013 4505761
Nicaragua 1995 4659458
Nicaragua 1996 4756631
Nicaragua 1997 4849272
Nicaragua 1998 4937320
Nicaragua 1999 5021079
Nicaragua 2000 5100920
Nicaragua 2001 5176685
Nicaragua 2002 5248577
Nicaragua 2003 5317878
Nicaragua 2004 5386299
Nicaragua 2005 5455219
Nicaragua 2006 5524927
Nicaragua 2007 5595533
Nicaragua 2008 5667983
Nicaragua 2009 5743329
Nicaragua 2010 5822209
Nicaragua 2011 5905146
Nicaragua 2012 5991733
Nicaragua 2013 6080478
Niger 1995 9167078
Niger 1996 9499605
Niger 1997 9849621
Niger 1998 10215806
Niger 1999 10596258
Niger 2000 10989815
Niger 2001 11396434
Niger 2002 11817297
Niger 2003 12254040
Niger 2004 12708897
Niger 2005 13183798
Niger 2006 13679705
Niger 2007 14197289
Niger 2008 14737895
Niger 2009 15302948
Niger 2010 15893746
Niger 2011 16511462
Niger 2012 17157042
Niger 2013 17831270
Nigeria 1995 108424827
Nigeria 1996 111166210
Nigeria 1997 113979481
Nigeria 1998 116867371
Nigeria 1999 119831888
Nigeria 2000 122876727
Nigeria 2001 126004992
Nigeria 2002 129224641
Nigeria 2003 132550146
Nigeria 2004 135999250
Nigeria 2005 139585891
Nigeria 2006 143314909
Nigeria 2007 147187353
Nigeria 2008 151208080
Nigeria 2009 155381020
Nigeria 2010 159707780
Nigeria 2011 164192925
Nigeria 2012 168833776
Nigeria 2013 173615345
Niue 1995 2167
Niue 1996 2122
Niue 1997 2069
Niue 1998 2010
Niue 1999 1952
Niue 2000 1900
Niue 2001 1852
Niue 2002 1809
Niue 2003 1768
Niue 2004 1728
Niue 2005 1686
Niue 2006 1643
Niue 2007 1600
Niue 2008 1555
Niue 2009 1511
Niue 2010 1468
Niue 2011 1426
Niue 2012 1384
Niue 2013 1344
Northern Mariana Islands 1995 57518
Northern Mariana Islands 1996 60248
Northern Mariana Islands 1997 62939
Northern Mariana Islands 1998 65374
Northern Mariana Islands 1999 67271
Northern Mariana Islands 2000 68434
Northern Mariana Islands 2001 68817
Northern Mariana Islands 2002 68499
Northern Mariana Islands 2003 67562
Northern Mariana Islands 2004 66143
Northern Mariana Islands 2005 64372
Northern Mariana Islands 2006 62235
Northern Mariana Islands 2007 59792
Northern Mariana Islands 2008 57345
Northern Mariana Islands 2009 55278
Northern Mariana Islands 2010 53860
Northern Mariana Islands 2011 53230
Northern Mariana Islands 2012 53305
Northern Mariana Islands 2013 53855
Norway 1995 4359788
Norway 1996 4385951
Norway 1997 4412958
Norway 1998 4440109
Norway 1999 4466468
Norway 2000 4491572
Norway 2001 4514723
Norway 2002 4536647
Norway 2003 4560013
Norway 2004 4588444
Norway 2005 4624388
Norway 2006 4668989
Norway 2007 4721080
Norway 2008 4777943
Norway 2009 4835629
Norway 2010 4891251
Norway 2011 4943754
Norway 2012 4993875
Norway 2013 5042671
Oman 1995 2154600
Oman 1996 2175998
Oman 1997 2177723
Oman 1998 2171135
Oman 1999 2172287
Oman 2000 2192535
Oman 2001 2239025
Oman 2002 2308409
Oman 2003 2389121
Oman 2004 2464001
Oman 2005 2522325
Oman 2006 2554905
Oman 2007 2569739
Oman 2008 2593523
Oman 2009 2663224
Oman 2010 2802768
Oman 2011 3024774
Oman 2012 3314001
Oman 2013 3632444
Pakistan 1995 126689577
Pakistan 1996 130083700
Pakistan 1997 133597492
Pakistan 1998 137139290
Pakistan 1999 140580398
Pakistan 2000 143832014
Pakistan 2001 146857081
Pakistan 2002 149693684
Pakistan 2003 152419974
Pakistan 2004 155151394
Pakistan 2005 157971415
Pakistan 2006 160905794
Pakistan 2007 163928329
Pakistan 2008 167008083
Pakistan 2009 170093999
Pakistan 2010 173149306
Pakistan 2011 176166353
Pakistan 2012 179160111
Pakistan 2013 182142594
Palau 1995 17255
Palau 1996 17695
Palau 1997 18123
Palau 1998 18524
Palau 1999 18878
Palau 2000 19174
Palau 2001 19404
Palau 2002 19575
Palau 2003 19700
Palau 2004 19805
Palau 2005 19907
Palau 2006 20012
Palau 2007 20118
Palau 2008 20228
Palau 2009 20344
Palau 2010 20470
Palau 2011 20606
Palau 2012 20754
Palau 2013 20918
Panama 1995 2757004
Panama 1996 2814525
Panama 1997 2873288
Panama 1998 2933100
Panama 1999 2993685
Panama 2000 3054812
Panama 2001 3116409
Panama 2002 3178450
Panama 2003 3240805
Panama 2004 3303335
Panama 2005 3365929
Panama 2006 3428509
Panama 2007 3491034
Panama 2008 3553480
Panama 2009 3615846
Panama 2010 3678128
Panama 2011 3740282
Panama 2012 3802281
Panama 2013 3864170
Papua New Guinea 1995 4715929
Papua New Guinea 1996 4841020
Papua New Guinea 1997 4970823
Papua New Guinea 1998 5104516
Papua New Guinea 1999 5240941
Papua New Guinea 2000 5379226
Papua New Guinea 2001 5518971
Papua New Guinea 2002 5660267
Papua New Guinea 2003 5803302
Papua New Guinea 2004 5948461
Papua New Guinea 2005 6095959
Papua New Guinea 2006 6245797
Papua New Guinea 2007 6397623
Papua New Guinea 2008 6550877
Papua New Guinea 2009 6704829
Papua New Guinea 2010 6858945
Papua New Guinea 2011 7012977
Papua New Guinea 2012 7167010
Papua New Guinea 2013 7321262
Paraguay 1995 4801834
Paraguay 1996 4911701
Paraguay 1997 5021271
Paraguay 1998 5130723
Paraguay 1999 5240321
Paraguay 2000 5350253
Paraguay 2001 5460621
Paraguay 2002 5571371
Paraguay 2003 5682350
Paraguay 2004 5793330
Paraguay 2005 5904170
Paraguay 2006 6014781
Paraguay 2007 6125285
Paraguay 2008 6236005
Paraguay 2009 6347383
Paraguay 2010 6459721
Paraguay 2011 6573097
Paraguay 2012 6687361
Paraguay 2013 6802295
Peru 1995 23939261
Peru 1996 24365985
Peru 1997 24789855
Peru 1998 25206817
Peru 1999 25611482
Peru 2000 26000080
Peru 2001 26372358
Peru 2002 26729909
Peru 2003 27073334
Peru 2004 27403845
Peru 2005 27723281
Peru 2006 28030688
Peru 2007 28328410
Peru 2008 28625628
Peru 2009 28934303
Peru 2010 29262830
Peru 2011 29614887
Peru 2012 29987800
Peru 2013 30375603
Philippines 1995 69606539
Philippines 1996 71184718
Philippines 1997 72780928
Philippines 1998 74393147
Philippines 1999 76018006
Philippines 2000 77651848
Philippines 2001 79297756
Philippines 2002 80953652
Philippines 2003 82604681
Philippines 2004 84231329
Philippines 2005 85821214
Philippines 2006 87366573
Philippines 2007 88875548
Philippines 2008 90371287
Philippines 2009 91886400
Philippines 2010 93444322
Philippines 2011 95053437
Philippines 2012 96706764
Philippines 2013 98393574
Poland 1995 38479899
Poland 1996 38480234
Poland 1997 38461279
Poland 1998 38428791
Poland 1999 38390217
Poland 2000 38351437
Poland 2001 38314744
Poland 2002 38280547
Poland 2003 38250426
Poland 2004 38225455
Poland 2005 38206337
Poland 2006 38194163
Poland 2007 38189136
Poland 2008 38189735
Poland 2009 38193591
Poland 2010 38198754
Poland 2011 38204598
Poland 2012 38210924
Poland 2013 38216635
Portugal 1995 10097055
Portugal 1996 10140627
Portugal 1997 10182158
Portugal 1998 10222540
Portugal 1999 10263532
Portugal 2000 10306192
Portugal 2001 10350660
Portugal 2002 10395630
Portugal 2003 10439031
Portugal 2004 10478122
Portugal 2005 10510967
Portugal 2006 10536701
Portugal 2007 10555902
Portugal 2008 10569881
Portugal 2009 10580673
Portugal 2010 10589792
Portugal 2011 10597629
Portugal 2012 10603804
Portugal 2013 10608156
Puerto Rico 1995 3689649
Puerto Rico 1996 3719446
Puerto Rico 1997 3746634
Puerto Rico 1998 3769718
Puerto Rico 1999 3786884
Puerto Rico 2000 3796981
Puerto Rico 2001 3799358
Puerto Rico 2002 3794728
Puerto Rico 2003 3785058
Puerto Rico 2004 3773147
Puerto Rico 2005 3761143
Puerto Rico 2006 3749763
Puerto Rico 2007 3738829
Puerto Rico 2008 3728531
Puerto Rico 2009 3718812
Puerto Rico 2010 3709671
Puerto Rico 2011 3701373
Puerto Rico 2012 3694237
Puerto Rico 2013 3688318
Qatar 1995 501154
Qatar 1996 512476
Qatar 1997 529491
Qatar 1998 550367
Qatar 1999 572155
Qatar 2000 593693
Qatar 2001 611808
Qatar 2002 629745
Qatar 2003 660238
Qatar 2004 720383
Qatar 2005 821159
Qatar 2006 967602
Qatar 2007 1152459
Qatar 2008 1359114
Qatar 2009 1564082
Qatar 2010 1749713
Qatar 2011 1910902
Qatar 2012 2050514
Qatar 2013 2168673
Republic of Korea 1995 44652994
Republic of Korea 1996 44940974
Republic of Korea 1997 45220543
Republic of Korea 1998 45489131
Republic of Korea 1999 45742103
Republic of Korea 2000 45977210
Republic of Korea 2001 46192932
Republic of Korea 2002 46393993
Republic of Korea 2003 46591762
Republic of Korea 2004 46801310
Republic of Korea 2005 47033082
Republic of Korea 2006 47291491
Republic of Korea 2007 47572585
Republic of Korea 2008 47867970
Republic of Korea 2009 48164969
Republic of Korea 2010 48453931
Republic of Korea 2011 48732640
Republic of Korea 2012 49002683
Republic of Korea 2013 49262698
Republic of Moldova 1995 4339081
Republic of Moldova 1996 4308050
Republic of Moldova 1997 4268774
Republic of Moldova 1998 4221726
Republic of Moldova 1999 4167552
Republic of Moldova 2000 4107184
Republic of Moldova 2001 4040579
Republic of Moldova 2002 3969040
Republic of Moldova 2003 3896494
Republic of Moldova 2004 3827963
Republic of Moldova 2005 3767077
Republic of Moldova 2006 3715541
Republic of Moldova 2007 3672638
Republic of Moldova 2008 3636510
Republic of Moldova 2009 3604078
Republic of Moldova 2010 3573024
Republic of Moldova 2011 3542928
Republic of Moldova 2012 3514381
Republic of Moldova 2013 3487204
Romania 1995 22963512
Romania 1996 22841943
Romania 1997 22717415
Romania 1998 22596183
Romania 1999 22484940
Romania 2000 22388354
Romania 2001 22310092
Romania 2002 22249564
Romania 2003 22201592
Romania 2004 22158163
Romania 2005 22113264
Romania 2006 22065409
Romania 2007 22015937
Romania 2008 21964962
Romania 2009 21913311
Romania 2010 21861476
Romania 2011 21808931
Romania 2012 21754741
Romania 2013 21698585
Russian Federation 1995 148602147
Russian Federation 1996 148375246
Russian Federation 1997 148079919
Russian Federation 1998 147715550
Russian Federation 1999 147275875
Russian Federation 2000 146762881
Russian Federation 2001 146170247
Russian Federation 2002 145520813
Russian Federation 2003 144879644
Russian Federation 2004 144331352
Russian Federation 2005 143932966
Russian Federation 2006 143715023
Russian Federation 2007 143652377
Russian Federation 2008 143677033
Russian Federation 2009 143689741
Russian Federation 2010 143617913
Russian Federation 2011 143438152
Russian Federation 2012 143169653
Russian Federation 2013 142833689
Rwanda 1995 5663838
Rwanda 1996 5929575
Rwanda 1997 6470628
Rwanda 1998 7169658
Rwanda 1999 7853015
Rwanda 2000 8395577
Rwanda 2001 8760003
Rwanda 2002 8987523
Rwanda 2003 9126167
Rwanda 2004 9254379
Rwanda 2005 9429457
Rwanda 2006 9660946
Rwanda 2007 9928143
Rwanda 2008 10222961
Rwanda 2009 10529668
Rwanda 2010 10836732
Rwanda 2011 11144315
Rwanda 2012 11457801
Rwanda 2013 11776522
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1995 42888
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1996 43391
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1997 43885
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1998 44391
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1999 44938
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2000 45544
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2001 46214
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2002 46934
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2003 47679
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2004 48421
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2005 49139
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2006 49823
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2007 50478
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2008 51110
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2009 51731
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2010 52352
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2011 52971
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2012 53584
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2013 54191
Saint Lucia 1995 147040
Saint Lucia 1996 148962
Saint Lucia 1997 150994
Saint Lucia 1998 153066
Saint Lucia 1999 155073
Saint Lucia 2000 156949
Saint Lucia 2001 158650
Saint Lucia 2002 160217
Saint Lucia 2003 161766
Saint Lucia 2004 163460
Saint Lucia 2005 165407
Saint Lucia 2006 167658
Saint Lucia 2007 170149
Saint Lucia 2008 172734
Saint Lucia 2009 175200
Saint Lucia 2010 177397
Saint Lucia 2011 179271
Saint Lucia 2012 180870
Saint Lucia 2013 182273
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1995 108122
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1996 108078
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1997 108001
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1998 107923
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1999 107879
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2000 107897
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 107989
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2002 108150
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2003 108353
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2004 108562
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2005 108749
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2006 108908
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2007 109045
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2008 109158
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2009 109249
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2010 109316
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2011 109357
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2012 109373
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2013 109373
Samoa 1995 170158
Samoa 1996 171276
Samoa 1997 172191
Samoa 1998 172979
Samoa 1999 173758
Samoa 2000 174614
Samoa 2001 175567
Samoa 2002 176592
Samoa 2003 177677
Samoa 2004 178794
Samoa 2005 179928
Samoa 2006 181073
Samoa 2007 182240
Samoa 2008 183444
Samoa 2009 184704
Samoa 2010 186029
Samoa 2011 187429
Samoa 2012 188889
Samoa 2013 190372
San Marino 1995 25680
San Marino 1996 25914
San Marino 1997 26114
San Marino 1998 26321
San Marino 1999 26594
San Marino 2000 26969
San Marino 2001 27467
San Marino 2002 28064
San Marino 2003 28700
San Marino 2004 29290
San Marino 2005 29775
San Marino 2006 30130
San Marino 2007 30377
San Marino 2008 30549
San Marino 2009 30698
San Marino 2010 30861
San Marino 2011 31048
San Marino 2012 31247
San Marino 2013 31448
Sao Tome and Principe 1995 130378
Sao Tome and Principe 1996 132323
Sao Tome and Principe 1997 134029
Sao Tome and Principe 1998 135650
Sao Tome and Principe 1999 137396
Sao Tome and Principe 2000 139428
Sao Tome and Principe 2001 141783
Sao Tome and Principe 2002 144447
Sao Tome and Principe 2003 147455
Sao Tome and Principe 2004 150842
Sao Tome and Principe 2005 154615
Sao Tome and Principe 2006 158806
Sao Tome and Principe 2007 163390
Sao Tome and Principe 2008 168253
Sao Tome and Principe 2009 173240
Sao Tome and Principe 2010 178228
Sao Tome and Principe 2011 183177
Sao Tome and Principe 2012 188098
Sao Tome and Principe 2013 192993
Saudi Arabia 1995 18567343
Saudi Arabia 1996 18848350
Saudi Arabia 1997 19060850
Saudi Arabia 1998 19282965
Saudi Arabia 1999 19620692
Saudi Arabia 2000 20144584
Saudi Arabia 2001 20891594
Saudi Arabia 2002 21825217
Saudi Arabia 2003 22852333
Saudi Arabia 2004 23839231
Saudi Arabia 2005 24690067
Saudi Arabia 2006 25371936
Saudi Arabia 2007 25915624
Saudi Arabia 2008 26366358
Saudi Arabia 2009 26796375
Saudi Arabia 2010 27258387
Saudi Arabia 2011 27761728
Saudi Arabia 2012 28287855
Saudi Arabia 2013 28828870
Senegal 1995 8711528
Senegal 1996 8940298
Senegal 1997 9164050
Senegal 1998 9387783
Senegal 1999 9618564
Senegal 2000 9861679
Senegal 2001 10119118
Senegal 2002 10390050
Senegal 2003 10673535
Senegal 2004 10967568
Senegal 2005 11270826
Senegal 2006 11582925
Senegal 2007 11904974
Senegal 2008 12238791
Senegal 2009 12586827
Senegal 2010 12950564
Senegal 2011 13330737
Senegal 2012 13726021
Senegal 2013 14133280
Serbia & Montenegro 1995 10989446
Serbia & Montenegro 1996 11028631
Serbia & Montenegro 1997 11025594
Serbia & Montenegro 1998 10990409
Serbia & Montenegro 1999 10939047
Serbia & Montenegro 2000 10883641
Serbia & Montenegro 2001 10826817
Serbia & Montenegro 2002 10766194
Serbia & Montenegro 2003 10703165
Serbia & Montenegro 2004 10638276
Serbia 2005 9956359
Serbia 2006 9889237
Serbia 2007 9823743
Serbia 2008 9760977
Serbia 2009 9701912
Serbia 2010 9647109
Serbia 2011 9597413
Serbia 2012 9552553
Serbia 2013 9510506
Seychelles 1995 75433
Seychelles 1996 76391
Seychelles 1997 77173
Seychelles 1998 77891
Seychelles 1999 78720
Seychelles 2000 79774
Seychelles 2001 81093
Seychelles 2002 82611
Seychelles 2003 84218
Seychelles 2004 85751
Seychelles 2005 87094
Seychelles 2006 88210
Seychelles 2007 89134
Seychelles 2008 89902
Seychelles 2009 90577
Seychelles 2010 91208
Seychelles 2011 91799
Seychelles 2012 92339
Seychelles 2013 92838
Sierra Leone 1995 3927105
Sierra Leone 1996 3919708
Sierra Leone 1997 3928313
Sierra Leone 1998 3961869
Sierra Leone 1999 4030443
Sierra Leone 2000 4139757
Sierra Leone 2001 4295667
Sierra Leone 2002 4493047
Sierra Leone 2003 4712763
Sierra Leone 2004 4928175
Sierra Leone 2005 5119895
Sierra Leone 2006 5280909
Sierra Leone 2007 5416015
Sierra Leone 2008 5532139
Sierra Leone 2009 5641182
Sierra Leone 2010 5751976
Sierra Leone 2011 5865491
Sierra Leone 2012 5978727
Sierra Leone 2013 6092075
Singapore 1995 3482640
Singapore 1996 3570085
Singapore 1997 3653156
Singapore 1998 3735537
Singapore 1999 3822625
Singapore 2000 3918189
Singapore 2001 4023284
Singapore 2002 4136239
Singapore 2003 4254766
Singapore 2004 4375413
Singapore 2005 4495537
Singapore 2006 4614310
Singapore 2007 4732065
Singapore 2008 4848676
Singapore 2009 4964312
Singapore 2010 5078969
Singapore 2011 5192183
Singapore 2012 5303264
Singapore 2013 5411737
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2010 42519
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2011 43451
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2012 44355
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2013 45233
Slovakia 1995 5362950
Slovakia 1996 5372351
Slovakia 1997 5379101
Slovakia 1998 5383590
Slovakia 1999 5386384
Slovakia 2000 5388010
Slovakia 2001 5388448
Slovakia 2002 5387913
Slovakia 2003 5387441
Slovakia 2004 5388338
Slovakia 2005 5391489
Slovakia 2006 5397396
Slovakia 2007 5405718
Slovakia 2008 5415434
Slovakia 2009 5425044
Slovakia 2010 5433437
Slovakia 2011 5440253
Slovakia 2012 5445757
Slovakia 2013 5450223
Slovenia 1995 1991848
Slovenia 1996 1989709
Slovenia 1997 1988790
Slovenia 1998 1988806
Slovenia 1999 1989178
Slovenia 2000 1989545
Slovenia 2001 1989732
Slovenia 2002 1990090
Slovenia 2003 1991368
Slovenia 2004 1994578
Slovenia 2005 2000349
Slovenia 2006 2009036
Slovenia 2007 2020156
Slovenia 2008 2032470
Slovenia 2009 2044248
Slovenia 2010 2054232
Slovenia 2011 2061952
Slovenia 2012 2067717
Slovenia 2013 2071997
Solomon Islands 1995 359236
Solomon Islands 1996 369439
Solomon Islands 1997 379861
Solomon Islands 1998 390493
Solomon Islands 1999 401323
Solomon Islands 2000 412336
Solomon Islands 2001 423529
Solomon Islands 2002 434880
Solomon Islands 2003 446335
Solomon Islands 2004 457827
Solomon Islands 2005 469306
Solomon Islands 2006 480745
Solomon Islands 2007 492148
Solomon Islands 2008 503541
Solomon Islands 2009 514964
Solomon Islands 2010 526447
Solomon Islands 2011 537997
Solomon Islands 2012 549598
Solomon Islands 2013 561231
Somalia 1995 6346440
Somalia 1996 6481035
Somalia 1997 6673254
Somalia 1998 6904978
Somalia 1999 7149044
Somalia 2000 7385416
Somalia 2001 7609265
Somalia 2002 7825924
Somalia 2003 8037706
Somalia 2004 8249965
Somalia 2005 8466938
Somalia 2006 8687671
Somalia 2007 8910851
Somalia 2008 9140259
Somalia 2009 9380854
Somalia 2010 9636173
Somalia 2011 9907903
Somalia 2012 10195134
Somalia 2013 10495583
South Africa 1995 41426810
South Africa 1996 42204043
South Africa 1997 42906581
South Africa 1998 43558285
South Africa 1999 44195890
South Africa 2000 44846286
South Africa 2001 45513217
South Africa 2002 46187794
South Africa 2003 46869028
South Africa 2004 47553025
South Africa 2005 48235291
South Africa 2006 48919359
South Africa 2007 49602778
South Africa 2008 50267488
South Africa 2009 50889543
South Africa 2010 51452352
South Africa 2011 51949041
South Africa 2012 52385920
South Africa 2013 52776130
South Sudan 2011 10381110
South Sudan 2012 10837527
South Sudan 2013 11296173
Spain 1995 39420568
Spain 1996 39513721
Spain 1997 39603778
Spain 1998 39729942
Spain 1999 39944692
Spain 2000 40282828
Spain 2001 40756675
Spain 2002 41346738
Spain 2003 42015864
Spain 2004 42710301
Spain 2005 43387477
Spain 2006 44038456
Spain 2007 44664067
Spain 2008 45243381
Spain 2009 45754265
Spain 2010 46182038
Spain 2011 46514117
Spain 2012 46754541
Spain 2013 46926963
Sri Lanka 1995 18241711
Sri Lanka 1996 18367795
Sri Lanka 1997 18473862
Sri Lanka 1998 18575763
Sri Lanka 1999 18695041
Sri Lanka 2000 18846401
Sri Lanka 2001 19037119
Sri Lanka 2002 19260853
Sri Lanka 2003 19501969
Sri Lanka 2004 19737578
Sri Lanka 2005 19951291
Sri Lanka 2006 20137560
Sri Lanka 2007 20301912
Sri Lanka 2008 20452387
Sri Lanka 2009 20601663
Sri Lanka 2010 20758779
Sri Lanka 2011 20925532
Sri Lanka 2012 21098099
Sri Lanka 2013 21273228
Sudan 1995 29963988
Sudan 1996 30824141
Sudan 1997 31682982
Sudan 1998 32551853
Sudan 1999 33447666
Sudan 2000 34382782
Sudan 2001 35359265
Sudan 2002 36373247
Sudan 2003 37423884
Sudan 2004 38508752
Sudan 2005 39625222
Sudan 2006 40774428
Sudan 2007 41954986
Sudan 2008 43158451
Sudan 2009 44373749
Sudan 2010 45592931
Sudan 2011 36430923
Sudan 2012 37195349
Sudan 2013 37964306
Suriname 1995 435776
Suriname 1996 441734
Suriname 1997 447771
Suriname 1998 453920
Suriname 1999 460215
Suriname 2000 466668
Suriname 2001 473312
Suriname 2002 480099
Suriname 2003 486867
Suriname 2004 493394
Suriname 2005 499523
Suriname 2006 505186
Suriname 2007 510433
Suriname 2008 515372
Suriname 2009 520173
Suriname 2010 524960
Suriname 2011 529761
Suriname 2012 534541
Suriname 2013 539276
Swaziland 1995 963428
Swaziland 1996 984506
Swaziland 1997 1006760
Swaziland 1998 1028694
Swaziland 1999 1048151
Swaziland 2000 1063715
Swaziland 2001 1074761
Swaziland 2002 1082183
Swaziland 2003 1087929
Swaziland 2004 1094758
Swaziland 2005 1104642
Swaziland 2006 1118253
Swaziland 2007 1134977
Swaziland 2008 1153929
Swaziland 2009 1173678
Swaziland 2010 1193148
Swaziland 2011 1212159
Swaziland 2012 1230985
Swaziland 2013 1249514
Sweden 1995 8826720
Sweden 1996 8849420
Sweden 1997 8859106
Sweden 1998 8861204
Sweden 1999 8863595
Sweden 2000 8872284
Sweden 2001 8888444
Sweden 2002 8911156
Sweden 2003 8941754
Sweden 2004 8981282
Sweden 2005 9030163
Sweden 2006 9089677
Sweden 2007 9159155
Sweden 2008 9234561
Sweden 2009 9310295
Sweden 2010 9382297
Sweden 2011 9448965
Sweden 2012 9511313
Sweden 2013 9571105
Switzerland 1995 7017042
Switzerland 1996 7059633
Switzerland 1997 7090176
Switzerland 1998 7113505
Switzerland 1999 7136813
Switzerland 2000 7165581
Switzerland 2001 7200783
Switzerland 2002 7241511
Switzerland 2003 7289079
Switzerland 2004 7344597
Switzerland 2005 7408608
Switzerland 2006 7482167
Switzerland 2007 7564712
Switzerland 2008 7653062
Switzerland 2009 7742768
Switzerland 2010 7830534
Switzerland 2011 7915200
Switzerland 2012 7997399
Switzerland 2013 8077833
Syrian Arab Republic 1995 14338240
Syrian Arab Republic 1996 14746306
Syrian Arab Republic 1997 15168523
Syrian Arab Republic 1998 15591261
Syrian Arab Republic 1999 15995760
Syrian Arab Republic 2000 16371208
Syrian Arab Republic 2001 16700984
Syrian Arab Republic 2002 16994676
Syrian Arab Republic 2003 17298476
Syrian Arab Republic 2004 17676012
Syrian Arab Republic 2005 18167367
Syrian Arab Republic 2006 18804914
Syrian Arab Republic 2007 19561477
Syrian Arab Republic 2008 20346056
Syrian Arab Republic 2009 21031546
Syrian Arab Republic 2010 21532647
Syrian Arab Republic 2011 21804363
Syrian Arab Republic 2012 21889682
Syrian Arab Republic 2013 21898061
Tajikistan 1995 5784330
Tajikistan 1996 5862347
Tajikistan 1997 5937177
Tajikistan 1998 6012933
Tajikistan 1999 6094661
Tajikistan 2000 6186152
Tajikistan 2001 6289340
Tajikistan 2002 6404118
Tajikistan 2003 6529609
Tajikistan 2004 6663929
Tajikistan 2005 6805655
Tajikistan 2006 6954522
Tajikistan 2007 7111025
Tajikistan 2008 7275252
Tajikistan 2009 7447396
Tajikistan 2010 7627326
Tajikistan 2011 7814850
Tajikistan 2012 8008990
Tajikistan 2013 8207834
Thailand 1995 58983954
Thailand 1996 59562136
Thailand 1997 60206941
Thailand 1998 60903042
Thailand 1999 61623143
Thailand 2000 62343379
Thailand 2001 63069070
Thailand 2002 63797841
Thailand 2003 64488338
Thailand 2004 65087400
Thailand 2005 65559487
Thailand 2006 65883961
Thailand 2007 66076927
Thailand 2008 66185340
Thailand 2009 66277335
Thailand 2010 66402316
Thailand 2011 66576332
Thailand 2012 66785001
Thailand 2013 67010502
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1995 1967013
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1996 1975207
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1997 1991687
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1998 2013117
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1999 2034487
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2000 2052129
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2001 2065098
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2002 2074441
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2003 2080866
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2004 2085728
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2005 2090044
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2006 2093801
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2007 2096620
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2008 2098769
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2009 2100558
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2010 2102216
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2011 2103890
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2012 2105575
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2013 2107158
Timor-Leste 2002 899367
Timor-Leste 2003 933369
Timor-Leste 2004 966987
Timor-Leste 2005 995619
Timor-Leste 2006 1018013
Timor-Leste 2007 1035706
Timor-Leste 2008 1050244
Timor-Leste 2009 1064191
Timor-Leste 2010 1079450
Timor-Leste 2011 1096293
Timor-Leste 2012 1114106
Timor-Leste 2013 1132879
Togo 1995 4284497
Togo 1996 4392177
Togo 1997 4504291
Togo 1998 4620710
Togo 1999 4740974
Togo 2000 4864753
Togo 2001 4992225
Togo 2002 5123674
Togo 2003 5258956
Togo 2004 5397851
Togo 2005 5540214
Togo 2006 5685845
Togo 2007 5834806
Togo 2008 5987491
Togo 2009 6144457
Togo 2010 6306014
Togo 2011 6472304
Togo 2012 6642928
Togo 2013 6816982
Tokelau 1995 1520
Tokelau 1996 1529
Tokelau 1997 1548
Tokelau 1998 1566
Tokelau 1999 1571
Tokelau 2000 1552
Tokelau 2001 1504
Tokelau 2002 1434
Tokelau 2003 1351
Tokelau 2004 1272
Tokelau 2005 1210
Tokelau 2006 1167
Tokelau 2007 1141
Tokelau 2008 1130
Tokelau 2009 1129
Tokelau 2010 1135
Tokelau 2011 1148
Tokelau 2012 1169
Tokelau 2013 1195
Tonga 1995 95928
Tonga 1996 96218
Tonga 1997 96574
Tonga 1998 96991
Tonga 1999 97457
Tonga 2000 97962
Tonga 2001 98504
Tonga 2002 99083
Tonga 2003 99691
Tonga 2004 100319
Tonga 2005 100960
Tonga 2006 101617
Tonga 2007 102289
Tonga 2008 102947
Tonga 2009 103557
Tonga 2010 104098
Tonga 2011 104554
Tonga 2012 104941
Tonga 2013 105323
Trinidad and Tobago 1995 1255001
Trinidad and Tobago 1996 1258365
Trinidad and Tobago 1997 1260677
Trinidad and Tobago 1998 1262544
Trinidad and Tobago 1999 1264781
Trinidad and Tobago 2000 1267980
Trinidad and Tobago 2001 1272347
Trinidad and Tobago 2002 1277723
Trinidad and Tobago 2003 1283868
Trinidad and Tobago 2004 1290379
Trinidad and Tobago 2005 1296933
Trinidad and Tobago 2006 1303478
Trinidad and Tobago 2007 1310040
Trinidad and Tobago 2008 1316449
Trinidad and Tobago 2009 1322518
Trinidad and Tobago 2010 1328095
Trinidad and Tobago 2011 1333082
Trinidad and Tobago 2012 1337439
Trinidad and Tobago 2013 1341151
Tunisia 1995 8982649
Tunisia 1996 9116617
Tunisia 1997 9237249
Tunisia 1998 9347451
Tunisia 1999 9451481
Tunisia 2000 9552776
Tunisia 2001 9652120
Tunisia 2002 9749636
Tunisia 2003 9847323
Tunisia 2004 9947369
Tunisia 2005 10051352
Tunisia 2006 10160243
Tunisia 2007 10273932
Tunisia 2008 10391460
Tunisia 2009 10511204
Tunisia 2010 10631830
Tunisia 2011 10753073
Tunisia 2012 10874915
Tunisia 2013 10996515
Turkey 1995 58522320
Turkey 1996 59442502
Turkey 1997 60372413
Turkey 1998 61308204
Turkey 1999 62243779
Turkey 2000 63174483
Turkey 2001 64100297
Turkey 2002 65022300
Turkey 2003 65938265
Turkey 2004 66845635
Turkey 2005 67743052
Turkey 2006 68626337
Turkey 2007 69496513
Turkey 2008 70363511
Turkey 2009 71241080
Turkey 2010 72137546
Turkey 2011 73058638
Turkey 2012 73997128
Turkey 2013 74932641
Turkmenistan 1995 4188010
Turkmenistan 1996 4267690
Turkmenistan 1997 4335991
Turkmenistan 1998 4395293
Turkmenistan 1999 4449427
Turkmenistan 2000 4501419
Turkmenistan 2001 4551762
Turkmenistan 2002 4600171
Turkmenistan 2003 4648037
Turkmenistan 2004 4696876
Turkmenistan 2005 4747839
Turkmenistan 2006 4801595
Turkmenistan 2007 4858236
Turkmenistan 2008 4917543
Turkmenistan 2009 4978962
Turkmenistan 2010 5041995
Turkmenistan 2011 5106668
Turkmenistan 2012 5172931
Turkmenistan 2013 5240072
Turks and Caicos Islands 1995 15334
Turks and Caicos Islands 1996 15967
Turks and Caicos Islands 1997 16527
Turks and Caicos Islands 1998 17114
Turks and Caicos Islands 1999 17866
Turks and Caicos Islands 2000 18876
Turks and Caicos Islands 2001 20186
Turks and Caicos Islands 2002 21740
Turks and Caicos Islands 2003 23412
Turks and Caicos Islands 2004 25025
Turks and Caicos Islands 2005 26450
Turks and Caicos Islands 2006 27642
Turks and Caicos Islands 2007 28638
Turks and Caicos Islands 2008 29481
Turks and Caicos Islands 2009 30247
Turks and Caicos Islands 2010 30993
Turks and Caicos Islands 2011 31726
Turks and Caicos Islands 2012 32427
Turks and Caicos Islands 2013 33098
Tuvalu 1995 9227
Tuvalu 1996 9264
Tuvalu 1997 9298
Tuvalu 1998 9334
Tuvalu 1999 9374
Tuvalu 2000 9419
Tuvalu 2001 9471
Tuvalu 2002 9530
Tuvalu 2003 9590
Tuvalu 2004 9646
Tuvalu 2005 9694
Tuvalu 2006 9732
Tuvalu 2007 9764
Tuvalu 2008 9788
Tuvalu 2009 9808
Tuvalu 2010 9827
Tuvalu 2011 9844
Tuvalu 2012 9860
Tuvalu 2013 9876
Uganda 1995 20740726
Uganda 1996 21407693
Uganda 1997 22084527
Uganda 1998 22780451
Uganda 1999 23507800
Uganda 2000 24275641
Uganda 2001 25088033
Uganda 2002 25943441
Uganda 2003 26838428
Uganda 2004 27766986
Uganda 2005 28724869
Uganda 2006 29711397
Uganda 2007 30728747
Uganda 2008 31778799
Uganda 2009 32864328
Uganda 2010 33987213
Uganda 2011 35148064
Uganda 2012 36345860
Uganda 2013 37578876
Ukraine 1995 51146967
Ukraine 1996 50821019
Ukraine 1997 50421998
Ukraine 1998 49974187
Ukraine 1999 49510626
Ukraine 2000 49057226
Ukraine 2001 48620596
Ukraine 2002 48200504
Ukraine 2003 47807199
Ukraine 2004 47450472
Ukraine 2005 47135932
Ukraine 2006 46871328
Ukraine 2007 46653183
Ukraine 2008 46461350
Ukraine 2009 46267306
Ukraine 2010 46050220
Ukraine 2011 45802721
Ukraine 2012 45529944
Ukraine 2013 45238805
United Arab Emirates 1995 2346305
United Arab Emirates 1996 2470810
United Arab Emirates 1997 2608993
United Arab Emirates 1998 2753498
United Arab Emirates 1999 2893648
United Arab Emirates 2000 3026352
United Arab Emirates 2001 3132104
United Arab Emirates 2002 3223969
United Arab Emirates 2003 3369254
United Arab Emirates 2004 3658658
United Arab Emirates 2005 4148883
United Arab Emirates 2006 4875639
United Arab Emirates 2007 5797347
United Arab Emirates 2008 6798635
United Arab Emirates 2009 7718319
United Arab Emirates 2010 8441537
United Arab Emirates 2011 8925096
United Arab Emirates 2012 9205651
United Arab Emirates 2013 9346129
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1995 57997197
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1996 58168519
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1997 58346633
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1998 58534306
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1999 58735006
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2000 58951444
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001 59183774
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2002 59431937
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2003 59697954
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2004 59984118
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2005 60291414
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2006 60620907
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2007 60970360
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008 61333257
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2009 61700797
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2010 62066350
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2011 62426923
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2012 62783115
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2013 63136265
United Republic of Tanzania 1995 29944302
United Republic of Tanzania 1996 30780453
United Republic of Tanzania 1997 31586039
United Republic of Tanzania 1998 32378333
United Republic of Tanzania 1999 33183093
United Republic of Tanzania 2000 34020512
United Republic of Tanzania 2001 34895398
United Republic of Tanzania 2002 35806497
United Republic of Tanzania 2003 36760831
United Republic of Tanzania 2004 37765139
United Republic of Tanzania 2005 38824384
United Republic of Tanzania 2006 39942347
United Republic of Tanzania 2007 41119693
United Republic of Tanzania 2008 42353790
United Republic of Tanzania 2009 43639752
United Republic of Tanzania 2010 44973330
United Republic of Tanzania 2011 46354607
United Republic of Tanzania 2012 47783107
United Republic of Tanzania 2013 49253126
United States of America 1995 268039654
United States of America 1996 271231546
United States of America 1997 274606475
United States of America 1998 278053607
United States of America 1999 281419130
United States of America 2000 284594395
United States of America 2001 287532638
United States of America 2002 290270187
United States of America 2003 292883010
United States of America 2004 295487267
United States of America 2005 298165797
United States of America 2006 300942917
United States of America 2007 303786752
United States of America 2008 306657153
United States of America 2009 309491893
United States of America 2010 312247116
United States of America 2011 314911752
United States of America 2012 317505266
United States of America 2013 320050716
Uruguay 1995 3224383
Uruguay 1996 3247585
Uruguay 1997 3270549
Uruguay 1998 3291677
Uruguay 1999 3308884
Uruguay 2000 3320841
Uruguay 2001 3326762
Uruguay 2002 3327500
Uruguay 2003 3325411
Uruguay 2004 3323822
Uruguay 2005 3325155
Uruguay 2006 3330217
Uruguay 2007 3338384
Uruguay 2008 3348898
Uruguay 2009 3360431
Uruguay 2010 3371982
Uruguay 2011 3383486
Uruguay 2012 3395253
Uruguay 2013 3407062
US Virgin Islands 1995 107018
US Virgin Islands 1996 107589
US Virgin Islands 1997 108002
US Virgin Islands 1998 108271
US Virgin Islands 1999 108431
US Virgin Islands 2000 108511
US Virgin Islands 2001 108511
US Virgin Islands 2002 108422
US Virgin Islands 2003 108259
US Virgin Islands 2004 108034
US Virgin Islands 2005 107768
US Virgin Islands 2006 107458
US Virgin Islands 2007 107116
US Virgin Islands 2008 106788
US Virgin Islands 2009 106530
US Virgin Islands 2010 106382
US Virgin Islands 2011 106364
US Virgin Islands 2012 106462
US Virgin Islands 2013 106627
Uzbekistan 1995 22950898
Uzbekistan 1996 23381250
Uzbekistan 1997 23789736
Uzbekistan 1998 24170760
Uzbekistan 1999 24517962
Uzbekistan 2000 24828562
Uzbekistan 2001 25098636
Uzbekistan 2002 25334021
Uzbekistan 2003 25553928
Uzbekistan 2004 25784397
Uzbekistan 2005 26044401
Uzbekistan 2006 26340696
Uzbekistan 2007 26668950
Uzbekistan 2008 27023200
Uzbekistan 2009 27392784
Uzbekistan 2010 27769270
Uzbekistan 2011 28151746
Uzbekistan 2012 28541423
Uzbekistan 2013 28934102
Vanuatu 1995 168236
Vanuatu 1996 171802
Vanuatu 1997 175004
Vanuatu 1998 178074
Vanuatu 1999 181346
Vanuatu 2000 185058
Vanuatu 2001 189285
Vanuatu 2002 193950
Vanuatu 2003 198952
Vanuatu 2004 204135
Vanuatu 2005 209375
Vanuatu 2006 214654
Vanuatu 2007 220001
Vanuatu 2008 225398
Vanuatu 2009 230833
Vanuatu 2010 236299
Vanuatu 2011 241778
Vanuatu 2012 247262
Vanuatu 2013 252763
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1995 22092144
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1996 22556838
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1997 23020184
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1998 23482700
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1999 23945002
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2000 24407553
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2001 24870441
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2002 25333622
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2003 25797219
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2004 26261326
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2005 26725897
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2006 27190882
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2007 27655937
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2008 28120312
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2009 28583040
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2010 29043283
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2011 29500625
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2012 29954782
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2013 30405207
Viet Nam 1995 76020043
Viet Nam 1996 77166873
Viet Nam 1997 78199254
Viet Nam 1998 79140734
Viet Nam 1999 80027521
Viet Nam 2000 80887879
Viet Nam 2001 81728768
Viet Nam 2002 82547682
Viet Nam 2003 83352595
Viet Nam 2004 84150651
Viet Nam 2005 84947852
Viet Nam 2006 85747625
Viet Nam 2007 86553201
Viet Nam 2008 87369203
Viet Nam 2009 88199997
Viet Nam 2010 89047397
Viet Nam 2011 89913956
Viet Nam 2012 90795769
Viet Nam 2013 91679733
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1995 14143
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1996 14221
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1997 14309
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1998 14394
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1999 14460
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2000 14497
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2001 14501
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2002 14476
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2003 14422
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2004 14344
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2005 14246
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2006 14126
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2007 13988
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2008 13840
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2009 13697
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2010 13565
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2011 13451
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2012 13353
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2013 13272
West Bank and Gaza Strip 1995 2598393
West Bank and Gaza Strip 1996 2722497
West Bank and Gaza Strip 1997 2851993
West Bank and Gaza Strip 1998 2980563
West Bank and Gaza Strip 1999 3099951
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2000 3204572
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2001 3291620
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2002 3363542
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2003 3426549
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2004 3489743
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2005 3559856
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2006 3638829
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2007 3725076
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2008 3817551
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2009 3914035
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2010 4012880
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2011 4114199
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2012 4218771
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2013 4326295
Yemen 1995 15018201
Yemen 1996 15578640
Yemen 1997 16088019
Yemen 1998 16564235
Yemen 1999 17035531
Yemen 2000 17522537
Yemen 2001 18029989
Yemen 2002 18551068
Yemen 2003 19081306
Yemen 2004 19612696
Yemen 2005 20139661
Yemen 2006 20661714
Yemen 2007 21182162
Yemen 2008 21703571
Yemen 2009 22229625
Yemen 2010 22763008
Yemen 2011 23304206
Yemen 2012 23852409
Yemen 2013 24407381
Zambia 1995 8841338
Zambia 1996 9073311
Zambia 1997 9320089
Zambia 1998 9577483
Zambia 1999 9839179
Zambia 2000 10100981
Zambia 2001 10362137
Zambia 2002 10625423
Zambia 2003 10894519
Zambia 2004 11174650
Zambia 2005 11470022
Zambia 2006 11781612
Zambia 2007 12109620
Zambia 2008 12456527
Zambia 2009 12825031
Zambia 2010 13216985
Zambia 2011 13633796
Zambia 2012 14075099
Zambia 2013 14538640
Zimbabwe 1995 11639364
Zimbabwe 1996 11846110
Zimbabwe 1997 12045813
Zimbabwe 1998 12229500
Zimbabwe 1999 12384727
Zimbabwe 2000 12503652
Zimbabwe 2001 12586763
Zimbabwe 2002 12640922
Zimbabwe 2003 12673103
Zimbabwe 2004 12693047
Zimbabwe 2005 12710589
Zimbabwe 2006 12724308
Zimbabwe 2007 12740160
Zimbabwe 2008 12784041
Zimbabwe 2009 12888918
Zimbabwe 2010 13076978
Zimbabwe 2011 13358738
Zimbabwe 2012 13724317
Zimbabwe 2013 14149648

Some simple plots

Ok, let’s make a dataset just containing country == "Ireland" and make a scatterplot with year on the x and population on the y.

dataset_for_plot <- population %>% 
  filter(country == "Ireland")

ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot) + 
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = year, y = population))

Nice. We can easily make a line plot by swapping geom_point for geom_line in the above.

Let’s make a line plot with the countries France, Germany and Spain each having a different line colour, plotting their populations over time.

dataset_for_plot <- population %>% 
  filter(country %in% c("France", "Germany", "Spain"))
ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot) + 
  geom_line(mapping = aes(x = year, y = population, colour = country))

Great. Let’s make a column plot using geom_col. We’ll filter a couple of countries and take the data just from 2010.

dataset_for_plot <- population %>% 
  filter(country %in% c("France", "Germany", "Spain", "Italy", "Poland"), year == 2010)
ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot) + 
  geom_col(mapping = aes(x = country, y = population))

We can turn this into a bar plot easily by adding coord_flip():

ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot) + 
  geom_col(mapping = aes(x = country, y = population)) +

Let’s return to our line plot for France, Germany and Spain. If we wanted lines and points it would make more sense to put the aes mapping function within the ggplot rather than in both the geom_line and geom_point:

dataset_for_plot <- population %>% 
  filter(country %in% c("France", "Germany", "Spain"))
ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot , mapping = aes(x = year, y = population, colour = country)) + 
  geom_line() +

Adjusting labels

Let’s do the same plot, but change some of the labels. We’ll change the y-axis label to “Persons”, leave both the x-axis title and legend title blank, and set the heading to “Population of selected countries over time”. All of that can be done through the labs function.

ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot , mapping = aes(x = year, y = population, colour = country)) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "",
       y = "Persons", 
       colour = "", 
       title = "Population of selected countries over time")

Adjusting axes

Let’s do the same plot (we’ll forget about the labels) but make two adjustments to the y-axis. We will use the function scale_y_continuous which has lots of tools within it for tailoring a continuous y-axis.

The function scale_y_continuous is one of a large family of functions with the format scale_DIM_FORMAT where DIM is the dimension (x, y, fill, colour, etc.) and FORMAT is the type of axis. See the second page of the ggplot2 cheatsheet for more information.

We’ll change the limits of the y-axis so that it starts at zero. This is done using the limits argument to scale_y_continuous, and limits takes a vector of length two, the first entry being the lower limit and the second entry being the upper limit. I’ll set the lower limit to zero, but I’ll leave the upper limit as NA, meaning that I’ll leave it up to the data to determine how high the y-axis should go.

I’ll change the labels on the y so that they show the whole number with comma separators rather than the scientific format which has appeared. That is done with the labels argument to scale_y_continuous. I’m setting that argument as being equal to comma, which is actually a function from the package scales. This package provide a bunch of tools that make it easier to tailor axes and legends. The scales package is installed with tidyverse but needs to be loaded in using library(scales). If the y-axis needed to be formatted as a percentage, then you’d replace comma with percent (percent is another function from scales).


ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot , mapping = aes(x = year, y = population, colour = country)) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,NA) , label = comma )

There are tons of other ways to edit the appearance of plots through ggplot, but these would be beyond a crash course. I’ll wrap up with one tool for altering the appearance which is to add a theme. There are 8 themes including the default theme_grey(). There is theme_light(), theme_dark(), theme_bw(). My favourite is theme_minimal(). Use the help (?theme_grey) to find out more.


ggplot(data = dataset_for_plot , mapping = aes(x = year, y = population, colour = country)) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,NA) , label = comma ) + 